
Vol. 2, No. 5  May 2011

In this issue:
Spotlight on: Bike Month
Options: Choices during SR 99 lane reductions, bike route improvements and more
Tools: Google Bike Maps, bring your bike on transit, improved Sound Transit website
Inspiration: A video reminds us of the many reasons to bike, a luncheon on the subway
Upcoming: Summer Streets in Ballard and Alki, People Powered Parade and more

SpotlightSpotlight of the Month: Bike Month

It's May.  Spring weather is here (at least sometimes) and it's Bike Month.  


Be part of Bike Month

         Join the Group Health Commute Challenge  It's not too late to register.  Commute by bike in May and compete against other teams in this Cascade Bicycle Club event.

         Cascade's F5 Bike to Work Day Friday, May 20

o    Bike to work and stop at one of over 40 bike commute stations along major bike routes.  Free water bottles, maps, prize drawings, bike mechanics, snacks, coffee and juice are provided. 

o    Bike to work with Mayor Mike McGinn starting at the Fremont Bridge bike station at 7:15 a.m.  Click here for a map.

o    Rally at Seattle City Hall from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m.

o    Summer Streets Bike to Work After Party in Ballard from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. sponsored by the City of Seattle and Cascade Bicycle Club

         Bike to School  May 20 is also Bike to School Day.  Organize an event at your school, or just ride that day.

         Alki Summer Streets  May 22 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Come ride your bike on Alki when it is closed to vehicles and open to people.

         Bike Month Celebration by Cascade at Pyramid Brewery on June 7 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.

         Other Bike Month events are on Cascade's calendar.


More bicycle facilities in Seattle

Seattle has many bike facilities--140 miles of bike lanes and sharrows and 46 miles of multi-use trails. Bike facilities will continue being installed until we have one, interconnected bicycle network across the city.  SDOT is making strides to reach our Bike Master Plan goal to have a bicycle facility within � mile of 95 percent of Seattle residents.  Creating a dependable, connected transportation system is a key part of the Walk Bike Ride Initiative.


OptionsHeaderOptions to Get Around

You have options when SR 99 loses one lane each way

The Alaskan Way Viaduct will lose one lane in each direction in SODO starting Monday May 16Portions of the viaduct will be closed the weekend before May 16 for crews to set up the new lane configuration.  SDOT's SODO construction webpage provides current status of projects and impacts.


Be part of the solution and use your options to get around during construction.


Click for larger map.

 �         These viaduct routes connect downtown to

o    West Seattle: 21X, 37, 54, 54X, 55 and 56X

o    White Center: 21X, 54, 54X, 113 and 125

o    Burien: 120, 121 and 122

         Great insider bus tips for West Seattle are provided by the West Seattle Blog. (Scroll down to second blue box.)

         Transit improvements in the area provide more and faster bus service.

o    Over 45 more bus trips during commute times were added on routes 21, 22, 54, 56 and 121. More bus service is proposed for October.

o    A bus-only lane on northbound SR 99 in SODO between the West Seattle Bridge and the new two-lane section of SR 99 will be in place by May 16. (Click map to right.)

o    A bus-only lane and signal priority on Columbia St were added to reliably move buses between downtown's 3rd Ave transit spine and the southbound onramp to the viaduct.

  West Seattle Water Taxi 

         Avoiding traffic altogether and taking the boat sounds better than ever, especially for sporting events.  Free bus shuttles in West Seattle connect the water taxi to neighborhoods and shops.


         Bike routes through SODO will remain open throughout viaduct construction, but will have detours at times, so just follow the detour signs.  Most detours will be between S Atlantic St and S Royal Brougham Way (just west of Safeco Field), while some may extend north to S King St.  Keep current with changes to bike and pedestrian routes here.

         Consider using the new bike lanes on the new E Frontage Rd just a half block east of Alaskan Way S between S Atlantic St and S Royal Brougham.

  Vanpools, other options and programs

         Bookmark this resource about all your options and resources during construction.



Repairs to storm grates improve cycling routes

The City has taken another step to proactively improve cycling conditions. Seattle Public Utilities inventoried which storm grates along bike routes have safety concerns and is fixing or replacing the ones it identified as highest priority.  700 grates have already been replaced in this ongoing effort.

Old storm grate

New storm grate













Better bike connections from King St Station area to I-90 and SODO Trails

SDOT recently installed bike lanes and sharrows in the Chinatown-International District along 6th Ave S between S Jackson St and Seattle Blvd S.  This connects the King Street Station area to points east and southeast via the S Dearborn St bike lanes, which lead to the I-90 bike trail.  Directional signs guide bicyclists between this new facility and the SODO Trail, which runs along the light rail line from Stadium Station to Lander Station.  The Seattle Bike Blog provides a map and details on the project's contraflow bike lane on the one-way portion of 6th Ave S near Uwajimaya.



New sidewalk to Mt. Baker Light Rail Station

The new sidewalk on S McClellan Street, between 24th and 25th Avenues S, replaces a walkway sorely in need of repair.  This provides a better connection to Beacon Hill up the hill west of the LINK light rail station.



Monorail extends hours with 7:30 a.m. weekday start time

As of May 2, the Monorail starts one hour earlier on weekdays and switched to its summer schedule.  The new hours are Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 11:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.  Expanded hours provide more options for trips between downtown and Seattle Center, Uptown residences and Uptown employers such as the Gates Foundation.


ToolsTools to Help You Walk, Bike and Ride

Google Bike Maps are now interactive

Google Maps now has bike directions where you can drag the suggested route around to more closely follow your actual route.  Give it a try. This is another example of technology making walking, biking and riding the way to go.   


How to ride with your bicycle on Central Link light rail

Bikes on light rail

How to load your bike on trains and buses

Sound Transit's bike page has information and videos on loading your bike on light rail, commuter rail and buses


Biking resources


Sound Transit launches improved website

Sound Transit's new website has a more intuitive design, an improved trip planner and easier-to-read schedules.  Interactive maps now provide more information about transit connections and the locations of stations, stops and parking.  


InspirationInspiration to Walk, Bike and Ride

Will you ride with Sophie?

Ride with SophieThis short video by Cascade Bicycle Club reminds us of the many reasons to bike--especially that thrill of biking from our childhood.  Check out how many of the trips we take that are within easy bike distance and consider what changes you could make.


Walk Bike Ride Challenge prize winners

Congratulations to Dustin C., Erin K., Terri F., Rolf P. and Bonnie P, our prize winners in the March/April round.  Spring is a great time to take the challenge, receive tips and be part of a community of people making a difference!


Just for fun: luncheon on subway in NYC 

A great thing about walking, biking and riding is that you interact with the very interesting world and people around you.  This moment of public whimsy (and fabulous deliciousness) could only be experienced on a form of "social transportation" like a subway or bus.


Summer Streets in Ballard May 20 and Alki Beach May 22

Summer Streets are a great time to ride your bike on streets free of cars.   



Bicycle Sundays May 15, June 5, June 25 and more

Bicycle Sundays close Lake Washington Blvd to motorized traffic south of Mount Baker Beach to Seward Park, making it a great place to practice riding or move throughout Rainier Valley.  Bike Sundays occur 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. in May to September.


People Powered Parade in Beacon Hill May 21

Cyclists, pedestrians, park fans and other neighbors will take part in the People-Powered Park Parade and Lewis Park Celebration in North Beacon Hill on May 21.


Transportation public workshops May 23, 24 and 26

Be a part of determining Seattle's transportation future.  Attend a workshop to help the Citizen's Transportation Committee III prioritize needs and evaluate funding options such as a potential ballot measure.


Metro service change June 11

Metro updates its bus schedules every February, June and October.  There are no major route changes for June, but it's a good idea to check the schedule of your favorite routes to avoid being surprised by small adjustments.  A couple of minutes can make a difference in catching your bus.


Subscribe, Share Feedback and View Past Newsletters

Subscribe to the Walk Bike Rider, your monthly newsletter with quick tools, information and inspiration to help you walk, bike and ride.  Subscribing is quick and easy, and you may unsubscribe any time. 

We appreciate your feedback and suggestions.  Please keep the comments coming.


Current and past newsletters are on our newsletter web page


Dave Allen
Way to Go, Seattle! Team

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