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TopFIA Quick Read Newsletter

April, 22, 2011

Welcome Lehigh Specialty Melting!

FIA is pleased to welcome Lehigh Specialty Melting Inc. (www.whemco.com) as the association's newest supplier member. Located in Latrobe, PA, Lehigh supplies carbon and low alloy ingots to the forging industry. Charles Ireland, Pres., will serve as FIA Official Representative.  (724) 537-7731



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International Forgemasters Meeting Approaching Record Attendance - Registrations Still Being Accepted

The 18th International Forgemasters Meeting (IFM) will be held in the United States, September 12-15, 2011. The first time IFM has been held in the USA since 1994, this year's Meeting is now approaching 500 registrants. The Meeting will be held at the Omni William Penn Hotel in Downtown Pittsburgh, and will include 80 technical papers from 12 nations covering everything from steelmaking and refining to simulation and modeling. In addition, 10 country/regional market overviews will be presented from the world's leading open die producing nations. Also occurring during the meeting will be an exhibition featuring 35 forging supplier companies from all over the globe displaying the latest technology and improvements in their respective areas. Two plant tour options are being offered to early registrants. Unfortunately, both tours are filled and are now closed to further registration.




Don't miss this unique opportunity to meet and greet top level forging and supplier executives from across the globe! To avoid late fees, please register by August 31. See www.IFM2011.com for registration information or request a printed brochure by calling FIA at 216-781-6260.


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Welcome Lehigh Specialty Melting!
IFM Attendee Registrations Still Being Accepted
Press Forging / Die Design School - Sept. Clev.
Forged Products Supports FIERF Mission
Fifteen New Finkl Scholarships Awarded
New Leadership Orientation
FIA Fall Meeting - Oct. 24-25, Houston
Nadcap Supplier Support Committee Meeting, October 18, Pittsburgh
Certificate in Forging Excellence Program
Induction Heating Workshop - November, Detroit
Looking for Engineers?
FIERF Visits ASM Materials Camp
Magnet School Professor Receives ASM Gold Medal
Help Stop Card Check
DOE-ITP's Innovative Manufacturing Funding Opportunity
Steel Plant Rises in Ohio
Aerospace Industry Flies High

Theory & Applications of Press Forging and Die Design - September 26-29, 2011 - Cleveland

This is a 4-day program providing forging-specific information regarding the application of various types of presses as well as guidelines for designing tooling for forging and trimming. Taught by experienced academic and industry experts, the specific goals of the course are:
  • Broaden knowledge about press forging
  • Furnish useful tool design guidelines
  • Compare approaches to press automation
  • Review guidelines for matching the press to the part in terms of size and operational features
  • Provide a basis for objective press selection


This program is only offered every two years. The next presentation is scheduled for 2013. If you are interested in attending, it is suggested that you register early.


(Click here) to view/print complete program and registration form.


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Forged Products Supports FIERF Mission

Thank you to Forged Products Inc. of Houston for becoming a Silver Anvil Member of the Foundation! Previously a Bronze Anvil supporter, Forged Products stepped up to the Silver level when they recently renewed their pledge.


The Foundation has also stepped up its educational outreach and technical projects. To learn more about how these activities are working to fulfill the Foundation's mission to increase the global competitiveness of the North American forging industry contact Karen Lewis (karen@forging.org; 216.781.6260).


Contributions may be designed to be used for technology development, scholarships, technical education and development of the next generation of industry leaders. Because the Foundation has the administrative support of FIA, 100% of all contributions go directly to industry programs, with no overhead withheld.


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Fifteen New Finkl Scholarships Awarded

Fifteen $4000 Finkl Scholarships have been awarded to university computer, industrial, materials, mechanical and metallurgy engineering students enrolling in their junior year this fall. The program continues to support fifteen students entering their senior years.Finkl Logo


Established in 2004 to honor the memory of Charles W. Finkl, Finkl Scholarships have provided educational assistance to over 120 engineering students. Six of this year's recipients have interned or worked in a forge shop or steel facility. Five have family members working for FIA Member companies.




Scholarships were awarded to:


Matthew T. Boots, West Virginia University

Brett N. Carlson, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

James D. Coddington, Rochester Institute of Technology

Chelsea M. Ehlert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Kendra L. Gagliano, Penn State Erie, The Behrand College

Max M. Grafwallner, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Thomas P. Gualtieri, Washington State University

Jason M. Handerhan, University of Michigan

Danielle A. Hering, Colorado School of Mines

Ian V. Kidd, Case Western Reserve University

Emmett A. Manzo, University of Pittsburgh

Evan R. McDowell, Case Western Reserve University

Mary K. O'Brien, University of Idaho

Joseph D. Segatta, Marquette University

Ellis M. Troll, Washington State University




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New Leadership Orientation

Following the long standing tradition, on July 22nd new leaders of FIA/FIERF spent the day at FIA Headquarters becoming more familiar with our organization and reviewing the plans and objectives of the coming year.


Attendees were:


FIA Board

Charlie Crout - AJAX-CECO

Cesar Garza - W. Pat Crow

Simon Ormerod - Ajax Rolled Ring

Matthias Praus - MVS Metform



Tim Gudszend - ROTEK

Darryl Hammock - WELD MOLD


Committee Chairs

Andrea Bloom - Weber Metals

John Fairbanks - Trinity Forge

Gary Hatton - Ellwood City Forge


Thanks to all for volunteering to be part of our Leadership Team.


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Mark Your Calendars - FIA Fall Meeting, October 24-25, Houston, TX

FIA company and supplier senior executives are encouraged to mark their calendars for the 2011 FIA Fall Meeting to take place October 24-25 at The Westin Galleria, Houston, TX. The Conference will begin with a lunch at approximately 12:00 Noon on the 24th and conclude at 12:00 Noon on the 25th. Topics will include an honest look at "green" energy and the real fuels of the future. HIS Global Insight will review the new FIA Forging Forecast and provide a short market forecast as well. The Laurin Baker Group will provide a short analysis of major labor and tax issues, as well as an update on the political climate at the commencement of a major election season. A special session will look at "FIERF at 50 Years", with a focus on recent fundraising and scholarship efforts. An evening cocktail reception and dinner will allow for that favorite networking time sought by all attendees. Tuesday morning we will look at leadership branding - and establishing your personal brand in the workplace. FIA Committee chairs will then review new efforts of the FIA committees on behalf of the membership. A look at internship "How to's" and success stories will follow. Focused roundtables will also be included in the program. Look for complete information and registration materials later this Summer.


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Nadcap Supplier Support Committee Meeting, October 18, Pittsburgh, PA
July 21st Jim Borczyk, from PRI, and a group of aerospace forgers, met at FIA Headquarters. Mr. Borczyk noted that only 8% of eligible suppliers ever attend a Nadcap Supplier Support Committee Meeting, (SSC), and strongly encouraged FIA members to participate in the upcoming meeting in Pittsburgh, on October 18, 2011.  Mr. Borczyk offered to come back to FIA, after the meeting, to field any comments/questions, if the group wanted to follow up.


The group suggested that 2-3 FIA members, along with an FIA, staff person, participate in the upcoming meeting, and report back to the group.


Please contact George Layne at: glayne@forging.org if you wish more information, or wish to participate.


Click the following link for information on the Nadcap SSC Meeting:



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Certificate in Forging Excellence Program

FIA is introducing the Certificate in Forging Excellence Program. This certificate program is designed to offer learners certificates in a number of Specialty Tracks, that their training manager and/or the learner on their own, may choose to pursue.


Specialty Tracks are comprised of forging specific, and non-forging specific courses, offered through the Forging University's 109 course catalog.


While each company may also custom design the curriculum requirements for their Specialty Tracks, or even design their own Specialty Track, using the Forging University's 109 course catalog, the following are three Specialty Track examples.


In the following examples, the learner is required to take a number of "Core Curriculum" courses, as well as a set number of elective courses offered from the University's general catalog.


> Certificate in Forging Excellence - Forging Generalist I


> Certificate in Forging Excellence - Forge Shop Safety I


> Certificate in Forging Excellence - Human Resources I


(Click here) to view/print the Certificate in Forging Excellence Program brochure.


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Induction Heating for Forging Workshop - November 8, 2011 - Detroit

  • Basics of Induction Heating
  • Induction Heating Power Supplies
  • Material Handling
  • Induction Coil Design / Repair
  • Electrical Control Systems
  • Water Cooling Systems
  • Preventative Maintenance
  • Energy and Economics


This is the Only Induction Heating Workshop Focused Exclusively on the Forging Industry.


(Click here) to view/print Workshop Program


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Looking For Engineers?   FIERF Can Help!

If business conditions have left you with open engineering positions, the Foundation can broaden your search to over 3000 attendees of the Material Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition. As exhibitors in the Career Pavilion, FIERF can post job openings that will be available on-line now through the Conference in October. Click here to see current postings.


Send your posting description(s) including your contact information to Karen (karen@forging.org) or call 216.781.6260 for more information.


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FIERF Visits ASM Materials Camps

Representatives of the Foundation including Duane Bailey, Inductoheat, Owen Brown, SIFCO, Ted Gudszend, Rotek and FIA/FIERF staff visited ASM International Materials Camps for students and teachers this summer. The goal of the Foundation is to partner with organizations to interest high school students in science and engineering and ultimately to pursue materials and engineering careers.


Our group was very impressed with the both camps. "It was very exciting to see the mentors and students in such a beautiful environment and positive spirit. This is a marvelous effort and program", said Tim Gudszend.


Click hereto learn more about ASM Materials Camps. If you'd like to become involved in the camps in your local area by offering a plant tour, working with students or teachers, etc., contact Karen at 216.781.6260 or karen@forging.org.


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Magnet School Professor Hans Conrad -  North Carolina State University - Receives ASM International� GOLD MEDAL

Established in 1943, the Gold Medal recognizes outstanding knowledge and great versatility in the application of science to the field of materials science and engineering, as well as exceptional ability in the diagnosis and solution of diversified materials problems. Hans Conrad  is also a recipient of a FIERF Grant to investigate the impact of electric fields on solutability and heat treatment response of aluminum alloys. Congratulations, Hans!


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Help Stop Efforts to Enact "Card Check" by Regulation

We are very concerned that a number of proposed actions by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and the Department of Labor (DoL) will result in "card check" through regulation if they are allowed to go forward.   


Federal regulators at the NLRB and the DoL have proposed two new regulations that threaten employers' ability to seek and retain legal counsel (a "gag" rule for employers) and properly discuss union organizing drives with employees ("ambush" or quickie elections). The effect will be to make a mockery of real elections and impose "card check" by regulation. 


Working with the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, FIA is providing you with an easy way to contact federal agencies and your members of Congress and tell them to stop "card check" by regulation, stop the NLRB's outrageous prosecution in the Boeing case and stop "micro-unions."  FIA will submit comments and letters and participate in Coalition activities but every employer letter counts!  Please consider sending your own today.  When you click on the link below, you will be directed to a website where you can fill in your contact information and choose to send a draft letter provided for you, or your own customized letter.


Please click here to take action now!


Combined, these proposed rules would:


  • Dramatically decrease the time employers have to speak with their employees about union representation, potentially shortening the entire arcane election process to just 10 days from current median of 38 days;
  • Effectively block small businesses from obtaining legal and other advice about how to talk to employees during a union organizing drive;
  • Ensure many attorneys will be unwilling to assist employers under new rules that could force both client and counsel toward disclosing vast amounts of private financial and other data;
  • Will unfairly tip the scale toward union organizers and leave employees without enough information or time to make a real decision in a real election.


Please take a brief moment to voice your opinion and tell these regulators to stop pushing "card check."  At the same time, you can tell your legislators about these harmful proposed regulations and other pending attacks on business, such as decisions that would allow for swarms of micro-unions (which are designed to let organizers cherry pick pro-union employees but disenfranchise those who may vote to remain union-free) and ask them to support legislation that would prevent NLRB from telling private employers where they can operate or create jobs.


Only a forceful reply by America's job creators can convince the administration to put away these costly, bureaucratic, and unfair rules so that you can return to focusing on your company and creating jobs.


Please click here to take action now! 


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DOE - ITP's Innovative Manufacturing Initiative Funding Opportunity

This solicitation seeks applications in line with ITP's mission to invest in manufacturing engineering and development to enable rapid, low-cost, energy-efficient manufacturing. Up to $120 million will be available over three years to develop transformational manufacturing technologies and innovative materials to reduce time, cost, and energy requirements associated with manufacturing. Projects involving innovations in the earlier stages of development, such as applied research or proof-of-concept projects, will be eligible for awards of up to $1 million. Projects that are further along in their development, such as laboratory testing or verification of a prototype system, will be eligible for awards of up to $9 million. For further information please contact Carola Sekreter at corala@forging.org . 


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Left for Extinct, a Steel Plant Rises in Ohio

August 2nd, the Wall Street Journal published an article focusing on a new, $650 million steel plant under construction in Youngstown, Ohio. Buried deep in the article is quote from Roy Hardy, FIA Executive V.P., pointing out the importance of energy to the forging industry. We are getting the word out.


(Click here) to view/print the article.


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Aerospace Industry Flies High

Industry's strength and quick recovery has Northeast Ohio companies along for the ride


A recent Crains Cleveland Business article highlighted the bright future for the aerospace industry. Mike Heil, president of the Ohio Aerospace Institute in Cleveland, said the aviation industry came out of the recession faster and stronger than most sectors of the economy and has plenty of fuel for growth, especially overseas.


China, Mr. Heil said, is quickly opening its airspace to more commercial airliners. Since the industry essentially is starting from scratch in much of that nation, the Chinese still need about 20,000 commercial aircraft, and will buy many of them from the United States, he said


Pat Burke, General Manager, of Tect Power, is quoted as saying that earlier this year, they got their 12,000-ton mechanical press fixed and online, just in time to take advantage of growth they, too, are seeing in the aerospace sector.


(Click here) to view/print the complete article.


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JobshopLean2011 Conference
Because there is a different approach to implementing Lean in high-mix low-volume (HMLV) manufacturing and service facilities.


Dear Sir/Madam:


I am pleased to announce that we have gone live with the website for this year's JobshopLean2011 Conference at http://ise.osu.edu/isefaculty/irani/jobshoplean.html .  Both the Agenda and Speaker Biographies are posted on the website.  However, if you wish to receive those documents electronically, please send me an email.


The conference will be held at The Ohio State University on September 6-8, 2011.  The Registration Fee for the 3-day conference is $600 per person. 


What makes this year's conference unique is (i) the increasing deployment of JobshopLean in industry by faculty-mentored OSU interns and (ii) presentations by industry practitioners whose success in making Lean work in their jobshops has led to their stories being featured in leading trade journals.  These are the sessions that are planned for this year's conference:

  • (September 6, AM) The interactive JobshopLean Simulation that provides an entertaining and informative introduction to JobshopLean
  • (September 6, PM) JobshopLean Education and Industry Engagements at OSU
  • (September 7, AM) Technology Enablers for the Lean and Flexible Jobshop 
  • (September 7, PM)Experiences and Lessons from Implementing Lean in Jobshops
  • (September 8, AM)Cellular Manufacturing: Essential Foundation for JobshopLean
  • (September 8, PM)Gemba Walk of a High-Mix Value Stream in a Vertically-Integrated Manufacturing Facility [This is a plant tour hosted by Emerson Network Power]
  • (September 8, PM)Open Forum where you can get answers to any questions that you pose to the "JobshopLean Social Network" :-)

I hope that you will consider attending this year's conference.


Thank you.

Best regards,

Shahrukh Irani

Department of Integrated Systems Engineering

The Ohio State University

Columbus, OH 43210


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