Tracey & Holly's Strategy-4-Success: Communicate with teachers!
Don't wait until progress reports or parent teacher conferences for updates on how your child is doing. Ask for updates every 2 to 3 weeks. Teachers want to help your child do the best he/she can do, and by keeping lines of communication open you prevent the snowball effect of weeks of missing assignments and low quiz grades. Sponsored by
Our favorite survival organizer item!
Unforgettable Tag
Unforgettable Tags are a great organizational tool created especially for kids with ADHD but work well for all children. These tags are convenient, reusable reminder lists that provide parents with a refreshing change. Instead of having to run through the list of things your kids need to remember to bring with them, and knowing they'll forget more than half of it anyway, all parents have to say now is, "check your tag." They empower children to get themselves ready, building independence and confidence while eliminating frustrations.
Available for only $10 at our ADHD Support Center or
order online below
For More Information
Navigating ADHD, Inc.

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Welcome to Fall!
We hope your summer was wonderful. We were busy but grateful for nice weather to enjoy here on Cape Cod.
Now that the kids are back in school we'd like to share some helpful information about the transition into school routines. See our top five tips or as we call them, "High 5!" below.
Please visit our website for the various events we have coming up this Fall designed to help you every step of the way. Also, be looking for information on ADHD since National ADHD Awareness Week is October 16th-22nd!
And for the really exciting news, click here to watch us on myaccesstv.com Cape Cod Book Scene!
Holly and Tracey
Join our 500 Club!
Check us out on facebook! Click 'like' and 'share' and you will be entered into a drawing to win our new Book Club Seminar.
Parent/Educator Workshop
Communicating With The Brain In Mind
| In recognition of National ADHD Awareness Week 10/16-10/22 please join us: October 19, 2011 6:30-8:00 pm $35/person
at The Cape Cod Children's Museum This workshop is for Parents,Teachers/Educators and Medical Professionals affiliated with children/teens diagnosed with ADHD. Learn strategies for effective communication that can be implemented immediately. All of the strategies emphasize the importance of communicating with your child's brain in mind. Learn how to make the shift from negative to positive through strengthened communication skills.
High 5!
Our Top 5 Tips for Back to School Success
1. Sit down with your child and review which strategies were successful last year and which areas he/she thinks are still challenging. This process will help your child gain the self awareness needed for a great start to the school year. Gaining your child's perspective can go a long way in helping him invest in future efforts and success.
2. Create your own list of successes and challenges. Compare them to your child's list and consider which ones are your priorities and which ones are your child's. This insight can help you better understand your child's perspective.
3. Write a letter or call your child's teacher to introduce yourself and your child. Highlight your child's strengths and briefly mention areas that may be challenging.
4. Create a system for organizing your child's backpack which includes having it packed the night before. Take photos of everything that belongs in it on a daily basis. Use an Unforgettable Tag or post a list next to where he/she keeps the backpack.
5. Schedule a play date with another student from your child's class. Fostering friendships with children in your child's class early in the school year will build your child's confidence.
Upcoming Author Signing!
Tatnuck Bookseller Gift & Gallery Cafe
|  November 5, 1-3pm 2011
We're taking our books and hittin' the road! We're going out west, well, to western Mass. that is. If you're out that way, or know someone who is, please join us at the best book store in Westborough; the infamous Tatnuck Bookseller. We'll be enjoying their book store, gallery and cafe' while signing copies of Navigating ADHD: Your Guide To The Flip Side of ADHD, recipient of THE MOM'S CHOICE AWARDŽ.
Q: Each year my child starts the year off strong with good intentions but then his motivation level drops and his grades go down. What can I do to help him keep his strong start?
A: Remember ADHD is all about what is stimulating to the brain and once the novelty of a new school year wears off the motivation level tends to drop too. One of the best things you can do is ask your child what he thinks he can do differently this year. Often times this pattern repeats itself because there was never a pause to try and figure out what to do differently. This entails having a plan of action not just saying this time will be different. Ask your child if he can acknowledge when his motivation level is dipping and ask for help? Do incentives work well? Ask your child what he thinks you can do to be supportive rather than a nagging parent. Offer suggestions to your child only after he has analyzed the situation himself.
If you have a confidential question, please email us and and we'll answer it!
Tracey Bromley Goodwin, M.Ed. & Holly Oberacker, ATR, LMHC