The topic this month is organizing! To make it easy... here are the first 3 things you need to know:
1. Being organized "looks" different to everyone.
2. Organization can be learned.
3. Getting organized does not have to be an overwhelming process.
To make it even easier... you can join us on March13th at The Cape Cod Children's Museum for our Workshop: From Messy to Manageable. This workshop will help parents and teachers learn organizational strategies that can apply to everyone including those diagnosed with ADHD. Workshop details are below.
Please contact us at any time if we may be of assistance to you, your child or student.
Holly and Tracey
Parent/Educator Workshop
 MARCH 13, 2012 6:30-8:00 pm $35/person
at The Cape Cod Children's Museum Say good-bye to messy and hello to manageable! Learn how to teach your child or student life-long organizational strategies and strengthened executive functioning skills. The strategies presented will emphasize having an awareness of how the child's brain works. Please join Holly and Tracey and shift from negative to positive by developing simple and consistent routines for home and school. For examples, see below!