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TopApril 9, 2009 

publicPublic Policy

Apr091Government Affairs Update on Issues Critical to U.S. Forgers
Attached is an update from FIA's Washington Representatives on 3 issues critical to U.S. forgers and their status in Congress today.  Congress is at home on an Easter "district work period" until April 20 so now is the time to communicate with your Members of Congress on the Employee Free Choice Act, the importance of the Last-In First-Out (LIFO) accounting method, and maintaining the competitiveness of US forgers in any climate change/"cap and trade" program.
(Click here) to view/print Update.
Please feel free to contact FIA with any questions and feedback on your contacts with your Members of Congress

Apr092FIA Members Invited to April 14 Webinar 0n EFCA (Card Check)

FIA Partners, Precision Metalforming Association (PMA) and National Tooling and Machining Association (NTMA), are sponsoring a one-hour (11 a.m.- Noon Eastern time) webinar on April 14, 2009,  to better educate manufacturers about the Employee Free Choice Act.  Invitation has been extended to FIA members who would like to participate.  Cost is $25.  Click here for the webinar flyer, information and link to register. 
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Annual Meeting

Apr093 Annual Meeting Registrations Still Being Accepted
It's not too late...FIA has been given an extension on a block of rooms for those still interested in attending the May 2-5, 2009 FIA Annual Meeting at the Hyatt Grand Champions Resort & Spa in Indian Wells, CA.
The meeting will be packed with timely and relevant presentations including a look at the first 100 Days of the Obama Administration and how it has, and will, impact us personally and professionally. We'll take an extensive look at the world and domestic economic conditions and focus on the issues and countries likely to have the largest impact on us. And the largest market segment for the forging industry and one in great turmoil, we will pay special attention to the automotive industry and its present and future conditions.  Finally, a look at how more and more companies of every size are finding out that eco-efficiency can actual give your company a strategic advantage. All these topics and more will be discussed amongst attendees personally at the four general business roundtables - always a popular session.
As we realize all companies are watching their bottom lines, we have kept attendee fees to 2007 levels, in spite of increase in costs.
Please click here for full meeting information and registration materials. 
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Apr094Candidate Nominations for Election to FIA Board of Directors/FIERF Board of Trustees
The Report by FIA's Nominating Committee, February 11, 2009.  All candidates so nominated have agreed to serve if elected.   Election of new FIA Directors is conducted during the FIA Official Business Session at the FIA Annual Meeting, for approval of FIA Company Members.  Election of FIERF Trustees is accomplished by joint approval of the FIA and FIERF Boards.  FIA Company member Official Representatives not attending the FIA Annual Meeting to cast their votes in person are reminded to return to FIA HQ proxy ballots mailed to them on March 31.
Nominated for positions on the FIA Board of Directors, Class of 2012:
  • Patrick Burke, General Manager, Turbine Engine Components Technologies (TECT) Cleveland
  • Michael Kamnikar, Senior V.P. Marketing & Business Development, Ellwood Group, Inc.
  • Mark Marcucci, President, Gerdau MACSTEEL
  • Ron Wallis, Chief Technologist, Wyman-Gordon Forgings, Inc.

Nominated for positions on the FIERF Board of Trustees, Class of 2012:

  • Doug Brown, President & COO, Inductoheat, Inc.
  • Paul Dimitry, VP Technology Services & Product Development, Gerdau MACSTEEL
  • Bruce Liimatainen, Chairman & CEO, A. Finkl & Sons Company
  • Rob Mayer, President, The Queen City Forging Company

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Member Opportunities

Apr095Call for FIA Committee Volunteers
FIA is seeking volunteers for committee work in areas of: Plant Engineering/Operations, Government Affairs/Public Policy, Safety & Health, Marketing and Technical. New committee terms start July 1st.
Committees plan, develop and initiate practical, useful activities for all association members. Committee participation is career broadening, personally rewarding, and adds significantly to your company's ROI on FIA Membership.
Committee time is generally pegged to 3 or 4, one-day meetings per year. Much coordination is by conference call and electronic means to save time and cost.
For additional information please contact directly:

Plant Engineering/Operations: George Layne - [email protected]
Government Affairs/Public Policy: Charlie Hageman - [email protected]

Safety & Health: George Layne - [email protected]
Marketing: Don Farley - [email protected]
Technical: George Mochnal - [email protected] 

Apr096Members Look for FIA's Annual 2008 Profit Questionnaire

All FIA Member Custom Forging Companies in North America should have received their 2008 Annual Confidential Survey of Profits. 

NO COST to participate.  REQUIREMENT:  complete the FIA Annual Orders, Shipments & End-Use Markets survey sent to you in January.  If you have not yet completed that survey, contact FIA to receive the forms or download the PDF forms you need by clicking the link below:
    Impression Die (Closed Die) Form [click here] 
    Open Die Form [click here]   
    Rolled Ring Form [click here] 

The deadline to participate is April 8, 2009.  If you have not received the questionnaire, call FIA  - 216.781.6260 - and ask for Diane or Mary Ann.


Apr097Three New Economic Updates Posted on FIA Website

Three New Economic Updates Posted on FIA Website
First, the latest forging end use market forecast from Global Insight has been posted on the FIA website. This Spring edition details each market with a graphic backed up by a written report giving you more of the 'why' behind each forecast. The full report is lengthy, but designed with market headers so you may go directly to the section or market of interest.
Second, just posted is an in-depth look at the medium and heavy truck market. For those companies serving this large forging market, there is not a better tool for use in your business planning.
Finally, a Forecast Flash look at where we stand in April/May 2009. This one-page synopsis offers a glint of hope that we may have finally seen the worst.
FIA Members click here to see all three Updates.

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Apr098Marketing Workshop 2009 Scheduled for Lake Geneva, WI
The 2009 FIA Marketing Workshop date and location have been finalized. Both Member and Non-member forging and supplier sales and marketing executives and their sales representatives (when attending with principal) are encouraged to reserve September 28-29, 2009 for a business-packed agenda covering sales training and a comprehensive end use forging market outlook. The Workshop will take place at the Grand Geneva Resort about half way between Chicago and Milwaukee. Details to come this Summer. 

Schools / Conferences

Apr09930% Member Discount for June Theory & Applications of Forging & Die Design School
FIA announces a 30% FIA Member Discount for this year's June 15 -18, Theory & Applications of Forging & Die Design School, 2008 Member Registration Fee was $1,099.
The "Theory and Applications of Forging & Die Design" school continues to evolve, reflecting new insights into forging technology and the wide availability of metal flow simulation software.  This four-day school is taught by a team of industry experts and engineering professors who work together to carefully explain principles and practice.  We urge you to join the 1000+ forging employees who have already attended this course.
(Click here) to view/print brochure.
This will be the only offering of this program in 2009. Class size is limited, (last year's class filled up early, leaving many closed out), please don't wait to register.
For additional information, contact George Layne at: [email protected].
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Industry PR

Apr0910Gear Solutions Magazine Features Forging
The May, 2009 issue of Gear Solutions will feature forging and include an article on research co-funded by FIERF and American Axle & Manufacturing.  The 'Optimization of the Ring Gear Forging Process' project conducted at Ohio University developed an optimum preform/blocker to reduced preform stages and material usage.  See the project report for complete information.
Apr0911FIA to Exhibit at Auto Steel Show
For the sixth year in a row, FIA has been invited to exhibit at Great Designs in Steel, to be held May 13  in Livonia, MI. The one-day show is packed with technical/business sessions focusing on new and emerging automotive steel technologies. Over 1000 automotive engineering and production personnel are expected to attend. See for a complete list of presentations and registration information. 


Apr0912Implications of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 (ARRA) for the Forging Industry
A great of deal information is coming out of Washington regarding the ARRA.  Below we've tried to outline a few provisions that may have implications for FIA Members along with links for further information.  The Public Policy and Technology arms of the association will continue to monitor and provide guidance as the act is finalized and additional information becomes available.
Buy American Requirements for Construction Material
- All iron, steel and manufactured goods (forgings qualify as a "manufactured good") used in projects funded by the act must be produced in the U.S.  However, the requirements do not apply to steel or iron used as components or subcomponents. What this means to you:
  • Prime and subcontractors will begin to flow down the Buy American provisions soon;
  • You'll likely be asked to certify each shipment as "made in the U.S.";
  • For projects over $7,443,000 countries with whom the US has an international agreement, iron, steel or manufactured goods will be treated as 'domestic'.  Countries NOT included (notably China and Taiwan) cannot supply said materials.
  • Waivers can be requested by prime contractors if materials are not reasonably available or would significantly increase costs.

For more information:

Energy Tax Credits Available
Also included in the Act are tax credits and incentives for manufacturers investing in advanced energy facilities or projects.  DOE's Industrial Technology Program reminds partners that you may have projects underway or in the planning phase that could qualify.
If you are doing any of the following, you may qualify for a tax credit:

  • Designing, experimenting with, and integrating new machinery, models, and/or systems experimenting with new technologies
  • Expanding or optimizing existing operations

Integrating new production systems and/or processes to reduce waste systems
For information on additional Federal and State incentives for energy efficiency for which you may be eligible, see the following websites:
Federal Incentives for Energy Efficiencies - 

Database of State Incentives for Efficiencies - 

Apr0913DOE Issues Notice of Intent to Release Funding Opportunity Solicitation 
If You Have a Manufacturing Energy Savings Project that is Ready to Implement "Shovel Ready" but Just Needs Funding, DOE has Issued a Notice of Intent to  Release  a Funding Opportunity Solicitation to Complete These Projects
(DOE) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) intends to issue, on behalf of the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) entitled "Deployment of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Systems, District Energy Systems, Waste Energy Recovery Systems, and Efficient Industrial Equipment".  This funding is a result of the stimulus package, The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. For more information, click on the following: Notice of Intent to Fund 
These projects must have all engineering complete and be ready to get permits. Once the solicitation is issued, this will move quickly.  If there are any questions, call George Mochnal at 239-394-5717.
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Forge Fair 2010

Apr0914Forge Fair 2010 Sponsorship Opportunities

For the first time ever, FIA is offering sponsorship opportunities for Forge Fair. A variety of sponsorship opportunities are available, suitable for small, as well as large companies. 
Sponsors of Forge Fair 2010 will gain added visibility for their companies, demonstrating their support for the forging industry, as well as making it possible for FIA to lower Attendee Registration Fees for the second Forge Fair in a row!

Click here to view/print Program Outline