PF Clear RED  Yoga Man Clear RED  PYR Clear Red

"Over the last year and a half you have been Steady Betty... your commitment and dedication to consistency has paid off and it has been such a joy to be a part of it!  You look great and most of all, it is obvious that you feel great!  Congratulations on the great success!  We are so proud of you!"
~ Your Friends & Instructors

There is no better compliment than referring your friend or family member!  We appreciate you recommending us to others!  Please...



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505 S Villa Real Drive
Anaheim Hills, Ca   92807

Betty Before
2 years ago - 2008
" I began this new leg of my personal fitness journey at age 56...
The results of my annual physical prompted me to finally devote time and energy into my health again.  Tests revealed borderline high blood pressure (140/90 range), bad LDL cholesterol readings, protein in my urine (another sign of beginning heart disease which I am genetically prone too), and an unhealthy weight of 185lbs for my 5'9" frame.  The doctor advised me to go on medication to control all the questionable findings, but I asked for 6 month time period to try to bring it all in check on my own.   After all, I knew what I needed to do, it was just doing it!  I needed to adjust my diet and exercise, so.....
On my way home from work I stopped at Private Fitness and met Juli.  I loved the feel of the gym the minute I walked in and Juli was so knowledgeable.  She suggested Pilates and signed me up for my first round of 3 private trainings before being able to join the group Reformer Class.  It took me 6 private trainings before I felt confident enough to join the group.
Betty & Pilates Sign
May 2010 
Andra was my Instructor and I found her to be extremely personable and knowledgeable.  She was so encouraging and willing to work with me in spite of all my needs.  Always quick to point out the small increases I was making that I surely would have missed.  I realized just how weak my core was andhow very much I needed to continue this workout regimen if I wantedto make it to my senior years.  I knew I was at the bottom of the class but I didn't want to quit and Andra was willingto work with me, always positive and adjusting the workout so I could be successful while the other more advanced students would get their needed work out too.
Pilates Vertical 2
Group Reformer Classes are contagious as the students encourage each other!
In addition to the instructors, one of the many things I enjoy, yes enjoy, about Pilates is what the workout has done for my body and frame of mind.  The skilled trainers are careful to use their expertise to vary the workout so over the course of time students get a full body workout.  I have never liked to work out but Pilates at the Pilates & Yoga Room has become something I find myself looking forward to at the end of my working day.  The friendly staff and atmosphere in the group classes is contagious as the students encourage each other and share in each other accomplishments.  I remember the first day I was able to make it through the "coordination series" without having to put my legs down on the bar for a break and the entire class applauded my success!
Betty with Fat

I've lost 23lbs of fat...

4x what I am holding here! 

For me it has been a slow steady improvement over time, I started out with 2 Pilates Reformer classes a week and eventually I added a third one.  After the first 6 months of participating in the classes, I went back to the doctor for my follow-up to see if  my exercise and new eating habits were working.  Low and behold I had lost 18 pounds, my blood pressure was in the 120/80 range, my bad cholesterol had dropped 20 points and I no longer had protein in my urine!  The doctor encouraged me to continue on, so I made a further conscious decision to eat whole foods and gradually eliminate white sugar and high fructose corn syrup from my diet.  Since October 2009 I have gradually added a mile and a half walk after my workouts along with a three mile walk on the weekends.
Juli recently updated my chart with my total "losses", but really we should call them "gains", and I could not have done it without the support, expertise and encouragement from the wonderful staff at Private Fitness and The Pilates & YogaRoom!"
~ Betty Hagan
In less than 18 months:
Total Fat Loss 6.1% = 23lbs of Fat (over 4x what I am holding above!)
30 Inches & 34lbs of Total Weight Loss
