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Wooden Horse Corporation's
Equicizer & Equipony 
Equicizer January News!  January 2009 
 Equicizer headshot Equestrian Exercise Craig Cameron, Steve Lantvit, Frankie Lovato G-1 DaVinci
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A  letter from Frankie...
Exciting January News!
First, Sandy and I would like to wish you a very happy 2009! Things could not have started off any better in the Equicizer world. Beside's more orders and new happy Equicizer customers, Craig Cameron's RFD-TV Show "Ride Smart" featured the Equicizer to end our 2008 with a bang!
Just when I thought things could not be better, I got a call from Gale McCraw who now produces Tommy Garland's RFD-TV show "CPR For the Horse & Rider." I was invited to Tommy's beautiful Ranch in Powhatan Virginia to be a guest on his show. We shot an entire show with the Equicizer just last week! It should air sometime early March and I will be sure to keep everyone posted when it will air!

Frankie & Tommy Garland
Tommy Garland is now a proud Equicizer owner and will be using the Equicizer in his clinics, demos and lessons! Tommy and his CPR Horsemanship will be hitting the expo circuit quite a bit this year so maybe in a town near you! For more information, got to www.tommygarland.com
In other news, visit our new "Expo & Events"  tab/page on Equicizer.com.  This is our schedule of events and horse expos that you may be able to meet us in person and see and try an Equicizer! Events will be updated as the year progresses!
I am also very proud to have just built and send out two new Equicizers ordered by Laffit Pincay for his jockey school in Panama. This city where Laffit grew up was a very poor community and the jockey school that Laffit started off many years ago used barrels for their apprentices to practice riding.
Laffit Pincay Jr
Laffit is a Hall Of Fame jockey and was the all time winning-est jockey in history of racing until recently surpassed in wins by jockey Russell Baze who is another Equicizer supporter. I had the privilege to ride with Laffit for many years. Laffit also is the founder of the "Legends On Tour".  This is a group of retired Hall Of Fame jockeys  that are living legends in the sport of horse racing. They will making appearances during special events around the country through the course of the year. For more information, check out www.legendsontour.com
Featured Friend! 
I would like to tell everyone about a wonderful friend of ours, Equine Artist Cheryl Caldwell located in Northern California that has been a huge supporter to us all out of the kindness of her heart and believing in the Equicizer. She is very humble but very talented!! She specializes in doing portraits of your horse(s), any of your pets, or you with you pets, please check her website and gallery! www.cherylcaldwell.com
Something Special to Share!
Finally, I wanted to share something with you that is very special to me. You may already know that I built the Equicizers that were used in the making of the movie Seabiscuit. There was something else though that I made an effort to contribute to the film. As a hobby, I am a musician/song writer. I wrote and recorded this song in 2002 as a demo and pitched it to the movie producers. The song did not make the movie, but its showed up on youtube years later! If you have a moment, turn your speakers up and watch this music video with my Seabiscuit Song. The video was done by a young genius and future movie producer herself, Carly Kaiser from WA. Hope you have a chance to watch and listen! Click on the photo or the link below!
Click to see Seabisuit Song Video by Frankie Lovato
Click here to see the Seabiscuit Song video by Frankie Lovato
Happy Trails Everyone!
Frankie & Sandy Lovato
The Wooden Horse Corporation