District K Contact Information |
900 Bagby, First Floor
Houston, TX 77002
Satellite office:
Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center
3810 W. Fuqua
Houston, TX 77045
832-393-3016 office
832-393-4203 Satellite office
Are Your Deed Restrictions Updated? |
Council Member Green sent an e-blast last month asking District K civic associations (geographically within Loop 610 and Beltway 8) to review their existing deed restrictions. Earlier this year, the City of Houston Planning Commission facilitated four citywide public hearings to educate and garner community input on the proposed amendment changes to the City's land development ordinance, Chapter 42.
The proposed changes to Chapter 42 involve a variety of different issues, particularly the expanded "Urban Area" designation beyond its current boundaries of Loop 610 out to Beltway 8. Chapter 42 will promote more densely populated development patterns by allowing for the subdivision of existing lots and tracts of properties into smaller development units. Thus, these changes would have an impact on the more traditional and established neighborhoods.
To access PDFs of the proposed Chapter 42 amendments: Click here
Earlier this year, the District K office sponsored a deed restriction workshop. Below is a link to access the workshop presentations and distributed material: Click here
Street Reconstruction Projects Planned for South Braeswood Community |
The City of Houston Public Works and Engineering Dept. (PWE) will undergo two simultaneous street reconstruction projects within the South Braeswood area. The Neighborhood Street Reconstruction project, NSR 451, collectively encompasses the neighborhoods of Knollwood Village and the southern portion of Braeswood Place (south of Brays Bayou); whereas, the NSR 446A project encompasses the northern portion of the Woodside neighborhood.
By request of all three subdivisions, Council Member Green facilitated two separate community meetings for each NSR project. The purpose of the community meetings was to moderate discussion among the residents being impacted by the street reconstruction and the PWE engineers and prime contractor performing the work. In addition, both Police and Fire Department were invited to engage in the meeting discussion since the street construction will slightly impact the emergency response to the area.
For more information Click Here for respective NSR projects. |
Waterline Replacement Project Planned for Southwest Crossing Community |
A waterline replacement project will start after September 1 in the Southwest Crossing neighborhood (portion within Harris County). Like the two previous street reconstruction meetings in the northern portion of the District, Council Member Green facilitated a community meeting with the Southwest Crossing HOA to moderate discussion among the residents being impacted by the waterline replacement project and the PWE engineers and prime contractor commencing the work.
For more information Click Here to access the waterline replacement project link. |
Council Member Green Recognizes the UniverSoul Cirus |
Council Member Green presented a proclamation declaring Tuesday, August 14 as UniverSoul Circus Day within the City of Houston. The UniverSoul Circus will be a 6-day fun-filled event lasting from August 14 through August 19 located at HISD Butler Stadium parking lot, 13755 South Main St.
Council Member Green Recognizes YES Prep Public Schools |
On July 31, Council Member Green, along with Mayor Parker, acknowledged the YES Prep Public Schools with a proclamation for being recognized and named as "Top Charter Management Organization" in the United States. As the winner of the Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools, the YES Prep Public Schools will receive $250,000 for college readiness efforts for low-income students. This is an outstanding recognition through the courtesy of the Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation. |
Council Member Green Recognizes Danny Thompson for His Act of Heroism |
On August 7, Council Member Green, along with Mayor Parker, recognized Danny Thompson, a U.S. Postal Service employee based out of the Almeda Station within the Hiram Clarke community, for his heroic act on June 26, 2012 with a proclamation.
During his early morning rounds, Letter Carrier Danny Thompson approached 2815 Tidewater Dr. where he saw smoke coming out of a window unit air conditioner. After making several attempts to wake the family, Mr. Thompson was able to rescue two children ages 12 and 13 from a home that was burning; ensuring no one else was in the home.
"The City of Houston acknowledges Danny Thompson for his heroic bravery and commends him for his unselfishness. It is through this symbolic act of heroism that illustrates how someone like Mr. Thompson can realize their own potential to effect a positive change in someone else", states Council Member Green.
Thompson is a seven-year veteran with the U.S Postal Service. He is the husband of Crystal Thompson and the father of Justin, Nadaushia, Chinyere, Asia, and Kevin. |
Council Member Green and Mayor Parker Partcipated in the 2nd Annual Back-to-School Fest at Reliant Center |
The City of Houston and HISD collaboratively presented the 2nd Annual Back to School Fest 2012 on August 11 at the Reliant Center. Other major participating sponsors included Shell Oil Company and Motiva Enterprises.
The event helped 25,000 students and their parents prepare for the new school year by providing them with supplies, services and information for a positive start of the new school year.
The students received backpacks, school supplies, school uniforms, free immunizations and hair cut vouchers from Texas Barber College and Hairstyling Schools. The City of Houston and other local health agencies offered students free health screenings and the Houston Food Bank donated fresh produce. In addition, parents had the opportunity to stop by numerous informational booths staff ed by the City, HISD, and other entities to learn about community services and resources.
Council Member Green was joined by Mayor Parker, HISD Superintendent Grier, Shell Oil Company Foundation Vice President Wilson, and HISD Board of Education President Lunceford during the opening ceremony. "I am very pleased to see that the City of Houston as well as our corporate community is allowing Houston-area students to start school equipped for success", Council member Green stated.
Click link to access video clip on Channel 13: Click here |
METRO Held 2nd Round of Public Meetings for the US 90A/Southwest Rail Corridor Project |
The new METRO is continuing work on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the US90A/Southwest Rail Corridor Project with meetings to inform the public about alternatives that will be considered as part of this federal process. The US90A Project newsletter has been distributed to communities in advance of the open house meetings.
The proposed US 90A rail corridor will extend approximately eight miles from the METRORail Fannin South Station (at the southern end of the existing METRORail Red Line) to the vicinity of West Sam Houston Tollway (Beltway 8) in Missouri City, Texas. |
Houston Police Braeburn Storefront Annual Golf Classic |
The Houston Police Department Citizens Advisory Council, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, will conduct their annual Braeburn Storefront Golf Classic on Monday, October 1 at Bear Creek Golf Club, 16001 Clay Rd., Houston, TX 77084, at 1:30 p.m. The player fee is $75 per player and a check can be made payable to:
Braeburn Storefront CAC 7576 W. Bellfort
Houston, TX 77071
Each player receives tournament rewards and replay passes for one month's membership in player's cup. Food, drinks, prizes, silent auction, and dinner to be served. 
For more information, please contact Officer Shawn Demaree, HPD Braeburn Storefront Coordinator, at 832-767-9806; via e-mail at Demaree.Braeburn@sbcglobal.net or Barbara Hite, Citizens Advisory Council Coordinator, at 713-882-4975; via e-mail at bjhite@aol.com. |
It's National Night-Out Campaign Time (October 2) -- Get Prepared! |
Surrounding Houston law enforcement agencies and community organizations are gearing-up for this year's annual Houston/Harris County National Night Out Campaign. This year's National Night Out event will occur on Tuesday, October 2 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Houston's National Night Out campaign is spearheaded by the Houston Police Department. The District K council office is asking all civic associations to contact your local HPD command division and start planning your event. The assigned Southwest HPD Division contact is Officer Ronald Prince (713-433-2720 / Ronald.Prince@cityofhouston.net). The assigned South Gessner HPD Division contact is Officer Debbie Lorance (713-773-7943 / debbie.lorance@cityofhouston.net).
National Night Out is the time of year when civic organizations collaboratively join forces with law enforcement agencies to publicize crime awareness, drug and violence prevention, personal safety, and neighborhood unity.
SAVE THE DATE and start preparing!. |
Stakeholder representatives from various civic associations and neighborhood organizations from both north and south of Brays Bayou are finalizing the creation process of the Braeswood Super Neighborhood Council (SNC). The next steps for the participating stakeholders are to submit their respective authorization letter designating their assigned delegate to sit on the Braeswood SNC and elect officers among the assigned delegates.
A follow-up meeting to address the final next steps is scheduled for Tuesday, August 21 at 6:30 p.m. at Linkwood Park Community Center.
To view a map of the Braeswood Super Neighborhood Click here:
Super neighborhoods were created to encourage residents of neighboring communities to work together to identify, prioritize and address the needs and concerns of the broader community. This creates a manageable framework for community action and allows the city to provide services more efficiently. For more information about the City's Super Neighborhood Program, visit: http://www.houstontx.gov/superneighborhoods/ |
Fort Bend Houston Super Neighborhood Council Elects New Executive Board |
The Fort Bend Houston Super Neighborhood Council (SNC) is ready and poised to move forward in a new direction with a new Executive Board. Council Member Green thanked the out-going SNC President, Mary Ross, for her time and talent with spearheading the SNC and coordinating the election process for a new Executive Board. "The District K council office is eager to work the newly appointed delegates of the Fort Bend Houston SNC as they are energized to take their SN to the next level," said Council Member Green.
One of the first acts of the SNC will be to amend their SN bylaws and establish working committees to address holistic concerns of the greater Fort Bend Houston community. |
Council Member Green Hosts Bridging the Community Divide Meeting |
Council Member Green hosted an introductory collaborative community meeting, entitled Bridging the Community Divide, earlier this summer at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center. The purpose of this meeting was to reach out to various untapped community stakeholders within the Hiram Clarke community, such as area school administrators, church leaders or their designated representatives, and area businesses, to bridge the community divide and informally discuss how each entity can bring something to the area and become better community partners within the Hiram Clarke area and/or District K as a whole.
The meetings are held monthly, every 4th Thursday, at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center at 9:30 a.m. If any school, church, or business within the Hiram Clarke community is interested in attending this monthly forum, please contact Vivian Harris at 832-393-4203 or vivian.harris@houstontx.gov.
Council Member Green Facilitates Hiram Clarke Community Town Hall Meeting |
Council Member Green facilitated a community town hall meeting for the Hiram Clarke community on June 21 at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center. With an overwhelming attendance of 250 concerned residents, this public town hall addressed on-going challenges facing the Hiram Clarke area.
Upon coming into office in January 2012, Council Member Green facilitated strategy meetings throughout the District with core community leaders. The Hiram Clarke community was one of the six (6) strategy meetings he facilitated across District K. In addition, this community town hall meeting was a 6-month follow-up to that strategy meeting. Council Member Green invited department heads and/or their departmental designee to cover topics of concern in relationship to that initial strategy meeting.
This community town hall meeting was in conjunction with the South Houston Concerned Citizens Coalition (SHCCC). The SHCCC is a coalition of 20+ civic associations that collaboratively address holistic initiatives within the Hiram Clarke community from a grassroots approach. |
Ibn Sina Community Clinic - Looking for Job Opportunities? |
The Ibn Sina Foundation, a non-profit community health care facility, is a collaborative of local physicians, businesses, and healthcare professionals to bridge the growing gap between the health care needs of a rapidly expanding population of underserved families, and the ability of existing public institutions to meet their needs. The Foundation's mission is to ensure the health of the community by providing integrated preventive and primary care in a clinical setting through the dissemination and application of health related knowledge, thereby enhancing the quality of life for those who need affordable healthcare but cannot afford it in a typical medical office setting.
The Ibn Sina Foundation is building their fifth health care facility, which will be located along South Post Oak Rd. across Christa McAuliffe Middle School, within the Fort Bend Houston area (16345 South Post Oak Rd.). The new clinic is scheduled to be complete by November 2012.
The Ibn Sina Foundation is seeking job opportunities for the following positions within the new health care facility. For more information, please contact Aqil.Maknojia@ibnsinafoundation.org. |
Mayor Parker's Proposed $410 million Bond Referendum |
Mayor Annise Parker unveiled a $410 million public improvement bond package that she will ask City Council to place on the November 2012 ballot for voter approval.
Click link below to access the draft proposed bond referendum:
Voter approval would provide funding for city public improvements for the next five years. The needs range from roof and foundation repairs at city-owned buildings to entirely new police and fire stations as well as improvements to parks, libraries, health, trash and recycling facilities. There is also $100 million included in city matching funds for the Bayou Greenways Project, a $200 million initiative to complete a 100-year old vision of continuous public parks and trails alongside every major bayou segment in the City of Houston. |
SAVE THE DATE: 2012 Community U Conference is Coming Soon |
Location: United Way of Greater Houston (50 Waugh Dr. - between Washington Ave. and Memorial Dr.)
Date: Saturday, September 29, 2012
Time: 8:30 a.m.- 1:15 p.m. (Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.)
Cost: $5 fee per person (Free parking)
The Community U Conference is geared toward community-based organizations and individuals interested in improving their neighborhoods. It will provide Houstonians with training, resources, and solutions through a combination of workshops, presentations and networking opportunities. The conference is sponsored by the City's Planning and Development Department. For more information, please contact CommunityU@houstontx.gov or 713-837-7701. |
Green Light to Healthy Living--September 1 |
On Saturday, September 1st, Congressman Al Green will host Green Light to Healthy Living Health Fair. Congressman Green has invited the community to take charge of their health. At the fair, attendees are able to receive vaccinations, blood pressure tests, blood glucose screenings, cholesterol checks, dental exams, and much more. The event will take place September 1, from 10 AM to 2 PM at Westbury High School, 11911 Chimney Rock, 77035. For more information, please contact Bessie Swindle at 713-383-9202 or e-mail her at Bessie.swindle@mail.house.gov. |
HPD Careers |
HPD is now accepting online police officer applications at www.hpdcareer.com for an October 2012 academy class. Please pass this information on to people who may be interested in a law enforcement career with the Houston Police Department. More specific information about the application process can be found at www.hpdcareer.com or by contacting HPD Recruiting at 713-308-1300. |
New Baggage Claim at Hobby Airport is Now Open |
Customers at William P. Hobby Airport (HOU) will see a dramatic difference the next time they visit the airport's brand new baggage claim area. It is the same footprint as the original baggage claim area that has been in use since the airport opened in 1965. However, the new space utilizes an open concept, making the space look larger and much brighter. 
For more information on the construction at Hobby Airport, visit click here. To view additional photos of the new baggage claim area, visit www.Flickr.com/HoustonAirports.
TSA Pre✓™ Begins at George Bush Intercontinental Airport |
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced the start of TSA Pre✓™ operations at Houston Intercontinental Airport (IAH). At IAH, select United Airlines frequent flyers and members of U.S Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Trusted Traveler programs are now eligible to participate and may receive expedited screening benefits when traveling domestically. For more information about TSA's risk-based security initiative, visit www.tsa.gov. |
Stay Informed When Disaster Strikes by Signing Up for AlertHouston |
Have you done everything you should to prepare in case disaster strikes? One of the best things you can do is avail yourself of information from official sources, like the National Weather Service and your local media.
The City of Houston Office of Emergency Management invites you to stay informed about tropical weather and other types of emergencies that could impact our community by registering for AlertHouston, the City's emergency e-mail notification system. This tool will provide you and your family with key information that can help keep you safe.
Registration is free and easy! Sign up today at alert.houstonoem.net.
For more information about the City of Houston Office of Emergency Management, visit www.houstonoem.net.

City of Houston
Mayor's Office of Emergency Management
Mobile: m.houstonoem.net
info@houstonoem.net |
Be Prepared for Hurricane Season |
Hurricane Season is here and runs from June 1 to November 30. The City of Houston Office of Emergency Managment urges Houstonians to prepare for hurricanes,tropical storms and other emergencies by following a few key steps.
For more information, visit www.houstonoem.net. To learn more visit www.hurricaneworkshop.com.
If an evacuation is necessary, it is key to have a plan for how to get out of harm's way.
If you are unable to evacuate by yourself or with the help of family and friends, register for the Transportation Assistance Registry by calling 2-1-1 from any phone in Texas or by visiting www.houstonoem.net.
FREE Childhood Immunizations via the Houston Fire Department and the Blue Cross Blue Shield Care Van Program |
O n August 23, the Houston Fire Department (HFD) and the Blue Cross Blue Shield Care Van program will again host their 2nd Annual Immunization Extravaganza at the Val Jahnke Training Facility, 8030 Braniff, 77061, from 4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. This FREE childhood immunizations event is provided to Houston area children up to 18 years of age.
For more information please contact Paul Box at 832.394.6636 or via email paul.box@houstontx.gov.
Harris County Area Agency on Aging (AAA) Enrolling Seniors in Programs Assisting with Prescription Drug Costs |
The Harris County Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is now enrolling low-income seniors in Extra Help, a program that helps pay Medicare Part D prescription drug premiums, deductibles and co-payments. Enrollees could see savings of up to $3,900 on prescription drug expenses per year.
Applicants will need to provide their Medicare ID number and information about their income and assets to AAA benefit counselors. AAA will seek to enroll more than 800 seniors in Extra Help. Benefits begin 30 to 45 days after enrollment.
Applying for Extra Help also starts the application process for Medicare Savings Programs-state programs that provide help with other Medicare costs. Those costs include premiums, deductibles and co-payments for medical insurance, known as Medicare Part B, and for hospital insurance, known as Medicare Part A.
For more information or to enroll in Extra Help, call 832-393-4301. |
Blue Star Multi-Housing Program |
The Houston Police Department's Apartment Enforcement Unit offers the Blue Star Multi-Housing Program to apartment communities and other multi-housing rental properties throughout the City of Houston. The Blue Star Multi-Housing Program is a proactive program designed to reduce the potential for crime and to raise awareness in apartment managers, owners and residents.
Houston's Police Department's Blue Star Multi-Housing Program is designed to be a cooperative effort between apartment managers / owners, apartment residents and law enforcement, to abate crime and to enhance the quality of life for citizens living within Blue Star communities. The awarding of a Blue Star designation means that the apartment community has successfully completed all three phases of the program and has met the minimum standards for certification. It is hoped that, over time, many apartment managers and prospective residents will recognize that the Blue Star Multi-Housing certification will promote a safer and cleaner community with a higher quality of life.

Houston Police officers and other crime prevention specialists train apartment managers and owners in the concepts of Blue Star and CPTED (Crime Preventions Though Environmental Design) in an eight-hour class. After successful completion of the class, managers can request the Blue Star certification. However, the apartment community must first have a favorable CPTED survey of the property, according to standards established by the Houston Police Department. During this CPTED surveys, officers may assess such things as lighting, perimeter fencing, landscaping, on-site security crime prevention efforts and tenant screening procedures.
Once the CPTED survey is completed, the apartment community is required to satisfy all of the deficiencies cited in the report. Once deficiencies are resolved and upon the successful completion of an apartment-sponsored safety social, the apartment is awarded the Blue Star Multi-Housing certification. Annual inspections will be performed by Houston Police Department personnel to ensure that the high standards of the Blue Star Multi-Housing Program are being maintained. While no one can guarantee crime free community, the Blue Star certification indicates a shared commitment to reduce or prevent crime by management and police within the community.
For more information:
HPD, Blue Star Multi-Housing Program 1200 Travis, Suite 757 Houston, Texas 77002 (713) 308-3900
Website for Locating Towed Vehicles |
You might remember the popular movie, "Dude, Where's My Car?" The Houston Police Department (HPD) helps answer that question at www.findmytowedcar.com, a website that helps a driver determine where his/her vehicle is stored in the event that it is towed from a location without consent.
www.findmytowedcar.com provides up-to-date information much quicker than the old, telephone-based system. The website allows the public to make real-time inquiries into towed vehicles.
Houston Public Library Wants to Hear from You! |
The Houston Public Library is committed to providing excellent customer service. Each year we ask for feedback to learn more about library users, what services they use and how to make their experiences with us even better. You are invited to respond by completing a brief five-minute survey. If you are someone who doesn't think of yourself as a library user, we still want to hear from you.
You can access the survey at www.houstonlibrary.org/survey. Thank you for helping to improve your library.
The Houston Public Library operates 35 neighborhood libraries, three HPL Express Libraries, a Central Library, the Houston Metropolitan Research Center, the Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research, The African American Library at the Gregory School, and the Parent Resource Library located in the Children's Museum of Houston. Serving more than 4 million customers per year, HPL is committed to excellent customer service and equitable access to information and programs by providing library customers with free use of a diverse collection of printed materials and electronic resources, Internet, laptop and computer use, and a variety of database and reference resources with live assistance online 24/7. For further information, visit the Houston Public Library at www.houstonlibrary.org or call 832-393-1313.
BARC: Wild or Homeless Animals on Private Property |
Houston is home to a wide variety of wildlife due to the semi-tropical climate and natural surroundings. This can become an issue when animals decide to take up residence near people. BARC is committed to the humane treatment of animals, and advocates methods of keeping unwanted animals off property.
Animals, both wild and domesticated, are attracted to places where they can find the three requirements for survival:
- Food (remove all potential food sources from the property)
- Water (limit availability of water)
- Shelter (remove or secure potential shelter areas)
Cats can be persuaded to stay away from a property by the previously mentioned methods, but also by a few tactics proven to be effective. Place chicken wire or plastic carpet runner, spikes up, under flower bed mulch to make scratching uncomfortable. Sprinkle coffee grounds or citrus peels or use citrus spray on gardens and shrubs. One very effective tool is a motion detection device combined with common water, available from various outlets. The cat or other animal breaks the beam of the device, and is immediately sprayed with a stream of water. This device works on raccoons, dogs, opossums and other animals, too. These methods, in conjunction with the Trap/Neuter/Return program, are the most humane and effective method for dealing with homeless or feral cats.
BARC does not respond to service requests for common wild animals found outside the living areas of homes, or for pest removal such as rodents or bat colony infestations. Contact a licensed pest control company in such cases. Injured or young animals and birds are best referred to Texas Parks and Wildlife licensed wildlife rehabilitators. BARC will respond to service requests where there is a possibility of a rabies exposure, a wild animal inside a living room or bedroom, or there is an animal in a humane trap that is considered a high risk for carrying rabies, such as skunks, foxes, coyotes or raccoons.
Please contact BARC at 311 or 713-229-7300 for questions and assistance.
Also, BARC just released an awareness video about the BARC agency on their new YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/wearebarc. Along with the two other videos on the channel, this creates some interesting visual content about BARC. |
Children's Museum of Houston offers free inoculations during every Thursday Free Family Night in August 2012 |
All children 18 and under needing immunizations required by the Harris County school districts will have the opportunity to receive FREE vaccinations at the Children's Museum of Houston this summer.
Committed to creating a healthy community of children, Texas Children's Hospital's SuperKids Mobile Clinic will administer back-to-school vaccinations to the first 200 people to arrive every Thursday Free Family Night in August. To qualify, parents and guardians will need their child's immunization records. No need to pre-register.
After the vaccinations, children and families are invited to stay and enjoy the many hands-on exhibits the Museum has to offer.
Every Thursday, Aug. 2 - 30, 2012
5 - 7 p.m.
Limit first 200 people each time.
MUSEUM SUMMER HOURS: Mon. - Sat.: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Sun: Noon - 6 p.m.
Every second Saturday of the month opens at 9 a.m. for members.
Free Family Night every Thursday 5 - 8 p.m.
For more information, visit
or call (713) 522-1138. |
Community Pandemic and All-Hazards Readiness Summit |
The Health and Human Services Department will conduct the 2012 Community Pandemic and All-Hazards Readiness Summit on August 30 at the Crown Plaza Houston Hotel (near Reliant), 8686 Kirby Dr. @ I-610 from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The purpose of the Summit is to educate, update, and promote community leaders about disaster response and preparedness. Subject matter experts will be available to share information from the perspective of the community. The Summit will also an include update on pandemic influenza, revised pandemic response plans, and an expert panel discussion of emergency response.
The event is FREE and open to anyone. If interested, please contact Jenny Castaneda at 832-393-4251 or jenny.casteneda@houstontx.gov to RSVP and for more information. Space is limited, so contact Jenny soon. |
New District... New Council Member... New Beginnings! |