Universal Wisdom Fellowship
Happy Thanksgiving from The Source Within
God Is the Only Power in the UniverseNovember 2011
In This Issue
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This is the most precious month of the year when we get to be grateful, truly grateful to Our Father and the Christ that is within each of us.


We have never stopped giving thanks to those who have given personally to us, but that  in no way means that when we thank you again that we are asking the individuals to continue.  That would be interfering with God's plans.  We simply are so very thankful to you.


It is our sincere desire that everyone will understand Our Father, become aware of how to love Him as dearly as He loves us and to know that He is always for us and never against us.


We know how precious life is and that it is Our Father's will that we live a long prosperous and healthy life.


What would happen if Our Father as Jesus the Christ stood before you with outstretched arms waiting for your warm embrace and you fell into His arms?  What would you do?  Would this not be the romance of the century?


Continue to be grateful to Him and see what happens in your life.  This may not be the embrace you want, but it might be that it is the Divine Love Our Father is waiting to give you.


Let this Thanksgiving be the greatest of your life-Let Gratitude fill every pore of your skin and know as you feel His Divine Love that He loves you and cares for you dearly.


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      Our Father Is Mightier Than You Will Ever Know


You know Our Father does use us whether we realize it or not. What comes through depends upon how open and ready you are to realize Our Father's love.  We say that there is only one Mind in the Universe, yet
do we really understand what we mean when we make such a statement? Do you believe it? Or, do you think that the thoughts you have about giving are yours?


When we are abundant, Our Father will come through you and say where you can share your bounty. We may accept it or reject it. When it is accepted, then the one who receives must be grateful to Our Father and be thankful to the one who He has used to give the gift. Thus, gratitude and thanksgiving are very important. The two must be used together.


Our Father thinks through us so that He can experience all the wonderful goodness He has provided. This is just marvelous and gives us a little more understanding of what a Powerful and Mighty Father we are children of or to or in His Presence.


This Thanksgiving season is just the perfect time to express all the gifts He has given you and be thankful to the one that the gifts was expressed through and that never means you are asking that the gifts continue through that particular person. Our Father uses many of His children with whom they may share their bounty. If He chooses the same person, then there must be something that person needs to become aware of. He never limits Himself. He is an unlimited Father-boundless. How mighty is this Father? Mightier than you will ever know.


The Ministers

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If Religion Works, What Am I Doing That Blocks My Good?



"You say Religion works, yet I am still unable to demonstrate my needs .  I feel so much lack and sympathy for others who are in the same situation." This is a statement we have heard many times.


Religion does work. The Wisdom of Science of Mind Works and all the New Thought Churches who teach about Religion has had many demonstrations from all kinds of diseases, relationships and money, which shows--It Works.


You see, no one, not even Our Father can make you become One with Him or pour the wisdom into your head and heart. You alone must study, practice and believe what you know and obtain the faith of God if you truly want all of His blessings.


You have the power to bring whatever you desire into your life. Jesus gave you the answers, the Disciples continued to teach it and we here at Universal Wisdom Fellowship also teach it.


It is safe to tell you about a client who was diagnosed with a serious case of HIV many years ago.  The choice was: change the lifestyle and live, or continue down a hopeless path that there was no cure, no way to be healed.


The client decided to take the longer path, change the lifestyle and know that life was meant to live healthily.


Working with Religion (a way of life), it only took a few weeks and the next medical test proved to be one of healing.  It is obvious that the client worked with the affirmations that were given, accepted the prayer work and had faith to equal a healing.


Religion works if you work it.  Affirmations (the mind), church (the body) and the technique (The Spirit) of developing a stronger faith toward health were used.  You see, no one can receive what they truly do not deserve and by deserve it means that you must work to develop spiritual habits.


These three (3) can work for anything if you truly desire Our Father's Divine Love and Wisdom to operate in your life. However, you must understand working the first (mind) and last (Spirit) and thinking that the middle one (body) is unnecessary will never bring any lasting demonstration.


Become wise and use all three. 


May you realize that Our Father is what you have been seeking all along, loves you dearly and wants you to abound in health, wealth and relationships.


In Love and Delight,

Rev. Pat


Next Month, December -- Part VIII -- Summary

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God Speaks and It Is Done!

By Rev. Pat


By golly that is Truth supreme whether you believe it or not or do not want to believe it, because it has not appeared to be "your" truth. There truly is only one Power in this Universe and the sooner we all learn this the better the world will be.


There is one day in this month that we have set aside to be grateful to Our Father for being so very faithful to us and for all the wonders, miracles and every wish someone has muttered has come to be. I ask, "For Heavens sake, why just one day?" It would be wise to be grateful to Our Father every morning, noon and night and every moment in between, for He has been a great gift giver.


When I stop to think how many times the words "thanks, thank, thanked, thankfulness and thanksgiving" have been used in the Scriptures, my heart, soul and mind jump in joy of this wonderful action. It actually says to us that this is the key that opens the door to Our Fathers heart.


Rev. Fred and myself have learned so much since we started the "Gathering of Minds" Discussion on the First and Third Sundays and unfortunately there are so many of you that have not found the time to spend with Our Father and learn with us. We hope that you will change that and make the time. You will find that what you thought could not take place will take place easily, gently, lovingly, joyfully, quickly and harmoniously. You simply have to step aside and let the Lovely, Mighty Presence of Our Father flow through you.

prayandbelieve Article Headline


Here Are Some Key Ideas That  Will Grow You Spiritually


Truth Lights Our Way


I.   We are here to discipline our thoughts, feelings and our reactions to life. We must give up our false beliefs, opinions and theories and exchange them for Truth, which will light our way and set us free.  


Make Your Demand upon the Universe


2.  Holmes tells us in the Science of Mind textbook that making a demand upon the Universe, merely means to request, claim or to accept some good which heretofore we have not been experiencing. We can demand a thing and it shall come to pass. Open your mind to the Good that you desire to experience.


Rise To Something New


3.   If we want to rise to a new experience of life, there must be an adjustment or a turning from the old thoughts to new thoughts in our thinking. We have to let go of the old in order to move forward. Mental growth is an emergence from old attitudes and actions that we have taken in the past to a new awareness and a new activity. Rise to something new in consciousness and let love light the way.


A Good Prayer to Affirm Often


Loving Father-Mother God, I open my mind, heart and soul and know that every thought I think comes from Divine Intelligence. I know there is only one Mind and that Mind is my mind now. I am calm, serene and tranquil, for every though I think is divinely guided. God is all there is. I think rightly. Thank you loving Father-Mother God.


And So It Is.


Upcoming Events 

Gathering of Minds Every First and Third Sunday




Join us on the First and Third Sunday of each month for a 15 minute message using practical ways to expand consciousness and live a richer life before we begin the discussions.


First Sunday, November 6, 2011 -- Discovering God's Way of Handling Money


We were to begin teaching this month Joshua and the Fall of Jericho, but unfortuately, the materil has not come in tme for us to prepare a good study for discussion.


We will continue with the study that we have giving you the choice of choosing the lesson you want more information.  The topics are:


  • Week 1 -- Introduction -- The reason for this study
  • Week 2 -- Debt -- Getting a better understanding of what happened and how to correct the problem.
  • Week 3 -- Counsel -- If you are chronically experiencing lack or limitation, we can pray together at this meeting or private counsel may help
  • Week 4 -- Honesty -- This is one area where many do not understand God's way fo handling money and the importance of being honesty.  It covers a big area
  • Week 5 -- Giving -- The Law of Giving and Receiving must be reckoned with.  The Law is give first and then receive, not receive and maybe I will think about giving.  It is very specific.
  • Week 6 -- Work -- There are areas at work that must be worked correctly to be prosperous
  • Week 7 -- Saving and Investing -- This area is often misunderstood in the Bible as it tells us not to lay up treasures

We always knew there was more to money and how to handle the money that we earn, but never knew that if we do not see its spirituality, we can blodk it from coming into our lives.  God never pushes.  God never interferes.


Third Sunday, November 20, 2011 -- Come with your Questions and we will discuss the answers together.  Understanding is very important and no question is too trivial.


First Sunday, December 4, 2011 -- We begin Joshua Lessons with an greater understanding about "The Fall of Jericho."  What does this have to do with living today?  Oh my, everything!   It has so much to do with us and the promises that Our Father has promised.  The Discussions will bring out a greater understanding for prosperity even in this day and time.  Join us, don't put it off.


Time: 10:00 A.M.

Phone: 203-595-8303 for location

Universal Wisdom Fellowship

P.O. Box 3344
Stamford, Connecticut 06905




Closing Headline
Thank your for reading our Newsletter, The Source Within.  We would love to hear from you and know if there are areas that you would like to see us change or expound on further or on a deeper level.  In the meantime, enjoy your Thanksgiving Holliday and know that we too, will enjoy ours.

Contact Info


Universal Wisdom Fellowship

Reverend Dr. Fred Ogletree

Reverend Dr. Pat Ogletree

Website: www.universalwisdomfellowship.org

Email:  uwfellowship@aol.com

Email: therevs@univrsalwisdomfellowship.org

Prayer Request: GHM@universalwisdomfellowship.org






Loving Father, we are so very grateful for the faithfulness you have shown for us in our life.  We ask that as we seek to live a life of peace, joy and love that it be granted to us easily, joyfully, peacefully and harmoniously.  We know that the people, your children are your greatest creation and we enjoy the dramas on the stage of life each day.  Thank you for being with us every moment of our lives, for we could do nothing without you.  We also pray the the betterment of all our actions, give thanks for the love we give to others, and know that the USA is a blessing to all peoples.  Let this word be answered quickly and peacefully.  For this we do give thanks.  We let it be and So It Is.  Amen.