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Wooden Horse Corporation's
Equicizer & Equipony 
Equicizer News!  February 2010
   Equicizer headshot Equestrian Exercise Craig Cameron, Steve Lantvit, Frankie Lovato G-1 DaVinci
A Very Special Tool ForExercise, Training & Therapy!
  Equicizer with Tobey Maguire in Seabiscuit Polo Swing Therapy Jockey Chantal Sutherland  
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Wooden Horse Corporation
819 Dublin Road
Norwalk, Ohio 44857
:: 419 663 1472
425 663 1472
 Wooden Horse Sign
Hi Everyone!
Jockey Frank Lovato JrA letter from Frankie..
"February was an interesting month to say the least. Yes, lots of real snow, but  also lots of new Equicizer videos also seem to have fallen from the sky!!"
There were so many videos with the Equicizer from completely different applications, I thought it would be fun to create Equicizer TV Channels! This way you can easily watch videos of your interest such as Western, English, Racing, Therapy, Entertainment, Etc! 
Starting with the Equicizer Music Channel!
Templeton ThompsonTempleton Thompson!
"A Horse That Can Fly Video"
Many of you know that Sandy and I are huge Templeton Thompson fans. We actually were so blessed to have seen her and her wonderful husband Sam Gay in concert last week!! So amazing to say the least!
Templeton Thompson A Horse That Can Fly VideoTempleton was kind enough to allow us to use her music for my upcoming "What It Takes To Be A Jockey" DVD. Specifically a song written by Templeton called "A Horse That Can Fly" is the official theme song for my DVD. If you like action, anything to do with horse racing, and great music, Press Play!"A Horse That Can Fly" 
PS. At the end of the video, you can see me in action during my hay day!
Equicizer Western Channel
Craig Cameron How To Ride The CanterCraig Cameron!
"Riding The Canter Video"
Any Craig Cameron fans out there? Hall of Fame Cowboy Craig Cameron used his Equicizer on his 'Ride Smart" RFD-TV show. This video was riding tips on "How To Ride The Canter" successfully. Some great footage in this video! Click here for Craig Cameron's "How To Ride The Canter"
Steve Lantvit!
"Riding The Buck Video"
How To Ride The Buck with Steve LantvitSteve Lantvit, winner of the Certified Horsemans Association (CHA)  2009 Riding Instructor of The Year Award, created this great riding tip video on "How To Ride The Buck" with guest Jeanne Lambrecht. If you have a horse that wants to buck, you do not want to miss this great riding tip! Click here to see Steve Lantvit's "How To Ride The Buck"
Equicizer Dressage Channel
Ruth Hogan Poulsen! 
"A Complete Riding Lesson with Position, Balance & Alignment Video"  
Ruth Hogan PoulsenDressage great Ruth Hogan Poulsen recently gave a complete riding lesson using "Rocky" her Equicizer at Jane Savoie's Dressage Mentor Reunion. This was posted in part in last months newsletter though now edited for the complete lesson! This was made in two parts with Part I & Part II. To see the complete lesson with Ruth, click here! "Ruth Hogan Poulsen riding lesson with Rocky"
Equicizer Therapy Channel
Rita Roberson! 
"Rita Riding Her Equicizer Fancy video!"Rita Roberson Riding Fancy Her Equicizer
Rita Roberson posted this very touching video with herself riding her Equicizer "Fancy". Rita uses Fancy for her therapy at home. This is definitely a very inspiring video and hope you can watch, click here! "Rita Riding Fancy" 
International News!
Riding Instructor Anna Zerinstra working with students
The Netherlands
We received a very nice article from the Netherlands concerning the Equicizer! It was so nicely written, with photos, I asked if we could share with our readers! Please take a moment to see how riding instructor & trainer Anna Zeinstra & family use their Equicizer Pythagoris!
Click here to read full story and photos!
Shout Outs!
I would like to take the opportunity to thank some dear new friends in the Equestrian Media that recently cross posted some of our Equicizer videos and information in their sites.
Thank you Elisabeth McMillan of EquestrianProfessional.com, An Essential Resource For Horse Business Owners & Professional Equestrian Athletes.
Equestrian Professional

Regarding Horses
Thank you Jackie Baker of 
Regarding Horses.com Discussing the latest horse news, events, issues, and ideas! 
The Pocket GateLastly, to our dear friends of the brand new amazing invention the Pocket Gate, we just learned that they will be attending Equine Affaire at Columbus Ohio this April, so be sure to check them out at ThePocketGate.com 
Thank you for reading our newsletter! Remember to check out
Equicizer.com & our Online Store for more news and updates! Any questions or comments, email us: Equiczer@aol.com
Happy Trails as always!!
Frankie & Sandy Lovato
Frank & Sandy Lovato
819 Dublin Road
Norwalk, Ohio 44857
email: Equicizer@aol.com
Phone: 419-663-1472
Fax: 425-663-1472
web address
We now also have the domain name www.exercisehorse.com
Much easier to spell and remember
Equicizer 2010 Elite