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TopFIA Quick Read Newsletter

February 2012


Welcome Bahco Tools!

FIA's newest supplier member is Bahco Tools (www.snapon.comindustrialbrands).  Located in Throop, PA, Bahco is part of Snap-On's Industrial Division.  They provide Bandsaw Blades, Carbine and Bimetal to the forging industry.  

Lori Nguyen, Marketing Services, will serve as Official Representative.  (800-446-7404)

Current membership of the Association now stands at 192 corporate members:  84 suppliers to the industry and 108 forging producers that represent approximately 80% of the forgings produced in North America.


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Phoenix Forge Group Celebrates 75 Years of FIA Membership


Barry Avate, Plant Manager (left) and Nick Thee, COO (right) show off the blacksmith statuette that commemorates Phoenix's 75 years of membership in FIA.  

With a rich 130 year history, the Phoenix Forge Group produced horseshoes for the Russian and British armies in the 1900's, supported the war effort beginning in 1939 and is still going strong.

Congratulations, Phoenix Forge!



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Welcome Bahco Tool
Phoenix Forge Group 75 years
Timken Company & American Axle Step up Support
FIA Launches New Online Job Service
Forge Fair 2013 Exhibitor Prospectus Posted
Finkl Scholaship Applications Now Being Accepted
Mark Your Calendars - FIA Annual Meeting
Safety, Health & Enviromental Newsletter
Reminder: 2011 Market Surveys DUE SOON!
Members: Look for FIA's Annual 2011 Profits Questionnaire
Maximize The Value of Your FIA Membership
FIA to Exhibit at AeroMat 2012
FIA Marketing Benchmarking Questionnaires

Timken Company and American Axle Step Up Support of Foundation

The Foundation would like to thank the two FIA Member Companies that have taken the challenge to "Step Up" their support of the Forging Foundation.  


The Timken Company was one of the first companies to pledge to the Corporate Giving Campaign launched in 2006, and it now joins the Gold Anvil Society level of giving.  On behalf of The Timken Company, Salvatore J. Miraglia, President of the Steel Business, commented:  "We have long been a supporter of FIERF's efforts.  FIERF continues to add value to the member companies through their efforts advancing current and future products, people, and process development and we are proud to be a part of those efforts."


American Axle & Manufacturing, longtime supporter of the Foundation's education and technology activities, has also increased their support of the Foundation, moving from Bronze to the Silver Anvil Society. 


Thank you to both of these companies for their commitment to the future of the forging industry!  To learn more about the Anvil Societies and how your organization can participate, please contact Karen Lewis at 216.781.6260 or [email protected].


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FIA Launches New Online Job Service

FIA is launching an interactive job board on the Forging Career Center.  With its focus on forging industry companies, the Forging Career Center will offer members-and the forging industry at large-an easy-to-use and highly targeted resource for online employment connections. 


"We're very excited about the Forging Career Center because we know how critical it is for employers in the forging industry to attract first-rate talent with a minimum expenditure of time and resources," said Roy Hardy, Executive Vice President for FIA. 


Both members and non-members can use the Forging Career Center to reach qualified candidates.  Employers can post jobs online, search for qualified candidates based on specific job criteria, and create an online resume agent to email qualified candidates daily.  They also benefit from online reporting that provides job activity statistics.


An added benefit for both employers and job seekers is access to the Engineering & Science Career Network (ESCN), a growing network of leading engineering and science associations.  FIA's alliance with the ESCN increases employers' reach to over 15,000 resumes, as well as job seekers' reach to hundreds of job postings.  The ESCN includes leading engineering and science societies such as the ASM International, ASME and American Society for Quality.


Contact Karen (216.781.6260 or [email protected]) for more information.



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Forge Fair 2013 Exhibitor Prospectus Posted

FORGE FAIR 2013 is the next in a series of technology trade shows and symposium programs sponsored triennially by Forging Industry Association since 1970. The program has been carefully developed and planned to provide important networking opportunities between forgers and vendors...opportunities closer

than generally available at any other forging industry program. Supplier companies from throughout the world that would like to exhibit, demonstrate and talk about their products and services in front of a worldwide audience of forging industry customers are invited to register as exhibitors at FORGE FAIR 2013.


All FORGE FAIR 2013 events will be held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, which is located in the middle of a vibrant city. The area is alive with cultural activities, arts, sports and entertainment - all within walking distance. As the winner of multiple Prime Site and Inner Circle Awards, this striking, modern facility has become one of North America's most popular sites for local, state, regional and national groups and organizations.


(Click here) to view/print Exhibitor Prospectus.



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Finkl Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted


Finkl Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted

Each year the Forging Foundation awards up to 15 scholarships in honor of Charles W. Finkl, a longtime supporter of the forging industry and education.  The scholarships are awarded to engineering students entering their junior year in university this coming fall.  Students with a connection to the forging industry - through internships and family connections are given first consideration.




Please help us spread the word!  See the website for more information on eligibility and application.  Since the scholarship's inception in 2004, over 120 students have received Finkl Scholarships.  Thank you for your support of the Foundation to make these scholarships possible!







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Mark Your Calendars - FIA Annual Meeting, May 5-8, Palm Beach, FL

FIA company and supplier senior executives are encouraged to mark their calendars for the 2012 FIA Annual Meeting to take place at the Four Seasons Hotel in Palm Beach, Florida. The agenda will feature dueling presentations from Mary Matalin and husband James Carville. The remainder of the meeting is being finalized as of this writing. Please watch Quick Read, the FIA website and your mail for detailed information later this month.


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Safety, Health & Environmental Newsletter

The February/March 2012 Safety, Health & Environmental Newsletter has been posted online.

In this issue:

        Fall Committee Meeting Highlights

        2011 Annual Occupational Injury & Illness Survey

        OSHA White Paper Makes Case for I2P2

        OSHA Aims to Protect Workers During Winter Storms


        Do You Have a Safety Question

        Safety Star Awards


(Click here) to view/print Newsletter


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Reminder: 2011 FIA Orders,Shipments & End-UseMarket Surveys are DUE SOON!!!

FIA is committed to giving our members and the forging community the best information possible.  So FIA added the new Forecast Report presented by IHS Global Insights.  THE WORD IS THAT THE DATA IS RIGHT ON THE MARK!!  Talk about helping your company project your markets for at least 3 years out with these quarterly reports which are geared directly to the Forging Industry and broken out by Impression, Open Die and Rolled Ring segments.

We know how busy all of you are, which is a really good thing, but to get this vital information to you at the earliest time we need your input and HELP to accomplish this goal.

Not only do you get the breakdown of metals, tons, markets served, employment shifts and import / export information on the regular yearly report, but as a MEMBER you will receive the Quarterly Forecast report for FREE for a year, and NON-MEMBERS will receive the year end, and one(1) quarter of the Forecast report for FREE just for participating.

The more data we can get the better and more accurate the output will be. REMEMBER all data is kept confidential and we only report in the aggregate!!!  SO HURRY AND SEND US YOUR INFORMATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Need a survey?  Download here 2011 O&S Annual Surveys or call FIA OFFICE at 216-781-6260, ask for Diane or Mary Ann.

Thank you in advance for assisting in this vital report!!

Members, Look For FIA'S Annual 2011 Profits Questionnaire 

All FIA Member Custom Forging Companies in North America should have received their 2011 Annual Confidential Survey of Profits. 
There is NO COST to participate.

The only requirement is to be a member of FIA and to have completed the Annual Orders & Shipments survey sent in January.  Completing both surveys guarantees a copy of the FIA Annual O&S Report, FIA Market Forecast Report and Annual Profits Report. 

The FIA Annual Profits Report benefits you in determining your rank in the entire forging industry and in your forging segment; comparing returns on assets employed, investment and stockholder's equity; and comparing profit making patterns. If you have not yet completed that survey, contact FIA to receive the forms or download the PDF forms you need by clicking the link below:



Impression Die (Closed Die) Form [click here]

Open Die Form [click here] 

Rolled Ring Form [click here] 



The deadline to participate is March 15, 2012. 


To find out more about FIA Annual O&S and FIA Market Forecast reports, [CLICK HERE] 




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Maximize the Value of Your FIA Membership

FIA will host a webinar on Friday, March 9th, at 1 pm EST on making the most of membership.  Limited to 15 participants, topics will cover the broad array of Association and Foundation programs and activities - many of which are new, and a few of which you may not be aware. 

The session will enable participants to develop action items to match individual company needs to the tools and resources available with FIA. 

Contact Karen Lewis ([email protected] or 216.781.6260) to register. 

March 9th not convenient?  You'd like to arrange for a presentation more specific to your individual organization and include additional members of your management team?  Contact Karen for more information on developing a customized program.



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 FIA to Exhibit at AeroMat 2012

FIA is pleased to announce we will be exhibiting at  AeroMat 2012, June 18-20, 2012 in Charlotte, NC. The show's theme: Aerospace Materials and Processes: Making Next Generation Designs Possible.


AeroMat 2012 will bring together the World's leading aerospace materials developers, components producers and OEM engineers. Sessions on materials topics that range from light alloys to advanced high temperature materials will be held to allow interaction of raw material producers, aerospace components suppliers and aerospace systems organizations, including launch vehicle, airframe and propulsion systems companies.

To expand the interaction between materials and processing technology, the Forging Industry Association (FIA), and the American Foundry Society (AFS) are joining the AeroMat planning efforts with support of sessions dedicated to aerospace forging and casting technologies to compliment sessions on welding, joining, and machining technologies.

Companies interested in exhibiting or attending AeroMat 2012, should visit http://www.asminternational.org/content/Events/aeromat/index.jsp


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FIA Marketing Benchmarking Questionnaires Coming

Would you like to know how you compare to the rest of the forging industry on customer rejection rates... inventory and receivable turns... on time delivery performance ... and much, much more?  Please watch your e-mail for the 2012 FIA Marketing Benchmarking questionnaire. Issued only once every three years, this survey has proven to be one of FIA's most popular... but you only get the results if you participate. Member forging producers who  are not sure who in their company receives the questionnaire, or, did not receive one at all, please e-mail [email protected], and she will be able to assist you. Don't put it off... we will be looking for all completed forms back in early March.





FIA Marketing Workshop, September 18-19, 2012, Sheraton Station Square, Pittsburgh, PA


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