"Just a few things to mention this month but some biggies! Starting with!"
Steve Lantvit Elected CHA's Riding Instructor Of The Year Award!

Steve Lantvit of Highgrove Farm - One of our dearest supporters and users of the Equicizer in his program is a CHA Certified Western/English riding instructor. Congratulations to Steve who received this years CHA Instructor Of The Year Award! He will be receiving his award at the annual CHA International Conference held in Fort Collins Colorado October 8-11 2009. Some of Steve's other notable accomplishments is being Cowboy Hall Of Fame's Craig Cameron's Midwest connection. Steve also one of the top finishers in last years Extreme Mustang Makeover and a top contender for this year's Extreme Cowboy Racing National Finals. This is one cowboy well on his way to fame! Learn more about Steve and his Highgrove Farm here;
The Equicizer To Appear On The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien!

Any Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien and or Animal Planet's Series "Jockeys" fans out there?
This Monday, September 28th, jockey Joe Talamo who's often featured in the Animal Planet's Series "Jockeys" is scheduled to be a guest on the Tonight Show. We were contacted by Animal Planet to arrange for 3 Equicizers for this show. We are told that jockey Joe Talamo is to challenge Conan O'Brien along with Actress Drew Barrymore to a race aboard Equicizers. Should be great fun watching this and should be well worth staying up for!