Friends for a Non-Violent World

October 6, 2011 
In This Email Blast
Volunteers Needed
Way of Peace II Video
Somalia Relief
Office Space Available
Eyes Wide Open
Informative Links re: Syrian Uprising
Rural Women's Network - Nepal
Egypt's Freedom Trail
Here's where

Here's How



As we migrate to a new,

combined database/ marketing/accounting system with Salsa we have a great need for volunteers to work with data on the computer. 


If you have time Mondays or Thursdays 8:30 - 4:30, call Judy (651-917-0383).  Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.


Non-Violence in the Islamic Traditions

Video is on FNVW Website!


The high-quality video, edited by Terry Kayser of Gemini Studio of Fine Art, can be reached through the upper right corner of the FNVW website:




or by clicking on this link



Video Highlights:   



* See Afra Jalabi's riveting 

speech during the morning plenary, taking us from early Muslim Martyrs to current events in Syria, her home country.  

* Follow it with Yahya Michot tracing how Islam has been hijacked for violent ends that completely contradict its traditions and principles.



* Enjoy Azhar Usman, acclaimed stand-up comedian, actor and activist, telling us about his journey and the key principles of Islam which inspire him.


* The compelling afternoon panel of Abdisalam Adam, Fatma Reda, Kathy McKay and Mel Duncan, including a stirring recitation of Qur'an verses by an audience member, is not posted quite yet, so stay tuned!


* We could not post video of The Frontier Gandhi film about Badshah Khan, but please go to for clips of Teri C. McLuhan's glorious and informative feature-length film.  And watch for its commercial release!




We are making all footage available on the internet so anyone who attended or wanted to can recapture some of the power and impact of the conference.  Please share widely.  DVD's are available for purchase by writing or calling 651/917-0383. 


We thank Terry Kayser of Gemini Studio and his terrific camera crew, The University of St. Thomas, and the many volunteers for the success of Ways of Peace II: Nonviolence in the Islamic Traditions.



The conference was made possible in part by The Saint Paul Foundation, The Fredrickson and Byron Foundation, Gandhi Mahal Fine Indian Quisine, The Al-Rawiya Foundation, Tim Wulling and Marilyn Benson, and dozens of individual and organizational donors.


Thank you!


Somalia Relief

Millions of Muslims in Somalia and other parts of the Horn of Africa, involuntarily began fasting before Ramadan and have continued after it.  Rains have failed to come for a third straight season. Many thousands are starving. The situation is grim, and it has been exacerbated by US foreign policy in several ways. (More on that aspect in a future alert.) 


I talked with Non-Violence in the Islamic Traditions speaker Abdisalam Adam about how stressed the local Somali community is with worry about extended family at home, and with finding money to send in any way possible.  I asked him to recommend a trustworthy local agency for FNVW folks to donate toward famine relief. 


He suggested the American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa, (ARAHA), and I have talked to Mohamed Idris, executive director.  I feel confident recommending donations to this organization.  Feel free to donate online, or for information on the famine, on the 8/21 event, or ARAHA's work, please go to: 


A national organization which Abdisalam also recommended is the American Refugee Committee. Find their page on Somalia at this link.

Looking for Office Space? Check out FNVW

Friends for a Non-Violent World is looking to share our spacious offices with a compatible community organization or non-profit.


          Space at 1050 Selby Ave, St Paul  55104

          $800/mo for 800 sq. feet

          Plus shared full kitchen & bathroom

          Street-level office space

          Shared access to a large conference room  negotiable

          Sharing high-speed internet and printer/copier is also negotiable

          Utilities not included; charged on prorated basis


FNVW is looking to share our office space with an organization or individual who honors our mission:

FNVW is a Quaker-inspired organization of people who affirm the dignity inherent in each human being. We share a commitment to advancing non-violence as an ethic for honoring human dignity and a strategy for achieving peace and justice. 


For more information, please call Judy at the FNVW office, 651-917-0383 or email to the FNVW email address (click here).





Quick Links
FNVW Events

Begins October 7, 2011

The People's Plaza

 300 South 6th Street

Mpls., MN

(Hennepin County Government Center Plaza)



OccupyMN is boldly taking its place in the exploding national movement to wake up power-brokers to the concerns, issues and needs of average citizens.  Modeled on the successful OccupyWallStreet demonstration started last month, OccupyMN is our homegrown crop of peaceful resistance.


No need to be on time, show up and join us anytime Friday or over the weekend.


About OccupyMN:

Our mission is simple, we intend to start an occupation of our own in Minnesota. We need to let the people who run this country know that the 99% have a voice, and we intend to be heard! We are going to achieve this by standing in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in New York City that are currently working to Occupy Wall Street.

Currently, OccupyMN is gathering volunteers, donations, and coordinating efforts with many local individuals, causes, and organizations to arrange the Minnesota occupation. 


Click Here for further details about OccupyMN


To help support the movement, consider donating to us by clicking here



About OccupyWallStreet:

More information at:

"The Principles of Solidarity"

On September 17, 2011, people from all across the United States of America and the world came to protest the blatant injustices of our times perpetuated by the economic and political elites.  On the 17th we as individuals rose up against political disenfranchisement and social and economic injustice.  We spoke out, resisted, and successfully occupied Wall Street.  Today, we proudly remain in Liberty Square constituting ourselves as autonomous political beings engaged in non-violent civil disobedience and building solidarity based on mutual respect, acceptance, and love.  It is from these reclaimed grounds that we say to all Americans and to the world, Enough!  How many crises does it take?  We are the 99% and we have moved to reclaim our mortgaged future.

Through a direct democratic process, we have come together as individuals and crafted these principles of solidarity, which are points of unity that include but are not limited to:

  • Engaging in direct and transparent participatory democracy;
  • Exercising personal and collective responsibility;
  • Recognizing individuals' inherent privilege and the influence it has on all interactions;
  • Empowering one another against all forms of oppression;
  • Redefining how labor is valued;
  • The sanctity of individual privacy;
  • The belief that education is human right; and
  • Endeavoring to practice and support wide application of open source.

We are daring to imagine a new socio-political and economic alternative that offers greater possibility of equality.  We are consolidating the other proposed principles of solidarity, after which demands will follow.

About the Occupy Together Movement: Occupy Together is a central hub for all of the events springing up across the country in solidarity with the Occupy Wall St. protestors. They provide a wealth of information and resources for individuals looking to get involved with their local movements. Visit them at



A Conversation about Racism, Discrimination, Prejudice and Meeting the Other


Hosted by The St. Paul Interfaith Network


       October 10:  Invisible Wounds: 

                             Experiencing Everyday Dehumanization

       October 17:  Religion: 

                             Building Walls, Building Bridges

       October 24:  New Possibilities: 

                             Creating Something Better


Visit or click here for times and location look at the "Eyes Wide Open" information



1) CNN  Sept. 14   Anderson Cooper's piece on Ghiyath. click here   (Several seconds of the video are painfully graphic.)


2)  Dick Gordon is has recorded an interview with a Syrian activist about the situtation.      Click here for the special segment on Sept. 14, 2011 Protesting in  Syria.  At the bottom of the article click on "Listen Now" to hear the interview.  For his complete Arab Spring coverage see This is the Story  American Pubic Media


3)   19 Civilians Killed in Syria, opposition groups says;  CNN  click here for link to article as well as videos; Sept. 14, 2011

4)   U.S. Imposes sanctions on Syrian oil sector; Reuters; Aug. 18, 2011   click here for link to article 


5)  For research on Syria, the U.S. and oil:  click here

Rural Women's Network-Nepal
Dhruba Prasad Ghimire of RUWON-the Rural Women's Network-Nepal-contacted FNVW three weeks ago, asking us to spread word about RUWON's excellent work.  "RUWON Nepal is an NGO working for the rights and equality of disadvantaged women, children and youth in Kathmandu and the rural district of Sindhuli.  The organization works from an education, community capacity-building, and early intervention model," she said. 

RUWON's projects include: 

� Women's Literacy Classes

� Women's Leadership Training

� Rural Women's Micro Savings Initiative

� Child and Youth Clubs

� Children's Extra Tuition Classes


Ms. Ghimire would also like to form partnerships and links with organizations in the field of women's rights and empowerment.  You can find out more, contact RUWON, and donate at this beautiful website:

Keep your eyes peeled for the next opportunity to support Ahmed Tharwat's documentary about the 18-day peoples' movement in Egypt:  Egypt's Freedom Trail.  The best way is to link to Ahmed Tharwat of BelAhdan on his facebook page at:

Ahmed, who hosts BelAhdan on TpT channel 17, supported our conference, Non-Violence in the Islamic Traditions. 

Erika Thorne,
Managing Director

Friends for a Non-Violent World
1050 Selby Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55104