DREAMCHASER NEWS Thursday, June 21, 2012
Summer is officially here in the glorious Tetons. We are all so very fortunate to live in this magnificent place! Check out this edition of the newsletter for many great running and outdoor opportunities!
Lisa & Jay
Cost is $125 or $95 for Dreamchasers punch card holders.

Run for Wray! The Targhee Hill Climb is Saturday, June 30th. Proceeds benefit the Wray Landon Legacy Foundation at the Teton Regional Land Trust. The 2.7 mile run starts at the base of the Dreamcatcher ski lift and climbs 1840' to the top of Fred's Mountain. This race is the first in the Run to the Summit Series. Complete the trio of climbs which also includes the Snow King Hill Climb and Rendezvous Mountain Hill Climb. Register at Dreamchasers in Driggs or online HERE! |
 Group track workout at the High School in Driggs on Tuesdays.
Come out for some expert coaching, group motivation, and fun running with your friends! The only way to get faster is to run faster!
Below are our weekly, FREE, running sessions. All sessions are geared to ALL levels of runners!
Mondays: Group Trail Run with Julie Bryan- 5:30pm
Tuesdays: Track work out with Lisa in Driggs- 5:30pm
Wednesdays: Chi Running Fundamentals @ Dreamchasers- 5:30pm Saturday: Group Run/Walk with Lisa/Dave- 7:00am
***Trail run will be at Teton Canyon on 6-25
16-week Marathon & Ultra Marathon Training Program
Run Healthy, Joyful & WellJuly 2nd - October 7thThe Coaches
Lisa Smith-Batchen ~ world-renowned coach, athlete, motivator, and Elite Ultra Runner
Julie Bryan ~ world-class, Elite Runner
Damian Stoy ~ certified Chi Running Coach and Elite Ultra Marathon Runner
Our Mission
Learn to run faster and farther while building health, happiness, and joy. We offer individualized training to keep you motivated, inspired, and running injury free!
Program Includes
- Structured coaching system with your individual specific workouts
- Personal consultation where we determine your fitness, nutrition and overall goals
- 3 expert coaches and private classes to help you accomplish your goals
- Weekly group runs focusing on technique, training and race preparation
- Weekly speed workouts, trail runs and Chi Running group runs
- Abundant personal attention from coaches including via phone and email
- Strength training, fitness and yoga classes. Discounts at Dreamchasers
Why Dreamchasers?
World renowned coaches and athletes with proven results! We focus on your goals and help you accomplish them with our diverse experience in the running world. We emphasis injury prevention, strength, flexibility, endurance, joy and overall happiness and health. Please visit us on our website or Facebook for registration and more detailed information!
Fall Fitness/Running Camp here in Teton Valley!!!
with coaches Lisa Smith Batchen, Marshall Ulrich, and Ray Zahab!
What You Will Do, Experience, and Learn
- 2 Daily Training runs
- Videotaping for gait analysis
- Cross-training sessions
- Classroom sessions
- Formal Q & A
- Informal discussions
- Other camp participants (everyone has knowledge to share!)
You will learn how to:
- Improve your running style through video taping and gait analysis.
- Hydrate and fuel yourself for training, racing, and recovery.
- Train for the heat of desert racing.
- Prepare for road, mountain, trail, or stage races.
- Train and run on trails.
- Train for mountain running, including handling
altitude and cold. - Power walk effectively to improve your race results.
- Use cross training techniques such as core strengthening .
- Overcome obstacles through troubleshooting.
- Take care of your body and feet, including clothing and equipment selection.
- Prepare and work with pacers and crew.
- Maintain a balance a in your life. (No...it's not all about the running.)
Go to our camp web page HERE for more details.
Teton Running Co. Be sure and stop in the store and see the new products we are getting in all the time. This week we feature some great new flavors of Honey Stinger products. 3 new flavors in the gel and 2 new waffle flavors.
Dreamchaser punch card holders get 10% off everyday. Check us out online as well:
This editions recipe:
Avocado Cream Pasta Sauce
1/2 box whole wheat thin spaghetti or pasta of choice
1/2 lemon
1 avocado, halved and pitted
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 clove garlic
1 bunch parsley
Salt and pepper
Bring salted water to a boil in a medium sized pot. Add in your pasta, reduce heat to medium, and cook until al dente, about 8-10 minutes.
Meanwhile, make the sauce by placing the garlic cloves, lemon juice and olive oil into a food processor. Process until smooth. Now add in the pitted avocado, herbs and salt. Process until smooth and creamy. When pasta is done cooking, drain and rinse in a strainer and place pasta into a large bowl. Pour on sauce and toss until fully combined. Garnish with lemon zest and black pepper. Serve immediately.
*Dish does not reheat well due to the avocado in the sauce.
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 10 minutes
DREAMCHASERS - 47 SOUTH MAIN ST., DRIGGS, ID 83422 - USA TEL: 1-208-787-2077 www.DreamchaserEvents.com