District K Contact Information |
900 Bagby, First Floor
Houston, TX 77002
Satellite office:
Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center
3810 W. Fuqua
Houston, TX 77045
832-393-3016 office
832-393-4203 Satellite office
District K Host First Annual CIP meeting |
Council Member Green hosted the first annual District K Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) meeting on March 20th at Westbury High School. There were over 200 District K constituents from across the council district in attendance. Mayor Annise Parker as well as other City department representatives attended and gave updates on District K projects and initiatives. To access the District K CIP project list and map, click www.houstontx.gov/cip/Dist_K_Project_List.pdf. The City's CIP meeting provided citizens the opportunity to participate in the budget process by contributing comments and suggestions regarding CIP services and improvements. Since 1984, the City has held public meetings to obtain citizen input before preparation of the capital budget. | | |
Re-Build Houston Initiative |

As part of the annual District K Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) meeting, the Public Works & Engineering Department, in concert with Mayor Parker, gave a presentation on the status of the Re-Build Houston Initiative, the dedicated, pay-as-you-go fund to improve drainage citywide. The ordinance, by which Re-Build Houston was created, requires that a 10-year plan be created and made available to the public. The Public Works & Engineering Department presentation can be viewed via http://www.rebuildhouston.org/downloads/cip_townhall_2012.pdf. To access the draft 10-year plan, click http://www.houstontx.gov/cip/Dist_K_Project_List.pdf.
Residents can offer their comments via the "Feedback on Plan" link on the draft plan site. For more information on Re-Build Houston, visit www.rebuildhouston.org.
District K Co-Sponsored the Jamming for Excellence Community Festival in Hiram Clarke Community |
The District K council office, in conjunction with the South Houston Concerned Citizens Coalition, hosted Jamming for Excellence Community Festival to benefit both Dick Dowling Middle School and James Madison High School on March 24th at Townwood Park Community Center.
The festival included entertainment, high school and middle school bands, games, raffles and vendors of all kinds from the surrounding Hiram Clarke area.
Council Member Green Host Fort Bend Houston Community Town Hall Meeting |
On April 3rd, Council Member Green hosted a community town hall meeting for the Fort Bend Houston community at the Ridgemont Community Center. This public town hall meeting addressed on-going challenges facing the Fort Bend Houston area as a follow-up from the strategy meeting he facilitated in January.

Council Member Green invited City of Houston department heads and departmental representatives to cover topics of concern. Overall, nearly 100 attendees from across the Fort Bend Houston community attended the community meeting. Other than the City department representatives, invited guests included At-Large council representatives from Council Member Stephen Costello, Andrew Burks, and Melissa Noriega, as well as Commissioner Grady Prestage, State Representative Alma Allen, State Representative Ron Reynolds, Constable Ruben Davis, and representatives from State Senator Rodney Ellis.
Thanks Ridgemont Community Improvement Association for providing the in-kind facility!
Council Member Larry Green Honors the Robert M. Beren Academy Stars Varsity Basketball Team |

Council Member Green representing District K, along with Council Member Ellen R. Cohen, representing District C, co-hosted a mayoral proclamation saluting the Robert M. Beren Academy Stars on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 in City Hall Council Chambers.
This mayoral proclamation highlighted the phenomenal accomplishments of the Robert M. Beren Academy Stars on placing second in the Texas Association of Private and Parochial (TAPPS) 2A Basketball Championship last month in Fort Worth, TX.
"I'm honored to co-sponsor this momentous occasion with Council Member Cohen as we acknowledge Beren Academy for finishing second in the TAPPS 2A Basketball Championship and giving them their much-deserved accolades," said Council Member Green.
The Beren Stars nearly had to withdraw because the semifinals and finals were scheduled on the Jewish Sabbath. However, admiration and support to change the time of the games came from dusty Texas towns to distant European capitals and from such individuals and organizations as the White House, Mayor Annise D. Parker, local, state and federal Texas elected officials including District K Council Member Larry V. Green, District C Council Member Ellen R. Cohen, former Houston Rockets coach Jeff Van Gundy, sports columnists, rival schools and the Union for Reform Judaism.
Council Member Green Participates with HPD for "March on Crime" |
Council Member Green and the Houston police officers of the Braeburn Storefront hit the pavement in Brays Oaks last month to educate residents and neighbors on ways to prevent crime.
Council Member Green and assigned officers from the Braeburn Storefront started the day in the Northfield Neighborhood before moving onto the Fiesta shopping center.
Council Member Green and assigned officers from the South Gessner Patrol Division started the day in the Northfield neighborhood before moving onto the Fiesta shopping center. With the assistance of the Braeburn Citizens Advisory Council, they walked several streets and spoke with residents about ways to secure their property to make it harder for criminals to strike.
The council district has three active HPD storefronts: Braeburn (7576 West Bellfort Ave.); Westbury (5600 South Willow Dr.), and Hiram Clarke (4363 West Fuqua St.). The HPD Southwest Patrol station serves most of District K and is located at 4503 Beechnut St. ; whereas, the South Gessner Patrol station, located at 8605 West Place Dr., serves primarily the Brays Oaks community within District K.
These efforts were part of HPD's March on Crime Initiative. For more crime prevention and safety information, visit HPD's website at www.houstontx.gov/police/crime_prevention.
James Madison High School selected as Spark Park |
The SPARK School Park Program is a non-profit organization operating out of the City of Houston Mayor's office. Developed in 1983 as a way to increase park space within Houston, former City Council Member, Eleanor Tinsley, created the SPARK Park program to develop public school grounds into neighborhood parks via an inter-local agreement, one of the first in Houston, between the City, the Houston Parks Board, and the local school district, formally established the SPARK Park program. The SPARK Park program combines the resources of the City of Houston Housing and Community Development Department, seven local school districts, Harris County, the private sector, neighborhood groups, PTA/PTO groups, and concerned citizens.
"With the help of our community leaders and loyal Madison High alumni showing their "Marlin support", I'm assured funding can be provided for the Madison High School SPARK Park via volunteerism for tree planting & landscaping, working on public art projects, helping with fundraising activities, and/or seeking resources such as design services, landscaping, and artists". Through community support, corporate sponsors should be available to provide monetary funding for the proposed SPARK Park.
Congrats Madison High School for being selected to participate in the 2012-2013 SPARK Park selection process!
James Madison High School is one of eight (8) schools to participate in this year's SPARK Park selection process. "As a proud alum of Madison High School, I am happy to see Madison being selected. More importantly, I'm thrilled that a District K school was selected," said Council Member Green.
District K Positive Interaction Program (PIP) |
District K has three (3) active PIP meetings administered by the Houston Police Department. All PIP meetings are open to the public; regardless where you live.
Westbury PIP Meeting (every 4th Tuesday of the month)
Tuesday, April 24th, 7:00 p.m. Aramco Building 9009 West Loop South Freeway Houston, TX 77096
For more information, please contact the HPD Westbury Storefront at 713-726-7126. The Westbury HPD Storefront hours are 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Hiram Clarke PIP Meeting (every 2nd Monday of the month)
Monday, May 14, 7:00 p.m. Hiram Clarke HPD Storefront 4363 West Fuqua St. Houston, TX 77053
For more information, please contact the HPD Hiram Clarke Storefront at 713-433-2720. The Hiram Clarke HPD Storefront hours are 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Braeburn PIP Meeting (every 3rd Tuesday of the month)
Tuesday, April 17th, 7:00 p.m. Braeburn HPD Storefront 7576 West Bellfort Ave. Houston, TX 77071
The April guest speaker for the Braeburn PIP meeting will be Special Agent Alfred T. Tribble, Jr., a 20 year FBI veteran, who is currently assigned to the Houston Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Special Agent Tribble has a broad range of investigative experience and has worked Hate Crimes, Financial Institution Fraud, Human Trafficking, Gangs, Color of Law and Counterterrorism Investigations. Special Agent Tribble's topic will be on Hate Crimes.
Invite others with you to this PIP meeting. This is a great opportunity to hear from an FBI expert on a timely topic, to chat with your Storefront Police Officers, discuss any crime issues you may have, and to visit with friends and neighbors while enjoying delicious refreshments.
For more information, please contact the HPD Braeburn Storefront at 713-773-7550. The Braeburn HPD Storefront hours are 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. |
Willow Waterhole Greenspace Conservancy Update |
Now that the major basins on the Willow Waterhole Stormwater Detention Site are nearing completion, the Willow Waterhole Greenspace Conservancy (WWGC) is starting the process of adding physical amenities to the Park. The public is invited to attend the open Board meetings of the WWGC to add its voice and interest to the development of the park. The open Board meetings are held at 7:30 PM on the third Monday of the month at The Gathering Place, 5310 South Willow Drive, 77035. For more information, including activities in the park, go to the website www.wwgc.org. |
Upcoming District K Events |
April 16 - The Westbury Christian School Athletics Association, 11th Annual Wildcat Golf Tournament As the largest fundraising effort of the Westbury Christian School Athletic Association, the annual Wildcat Tournament provides a tremendous benefit to the student athletic program. There are a variety of ways that you can join in making this a successful tournament. The Wildcat Golf Club is located at 12000 Almeda Rd. and it is a non-metal spike facility. For more information about the event, please go to www.westburychristian.org/athletics.
April 21 - India House-Houston FREE Health Fair & Blood Drive. The India House, in partnership with the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center, is sponsoring a FREE Health Fair from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and a Blood Drive from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For more information about this event, contact the India House at 713-929-1900.
April 28 - Friends of Westbury High School Foundation 14th Annual Scholarship Gala The Friends of Westbury High School Foundation will celebrate 20 years during An Evening with Westbury Stars at the Braeburn Country Club (8101 Bissonnet St.). The 2012 gala will award $1,500 scholarships to Westbury High School graduating seniors. The gala begins at 6:30 p.m. For additional information about reservations and table sponsorship, please contact Rita Woodard at 713-774-5163 or rwoodward2@att.net.
May 8 -- Southwest Houston, 2000 and Brays Oaks Management District the Brays Oaks Management District Bi-Monthly Breakfast Southwest Houston 2000, Inc., Brays Oaks Management District, and Houston Baptist University is hosting its Bi-Monthly Breakfast at Houston Baptist University, McNair Hall - Morris Cultural Arts Center (7502 Fondren Rd.) at 7:15 a.m. The guest presenter will be Dr. Robert Sloan, President of Houston Baptist University. Seating is limited, so please RSVP by Wednesday, May 2. For more information, please contact Judynmike@sbcglobal.net.
The Brays Oaks Management District has recently released its District service plan for the next 15 years (2013- 2028). A PDF version can be downloaded at http://www.braysoaksmd.org/areas-of-focus/. |
2012 Annual Action Plan Public Hearing held in District K |
The Annual Action Plan process allows the general public to review and provide comments on the annually proposed allocations of federal funds for various programs, including: affordable housing, single-family home repair, community development, neighborhood facility improvements; and programs serving the youth, the homeless, persons living with AIDS and people with special needs.
Citizens may also forward their comments on community needs to Andrea Jones, Housing and Community Development Department, 601 Sawyer, 4th floor, Houston, Texas 77007 or email her at andrea.jones@houstontx.gov.
To view the Draft 2012 Annual Action Plan at the following locations:
For more information about the Housing and Community Development Department, visit http://www.houstontx.gov/housing
The Housing and Community Development Department facilitated two (2) spring public hearings on the 2012 Annual Action Plan. The public was invited to attend one or both of the hearings to review the proposed annual funding allocations and activities serving low and moderate income Houstonians. The first hearing was held within District K at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center, 3810 West Fuqua St. (March 28); whereas, the second hearing was held at City Hall Annex (April 4). |
Houston Festivals and Events |
Looking for something to do with friends or the family? Below is a listing of Houston events to enjoy.
The annual Houston International Festival will occur during the weekends of April 21-22 and April 28-29. This year's featured country is Argentina. Walk, bike or drive downtown and soak up music, art, food and performances that highlight Argentinean and South American culture. Tickets go for under $15 if you buy online or $18 if you buy at the door. Click www.ifest.org to access the in and out of this year's festival.
Stop by Discovery Green on Saturday, April 28 for the Texas Beer Fest. The festival showcases beer from over fifty craft breweries with an emphasis on craft beer brewed right here in Texas. Taps are open from 1:00 - 7:00 p.m. |
New Commercial Plan Review Option |
All new construction projects and most renovations, repairs or addition projects within the City of Houston require plan approval before permits may be purchased. The Planning and Development Services Division of the Public Works and Engineering Department, which is responsible for plan review, has recently announced a new plan review option. The Customer Paid Plan Review Procedure will allow commercial customers to pay for an overtime plan review. While the permitting office of the Planning and Development Services Division has worked to bring the typical commercial plan review time from twenty-one calendar days to eleven, the new procedure provides an option to those customers looking to further expedite the turnaround.
Also, the Customer Paid Plan Review Procedure, which is similar to the overtime inspection process, is available for those projects originally submitted to the Commercial Plan Review Section and that have met all prerequisites. Click link to access the checklist.
The review will be limited to Structural, Sprinkler, Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical and Storm Drainage disciplines. For more information about the new procedure, click here for procedures.
City Unveils Plans for new BARC Adoption Center |
The City of Houston unveiled design plans for a new Adoption Center at BARC, the City's animal shelter and adoption facility.
The plan announced consists of several phases and is located on a 2.2 acre parcel of land adjacent to the existing BARC facility, (located at 3200 Carr St.) acquired via a tax sale. The first phase will be funded by $4.1 million of Capital Improvement Project monies appropriated for the renovation of BARC since late 2009. BARC and the Houston BARC Foundation will launch a capital campaign to finance the remaining phases with private funds.
The first phase of the BARC Adoption Center will include features such as a dedicated parking lot and driveways, Welcome Lobby with free roaming cat "display windows", two dog adoption suites, and a "nursery" for young dogs available for adoption. Phase I will also include a courtyard that will ultimately serve as a quadrangle, a green space enclosed on four sides, with areas for animals to exercise and for BARC animals to get acquainted with potential adopting families.
The Adoption Center plans include four subsequent construction phases: additional dog and cat adoption suites, administrative space for volunteer training and events, and clinical areas to house a low-cost, high-volume spay/neuter clinic. The Adoption Center capital campaign goal is to raise the estimated additional $8 million to complete the project.
National 9-1-1 |
April is National 9-1-1 Education Month and the Greater Harris County 9-1-1 Emergency Network (GHC 9-1-1) announces that throughout the month of April, movie goers will begin seeing a new public education message at area wide cinemas. Also, in support of 9-1-1 Education Month, GHC 9-1-1 is working with the Houston Public Library and area wide school districts to distribute 20,000 bookmarks and educational materials.
The "Help Us Help You" commercial has three (3) key messages:
- When calling 9-1-1, always answer the operator's questions.
- It is not unusual for callers in crisis to become frustrated or fail to see why operators' questions are important. By asking questions, an operator is able to discern important information that will result in the correct emergency response and personnel being dispatched to the scene.
- Always stay on the line.
- When callers hang up, it could mean that something has gone very wrong, so 9-1-1 call takers will attempt to call back. Therefore, a hang-up can delay appropriate emergency assistance and tie up 9-1-1 lines longer than necessary.
- Always follow instructions.
- 9-1-1 call takers undergo extensive training and can often-times help a caller manage an emergency until trained personnel arrive.
Therefore, the Harris County 9-1-1 Emergency Dispatch Center will be disseminating public awareness messages throughout the month of April on its Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Harris-County-9-1-1-Emergency-Dispatch/422130070607
Mailout Voter Registration Certificates |
According to Harris County Voter Registrar Don Sumners, voter registration certificates are likely to be sent April 16-25. After months of delay caused by the dispute over redistricting, Harris County voters will be getting their voter registration certificates soon.
The federal court action now over, the party primaries are scheduled for May 29. The court's deadline for mailing the certificates is April 25. Normally, in mid-January of every even-numbered year, persons registered to vote in Harris County get their new voter certificate in the mail. When the certificates were delayed by the dispute, incorrect rumors began circulating on the Internet.
According to Sumners, the delay in mailing the registration certificates will not interfere with anyone's right to vote. The Voter Registration Department will support and protect the rights of every qualified voter. The office will prepare and mail every certificate as soon as possible after the federal courts decide the case.
The certificates - yellow and white - will get a workout in May. In addition to the May 29 primaries, there is a Limited Uniform Election on May 12, with early voting beginning April 30. The last day to register in time to vote in that election is April 12.
The last day to register in time to vote in the Democratic or Republican primary is April 30. Early voting starts May 14. Each party will be choosing candidates for a range of offices, from constable to president of the United States.
For more information, see http://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/voter/2012dates.html. |
Update to Proposed Changes to Chapter 42 Ordinance |
The Houston Planning Commission, in conjunction with the Planning and Development Department, facilitated four (4) public meetings about the proposed changes to the City's Land Development Ordinance, Chapter 42. The proposed ordinance, frequently asked questions, and powerpoint presentation given at the public meetings, can be found on the Planning and Development Department's website, http://www.houstontx.gov/planning/DevelopRegs/dev_regs_links.html.
Proposed amendments to Chapter 42 address the following topics:
- Average lot size/lot width in new subdivision plats
- Creation of guest parking for certain single-family residential units
- Redefining the width and length of shared driveway developments
- Requiring sign posting in residential subdivisions w/certain reserves
- Establishing a protocol on naming of partial replats
- Extending the Urban Area beyond the 610 Loop to the Beltway
- Building line overhangs encroach 30 inches, five foot for outside stairs
- Required surveyed site plans for single-family residential plats
- Resolve the conflict between Chapter 42 and the Design Manual for Lift Station Sites
These are important changes that will affect the way the city grows. The District K office will continue to monitor this amended ordinance and keep District K constituents informed as the results unfold.
The Mayor's office for People with Disabilities is offering Two New and Exciting Programs! |
Free Legal Assistance for People with Disabilities
The Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities is partnering with South Texas College of Law (STCL) to provide free legal assistance to anyone in need. STCL will conduct intakes and screenings for new cases at the Metropolitan Multi-Service Center. First Come, First Serve!
Every 3rd Thursday of the month 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. (effective now)
Metropolitan Multi-Service Center
1475 West Gray Street
Houston 77019
To request accommodations, please contact Kaitlyn Tracy at least two days prior at kaitlyn.tracy@houstontx.gov or 281.936.0770. For more information visit http://www.houstontx.gov/citizensnet/stclassistance.pdf.
Free Visual Fire Alarms for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Free visual fire alarms are made possible through the City of Houston Fire Department, the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities, Assistance to Firefighters Grant program and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Register for a free visual fire alarm now. Installation set to begin in April 2012.
To qualify for a Free Visual Fire Alarm, you Must:
Have a LOW or FIXED income -
Have a substantial hearing loss that requires the use of visual fire alarm
My City Maps and Apps |
Houstonian's now have access to a wealth of information at their fingertips through a new dynamic online portal for data and geographic information, My City Maps and Apps. My City can be found online at My City Link or can now be accessed from the City of Houston Main Webpage at www.houstontx.gov.
My City provides a virtual Houston, online access to mapped information about where activities and projects are occurring. It can provide insight into patterns of development, planned improvements, building permits, land use, flood information, evacuation routes and patterns of crime. Citizens can access mapped information such as street maps, aerial imagery, utility services, permitting, parcel addresses, solid waste services, tax data, and much more. Through My City, citizens learn their heavy trash pick-up schedules and view crime data in their neighborhood.
My City is a service of the Planning and Development Department. |
New District... New Council Member... New Beginnings! |