FIA Quick Read Newsletter
Welcome New Members! |
FIA is pleased to welcome two new supplier members to the Association:
Medart, Inc. ( Located in Ellwood City, PA, Medart provides large diameter bar peelers and rough machining conversion services for the forging industry. Jeff Pierce, President, will serve as Official Representative. 724-752-2900
Tkach Consulting LLC. ( ). Located in Columbus, Ohio, Tkach Consulting provides custom 2D and 3D finite element simulations; consulting services to metal forging and forming industries; and education and guidance to engineers and production staff. Suzanne Tkach, owner, will serve as Official Representative. 614-527-9538
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Ellwood Group & FIA Recognized as Platinum Anvil Society Members |
At the FIA Fall Meeting, Paul Dimitry, the Foundation's Fundrai sing Committee Chair encouraged all FIA Members to support FIERF as an Anvil Society contributor. He noted that if all 200 member companies of FIA contributed at the Bronze level ($2,500 per year) there would be $500,000 available for student outreach, scholarships, research and technology development.
Dimitry also announced the launch of the new Platinum Anvil Society level for organizations contributing $25,000 to the Foundation. The Ellwood Group, represented by Mike Kamnikar was recognized as the first member to pledge at the new Platinum Society Level. The Forging Industry Association was also recognized at the Platinum Level for the administrative support provided to the Foundation.
See the Foundation's latest Annual Report (click here)for more information on programs, activities and to pledge your support to FIERF.
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75 Year Anniversary Members |
Three FIA Member companies celebrate 75 years of continuous membership in FIA in 2011, and were recognized at the Fall Meeting. Those companies are: Forgings & Stampings, Inc. of Rockford, IL; Lakeview Forge Company of Erie, PA; Phoenix Forging Company of Catasauqua, PA. A commemorative "Blacksmith" (see photo below) is presented to 75 year members as a token of appreciation for their extraordinary support of the industry.
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The Forging Industry Association, in partnership with IHS Global Insight, is now providing quarterly forecasting reports to help you monitor economic trends in the industry and grow your business. For example:
� Track current and future health of your markets
� Get summary forecast views of business drivers
� Help you to promote a balanced portfolio approach to
business planning
� Lets you look at different sectors
� Help you with corporate planning
� Help assess risk by product and sector
The 2nd report for the 3rd quarter 2011 has been sent to FIA Member forgers who have participated in the 2010 Annual FIA Orders, Shipments and End Use Markets survey.
For a small sample of one part of the reports (click here)
For more information on how to order and prices (click here)
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Global Networking - Visit to Brazil |
FIA staff continues to pursue the Strategic Objective of Global Networking. Recently Exec V.P. Roy Hardy made a trip to Brazil and was graciously hosted by SINDIFORJA, The Forging Union of Brazil Industry Association of Brazil in Sao Paolo. The result of this meeting with SINDIFORJA representatives is that both organizations will pursue areas of cooperation in training and technology transfer. Additionally, Hardy participated in the 31st SENAFOR's 15th International Forging Congress in Porto Alegre, where 30 technical papers were presented, and over 25 companies exhibited. Thanks to Mark Marcucci of Gerdau and his entire staff for "baby sitting" Roy, with a special nod to Amanda Gobira for her extraordinary efforts.
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Plan Now for a Successful Summer Intern or Co-op Program! |
It may seem like summer is a long time away, but it will be here before you know it! Contact Karen ( or call 216.781.6260 for more information on developing a successful program, or to receive resumes of students interested in the forging industry.
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Looking for Engineers? Resumes Available from FIA! |
Each year the Foundation reaches out to Finkl Scholarship recipients and Magnet School students that will be graduating in the spring. We also have a number of students interested in summer internships or co-ops.
Resumes that have come into the FIERF Office may be accessed on-line through the FIA Career Center where you'll find more than 30 students interested in the forging industry, or by contacting Karen ( 216.781.6260).
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Hammer Maintenance Workshop Survey |
The FIA Plant Engineering Committee is developing a Hammer Maintenance Workshop, for delivery Spring of 2012. To better serve the needs of member companies, the Committee requests your input on course content. Please take a few minutes to complete the Survey, (click here), and e-mail or fax to George Layne at:
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Be on the lookout for an FIA survey on tax issues to make sure your voice is heard in Washington!
The potential for a major overhaul of the U.S. tax code is increasing, and with it the need for manufacturers to be prepared to analyze the impact of the various proposals that surface in Washington. Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI), Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, recently released the first of several "discussion drafts" on possible comprehensive changes in the tax code. This one deals primarily with changing the U.S. code from an International system to a territorial system and simultaneously reducing the top corporate and individual rate from 35 percent to 25 percent. Other proposals to follow likely will address S corps and pass-through entities and other aspects of tax reform, and eventually there will be a legislative vehicle that ties a lot of these ideas together.
Whether you are a corporation or a small and medium-sized pass-thru entity (S Corporations, LLCs, etc.), tax reform will affect you. As is often the case in Washington on major issues like this, you're either at the table or on the menu. FIA members need to begin to answer critical questions in the tax arena so our voice can be heard in Washington - For example: Would you be willing to give up the R&D Tax Credit or the Domestic Manufacturing Tax Credit in exchange for a lower tax rate? How many percentage points are those kinds of credits worth to you in terms of your overall rate? If you are a pass-thru entity, how important is a lower individual rate to you and what issues must be addressed to ensure your competitiveness?
BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR A SURVEY ON TAX ISSUES to get your feedback on this important issue. Please take a few minutes to fill it out so we can get as broad as response as possible. We'll also be forming a "rapid response" team of FIA members with expertise in the tax area to help us evaluate tax reform proposals as they emerge. So if you have any interest in participating in that effort, please send an email to
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FIERF Exhibits at Material Science and Technology Expo's Career Pavilion |
The Forging Foundation represented the industry at the recent Material Science and Technology Exposition in Columbus, Ohio. The event was attended by approximately 6000 participants, 800 of whom were students.
Carola Sekreter gave a presentation on career opportunities in the industry. Staff provided information on the forging process, job opportunities and collected resumes from more than 20 students interested in full time or intern positions in the forging industry.
Resumes may be accessed on-line through the FIA Career Center or by contacting Karen ( 216.781.6260).
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Focused Fall Meeting Agenda Attracts HR Professionals |
About 90 FIA CEO's, senior level managers and human resource professionals attended the FIA Fall Meeting, October 24-25 at The Westin Galleria Hotel in Houston, TX. Attendee comments and evaluations pointed toward a very successful roster of presentations.
FIA President Mike Kamnikar, Ellwood Group, Inc.,opened the meeting and introduced author and Senior Fellow of the Manhattan Institute for Energy, Robert Bryce, who discussed the myths of "green" energy and the real fuels of the future. This highly rated presentation was an eye opener for all, and argued the Administration's stance on the future of renewables. A special session look at "FIERF at 50 Years" followed, with a focus on recent fundraising and scholarship efforts. FIA lobbyist Jennifer Baker-Reid provided a short analysis of major labor and tax issues, as well as an update on the political climate at the commencement of a major election season. Roundtables followed, with this year's focus on specific topics of aerospace, workforce development, and the new FIA market forecast service.
Tuesday morning began with a session on leadership branding - establishing your personal brand in the workplace. FIA Committee chairs then reviewed new efforts of the FIA committees on behalf of the membership. A look at internship "How to's" and success stories followed. Global Insight topped off the meeting with a sneak peek at the new FIA Forging Forecast and provided a short market forecast as well.
Of note for this year's meeting, was the focus on Workforce Development. Workforce-focused sessions and roundtables included:
� Encouraging Interest in Math, Science and Engineering
� Recruitment Challenges and Successes
� Steps to Grow Intern/Co-op Programs
� Forging Company's Experience with Academia to Grow Workforce
� Report from Finkl Scholarship Student, Now Working in the Industry
For more information on many of the above presentations, FIA Members please Click Here to view PDF slides.
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2011 International Forgemasters Meeting Held in USA Breaks Attendance Records |
The 18th International Forgemasters Meeting (IFM) held in the United States, September 12-15, reached a sell out status of 570 total attendees - an all time record high for any IFM held since the 1950's. The IFM was sponsored by Ellwood Group, Inc.(EGI) and chaired by IFM Steering Group US delegate Kevin Handerhan, COO- Forgings and Castings for EGI. Attendees from 25 open die forging producing nations from across the globe participated in the event. The Meeting was held at the historic Omni William Penn Hotel in Downtown Pittsburgh, and included 80 technical papers from 12 nations covering everything from steelmaking and refining to simulation and modeling. Technical Paper Review Committee Chair John Paules, Ellwood Materials Technologies, and his committee were congratulated by many on the exceptional quality of the presentations. In addition, 10 country/regional market overviews were presented from the world's leading open die producing nations. Another 'Thank you' goes out to the 35 forging supplier companies from all over the globe who exhibited the latest technology and improvements in their respective areas.
Two plant tour options were offered to registrants -with both selling out early. Ellwood Group, Inc. opened up its steel making and milled products divisions - EQS and EMP. Also toured was North American Forgemasters - a 50/50 joint venture between Ellwood City and Scot Forge. The second tour included visits to Union Electric Steel's Burgettstown facility and Electralloy in Oil City, PA. No international meeting can be successful without preeminent plant tours - Thanks to all !
The next IFM will be held in Tokyo, Japan, September 29 - October 2, 2014.
Photographs from the 18th IFM may be viewed by clicking here.
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