Sales Gems Triggered Events Newsletter 
Brought to you by Industry Gems Sales Intelligence 
September 2009
In This Issue
JPMorgan Chase
Southwest Airlines
Kraft Foods
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target market is and what you sell.
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opportunities and contacts that your salespeople can begin calling on right away. 
Call us today to see how we can help: 510-745-9956 
In the previous issue we highlighted Citigroup, BofA, Intel, Home Depot & MetLife.
 See past issues of our newsletter at our:
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 Silvia Quintanilla
Silvia Quintanilla, Chief Sales Detective at Industry Gems
Miles Austin of
 FillTheFunnel Logo
 Miles Austin
Smart B2B salespeople subscribe to Miles' blog. And a good time to start is today.
That's because each day this month he is highlighting one new "WebTool" for SalesMakers. 
See what he recommends today at 

We hope you find some truly valuable "gems" in this month's issue.
We chose each article based on its potential to help you "have a reason to call" your prospect.  
Also, be sure to check out the complimentary offer at the bottom of this newsletter. You might be one of the first 3 to benefit!
Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoy this month's issue.
Silvia Quintanilla - 510-745-9956 - [email protected]
PS. Yes, we changed the name of our newsletter. We were looking for something a little more descriptive. I think we found it.  
JPMorgan Chase (HQ: New York, NY)
#16 in F500 

Extra! Extra! JPMorgan is committing $100 million to their broker platform. We liked this quote from the article:
"Russ Cassar, chief technology officer on the project, calls it "a dream situation as a technologist."
How can you help JPMorgan with this important initiative?
Article Date:
 September 1st, 2009
Article Title: Ramping Up Technology 
Article Link:
 JPMorgan Chase
MasterCard, Inc. (HQ: Purchase, NY)
#474 in F500 
This is an interview with Josh Peirez, who became MasterCard's first head of innovative platforms about eight months ago.
We think there are many opportunities for salespeople. In particular, helping the company develop their payments platform - especially as it pertains to mobile channels (iPhone, Blackberry).
Article Date:
 September 2009
Article Title: MasterCard Aims for Payments Innovation
Article Link: MasterCard
Southwest Airlines (HQ: Dallas, TX)
#246 in F500 
We like this 3 page article (or case study) because it details how Southwest is striving to improve their customer service.
Providing good customer service relies on many components - areas where you may be able to help. For example, one quote reads:  "Getting good customer data continues to be a challenge".  
Article Date: August 31st, 2009
Article Title: Southwest Bumps Customer Service to First Class
Article Link: Southwest Airlines
Kraft Foods (HQ: Northfield, Il) 
#53 in F500 
Here's a super article on Kraft's business strategy. You will need to register (no charge), and it's worth it.
The intro reads "Eleven of the top leaders from the largest food and beverage company in the U.S. talk about their three-year turnaround and their campaign to reorganize for growth".
Find short bio's for each of the 11 exec's is at the very bottom of the article.
Article Date:
 August 27th, 2009
Article Title: Inside the Kraft Foods Transformation
Article Link: Kraft Foods
Walgreen (HQ: Deerfield, Il)
#36 in F500 
This is a nice 2-page interview with Wade Miquelon, Walgreen's CFO. The article highlights the company's growing pharmacy and healthcare business.
This is a wide area for technology salespeople to pursue. That's because Walgreen distributes medicine through so many channels - as you'll read about in the article (online, drive-thru, mail, clinics).   
Article Date: September 2009
Article Title: This is the Future
Article Link: Walgreen
Complimentary Offer!
We're offering complimentary "customized" sales research for the first 3 subscribers who raise their hand (a $50 value!). This offer is only being extended to our valued B2B technology sales and marketing subscriber base.
To take advantage of this special offer, please email Silvia today at [email protected]. In the subject line, simply write "Custom Sales Research Offer".
Make sure your contact info is on the email so we can let you know if you're one of the first three.
Thanks and we wish you good selling!
Warm regards,
Girl Detective 
Silvia Quintanilla
President and Chief Sales Detective
Industry Gems Research & Consulting
5178 Mowry Ave., #2156 
Fremont, CA 94538-1046
Direct: 510-745-9956
Mobile: 510-304-0328
Fax: 510-868-8401
[email protected]
Dedicated to Helping Sales Professionals Win Deals at Fortune 500 Companies.

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