Schools and Education
Tap-Tronic™ Summit in July + YouTube videos for Alfred Desio
 Check out YouTube for the new video site for Alfred Desio. We are just beginning to put on videos about his work. Pictured above- a black & white photo sent to me by Julie McLeod from the Dance At the Gym in the original West Side Story- yes, that's Alfred just right of center. In the photo on the top right are Charlie Bow and Peter Brunner delving into Alfred's Tap-Tronic equipment along with a group that included Matt Lincir, Larry Richards and Hiroshi Hamanishi. They met in July to get the system working and do some planning for possible future developments. To the left is Rosie Radiator, creator of Xtremetap™, who invited Louise Reichin to San Francisco for a tribute presentation about Alfred (and a SoundDance Award) at the Royce Gallery. There was also a dedication to Alfred at the Colburn School where Msaada Nia and students Joshua Villanueva, Rachel Rosenbaum, Zoe Lesser, and Margaret Havunjian performed one of his pieces that Hiroshi had staged with them. A memorial plaque was hung in the tap studio.
Auditions for 2008-2009 - Male & Female Dancers
3 of our dancers are returning to school - Tamara Kagal for Law, Karla Hagen for Nursing, and Salinee Vanichanan (pictured above) for Education. Salinee will also be working for the LA Unified as a traveling dance teacher. You can still see them perform on September 14. But after that we need 3 additional dancers that are available for our daytime rehearsals (Tues/Thurs/Sun mornings 10-1) and who will alternate in our school performances and teaching. Also to be in new works this season. If you are an experienced Contemporary dancer with a modern, ballet and jazz background, strong stage presence, expressive, with musicality and technique, and are available these times for rehearsals and alternate school performances please contact us for an audition. Paid performances, rehearsal honorarium, teaching opportunities. There will also be a new work. The company, a performing unit of Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers, was founded by Reichlin in 1979. For information and appointment call 213-385-1171 and E-mail pics and resumes. See web-site and videos for styles .
Special Thanks
Special thanks to our government fundors that certainly deserve our attention. Without them (and many of you who donate to our company) we could not
continue. Please go to our web site and make a donation. This E-letter closes with all the links you need to get to our Tri Art performances on September 14. If you are in LA we hope to see you there.
