3. Updates from Around the Country
Music Generation Louth kick-started tuition recently with an exciting series of workshops for traditional ensembles and junior orchestra. The Music Matters early years programme is now underway in 12 pre schools across the county. Also running this summer term is the first of Music Generation Louth's instrumental programmes for primary schools, which focuses on teaching string instruments in large groups. Just under 50 musicians gathered at the Music Department of Dundalk Institute of Technology on 12 April for an inaugural professional development day which focused on approaches to group teaching. Summer programmes will run over July offering ensemble opportunities and giving complete beginners a flavour of the types of classes that will be available in classical, traditional and rock/pop music in five regional centres from September. For more information visit www.musicgenerationlouth.ie or Facebook.
Music Generation Mayo A 20 week tuition programme has recently started in a number of primary schools throughout the county. Included in the programme is tin whistle, flute, percussion, guitar and choral tuition. Musicians involved in Music Generation Mayo also participated in a professional development day focusing on the principles of group music teaching. A call for musicians will be announced shortly for upcoming residency opportunities. Planning for an extensive music library via the Mayo County Library loan system is in development and May will see the launch of www.musicgenerationmayo.ie.
Music Generation Sligo is driving ahead with plans to consolidate music education services in Sligo in partnership with key music services and agencies. The Discovering Music pre-instrumental programme continues across the county and has reached almost two-thousand children since last November. Two rehearsal rooms have also been established - The CRIB and The Coleman Centre have partnered with Music Generation Sligo to provide spaces for young people to play and rehearse. The county's Performance Programme is at planning stage, a central part of which is an ambitious composition project which includes the appointment of a composer to compose a piece of music for performance by children and young adults in Sligo. The second element is a Young Composer Mentoring scheme - further details to be announced soon. For further information visit www.musicgenerationsligo.com. Cork City, Laois & Wicklow are currently planning summer programmes which will be rolled out from June onwards. More details to follow soon.
4. RTÉ Radio 1 Céilí House featuring Music Generation Louth, Mayo & Sligo
RTÉ Radio 1's Céilí House programme recently recorded programmes with Music Generation Louth, Music Generation Sligo and Music Generation Mayo. The programmes will be broadcast on the following dates from 9pm on RTÉ Radio 1:
- 12th May Music Generation Louth from The Oriel Centre, Dundalk
- 19th May Music Generation Sligo from The Glasshouse Hotel, Sligo
- 2nd June Music Generation Mayo from The Linenhall Arts Centre, Castlebar
More details here.
5. IAYO - Summer Schools & Conducting Workshops
The IAYO Conducting Workshops under Robert Houlihan are now open for applications until Friday 11th May. The course takes place at the Royal Irish Academy of Music again this year alongside the 'Orchestral Manoeuvres' course and runs for the week of 9th to 13th July. Repertoire for the course will be decided in conjunction with the participants. There are also other summer Courses for young musicians that are still recruiting - full details of both Summer Schools & Conducting Summer Schools are available on www.iayo.ie/courses.
6. Music Network - CPD & Love Live Music
Music Network Continuing Professional Development Programme
Music Network is seeking applications from professional performing musicians and composers working or interested in working in community/outreach settings. Music Network's Programme aims to provide Irish and Ireland-based professional musicians and composers with the appropriate skills, resources and materials to deliver high-quality, interactive and fun musical experiences in a range of outreach settings. Further details here. Applications should be submitted to Music Network on or before Friday 11th May 2012 at 5pm.
love:live music - International Music Day 21/6/12
Music Network invites musicians and singers to get involved in love:live music/international music day, on Thursday 21st June.
love:live music aims to highlight Ireland's rich, prevalent and diverse musical landscape, showcasing 'new Irish music' against a spectacular backdrop of traditional Irish music, from the indigenous to the avant-garde.
This national platform is an opportunity to shine the spotlight on new trends, revive the ancient, experiment with the future and collaborate across cultures, genres and disciplines. It invites participation through the spirit of community music and inspiration through the virtuosic performances of master musicians.
7. Conductor in Training - AOIC & RTÉ
Irish Youth Choir/RTÉ Performing Groups Conductor in Training scheme is announced. To mark the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Irish Youth Choir and building on the success of the IYC Conductor in Training Scheme, RTÉ Performing Groups have come on board in a unique partnership to offer a funded and extended trainee choral conducting programme for 2012/14. In addition to access to IYC's artistic director Greg Beardsell and to the all activities and programmes associated with the Irish Youth Choir, the successful applicant for this new programme will have access to the RTÉ Performing Groups, in particular to the RTÉ Philharmonic Choir and Orchestras. For the first time, a bursary is to be made available to assist the 2012/14 conductor in training to engage with this unique opportunity.
Closing date for Applications for the position of Conductor In Training for 2012/2014 is Thursday 17th May 2012. Shortlisted applicants will be notified on Tuesday 22nd May and interviews/auditions will take place in early June (provisional date - 9th June t.b.c.) in Dublin