Sales, Technology & Speaking Tips & Ideas Information to increase productivity

Are you finding you are being bombarded by newsletters, I am, and I delete about 90%. I now only read those with great content and those that will help to grow my business.

So I have decided to only publish my newsletter quarterly, but fill it with a ton of content and tips. From next week I will be sending out bi-monthly technology tips and if you have any feedback, I would love to hear from you.

For all you A1 personalities who don't have the time to read the long version, the short bullet pointed newsletter will be out in the next day or two.

If you enjoy the newsletter, please forward it to your friends. To get the most from the newsletter, view in HMTL and connect with the Internet to hear our audio clips.

in this issue
  • Sales Strategies - How to Drive New Business Your Way
  • Success Secrets - Learning from the Best
  • Technology Tips with Terry Brock
  • Travel Tips - Thailand and Dubai
  • Speaker Tips - Speaking in Hong Kong

  • Sales Strategies - How to Drive New Business Your Way

    With the economy slowing, it is now time to start a marketing campaign to find new clients and generate new leads. Here is a plan of action that I would suggest:

    1. Who is your target audience or ideal client? Really spend some time on this and analyse your client base. Find out who the clients are that are giving you the lowest profits and the biggest headaches....we all have them. Now either get rid of them or assign them to a call centre team or someone else in the office, so you can spend more time on the profitable clients. Now take a look at your most profitable clients, the ones you really enjoy working with and profile them. How did they come to be clients, were they part of a marketing campaign, a referral, generated from the internet or other means?

    2. Develop five marketing tools or strategies to get more 'ideal clients'. What were the strategies that worked successfully in the past is everyone in the team still applying those strategies. There are many methods to find new clients or leads, but you should spend your time on the strategies that work best and give you the most profitable results and 'ideal clients'. Marketing or prospecting strategies include: �

    • Referrals
    • Associations and Trade Bodies
    • Exhibitions
    • Speaking at targeted conferences
    • Centres of Influence
    • Networking
    • Websites and the Internet
    • White papers
    • Newsletters Article marketing
    • Advertising
    • Sponsorships
    • Corporate entertainment
    • Mailshots
    • Expert articles in the trade press
    • Hospitality
    • Workshops and free surgeries

    3. Your Competitive Advantage. Brainstorm with the sales and marketing team and discover your competitive advantage. Why should someone change from their existing supplier to you? How are you different, what better results can you offer? If you are not 100% clear on this, you will speak to a lot of potential clients and be met with that wonderful phrase 'I want to think about it', which really means NO - You haven't convinced me why I should change and buy your goods or services.

    4. When will the campaign start, what are the responsibilities of everyone on the team and how often will there be feedback.

    Success Secrets - Learning from the Best
    King Cobra

    Success Secrets

    I have always maintained that to be the best in your field, whatever it is, you need to mix with the masters. When I started in sales in 1980, I found the top salesman and asked him if I could shadow him for 2 weeks, He agreed and I learned more from watching him than from all the sales programmes I had attended.

    I did the same when I went into speaking, I interviewed some of the top speakers in the world like Zig Ziglar, attended as many talks as I could where I could watch and learn from them and then followed their advice. The same is now happening with my internet marketing business, I try to find the best, spend time with them and learn from them.

    Some time ago the whole internet marketing fraternity was abuzz with a young 25 year old called Chris X who developed and marketed a book called Dayjob Killer which made him a million dollars in a short period of time. His next project was called 'Google Assassin' and consists of the most incredible software to optimise your site, find out how your competitors are beating you on the internet and making the best use of Adwords.

    Technology Tips with Terry Brock

    My 'brother from another mother' Terry Brock, recently spent a few days at our home in London. Terry is one of the top technology speakers and journalists in the USA and my wife despairs every time he comes to visit as I end up spending a fortune on the latest tools and technology.

    Take a look at the video we produced showing the latest on offer that can help you in your business in the link below.

    I keep pushing video technology to the limits and will be making another 70 technology video clips in the next few months and uploading these to 50 video sites. Right now video is the thing of the future, here are some of the ways it can help you and your business:

    Build a profile on the internet - I have over 100 videos on the net which has generated over 300,000 viewings

    Sell your products or services - I always have some action that the viewer can take at the end of each video i.e. redirecting them to a sales page

    Building your subscriber list - I get hundreds of new subscribers each week from all over the world from people watching the videos

    Use it as an analysing tool - I monitor which videos have the most viewings and comments and then develop products to suit: I know there is an interested audience. Equally if there are very few viewings or comments, I don't spend much time promoting those products/speeches.

    Send viewers to a squeeze page where you can upsell them one of your products or services, get a brochure request or send them something that promotes your business. They are already interested, otherwise that wouldn't have watched the video

    Have your own video channel on YouTube - This will also have people subscribing to your channel, I have over 300 subscribers.

    Travel Tips - Thailand and Dubai

    This has been a busy year with 2 trips to Dubai, and other trips all over Asia and Holland. In the next few months I have engagements all over the USA, Holland, Germany, Rome and Budapest, I think there is nothing better in life than exploring and enjoying the global market which is now so accessible to everyone.

    Dubai keeps growing every time I go there and this time I stayed at a new hotel at what will be the biggest shopping centre in the world which is also at what will be the highest building in the world. Having travelled and worked in Dubai for the past 10 years, I feel that the infrastructure has not been able to keep up with the growth with traffic now being as crazy as London and it took me an hour to get through immigration where it normally would take 10 minutes.

    In January I was in Thailand again and this time spoke in Chang Mai. It was my first trip to this wonderful city which has a striking mountain backdrop, over 300 temples and a quaint historical aura. It's also a modern, friendly, internationally- flavoured city with much to offer - food, accommodation and shopping are all top quality and cheap, and the nights are relatively cool.

    Thailand's second-largest city and the gateway to the country's north was founded in 1296. You can still see the moat that encircled the original city. Doi Suthep, topped by one of Thailand's holiest wats, rises behind the city, providing a dramatic backdrop and fine views of the city. As usual, I took some time to visit the Elephant sanctuaries and I hired a longtail boat and travelled up on the rivers, stopping at a local farmer for a breakfast of fresh fruits, wonderful!

    This is definitely a place to put on your travel itinerary.

    Speaker Tips - Speaking in Hong Kong
    African Experience

    Welcome to Hong Kong. How many of us can remember the old airport with the runway in the sea and the greatest challenge for every airline pilot. All that has changed now and Hong Kong airport is amongst the most modern in the world. A short train ride on a clean modern express takes you into either Kowloon or the Island of Hong Kong.

    It is a country of fascination, history, and wonderful foods and of course the best shopping in the world. The main business district is on the Island of Hong Kong in the "central" district. It is easy to get around as the MTR underground is fabulous, clean, efficient and always on time. I normally buy an "octopus" ticket for HK$150 (approx US$20) and this can be used for a week. The hotels are first class as are the restaurants but be prepared, Hong Kong is an expensive city.

    Taxis are efficient but get your hotel to write out the address, as many taxi drivers don't understand English. Most speaking venues are in the hotels or at the World Trade Centre and are super efficient. Do your homework before you go. I made some unforgivable blunders in the beginning. The first time I went to Hong Kong, I spoke to a group of approximately 100 Chinese business people. After the talk, many came to meet me and handed their cards to me, which I put into my pocket. I was politely told that I had insulted everyone and was then shown the correct behaviour. The card is handed over and accepted with both hands. You should read it, show appreciation by feeling it and making some gesture and then put it away in your pocket. Always carry a supply of business cards as the culture dictates the swapping of cards immediately.

    Online Sales Toolkit
    As a valued client who has either invested in some of my products or books in the past, I have put together a special Online Toolkit. This is only for existing clients and available until the 10th April when it will be withdrawn.

    I use many tools to create an online income and now for the first time I have packaged over 100 products and ebooks and made this available to you

    Please take 5 minutes to take a look now and at the end of the video I will tell you where to get a great piece of free software to create high ranking links to your website.

    Take a look - only one week left...


    Can you believe that we are in April already and this is my first newsletter of the year? Last year I produced the video sales tips every two weeks and from next month I will be doing the same with video technology tips where I will be reviewing the latest tools that help to grow our businesses, have one free EBook give away and one productivity tip or idea. Please take a look at these as there are some great tips that are making or saving me money in my business.

    From May I will also be starting my online coaching programme on how to create an income while you sleep. Please email me at frank@frankfurness for more details.

    As you know I launched my new book 'Walking with Tigers' last year and now you can watch the video of the incredible good fortune I had to play with some real Tigers (well, they were only four months old). . Click here to watch.

    You can also watch and listen to some of the Business Tigers featured in the book including Karan Bilimoria from Cobra Beer, W.Mitchell, Rick Searfoss (astronaut), Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul) and internet Guru Tom Antion. Click here to take a look

    In this edition, please take a listen to an interview with publishing guru, Dan Poyner. He will be running a workshop in the UK in July, click here for full details.

    On Dan's valuable advice, my book 'How to Find New Business and Clients' has been re-written and will be released in the next two weeks in book and EBook formats, watch for details.

    I now have over 60 websites and use numerous software tools to automate everything. Over the years I have spent thousands on information EBooks, software and programmes to drive sales on the net as I am a salesman and this is the new global salesroom. I am not a 'techie', so don't want to get bogged down by the technical details, but just want to press a few 'next' buttons and watch things happen.

    I decided to put a one-off offer to people who have bought products or services from me in the past and now have been asked by many of my subscribers to make this available to them. So I have decided to do this only until the 10th April and then will be closing this offer and making the products available separately at the normal prices. Don't wait, take a look now, there will never be another offer like this (only for PCs, sorry......)

    This year I will also be running my 'Speakers Bootcamp' and 'Multiple Sources of Income Masterclass' in South Africa, London, Orlando, Denver, New York, Holland and Singapore. Please email me for details.

    Take a look at the one-off offer Toolkit for business
    Quick Links...

    Interview with Dan Poynter

    Expect more from 2008 - Ebook

    Rick Searfoss - Astronaut Interview

    Interview with Chris X from Google Assassin

    Royalty Free Music

    New Resources

    Hints, Tips & Tricks

    Microsoft Training Videos

    Frank walking with live Tigers

    Online Sales Secrets Revealed

    Viral Video Sales Tips

    Frank's Blog

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    Internet Marketing - Interview with Terry Brock

    Wealth Creation Masterclass

    Super Affiliate Handbook

    Free UPDATED Internet Marketing Ebook

    Recommended Books

    Internet Resources

    NEW - 80 page Ebook on Google Adwords

    How to Find New Clients for Speakers, Trainers, Coaches & Consultants

    Free Ebook 'Search Engine Optimisation Made Easy'

    Franks resources

    How to Get Hired - Recruitment Tips on Video

    Frank's YouTube Video Channel

    Just for laughs - November 2007

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    Dubai Photos

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    Interview with the Internet Audio and Video Guy

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