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Equicizer & Equipony 
Equicizer News!  January 2010
   Equicizer headshot Equestrian Exercise Craig Cameron, Steve Lantvit, Frankie Lovato G-1 DaVinci
A Very Special Tool ForExercise, Training & Therapy!
  Equicizer with Tobey Maguire in Seabiscuit Polo Swing Therapy Jockey Chantal Sutherland  
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Wooden Horse Corporation
819 Dublin Road
Norwalk, Ohio 44857
:: 419 663 1472
425 663 1472
 Wooden Horse Sign
Hi Everyone!
Jockey Frank Lovato JrA letter from Frankie..
"It's a New Year" and we are hitting the ground at a full gallop!"
This Issue Begins With...
Steve LantvitAdventures In Missouri with Steve Lantvit!
Steve Lanvit, supporter, friend and horseman invited us to tag along with him with the Equicizers to the 2010 Missouri Equine Council Celebration held last weekend January 22 &23. Steve, the 2009 CHA Instructor of the year was one of the headliners for this event. We combined our booths together and what a blast!
Steve Lantvit
Steve spent hours and hours offering lessons of horsemanship with riders aboard the Equicizers during the two day event which included a Steve Lantvit's "Sure In The Saddle" Seminar. Look out for the release of a brand new "Steve Lanvit horsemanship" DVD coming out soon! Steve is well on his way of stardom, we will keep you posted for sure and be sure to visit SteveLantvit.com!
Steve LantvitSteve Lantvit 
Steve Lantvit filled the room with his "Sure In The Saddle" seminar using the Equicizers at the Missouri Equine Council Celebration.
Special thanks to Meg Plybon and everyone of the Missouri Equine Council for your wonderful hospitality!
In The World Of Dressage
Jane Savoie & Ruth Hogan PoulsenWellington Florida, last weekend also launched the celebration of Jane Savoie's four day "Dressage Mentor Reunion" Along with Ruth Hogan Poulsen, the reviews of this event were also off the charts!
Ruth with StudentBoth Ruth and Jane sent me emails telling me that Ruth's Equicizer "Rocky" was a huge hit! Ruth reeled off dozens of lessons on position, movement, softness and alignment on Rocky and everyone was having break throughs with there riding. If you would like to see a sample of a lesson with Ruth and Rocky,
click here!
Jane Savoies 2010 Dressage Mentor Reunion
Jane Savoie's 2010 Dressage Mentor Reunion, how fun!
Be sure to check out JaneSavoie.com & RuthHoganPoulsen.com
A Shout Out!
the pocket gateI have to mention something really neat from one of our Equicizer owners! This is a new invention for your barn called The Pocket Gate. It's a gate for your barn that instead of a gate that swings out like your everyday gate, this one neatly and easily slides into the wall! Besides this being a genius idea and great product, these are the nicest people in the world. Bobbi and her husband Jeff have two rescue horses and do so many good deeds throughout the Equine Industry. Please check this out and tell you friends!
In Media
Apple 'N Oats MagazineThough we have some very exciting things on the wings of media to come very soon, I wanted to give a very big thank you to publisher Carol Eilers of Apples 'n Oats Magazine along with journalist, Lori K Black. Lori had submitted 2 articles she had written about the Equicizer as a therapy tool but also with last summer's Jockey Bootcamp. Miss Eilers published both in the Apples 'n Oats Winter Issue! The articles were combined and list as "A Winning Ride by Lori K Black" Please give this magazine a peek at www.applesnoats.com/
Rachel Wehrheim & NinjaI also wanted to thank my dear friend Rachel Wehrheim (right) from  Solon, Iowa (also an up coming equestrian star!) of Medicine River Farms. Rachel sent me a hard copy of the Apple 'n Oats Magazine and she also had an article published. To see Rachel's Article click here to see "Two Stellar Opportunities for Horse Enthusiast in the Midwest by Rachel Wehrheim"
Keep an eye on this girl, she is going places!
In Closing
Our new layaway plan is going very well and people love having this option. We now have the layaway plan in PDF form if anyone would like to take a peek. We also have a sample layaway plan if you would like to get a general idea of different payment plans and what they may look like. Click here!
Layaway Plan
Equicizer Elite G1 
(New 2010 Equicizer Elite with extra long mane)
The layaway plan is also up in the Equicizer website's online store along with brand new photos of our 2010 Equicizer Elite Model. Visit
Equicizer.com and the Equicizer Online Store for more information or email Equicizer@aol.com
Frankie & Sandy LovatoLet's all make 2010 the happiest of trails yet!

Frank & Sandy Lovato
819 Dublin Road
Norwalk, Ohio 44857
email: Equicizer@aol.com
Phone: 419-663-1472
Fax: 425-663-1472
web address
We now also have the domain name www.exercisehorse.com
Much easier to spell and remember