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TopFIA Quick Read Newsletter

April 2012


Finkl Scholarship Applications Deadline is April 15th


Know a university engineering student entering their junior year in the fall - an intern, or a child, or a grandchild of a company employee? Charles W. Finkl Scholarships can provide $2000 in support in the student's junior and senior years.






See the website for more information on eligibility and application.


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Registration Open - FIA Annual Meeting, May 5-8, Palm Beach, FL

FIA company and supplier senior executives are encouraged to register for the 2012 FIA Annual Meeting to take place at the Four Seasons Resort in Palm Beach, Florida. The agenda will target issues of interest and concern to all members... the 2012 election, energy, economics and the world's forging industry. The program highlight will be a 'dueling' presentation by husband and wife team Mary Matalin and James Carville as they comment on the state of American politics and the 2012 election - from both sides of the aisle.


Other topics of interest:

         The 2012 Economic Update: Prospering in a Slow-Growth Economy

         Forging Market Forecast

         Size of the World Forging Pie and How Big is Our Slice?

         A look at the Brazilian Forging Industry

         Current & Future Trends in Power Generation Technologies

         The Manufacturing Workforce in 2020

         Public Policy Issues Affecting Our Industry


In addition, Safety awards and FIA and FIERF updates are always important items on the agenda. We look forward to seeing you in Palm Beach this May! And if you're a new comer to the Annual Meeting, or have not been there in a while, please be sure to take advantage of our special discount on registration fees.

Click here to see an invitation video to the Annual Meeting. For more information on the meeting, Click here. For those ready to register, Click here to register electronically.


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Finkl Scholarship Applications Deadline
Registration Open-FIA Annual Meeting
Forging Design Seminar
Therory & Applications of Forging & Die Design School
Member Press release
Concerned About the Need for a Skilled Workforce
Maximize Your ROI of FIA Membership
Federal Committee Seeks Info on Domestic Forging Capabilities
FIA Safety Health & Enviromental Committee Newsletter
FIA to Exhibit at AeroMat 2012; Power Gen 2012
FIA Marketing Benchmarketing Questionnaires
Mark your calendars! Tech Conference!

Forging Design Seminar - May, 23rd, Cleveland

A one-day seminar on:

         Why use a forging?

         How to design a forging

         How to buy a forging


The Forging Design Seminar is a one-day Seminar, created to assist component designers in understanding the nuances of forged part design, to improve part design, to reduce cost, improve quality and reduce administrative and production lead times.

This course will familiarize attendees with the forging process, forging design topics, and the optimum utilization of forgings in critical service applications. Engineers at OEM's will learn about topics that influence the component design. Buyers will gain a better understanding of the process and commercial issues that may be unique to forging. Attendees will be in a better position to select a supplier and collaborate with them to develop an optimum and cost effective forging. While attendees won't become forging experts, they will be provided with information that will accelerate their learning curve by years.

Crowne Plaza Hotel, Cleveland Airport

For additional information contact George Layne at: glayne@forging.org, or call: 216-781-6260



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Theory & Applications of Forging & Die Design School - June 11-14, 2012, Cleveland

The "Theory and Applications of Forging & Die Design" school continues to evolve, reflecting new insights into forging technology and the wide availability of metal flow simulation software.  This four-day school is taught by a team of industry experts and engineering professors who work together to carefully explain principles and practice.  We urge you to join the 1000+ forging employees who have already attended this course.


(Click here) to view/print brochure.


This will be the only offering of this program in 2012. Class size is limited, (last year's class filled up early, leaving many closed out), please don't wait to register.


For additional information, contact George Layne at: glayne@forging.org.



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Member Press Releases

FIA has added a new section to its newly redesigned Website, Member Press Releases. You will find the new menu item listed under the "News & Events" tab, on the FIA Home Page. We encourage our members to send us their newsworthy press releases for posting.

To Submit a Press Release - The Members Press Release service is a Forging Industry Association (FIA), Members Only Service. Only FIA members may submit press releases for posting. All submissions must be in a PDF format, ready for posting. Send all submissions to info@forging.org, with "Press Release" in the subject line. Be sure to clearly indicate how you want your Press Release titled.


Disclaimer - Only the original issuers of press releases are responsible for verifying the accuracy of their content. Forging Industry Association (FIA), and its principals, officers and employees disclaim any liability whatsoever for inaccuracies found in the content of the press releases transmitted on or through the FIA Members Press Releases Website.


FIA reserves the right to reject and/or remove copy when necessary in its sole judgment. FIA will not be responsible or liable for any of the information transmitted on or through its service on behalf of members, and will not be responsible or liable for any decisions made based on such information.



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Concerned About The Need For A Skilled Workforce - Today And Tomorrow?

If so, you're not alone. 


With the help of industry HR professionals, the Forging Foundation (Forging Industry Educational & Research Foundation) has developed and sent to all FIA Members a
Workforce Development Tool Kit.



For current staffing needs, visit the Forging Career Center.  Our Career Center is now part of an engineering network that gives you access to a much broader audience of prospective employees from such societies as ASM International, ASME and the American Society of Quality.  [Note:  Click "Post a Job" and then register by using the "First time users, click here" if you are a first time user]  



To assure the availability of a future skilled workforce, use the ideas outlined in the tool kit to reach out to local secondary and post-secondary schools to build relationships and have an impact on curriculum.  Start a dialog; give the Forging the Future bag (stuffed with some of your company giveaways) to an interested teacher, counselor or administrator at high schools, vocational schools, community colleges and universities in your area.



On behalf of the industry and in partnership with ASM International's Foundation, the Forging Foundation will be distributing these tool kits to approximately 900 high school teachers across the country this summer.



For more information on how to participate in the camps in your local area, questions, feedback or to receive more tool kits contact Karen Lewis (216.781.6260)  




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Maximize Your ROI of FIA Membership

Join us for a webinar to Maximize the Value of Your FIA Membership. 


Webinars are currently scheduled for:

         Thursday, April 19, 2012; 1-2:30 pm EDT

         Friday, May 18th, 2012; 1-2:30 pm EDT


Limited to 15 participants, topics will cover the broad array of Association and Foundation programs and activities - many of which are new and a few of which you may not be aware. 


The session will enable participants to develop action items to match individual company needs to the tools and resources available with FIA. 

Contact Karen Lewis karen@forging.org or 216.781.6260) to register. 

If these dates aren't convenient, or you'd like to arrange for a presentation more specific to your individual organization and include additional members of your management team, contact Karen for a customized program.




Federal Committee Seeks Information on Domestic Forging Capabilities


From NIST Tech Beat: March 9, 2012

Contact:Mark Bello


Does the United States have sufficient industrial capabilities to produce adequate supplies of forged-quality metal parts to meet the needs of the Defense Department and other federal agencies?


That is what the Metal Fabrication Study Group, part of the interagency Defense Production Act Committee (DPAC), wants to know. The study group has issued a request for information at FEDBIZOPS.gov (www.governmentbids.com).


Responses are due no later than 3 p.m. Eastern Time, April 9, 2012.

Forged-quality parts are essential components of aircraft wheels and landing gear, vehicle armor, energy generation equipment, railroad cars, rocket engines, and other manufactured products.

The study group, led by Howard Harary, deputy director for manufacturing in the Engineering Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, conducted an initial survey of domestic forging capabilities. It found that current capabilities stem from investments made several decades ago, yet the need for forged-quality parts has not diminished. As a consequence, supplies of some critical forged-quality parts have been inadequate to meet important government needs.


In its request, the study group seeks industry insights into ways to address current limitations on supplies of forged-quality parts, as well as to understand the opportunities to address those limitations. Key areas of interest include process capabilities and limitations, supply-chain-related issues, and alternative manufacturing methods and barriers to their implementation.

Under the Defense Production Act of 1950, the DPAC advises the president on strategies to ensure adequate domestic production of critical components, critical technology items, and industrial resources essential for national security.


Read more about the DPAC at http://www.dpacommittee.com/. The study group's request for information is at https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=bebaebd0f1bc3190b2cd97553dc87dfa&tab=core&_cview=0.

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FORGExpo - An International Virtual Event


Forge Magazine's FORGEexpo returns in 2012, offering a unique opportunity for education, communication and connection within the forging industry. Reach a target audience of 14,500 forging industry professionals in North America, Europe, China, India and Brazil!

(Click here) to view/print Exhibitor Brochure, or visit www.FORGExpo.com. For additional information contact Doug Glenn at: doug@forgemag.com.

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FIA Safety, Health & Environmental Committee Newsletter
April / May 2012 Issue


In this Issue:

        OSHA Revises Hazard Communication Standard

        Winter Committee Meeting Highlights

        Safety Incentives Programs Might be Unlawful

        Best Practices for Workplace Safety Workshop

        Congratulations FIA Safety 2011 Award Winners

        Safety Star Award Winners

(Click) to view/print Newsletter


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FIA to Exhibit at AeroMat 2012; Power Gen 2012


FIA is pleased to announce we will be exhibiting at  AeroMat 2012, June 18-20, 2012 in Charlotte, NC. The show's theme: Aerospace Materials and Processes: Making Next Generation Designs Possible. FIA will also be exhibiting at Power Gen 2012, December 11-13, 2012 in Orlando, Florida.

AeroMat 2012 will bring together the World's leading aerospace materials developers, components producers and OEM engineers. Sessions on materials topics that range from light alloys to advanced high temperature materials will be held to allow interaction of raw material producers, aerospace components suppliers and aerospace systems organizations, including launch vehicle, airframe and propulsion systems companies.

To expand the interaction between materials and processing technology, the Forging Industry Association (FIA), and the American Foundry Society (AFS) are joining the AeroMat planning efforts with support of sessions dedicated to aerospace forging and casting technologies to complement sessions on welding, joining, and machining technologies. Companies interested in exhibiting or attending AeroMat 2012, should Click here.

Power Gen 2012 will be held at the Orange County Convention Center attracting 20,000 power generation professionals from 92 countries. It is considered the largest and most trusted power event in the industry. In 2011, 1200 companies exhibited their products and services. For more information on exhibiting or attending please Click here.




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FIA Marketing Benchmarking Questionnaires e-mailed


Would you like to know how you compare to the rest of the forging industry on customer rejection rates... inventory and receivable turns... on time delivery performance ... and much, much more?  Then be sure to participate in the 2012 FIA Marketing Benchmarking survey. Issued only once every three years, this survey has proven to be one of FIA's most popular... but you only get the results if you participate. Member forging producers that are not sure who in their company receives the questionnaire, or, did not receive one at all, please e-mail pat@forging.org, and she will be able to assist you. Don't put it off... forms are due back to FIA on April 20, 2012.


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Mark your calendars! Tech Conference September 10-12, 2012 

Mark your calendars! Tech Conference September 10-12, 2012 at the Marriott Hotel Downtown Cleveland. Call for papers Click here.



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