Here are the times for this years TriArt Festival 2010, which will have two days of dance and music performances, September 11 and 12 beginning at 12 noon each day. The outdoors festival takes place in San Pedro on Mesa and 7th. Joe Caccavalla continues as Festival Director and Louise Reichlin is Dance Coordinator. Please go the their web site for more info and links to the companies.
TriArt Festival - 9/11/2010. Saturday Dance Schedule
12:00 - blue13 dance company
12:15 -
Andalosi Dance Company (Middle Eastern)
12:25 - Ingrid Graham/ Collaboration Movement
12:30 - D.Long Dance (Modern)
12:40 - New Beginnings Dance Co. (Modern)
12:50 - Brockus Project Dance Company (Contemporary)
1:00 - Arpana Dance Company (Bharata Natyam)
1:20 - People's...Dance Team / Disco Ballroom
(Audience participation)

New Beginnings Dance Company/Steven Nielsen
TriArt Festival - 9/12/2010. Sunday Dance
12:00 - Ruby Karen Project/ Orange County
Aerial Arts (circus)
12:10 - Sohini Ray (Manipuri Dance/ No. India)
12:20 - Louise Reichlin & Dancers/LA
Choreographers & Dancers (excerpts 'The Better to Bite You With' & 'The
Patchwork Girl of Oz'
12:50 - San Pedro City Ballet (Ballet &
1:05 - Ruby Karen Project/ Orange County Aerial
Arts (Audience participation)
Sohini Ray/ Manipuri Dance