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TopForging Industry Association 

In This Issue 



International Meetings

> IFM Exhibit Opportunities Open

> IFC 2011 Hyderabad, India



> Safety & Health Newsletter



> Annual Orders/Shipments Questionnaires Sent

> Annual Occupational Injury & Illness Questionnaires Mailed

> Wage & Benefit Results Show Optimism for 2011



> FIA to Exhibit at CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2011


FIA Updates

> FIA Headquarters New Address Reminder

> New FIA Member Plaques







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January 10, 2011 

H1Welcome New Members 

AWelcome to SONA BLW Precision Forge!

FIA's newest forging producer company member is Sona BLW Precision Forge (  Located in Selma, NC, Sona BLW produces impression and open die forgings for the Automotive & Truck and Defense markets.   Pinto Ahluwalia, President, will serve as Official Representative to FIA.  (919-965-5555)

H2Member Recognition 

BEnd of an Era! Charles W. Hopper and Paul Gerus Retire



Charles W. Hopper, President and Former President of FIA Board of Directors and Paul Gerus, Executive Vice President are retiring from Composite Forgings Ltd in January 2011. With a combined 92 years of experience in our industry and strong commitment to the FIA, they have become more than just colleagues to many. Their careers have touched every part of the forging industry from working on the shop floor to a combined effort of rebuilding Composite Forgings from Bankruptcy. Their tireless effort and dedication to the forging industry may never be matched! Please do not hesitate to call and wish them well in the future! They will be missed! 



 End of an Era

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H3Public Policy 

CJennifer Baker Reid Represents FIA at Hill Briefings on the OSHA Proposed Reinterpretation of Noise Standard Enforcement

FIA membership: I wanted to provide you with an update on yesterday's, December 7, 2010, NAM SHOPFLOOR Hill Briefings on the OSHA Proposed Reinterpretation of noise standard enforcement, as well as forward OSHA's "official" announcement of the extension of the public comment period to March 21, 2011 and a stakeholder meeting (see below).  ONLY because Roy requested it, is there a picture attached.


I participated on behalf of FIA in a panel discussion with NAM and the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) to provide both House and Senate staffers covering labor issues with an introduction to OSHA's proposal and manufacturers' initial concerns.  (Originally, NAM asked company representatives to participate but the feedback was that associations should be out front at this time.)  The panels went very well with NAM giving an overview of the issue, AISI discussing the steel industry concerns, and myself giving an overview of forging and its processes, and the concerns that we've already identified (many of which are common to all metalworking).  We all made the point that NAM, AISI, and FIA were in the process of further surveying our members to be able to better define the potential impacts but we knew enough to be concerned about the process OSHA is using (non-Administrative Procedures Act for rulemaking, no guidance in the Federal Register notice, etc.), and the potential impacts and unintended consequences for manufacturers to want to begin educating the Hill now as part of the overall strategy.


The House briefing included 2 Committee Staffers from the Education and Labor Committee and 5 staffers from Members of House, as well as a variety of other industry representatives concerned about the issue.  The Senate briefing included 3 Senate Education and Labor Committee staffers, 1 Small Business Committee staffer, and 4 Senate staffers including a staffer from Sen. Sherrod Brown's office.

Jennifer Baker Reid

DSenators Olympia J. Snow and Joseph L. Lieberman Respond Quickly to Hill Briefings 

One of the immediate outcomes of the Hill briefings that I participated in last week is the attached letter, (click here to view/print letter), sent yesterday by Senators Snowe (R-ME) and Lieberman (D-CT), members of the Small Business Committee.  Senator Snowe's committee staffer was in the Senate briefing we did.


Jennifer Baker Reid


EMechanical Press Maintenance Workshop - NEW Program! - March 16th-17th, Cleveland

This 1 � day workshop will act to introduce participants to the different types of mechanical eccentric and crankshaft presses. It will provide an explanation of the various elements of the press to provide an understanding of how they work and their influence on other parts of the press and forging process.


The emphasis of the Workshop is predictive and preventative maintenance of the elements of the press and things to be taken into account when planning a repair. While questions will be welcomed at any time, after each half day, there will be a 20-minute open forum round table discussion where the attendees will be able to ask the presenters questions on the topics covered up to that point.


This Workshop will not be delivered again this year, so don't miss it! Class size is limited, so don't wait to register


Click here to view/print the course program and overview.

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FIndustry Technical Conference Will Showcase Latest Research & Technology

28th Forging Industry Technical Conference

Hyatt Regency Woodfield, Schaumburg, IL

April 5-7, 2011



Celebrating 50 years of



         Operational Excellence

         Increased Competitiveness


The Industry Technical Conference is designed to showcase the best in forging technology with a diversity of presentations of interest to different processes, materials, and end-use markets; Report out FIERF funded research projects and industry collaborative group results; Provide a forum for students and professors to present their forging research; and provide a networking opportunity between industry, academia and research partners.


The conference will also offer table top exhibits and tours of Jernberg Industries, HHI Forging LLC's Pershing and Bollingbrook facilities.


(click here) to view the conference agenda and to register on-line.  For more information or questions, please contact Connie at the FIA Office ( ; 216.781.6260).

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H5International Meetings

GInternational Forgemasters Exhibition Opportunities Now Open; Call for Papers set to Expire in January

Both 8 x 10 foot booths and table top displays are now available on a first-come - first served basis for the 18th International Forgemasters Meeting, September 12-15, 2011 in Pittsburgh, PA. This will be a unique opportunity for suppliers to the open die forging industry to display products or services to top executives and technical managers from leading open die forging companies worldwide. Exhibition is open to FIA members and nonmembers, but exhibit personnel must register to attend IFM. For pricing and further information see the Exhibitor Prospectus by clicking here.


Individuals interested in presenting a technical paper at the conference click here to review abstract submission details. But hurry, abstracts must be end by the end of January.

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HInternational Forging Congress 2011 - Hyderabad, India - November 13 -17, 2011

Dear Forging Industry Association,

Greetings from AIFI secretariat!


We are hosting, in less than a year's time from now, the 'International Forging Congress 2011' at Hyderabad, India. We expect over 1100 delegates, all decision makers from global industries connected with Forging Industry worldwide. We have taken the proud privilege of hosting IFC2011 with determination to make it a world class event and to give the participants a unique experience laced with Indian culinary and cultural flavor. 


Besides the delegates joining us at the Congress, we, also, need your support in sponsorships, exhibitors and Technical Paper submissions for the success of this event. We are expecting more than 1100 delegates - half of them from across the globe - who are all decision makers in the Forging Industry to attend IFC2011. Needless to say that this is an opportunity none can afford to miss.


Again, this event is a great platform to present Technical Papers before the global audience. The last date for submission of the topic and abstract for the paper has been extended to 31st January 2011. Since a very short time is left, we urge you to send your technical papers at your earliest.



(Click here to view/print program) 

Warm regards.

Sandeep Gupta

Deputy Manager
Association of Indian Forging Industry[AIFI]








ISafety Newsletter - December/January Issue

In this issue:

� OSHA Alert

� OSHA Noise Response Survey

� Workers Must Understand Training

� How Cold is Too Cold?

            � Safety Star Awards

� Safety & Health Committee Needs YOU!


(Click here) to view/print the Safety Newsletter



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JAnnual Orders & Shipments Questionnaires Are Sent





The Forging Industry Association has been collecting information for over 40 years to keep the forging industry and its suppliers aware of the consumption of forging parts in the last 12 months with comparison to past historical years.   (Look for your survey via e-mail coming soon)

This year's report, made up of aggregate information, will include the usual data that has been compiled in the past along with new comparative and forecasting information that we hope will be informative and serve as a business tool for your company. Our objective is to also benchmark against international forgers, so for us to be able to compare our information with the world we need a clear picture of what the custom, catalogue/standard product and captive production is.  New emphases this year will be on exports, energy costs and employment fluctuations.

What we have always gathered:

A. Total yearly volume shipped broken down by:

� Segments - Closed Die, Open Die and Rolled Ring

� Metals, Ferrous and Non Ferrous

� By Tons per metal

� By End Use markets your forging would go in to.

Rolled Ring producers: We have added the end use market for the Windmill/Wind Power market.


B. What we will be adding to questionnaire and reporting:

� The amount of forgings exported and to what countries - by Tons

� The Energy usage/efficiency in the US to compare to world consumption

� Scrap where it's been and where it's going.

� Forecast - quarterly

� Employee counts on the production side.


As a member you will receive reporting on all of the above. As a non-member you will receive part "A" reporting Free but can purchase part "B".


Click below to download a PDF form or call FIA office (216-781-6260 Mary Ann or Diane) if you wish to participate on line.

   Impression Die (Closed Die) Form [click here]

   Open Die Form [click here] 

   Rolled Ring Form [click here] 



(All Survey questionnaires are coded for confidentiality of data.  FIA staff internally compiles the data to obtain aggregate report results, so your data is never compromised.  Any questions call Diane Rothaermel or Mary Ann Ross at FIA Office 216-781-6260)



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K2010 Annual Occupational Injury & Illness Questionnaire Has Been Mailed

This form was directed to the person that completes the OSHA 300 log for your company, if you did not receive it, please contact FIA at: . 


An option available for your use is the "Electronic Interactive I & I Survey.  If you'd like to use this tool, again, please send an email to Connie Long at She'll send you one to complete, and then you SUBMIT back to her. Complete confidentiality is assured.


Only participants will receive the summary report listing forging industry Occupational Injury & Illness Total Recordable Incidence, and DART Incidence Rates - your only source of such specific information.  The more members that participate, the more reliable our industry figures are.  If you would prefer that your company name NOT be listed in the report, simply check the box on the form.


This information is also used to calculate the annual FIA Safety & Health Awards. Plaques will be presented to companies with the lowest Recordable Incidence Rates, and greatest improvements in each of four size groups. Presentation of the awards will be made during the April 30, 2011 FIA Annual Meeting of Members being held in Scottsdale, AZ.


Again this year, Safety Award Winners will be highlighted in a special article of the May/June issue of FORGING Magazine.

LManagement Compensation and Hourly Wage & Benefit Results Show Optimism for 2011

All participants were e-mailed the final report(s) in December at no cost.  To provide results to participants in a significantly timelier manner, FIA has streamlined the survey process by publishing results in electronic format.  All participants were sent final reports via e-mail ONLY. 



In 2010 summary data showed:


  • Results in both surveys show many companies are anticipating reinstating compensation or increasing workforce in 2011. 


  • The data show an overall Average Straight Time Hourly Rate (ASTHR) for the industry of $18.83.  Average benefit cost per hour is $9.66. Total Average Wage and Benefit costs are $28.50.


Surveyed for the first time in 2010:


  • Twenty-five percent of companies have an HSA (high deductible health plan to which employees can contribute).  Thirty-three percent of those companies contribute over $500 to each employee's HSA annually.


Information contained in the reports is valuable for salary reviews, contract negotiations and setting pay for new hires.  Results allow you to benchmark your benefit packages and pay scales against companies like your own.


Non-participating FIA Members may purchase the reports at $500 each.  If you have not received your copy, or would like to purchase reports, please call Mary Ann Foote at 216.781.6260.


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MFIA to Exhibit at CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2011

FIA is an exhibitor and  Official Supporting Organization for CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2011. CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2011 is the tradeshow for what's new in construction and will be the meeting place for construction industry professionals.  The show will take place March 22-26, 2011 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The Expo will showcase :


         New products and technologies - Get close and size-up the newest in equipment and technology available anywhere in the construction industry.  See in person where your products or services fit in these assemblies and end products.

         Meet today's top technical experts - Tap construction experts in person for applicable ideas useful to your business now and in the future. Get your equipment questions answered by the designers themselves-while you're actually looking "under the hood".

Also, CONEXPO-CON/AGG will co-locate with IFPE 2011 and ICON Expo 2011. Together CONEXPO-CON/AGG, IFPE and ICON Expo will be the complete resource for the construction industry!

Advanced registration is now open! Register before February 21, 2011 to receive discounted pricing. This is an important event for our industry and we want to make sure you are there! For more information, visit 

H9FIA Updates 

NFIA Headquarters New Address Reminder!

We are still receiving members' mail addressed to our old address. As the forwarding service that the Post Office offers will soon expire, it is important that you update your records to reflect our new address. We don't want to miss your correspondence.


The new FIA Headquarters is located at:

1111 Superior Ave.

Suite 615

Cleveland, Ohio 44114

(Click Here) to view a map of our new location.


Our Phone/Fax and e-mails are the same:

Phone: 216-781-6260

Fax" 216-781-0102


ONew FIA Member Plaques

FIA Membership plaques are now available with the new association logo.  Still on stainless steel and mounted on black beveled glass, the updated plaque certifies your company is "a member of the Association and is conscientiously participating in its purpose to serve the Metalforging Industry".


While we would like to send each member an updated plaque, the cost is prohibitive.  We can however share the expense and ask you to pay 50% of the cost which is $65.  Contact Billie Hurt at 216.781.6260 or if you have questions or would like to order. 


FIA Plaque 


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H10FDMC Activities 

PFDMC and SIFCO Recognized for Support of A-10 Aircraft

The FDMC (Forging Industry Association - Department of Defense Manufacturing Consortium) was personally recognized by Honorable Sue C. Payton, Former Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for the FDMC's support of the A-10 Aircraft.  Specifically Ms. Payton cited the valiant efforts of the FDMC FORGE-IT Team and SIFCO under the Defense Logistics Agency's ManTech Program to support the rapid supply of forged aft wing fittings for the A-10 Tank Killer Aircraft.  During rebuild operations at Hill Air Force Base a critical need was identified to supply these components to ensure timely delivery of rebuilt aircraft.  Working together the FDMC and SIFCO Team made this happen.   


FIA Members companies are advised to watch the FDMC website for late breaking news over the next quarter which will feature the next generation of finding specific business opportunities with forged content.  FIA member companies are also encouraged to participate in the National Forging Tooling Database (NFTD).  Soon I H S will be unveiling the new Upload Tool to automate exchange of information between the NFTD and forges. 


For more information about these and other FDMC projects, please contact Jon Tirpak at ATI via email:


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