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Forging Industry Association 

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TopAugust 20, 2009 

MemWelcome New Members

Mem1Welcome New Members
Sypris Technologies Inc. ( is back in FIA Membership after a short absence.  Sypris is located in Louisville, KY where they produce custom forgings for the transportation, automotive and agricultural markets using impression and cold forging processes.  Tim Brandenburg, Engineering Manager will serve as Official Representative to FIA (502-774-6011).
FIA is also pleased to welcome two new supplier members:
Advanced Machine & Engineering ( design and manufacture sawing equipment, blades, and machine tools (including repair) for the forging industry. Doug Robinson, Dir. Global Marketing and Business Development will serve as Official Representative (815-316-5218).
Bluewater Thermal Services - ( provides heat treating services to the forging industry.  Terry Brown, Dir. Business Development will serve as Official Representative (847.372.9661).
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StaffWelcome New FIA Staff Members

Staff1New FIA Executive Vice President and Chief Officer

Roy W. Hardy has joined the FIA Staff as incoming Executive Vice President and Chief Staff Officer.  (Click here) to view.
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Staff2New Staff Technical Director
Carola Sekreter to join the FIA Staff as incoming FIA Technical Director.  (Click here) to view.

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SchlSchools / Workshops

Schl130% Member Discount - Theory & Applications of Press Forging and Die Design, September 14-17, Cleveland

This is a 4-day training program providing forging-specific information regarding the application of various types of presses as well as guidelines for designing tooling for forging and trimming.  Taught by experienced academic and industry experts, the specific goals of the course are:
    � Broaden knowledge about press forging
    � Provide a basis for objective press selection
    � Furnish useful tool design guidelines
    � Compare approaches to press automation
    � Review guidelines for matching the press to the 
      part in terms of size and operational features
Who should attend: The course is a blend of theory and practical information on the subject of press forging and die design.  There are no specific background requirements for attendees, although attendees should have some drafting, design, and/or forging exposure.
This program is only offered every two years. The next presentation is scheduled for 2011. If you are interested in attending, it is suggested that you register early. 
(Click here) to view/print complete program and registration form.


Schl22009 Marketing Workshop in Lake Geneva, September 29-30

Sales and marketing professionals from company and supplier members are encouraged to reserve September 29-30 for the 2009 Marketing Workshop. The meeting will kick off with an opening lunch and keynote session:"Making the Most of Difficult Situations - Changing Markets; Changing Times".This will be followed by three short sessions on oil & gas, steel and defense markets. The work day will end with a look at "How to Market Smart in a Down Economy". A two-hour reception and cruise of Lake Geneva will be held the first evening.
The morning of September 30 will begin with two dynamic sessions by training expert Crestcom: "How Our Thinking Affects Our Performance" and "Face-to-Face Selling - What is the Prospect Really Thinking". The Workshop will wrap up with Global Insight's popular annual forecast for major forging markets.  Click Here to see the full Workshop brochure and registration information, or contact the FIA office for a printed brochure. 
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FallFall Meeting of Members

Fall1FIA Fall Meeting to Focus on Bottom Line Concerns to Manufacturers
FIA senior level executives are encouraged to plan for an information packed 24-hours at the Fall Meeting of Members, October 19-20, 2009 at The Woodlands Conference Center and Resort in Houston, TX. Fees have been held to 2006 levels and topics have been targeted to key activities and issues facing the forging industry to maximize attendance. Ample roundtable and networking time has been built in to encourage member-to-member exchange of ideas.
The meeting opens with an update on the economy, and where we are headed next year. Playing a bigger part than ever in this, is the US Federal Government.  We'll  look at what Washington is doing that will impact manufacturing in the short and long term. Human resource issues are also evolving  at a rapid pace. Lynn Outwater returns to give  a comprehensive understanding of those issues and how we can best deal with them. We'll also look at what FIA and allied organizations have been doing recently to benefit the membership. Finally, we'll hear from our offshore competitors at EuroForge on the state of the European forging industry and the challenges they are facing.
Several roundtables are planned on accessing capital, federal stimulus money, ITAR, benchmarking and general business.
For those able to add a half-day, a round of informal golf is planned for Tuesday afternoon, on-site at The Woodland's Panther Trail course.
FIA Members are encouraged to Click Here to see the full meeting brochure and registration information, or contact the FIA office for a printed brochure. 
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ServMember Services

Serv1Updated FIA Membership Directory Now Available!
Updated FIA Membership Directories are being mailed to all member company locations.  The 2009-2010 Directory contains the names of 294 member locations and 1,200 industry executives. 
If you are interested in additional copies of the Directory (hard copy or on CD in MSWord), they can be purchased for $25.  To order, please contact Billie at FIA.
For your convenience, the Directory is also available for viewing or downloading from the Members Only section of the FIA website by (Clicking here). FIA's On-line Directory allows two options for may view and search the directory on-line, or you may download a copy of this directory to your own computer.
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Serv2July / August Safety & Health Newsletter
In this issue:
� Safety Pays
� Employee Safety Perception Survey
� Influenza Pandemic Resource Center
� OSHA Offers Tips on Working Safely in Hot Weather
� Safety Star Awards 
� Manual Material Handling Safety Tip Sheet -
  Print and Save
(Click here) to view/print Newsletter.
Serv3FIA Website Sets New July Record For Visits
July 2009 saw a record setting 72,000 visits to the FIA Website, an 18% increase over the last most active July.  Over 100 countries from around the globe accessed the Site in July, making the FIA Website truly the World Portal to the Forging Community.
(Click here) to view/print the complete Report: Page Views, Top 50 Visiting Countries, Top 20 Accessed Pages, and much more.

Serv4Links for State Manufacturing Groups Posted

For the benefit of members, FIA has posted the links for 48 State Manufacturing Groups. These manufacturing / business associations are members of the State Associations Group, (SAG), of the NAM.  
(Click here) to link to the FIA Member Services and Activities Home Page. 

FFForge Fair 2010

FF1Forge Fair 2010 Newsletter - August / September 2009 Issue
In this issue
    � Forge Fair Attendee Fees Reduced 15%!!!
    � Forge Fair Website Resources
    � Forge Fair 2010 Sponsorship Opportunities
    � The Effect of Economic Recessions on Exhibitions
    � Key Dates For Exhibitors
(Click here) to view/print Newsletter
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FF2Forge Fair Online Attendee Registration Now Available
You may now register online to attend Forge Fair 2010. Registering online is quick, safe and assures you of the fastest confirmation.
(Click here) to access Forge Fair Online Registration Form

FF3Forge Fair Exhibitors' Brochure Posted Online
The Exhibitors' Brochure for Forge Fair 2010 has been posted online presenting:
Exhibitor Opportunities:
    . Exposition Booths
    . Exhibitor Presentations
    . Social Interactions / Networking
    . Additional Promotional Opportunities
    . Exhibitor Fee Schedule
    . Demographics of past Forge Fairs Attendees
         . Job Classification
         . Reasons for Attendance
         . Purchasing Authority
     . List of 2006 Exhibitors
(Click) to view/print Brochure

FF4Forge Fair 2010 Sponsorship Opportunties

For the first time ever, FIA is offering Sponsorship Opportunities for Forge Fair. A variety of Sponsorship Opportunities are available, suitable for small, as well as large companies. 
Sponsors of Forge Fair 2010 will gain added visibility for their companies, demonstrating their support for the forging industry, as well as making it possible for FIA to lower Attendee Registration Fees for the second Forge Fair in a row.
(Click here) to see what opportunities are still available.


WageWage Benchmarking

Wage1Compensation Information Helps Member Companies Plan in a Volatile Economic Environment
Each year FIA provides forging producer member companies the ability to benchmark their hourly and managerial compensation packages against industry averages.  This year we have added a short questionnaire to compare members' personnel/compensation actions of 2009 with those expected for 2010.  Watch for survey forms to be mailed in early September.  Members' cooperation to return forms promptly by October 2nd will guarantee distribution of reports in early December.
Information reported includes:
    � Industry Straight Time Hourly Rate comparisons;
    � Wage/Compensation Reporting by Title/Function;
    � Medical, Vacation; 401k; Pension information
    � Turnover/Absenteeism percentage
All information provided is held in the strictest of confidence.  Only aggregate information is reported - no company names are associated with the data.
Participants will receive reports at no cost.  If you would like to learn more about the surveys or would like to receive excerpts of past reports to get a feel for the breadth of information available, please contact Connie Long ([email protected]) or Karen Lewis ([email protected]) at 216.781.6260.


Tech1International Technology and FIERF Forging  Fellow Reports Available to Members
Recent additions to FIA's Industry Research Webpage include technical papers and country reports presented at the 2008 International Forging Congress (IFC) in Chicago and a slide show of FIA's China Study Mission. See International Meeting/Trip Reports to view the individual reports.  (Note:  these reports are contained in the "Members Only" section of the FIA website.  Contact the FIA Office at 216.781.6260 or [email protected] if you need your company's password.)  
Also recently added are five Ph.D. dissertations of Ohio State University students supported through the FIERF Forging Fellow Program.  Topics include tooling, lubrication and simulation.  Click on the titles below to view the full report.
Tech2Directory of Manufacturers for Emerging Energy Markets (Nuclear and Clean Coal)
Energy Industries of Ohio (EIO) is in the process of developing a new directory of manufacturers who are interested in producing parts for the emerging Advanced Energy markets. With dozens of new, clean coal & nuclear plants being planned or already underway, the need for new manufacturers for component parts (especially forgings) is expanding.  The directory will expand the list of suppliers already selling into this market, allowing your company to target buyers in this rapidly growing sector.
 The EIO team is already working with both the utilities and the Powergen manufacturers (Westinghouse, GE, B&W) to help them locate new vendors in the greater Ohio region. The project is aimed at locating manufacturers of large industrial components that have been identified as crucial requirements for both nuclear & clean coal power generation (Powergen) systems. These include manufacturers of forgings, castings, tubing & structural fabricators.
This new directory is part of a supplier development program funded by the State of Ohio. Listing in the directory is free of charge. The attached document is a supplier self-evaluation form, and will help us connect you to these emergent markets. Click on the following link survey form (via email) to the address below.
Link Supplier_Survey_template-rev1-7-19-09[1] attachment to survey form and return to Roy Sheppard, Technical Specialist, Energy Industries of Ohio [email protected]
Tech3Magnet School Professor Charles White Reports on Trip to China
FIERF Magnet School Professor Charles White, Professor of Manufacturing Engineering at Kettering University, recently returned from China.  During his stay, Chuck taught at a course on Failure analysis and Engineering Ethics at Tongji University in Shanghai.  He also visited forging and metalworking companies in and around the Shanghai area. 
Click here to read Chuck's impressions of the university, the country and plants he visited.  If you are interested in learning more about his trip, you may contact Chuck directly:
Charles V. White P.E.
Kettering University
Flint, Michigan
[email protected]
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MktMarketing Opportunities

Mkt1 RFQ Update
We have updated the FIA RFQ system in order to improve your reception of them.
From now on, the RFQs will arrive to you via the address [email protected] instead of the sender's (prospect's) e-mail address. As many of you have complained as of late that the RFQ's are getting hung up in your e-mail spam filters, this change allows you to correct that problem. Simply 'white list' [email protected] in your e-mail software program and all future legitimate RFQ's - no matter where they come from - will clear your spam filters.
FIA is pleased to announce that it has received and forwarded over 3000 RFQ's since the program's inception in 2001. Currently, 124 individuals are signed up to receive them. If you are not one of them, click on and follow instructions for receiving RFQ's. No charge, no obligation, no hassle.
Mkt2 FIA to Exhibit at Power-Gen International 2009
FIA will represent its Member companies through exhibition at the Power Gen International Show, December 8-10, at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Over 18,000 attendees are expected for the power industry's three-day information exchange designed to share practical experiences, knowledge and ideas on the latest trends and challenges. Plenty of Forging Capability Guide CDs promoting member custom forging services will be distributed. It's expected that many domestic and offshore forging operations will send personnel to prospect this growing market segment. See for more information on attending or exhibiting.