District K Contact Information |
900 Bagby, First Floor
Houston, TX 77002
Satellite office:
Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center
3810 W. Fuqua
Houston, TX 77045
832-393-3016 office
832-393-4203 Satellite office
Brays Oaks Super Neighborhood Council Host "Joe V's"Community Townhall |
The Brays Oaks Super Neighborhood Council hosted a community town hall meeting on May 1 at Welch Middle School to discuss and address the proposed construction of a low end HEB grocery store planned at the West Bellfort Ave. and Braesridge Dr. location. Every neighborhood within the Brays Oaks area was represented as well as interested and concerned residents of the Hiram Clarke community. Council Member Green opened the meeting by expressing his full support among his District K constituents and thanking everyone for attending the meeting. The community meeting was also facilitated by HEB-Houston CEO, Scott McClelland, to openly explain HEB's Joe V model and why they feel this grocery store is an economic boost for the area.
Both the community and Council Member Green expressed regret about this particular store and stated strong opposition to Mr. McClelland that this is not the desired grocery store for the Bray Oaks area. HEB, however, is adamant about constructing the store. The Brays Oaks community and Council Member Green oppose this project will continue to do so. |
Co-Pastor Mia Wright Leads City Council Prayer |
On May 1, Council Member Green invited Co-Pastor Mia Wright to lead the City Council in prayer prior to the commencement of Public Session.
Mia Wright currently serves as Co-Pastor of The Fountain of Praise Church, along with her husband and partner in ministry, Senior Pastor Remus E. Wright. Mia Wright is a highly sought after speaker at conferences, corporate events and congregations across the country and even across the globe in Africa and South America. The Fountain of Praise Church is a large worship center located within the Hiram Clarke area of District K. |
Mayor Annise Parker and Council Member Larry Green Kicked-off 3rd Annual Demo Day |
Council Member Larry V. Green and Mayor Annise D. Parker held a news conference within the Hiram Clarke community to kick-off the 3rd Annual Demo Day on May 19 at 4007 Ebbtide Dr.
The event launches Mayor Parker's 2012 demolition initiative -- to promote public safety and enhance the quality of life for residents throughout the city of Houston. According to Mayor Parker, "one way to accomplish this initiative is by eliminating blighted, hazardous buildings in Houston neighborhoods". This kick-off event will include razing approximately 189 dangerous buildings at various locations across the city. Members of the Houston Area Contractors Association are donating their services to bulldoze a portion of these buildings. The debris will be cleared in the weeks that follow and the demolition initiative will continue until the project is completed.
Council Member Green states, "I'm thrilled Mayor Parker has designated a dangerous building site within District K to stage a news conference to kick-off this annual event. Over the years, the 4007 Ebbtide site has detrimentally plagued the Brentwood neighborhood. Through this sponsored initiative of the Department of Neighborhoods, the Brentwood community's persistence has been heard."
Additionally, Council Member Green witnessed the demolition of two additional dangerous structures within the Westbury community, 12540 Hillcroft Ave. A special acknowledgment goes out to the Brays Oaks Management District, in collaboration with the Westbury Civic Club, for providing a video clip of the Hillcroft demolition site. Click link to access video:http://vimeo.com/43079752.
METRO held 2nd Round of Public Meetings for the US 90A/ Southwest rail Corridor Project |
The New METRO is continuing work on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the US90A/Southwest Rail Corridor Project with meetings to inform the public about alternatives that will be considered as part of this federal process. The US90A Project newsletter has been distributed to communities in advance of the open house meetings.
The proposed US 90A rail corridor extends approximately eight miles from the METRORail Fannin South Station (at the southern end of the existing METRORail Red Line) to the vicinity of West Sam Houston Tollway (Beltway 8) in Missouri City, Texas.
Braeswood Super Neighborhood Initiates Super Neighborhood Council Process |
Representatives from various civic associations and neighborhood organizations from both north and south of Brays Bayou met to discuss the possibility of creating a Super Neighborhood Council (SNC) on Monday, June 4 at the Linkwood Park Community Center. Donald Perkins, Chief of Staff from Council Member Green's office, facilitated the meeting. In addition, a representative from the Greater Heights SNC was invited to give a grassroots testimonial of their positive experiences with being a SNC. There was an overwhelming interest in moving forward with the creation of a SNC for the Braeswood SN. The next step is to continue outreach efforts among the stakeholder organizations in the area that were not able to attend the June 4 meeting. In the meanwhile, representatives from the various organizations that attended the June 4 meeting will meet with their respective boards to seek official approval to participate on the SNC. Stakeholder organizations that were represented at the meeting were:
- Braeswood Place HOA
 - Woodside Civic Club
- Linkwood Civic Club
- Westridge Civic Association
- Townhouse Manor
- Knollwood Village Civic Club
- Families of South Braeswood
A follow-up meeting has been scheduled for Monday, June 18 at 6:30 p.m. at Linkwood Park Community Center. The follow-up meeting will preliminarily strategize an organizational framework (council structure) for the proposed SNC and begin steps to draft bylaws.
To view a map:
Click here for Superneighborhood map
A super neighborhood is a geographically designated area where residents, civic organizations, institutions and businesses work together to identify, plan, and set priorities to address the needs and concerns of their community. The boundaries of each super neighborhood rely on major physical features (bayous, freeways, etc.) to group together contiguous communities that share common physical characteristics, identity or infrastructure. The super neighborhood elects a council comprised of area residents and stakeholders that serves as a forum to discuss issues and identify and implement priority projects for the area. Super neighborhoods were created to encourage residents of neighboring communities to work together to identify, prioritize and address the needs and concerns of the broader community. This creates a manageable framework for community action and allows the city to provide services more efficiently. For more information about the City's Super Neighborhood Program, visit: http://www.houstontx.gov/superneighborhoods/ |
YES Prep Serves!- Public Service Initiative in District K |
Council Member Larry Green, in joint-collaboration with three (3) YES Prep Public Schools, the Department of Neighborhoods, the Parks and Recreation Department, the Solid Waste Management Department, Keep Houston Beautiful, the Brays Oaks Management District, and Five Corners Management District gathered at sites across the city of Houston on May 30, 2012, to devote time to community service as part of YES Prep Serves! Out of the three (3) locales, Council Member Green participated in a Pep Rally at the YES Prep-Southwest location, 4411 Anderson Road.
Nearly 1,700 YES Prep students worked in volunteer teams led by school staff and parents to spend the morning planting trees, painting median end-caps and cleaning up litter in neighborhoods throughout the city. The students also took part in The Dream Walk, a walkathon to raise money for graduating seniors with unmet financial needs for college. The other participating council districts were Districts B, C, and D.
Even though the Department of Neighborhoods spearheaded this half-day of public service partnership with YES Prep Public Schools, many of the student volunteers were participating in locations throughout District K. "I'm thrilled that both Five Corners Management District and Brays Oaks Management District stepped-in to assist the Department of Neighborhoods with organizing volunteers at suggestive location sites within District K," said Council Member Green.
"The City of Houston was proud to support the efforts of YES Prep students on their day of public service," said Houston Mayor Annise Parker. "This was an exciting event for these young leaders as they learn the value of civic engagement and experience first-hand the satisfaction that comes from volunteering for the good of our community."
The community service project locations the YES Prep students participated within District K area were:
- Brays Oaks Management District, 7600 W. Airport Blvd.; 200 volunteers - litter cleanup
- Brays Oaks Management District, 9000 W. Bellfort St.; 200 volunteers - litter cleanup
- Brays Oaks Management District, 10103 Fondren Rd.; 100 volunteers - surveying
- Townwood Park/Windsor Village Park, Five Corners Management District, 3403 Simsbrook Dr. 77045 & 14441 Croquet St.; 400 volunteers - litter cleanup, mulching & raking
A special recognition goes out to the Brays Oaks Management District for providing a video clip of the public service event. Click link to access video: .
The YES Prep is an open-enrollment charter school committed to providing college preparatory instruction and engaging learning opportunities to students in Houston's underserved communities. YES Prep consists of 11 middle to high school campuses with an enrollment of over 5,000 students.
"Our students wanted to give back to the communities where they live. They were eager to disprove the myth that young people don't care about the community," said Faith Hunter-Brantley, event coordinator.
YES Prep Serves! is part of the many volunteer activities in which students participate year-round. At least once a month, whole campuses dedicate a day to public service. "It's part of our mission. That's what YES stands for, Youth Engaged in Service," said Chris Claflin, school director at YES Prep-Southwest. "We want students to take the habit of giving back with them through college and beyond."
The day of service began with a pep rally at each campus before students boarded buses to their service sites. After completing the service projects, the volunteer teams shared their experiences and reflected on what they learned. "In retrospect, I was honored to have 900 student volunteers willing to give of their time, talent, and community treasure within District K," states Council Member Green. |
Council Member Green Hosts Bridging the Community Divide Meeting |
Council Member Green facilitated an introductory collaborative community meeting, entitled Bridging the Community Divide, on May 31 at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center. The purpose of this collaborative meeting was to reach out among various untapped community stakeholders within the Hiram Clarke community, such as area school administrators, church leaders or their designated representatives, and area businesses, to bridge the community divide and informally discuss how each entity can bring something to the area and become better community partners within the Hiram Clarke area and/or District K as a whole.
Overall, over 30 attendees participated in this introductory meeting and all have agreed to meet on a monthly basis - every 4th Thursday of the month at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center at 9:30 a.m. If any school, church, or business within the Hiram Clarke community is interested in attending this month's upcoming meeting, Thursday, June 28, please contact Vivian Harris at 832-393-4203 or vivian.harris@houstontx.gov.
Willow Pool Kicks-off the 2012 Summer Season |
On June 4, Council Member Green attended the second swim meet at the Willow Pool. The Willow Pool is a member of the Southwest Aquatic Team and has competed in this league for over 20 years. The swim league includes Bellaire, Southwest United, and West University.
"I am very pleased to see such community involvement and support for the Willow Pool and the 2012 swimming summer season." said Council Member Green.
The Willow Pool has opened for daily operations starting June 1. The Pool will operate on a reduced schedule when school begins in August and on weekends in September. If interested in membership and more information about the Willow Pool, click the link: http://www.willow-pool.org/index.htm.
Hiram Clarke Community Town Hall Meeting Planned for June 21 |
Council Member Green is facilitating a community town hall meeting for the Hiram Clarke community on Thursday, June 21 at 7:00 p.m. at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center. This public town hall meeting will address on-going challenges facing the Hiram Clarke area.
Upon coming into office in January 2012, Council Member Green facilitated strategy meetings throughout the District with core community leaders. The Hiram Clarke community is one of the six (6) strategy meetings he facilitated across District K. This community town hall meeting is a 6-month follow-up to that strategy meeting and Council Member Green is inviting department heads and/or their departmental designee to cover topics of concern in relationship to this initial strategy meeting.
This community town hall meeting is in conjunction with the South Houston Concerned Citizens Coalition (SHCCC). The SHCCC is a coalition of 20+ civic associations that collaboratively address holistic initiatives within the Hiram Clarke community from a grassroots approach.
Council Member Green Honors Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell |
Council Member Green presented a Certificate of Recognition to Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell on June 10 for celebrating his 30 years of ministerial leadership at Windsor Village United Methodist Church. Windsor Village United Methodist Church is located within the Hiram Clarke community of District K.
Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell was appointed Senior Pastor of Windsor Village United Methodist Church in 1982; At the time, the congregation numbered 25. Today, Windsor Village United Methodist Church is the largest United Methodist Church in the nation. Pastor Caldwell is the best-selling author of Entrepreneurial Faith and The Gospel of Good Success.
District K Hosts Property Tax Seminar |
Council Member Green, in partnership with Elite Change and IProtest, hosted a Property Tax Educational Workshop on Saturday, May 5, at the Townwood Park Community Center. This workshop was designed to educate constituents about how to protest and lower their property taxes with the county appraisal district. The deadline date to protest property taxes was May 31.
This educational workshop was a part of Council Member Green's series of community symposiums to connect District K constituents with the resources and tools toward empowerment outreach efforts.
City Council Approves Southwest Airlines' International Expansion Proposal for Hobby Airport |
Council action on May 30, initiates the process for Houston to have a 2nd international airport. If the federal government approves a new customs facility necessary to screen international passengers, the expansion of Southwest Airlines to provide international service at Hobby Airport will mean flights to Latin America by 2015.
Council Member Green voted in favor for Southwest Airlines' request to expand international service from Hobby Airport. "On my review of the independent study done by Texas Southern University's Drs. Carol Lewis and Charles Glass, overwhelming support from District K residents, the Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Houston and Southwest Airlines, and the fact that Houston residents will not be taxed in anyway, I've concluded that allowing international service out of Hobby Airport is in the best interest of Houston; therefore, I planned to support expanding William P. Hobby Airport to serve as a second international airport in Houston", said Council Member Green.
Initially, Council Member Green had reservations regarding Hobby's expansion to international service, due to his dissatisfaction with the economic impact study done by GRA, Inc. and Intervistas. However, Council Member Green requested that the Administration seek an independent study; whereas, Mayor Parker respectfully agreed to his request. The independent report concluded, "the preponderance of evidence supports the recommendations of the Director of the Houston Aviation System and is consistent with the William P. Hobby Airport's Master Plan." The independent peer review report, along with the Memorandum of Agreement, gave Council Member Green the affirmation of his decision to vote in favor of expanding international travel to Hobby Airport which he believes is in the best interest of the citizens and the city of Houston.
Construction is planned for the spring of 2013. In the interim, the City will work closely with Southwest Airlines and the Federal Aviation Administration to obtain the necessary federal approvals as well as a commitment for an adequate number of customs and border patrol agents at both of our airports.
Be Prepared for Hurricane Season |
Hurricane Season is here and runs from June 1 to November 30. The City of Houston Office of Emergency Managment urges Houstonians to prepare for hurricanes,tropical storms and other emergencies by following a few key steps.
- Build a Kit - Have a disaster supply kit with enough supplies to last you and your family for 5-7 days; the kit should include food, medications, water and other basic necessities.
- Make a Plan - Have an emergency plan for your family and check to make sure that your workplace, children's school and other places you frequent have emergency plans in place; be sure to practice your family's emergency plan before disasters happen
- Be Informed - Remember, during and after a hurricane, electricity and internet connections may be unavailable, so have a way to stay informed, including access to a NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Weather Alert radio or a hand-crank or battery-powered radio
- Know Your Neighbor - Neighbors can be a great source of help before and after a disaster, so get to know your neighbors, particularly those who are elderly or who may not be able to prepare for disasters by themselves; Houstonians know how to work together to be ready for disasters
For more information, visit www.houstonoem.net. To learn more visit www.hurricaneworkshop.com.
If an evacuation is necessary, it is key to have a plan for how to get out of harm's way.
If you are unable to evacuate by yourself or with the help of family and friends, register for the Transportation Assistance Registry by calling 2-1-1 from any phone in Texas or by visiting www.houstonoem.net.
New Public Safety Campaign: "Look Before You Lock" and Other Tips to "Beat the Heat" |
The Houston Fire Department (HFD) and State Farm Insurance are partnering to bring attention to children left in hot cars by cautioning drivers to "Look Before You Lock!" Take some simple steps to avoid a deadly disaster.
- Place an item such as a stuffed animal in the front passenger seat to remind you that your child is in the back seat
- Put something that you will need when you leave the vehicle such as a cell phone or purse in the back seat as another reminder that you have a passenger in the back
Nationwide, since 1998, an average of 38 children per year have died due to hyperthermia with 33 cases in 2011 due directly to children locked in overheated cars. It doesn't take long. If the temperature outside is only 80 degrees the interior of the car can reach 99 degrees in only ten minutes. Car interiors can easily reach temperatures of 180-200 degrees (F) and cracking the windows has no effect in this extreme heat.
- Limit your outdoor activity in the hottest parts of the day; stay inside if possible during the heat-intensive afternoon hours and if you have to work outdoors take frequent breaks in the shade or an air conditioned area
- Keep hydrated and drink plenty of water and electrolyte replacement beverages; avoid caffeinated and sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages
- If you are concerned about your air conditioning costs, talk to your electric provider to discuss possible payment plans
- Go to a mall, library or other air conditioned facility during the hottest parts of the day
- Take care of your pets during the summer heat; provide shade and plenty of fresh water if they stay outside
- Know the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke and if you get overheated take a cool shower or bath if possible
For a complete list of tips to help you "Beat the Heat", visit Summer Safety Webpage.
To learn more about HFD, visit www.houstontx.gov/fire.
World Refugee Day Festivities in HoustonNational 9-1-1 |
The City of Houston is pleased to honor all refugees and extends a heartfelt welcome to those who have come a long way and now call Houston home. The Office of International Communities (OIC), along with refugee resettlement agencies and service providers, invites you to celebrate World Refugee Day (WRD) on Saturday, June 16, 2012.
Every year, approximately 60,000 refugees come legally to the United States. These refugees come from all over the world, forced to leave their homes due to violence or fear of prosecution because of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.
For more information, contact Benito Juarez at 713.778.6503, email benito.juarez@houstontx.gov. To learn more about the Office of International Communities and the Department of Neighborhoods, visit www.refugeedayhouston.org. |
Website for Locating Towed Vehicles |
You might remember the popular movie, "Dude, Where's My Car?" The Houston Police Department (HPD) helps answer that question at www.findmytowedcar.com, a website that helps a driver determine where his/her vehicle is stored in the event that it is towed from a location without consent.
www.findmytowedcar.com provides up-to-date information much quicker than the old, telephone-based system. The website allows the public to make real-time inquiries into towed vehicles.
Additionally, storage lot owners can track the receipt and release of vehicles immediately and electronically.
Houston Dynamo Stadium Ribbon Cutting |
Council Member Green attended the Grand Opening of the stadium. The official opening of BBVA Compass Stadium was held May 1, 2012, which is now considered the greatest soccer stadium in the world. The ribbon cutting included dignitaries such as Houston Mayor Annise Parker, U.S. Representatives Sheila Jackson Lee and Al Green, Harris County Precinct 1 Commissioner El Franco Lee, Houston City Council Member James Rodriguez, Houston Sports Authority Chairman Kenny Friedman and Texas Southern University President Dr. John Rudely.
The 22,000-seat stadium will also host football games and special events for Texas Southern University as well as hosting international soccer matches. For Houston Dynamo Tickets click the link: http://www.houstondynamo.com/tickets |
Texas Black Expo celebrates 9 Years |
The Juneteenth Summer Celebration is the flagship event of the Texas Black Expo. The event is an annual celebration of African-American culture showcasing business development seminars, entertainment, shopping and fun for the entire family. Further, the event attracts more than 20,000 attendees from throughout the United States, showcases more than 250 businesses to the Greater Houston Area, and contributes more than $1.5 million to the Houston economy.
Members of the Greater Houston community and from throughout the southeastern Texas region look forward to this exciting event each year, as it continues to present the best that the African American culture has to offer. The Texas Black Expo draws in major sponsors and vendors from around the country to experience the Juneteenth Summer Celebration and spotlight the richness of the African American culture.
The Juneteenth Summer Celebration has grown increasingly popular as a result of the thousands of individuals who converge on the city of Houston each year to celebrate the Texas Black Expo weekend! The event has become so popular, attracting revenue and recognition to the city of Houston, that it has become one of the landmark events that characterize the city of Houston as an international city that celebrates the uniqueness of each of its diverse communities!
The Texas Black Expo, being the largest urban festival in the state of Texas, will converge onto the Houston landscape on June 14 - 17, 2012 at the George R. Brown Convention Center. In association of the event, the Texas Black Expo will host a number of complimentary events and activities such as the Texas Black Expo VIP Kickoff Corporate Reception; the Texas Black Expo Corporate Breakfast; Eco-Enterprise Summit & Small Business Forum (co-presented by Houston Citizens Chamber of Commerce, Houston Area Urban League & Texas Legislative Black Caucus); Texas Legislative Black Caucus Luncheon; Historic Black Colleges and Universities College Fair & Handle Ya' Business Youth Forum; Diva Dialogue Women's Forum; Living Strong Health & Wellness Pavilion; Black Expo Goes Green: The Green Zone; Illusion Model Management Fashion Exposition; and the Texas Black Expo Gospel Explosion (featuring Zacardi Cortez) just to name a few.
METRO Host Special Board Meeting |
METRO's Board of Directors is asking for the public's input on the agency's General Mobility Program (GMP) and upcoming referendum. This is the second special board meeting hosted by METRO to discuss the GMP and its impact, and to gather input from the community regarding the program which is set to expire in 2014.
WHAT: Metropolitan Transit Authority Board of Directors Special Meeting WHEN: Monday, June 18, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. WHERE: 1900 Main, 2nd floor Board Room (Main at St. Joseph Parkway)
Members of the public, who wish to speak at the special board meeting, can register the day of the meeting at sign-in tables, which will be located on the first floor. Each public speaker will be limited to three minutes. The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (METRO) is the region's largest public transit provider, offering safe, reliable and affordable transportation services about 370,000 times per day. Besides operating more than 1,200 buses, METRO is currently expanding its 7.5-mile light-rail line (Red Line), with three new lines under construction. METRO's services also include: Star Vanpool, METROLift, HOV lanes, HOT lanes, Bikes-on-Buses/Trains program, Park & Ride and road improvement projects.
Houston Public Library Wants to Hear from You! |
The Houston Public Library is committed to providing excellent customer service. Each year we ask for feedback to learn more about library users, what services they use and how to make their experiences with us even better. You are invited to respond by completing a brief five-minute survey. If you are someone who doesn't think of yourself as a library user, we still want to hear from you.
You can access the survey at www.houstonlibrary.org/survey. Thank you for helping to improve your library.
Free Legal Assistance for People with Disabilities |
Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program and LyondellBasell
Thursday, July 19, 2012
The Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD), in partnership with Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program (HVLP) and LyondellBasell, is offering a free legal advice clinic on Thursday, July 19, 2012, 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at the Metropolitan Multi-Service Center, 1475 West Gray Street, Houston 77019. Volunteer attorneys will provide brief legal advice to qualifying participants in the following areas: bankruptcy, consumer, family (divorce, custody, child support), guardianship, immigration law IRS controversies, landlord/tenant and wills and probate. Referrals to legal service providers will also be available.
South Texas College of Law
Monthly on Third Thursdays
The Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD), in partnership with the South Texas College of Law (STCL), announces free monthly legal services for persons with disabilities. STCL provides legal services in areas of community education, estate planning, family law, and probate every third Thursday of the month at the Metropolitan Multi-Service Center, 1475 West Gray, Houston 77019. The STCL clinics take place from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Upcoming dates for free legal services are Thursday, June 21, Thursday, July 19 and Thursday, August 16.
New District... New Council Member... New Beginnings! |