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Common Cold
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Issue: #2547 November 12th, 2010
Dr. Ram

Good morning! Hope you are enjoying our Indian summer as much as WWAD HQ.  To capitalize on our incredible weather we've been scheduling all of our meetings outside.  It is a little harder to read the Magic 8-Ball (big decision tie-breaker), but the extra Vitamin D makes it all worth it.   Did you know that Arizona and Florida citizens have some of the lowest Vitamin D levels in the country (sunscreen/wide brim hats)?

This being National Colonoscopy Week (it's not), we wanted to try something entirely new for the newsletter.  As we speak, I am currently in an endoscopy suite and lying on my left hip as I type on my laptop with my backside exposed (apologies for the graphic).  Dr. Ram has already given me 5mg of Versed, 50mg of Demerol, and I'm feeling fun. Or funny? Fun, I'm feeling fun.  Anyway, the WWAD staff wanted to raise awareness for the benefits of exercise in preventing/fighting colon cancer.   So, we contacted HELLLLLLLLLO! WOW! I guess we've started.    Soooo, we contacted Dr. Ram who was...was...was...was willing to help us out today. Thank you Dr. Ram.

If he wasn't currently focused on other things, Dr. Ram would tell you that major studies have been definitive in this area.  They have shown that people who exercise the most are 24% less likely to develop colon cancer than people who exercise the least.  And amazingly, they studied people OH DEAR GOD! YOU LOOKING FOR CHILEAN MINERS?!! excuse me....wow!  Okay, so...they studied people who have had Stage III colon cancer and received surgery and follow up chemotherapy.  Those that walked six hours a week (between 2.0 and 2.9 miles/hr) were almost 50% more likely to be alive and free of cancer than those who were less active. 50%! Are you kidding me?  What's amazing about exercise is there are dozens of other diseases where the benefit can match or surpass these incredible findings. 

Maybe it's the Versed talking, but isn't exercise miracle drug kind of stuff?


"That's it David. Your study is done.  Nurse Seymour is going to help you down from the ceiling and I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Wow.  That wasn't too bad.Thanks Dr. Ram! You mind writing a note for my wife saying that you didn't see my head while you were up there?"

This Saturday - in Columbus
Dr. K's Kruisers Please check www.walkwithadoc.org for all the latest details on your walksite.

For the Highbanks crew, Nurse Megan says it is okay to return outside to Highbanks this week (i.e no Polaris Mall).  We would be honored if the normal Westerville crew would join us as Drs. Niland and McClellan have hospital and child duties (i.e. Westerville walk not held this Saturday).

Dr. Kurzer, our marathon man, will be leading his inaugural walk at Three Creeks in Groveport this Sunday at 8:30 am (please click headline link for specifics). 

This week is also Eastland Mall, Dublin, and New Albany.  Dr. Stafford had a great initial walk in Dublin.  And if you want to try New Albany, the Prengers will be there and ready to answer your most challenging questions. 
If you have any questions after checking out the website, please call us at 614.714.0407. 
Walk with a Doc cures...the common cold?
Two Fascinating Articles regarding The Common Cold

The first one is mind-blowing.  If you haven't seen this - you have to check it out - science is so cool.

The second one discusses how exercise really helps our cause.

Great stuff.

Thank you for making your best effort - everyday - to go for a walk or do any other form of exercise.  You continue to amaze us.  Sincerely.

See you Saturday,

Walk with a Doc

"There is no expiration date for courage; there is no time limit for valor; there is no fitting prize for one's patriotism." Simon Nguyen. Veterans - thank you.

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