10th anniversary

 Monday is the Final Deadline for your "Best Practice"




We want every member campus included so we have extended the submission deadline one final time to Monday, January 30, 2012.


Send to Leslie a summary of your campus' "best" civic engagement project for inclusion in the Civic Engagement Institute program booklet:


  One to two paragraphs summarizing a premiere/impactful civic engagement program on your campus. Include:

      Name of the program/initiative

      The name of the department(s) or division(s) that facilitates it

      Name of community partner(s), if applicable

      The community need being addressed

      Brief description of the initiative, including goals

      If applicable also include duration of the project or relationship

      The outcomes/community impact achieved through this work

  Include one high quality photo that best reflects the program

  We especially welcome ideas you believe are innovative or unique.  

Registration Closes Next Friday (new extension) for the 2012 Civic Engagement Institute 
Save the date

"Intensifying Impact: Civic Engagement Matters"
North Carolina Campus Compact's 2012 Civic Engagement Institute
February 15, 2012
The William and Ida Friday Center in Chapel Hill, NC   

FINAL Registration deadline February 1, 2012!!

The 2012 Civic Engagement Institute is dedicated to thinking deeply about how to ensure that community engagement work is sustainable and underscored with deeper partnerships, inter- and intra- institutional collaboration, greater impact, targeted outcomes, and lifelong commitment to engagement by institutions, higher education leaders, and students.  Presidents, trustees, provosts, faculty, staff and community partners will engage in intensive discussions about deepening this work of producing civically engaged graduates and strengthening communities. Keynote speakers, expert workshops, and a celebration of NC Campus Compact's 10th anniversary, will ensure this is a day you will not want to miss. 

All conference participants will receive a copy of "To Serve a Larger Purpose: Engagement for Democracy and the Transformation of Higher Education" (2011) edited by John Saltmarsh and Matthew Hartley, and be introduced to "A Crucible Moment" released at the White House January 10!


Confirmed Speakers include:

  • Dr. Nancy Cantor, Chancellor, Syracuse University 
  • Nadinne Cruz, Independent Consultant, Cruz Consulting
  • Dr. Philip Dubois, Chancellor, UNC - Charlotte
  • Dr. Robert Franco, Director, Office for Institutional Effectiveness, Kapiolani Community College, University of Hawaii
  • Mark D. Gearan, President, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, member of the White House Council for Community Solutions and the board of the Corporation for National and Community Service 
  • Dr. Leo M. Lambert, President, Elon Universityand member, NC Campus Compact Executive Board
  • Dr. George Mehaffy, V.P. for Academic Leadership & Change, American Association of State Colleges & Universities
  • Dr. Caryn McTighe Musil, Senior Vice President, the Association of American Colleges and Universities  
  • Dr. Brian Murphy, President, De Anza College, and signatory, The Democracy Commitment  
  • Dr. Carol Quillen, President, Davidson College and member, NC Campus Compact Executive Board
  • Dr. Scott Ralls, President, North Carolina Community College System and member, NC Campus Compact Executive Board


The Institute luncheon will be an opportunity to celebrate ten years of campuses collaborating to produce civically-engaged graduates and strengthen communities, announcing special awards and recognitions!  


Visit the Institute website for more details.  

Is Your Campus Taking the Challenge to End Hunger!

As you may remember from an email you received in November, NC Campus Compact has issued a Statewide Challenge to End Hunger.  This Challenge is a crucial part of the 10th year Anniversary Celebration and we know that you are already responding to our request!  Please make sure that you are keeping record of the efforts being made by your entire campus to help feed the hungry. 


We will be sharing a progess update of our efforts during the Civic Engagement Institute on February 15, 2012 so between now and then, we would like to hear an update on the progress of your campus. Will you please send Julie Lawson a "Snapshot" of what your campus has been doing to help alleviate hunger since we issued the Statewide Challenge on November 12th?  List and briefly describe any of the ways your campus has been making progress in the challenge.  Please also send pictures of your campus in action so that we may share those at the Civic Engagement Institute.To add to the celebration, each week, we will be sharing a snapshot on the Statewide Challenge  website. 

Let's show the rest of the world what North Carolina is really about!


Would you please take a few minutes and respond to our survey to let us know more about a snapshot of your current hunger efforts at your campus?



1. Name of College

2. Main Contact for Statewide Challenge:

3. Email Address of Main Contact:

4. Does your campus plan to participate in the Hunger Challenge?

5. Which of the two challenges has your campus selected for your campus' goals.

       Pounds of food items collected

       Number of food items donated

       Number of meals created or served

       Number of volunteer hours targeting food insecurity initiatives

       Dollars raised to help alleviate food incsecurity

6. Does your campus currently have a Campus Kitchen

7. Has your campus been looking into beginning a Campus Kitchen?

8. Does your campus have a community garden?

9. Is your campus in the process of beginning a community garden?

10. Does your campus send volunteers on a regular basis to assist hunger organizations?

11. Does your campus feature a hunger and homelessness awareness week?

12. Does your campus participate in Alternative Break Trips that are focused on poverty issues?

13. Does your campus hold a canned food drive?

14. Does your campus collect funds to be donated to a hunger organization?

Civic Engagement Awards/Recognition
YSA List: The 25 Most Powerful and Influential Young People
Deadline: January 31, 2012


Youth Service America is launching the inaugural YSA List of "The 25 Most Powerful and Influential Young People" in celebration of their 25th Anniversary.  The YSA List will recognize 25 young people (ages 5 - 25) around the world that have made significant, large-scale change in Health, Education, Human Service, Human Rights, and the Environment.  


The 25 winners will receive $1,000 awards to support their ongoing efforts to change the world. Learn more and nominate a young person at      



The Newman Civic Fellows Award

Deadline:  February 21, 2012


This Campus Compact national award honors inspiring college student leaders who have demonstrated an investment in finding solutions for challenges facing communities throughout the country. Through service, research, and advocacy, Newman Civic Fellows are making the most of their college experiences to better understand themselves, the root causes of social issues, and effective mechanisms for creating lasting change.

Newman Civic Fellows are recommended by college and university presidents to acknowledge motivation and ability in public leadership. Newman Civic Fellows awards are made in memory of Frank Newman, who dedicated his life to creating systemic change through education reform. Learn more here.


Eli Segal Fellowship 

Deadline: February 27, 2012


The Corporation for National and Community Service is seeking applications from former AmeriCorps members who are interested in serving as the 2012-2013 Eli Segal Fellow. The duties of the selected fellow will include working with the Director of AmeriCorps, program offices and closely with the CEO's office on projects that advance the national service field. The fellowship will last for a term of not more than 13 months beginning in July 2012 and includes a $27,000 salary, plus benefits. Eligible applicants for the fellowship include all AmeriCorps alums who served full-time in the past three years.  Learn more here.    



The Do Something Awards 
Deadline: March 1, 2012

This award identifies exceptional young social entrepreneurs, activists, and community leaders who have a significant social impact. The Do Something Award nominees and winners are the pivotal "do-ers" in their fields and causes. For this year's awards five finalists will be selected and rewarded with a $10,000 community grant, participation in the third Do Something Awards TV show on VH1, media coverage, and continued support from Of those five nominees, one will be selected to win the Grand Prize, a $100,000 grant, which will be announced during the broadcast.



Thomas Ehrlich Civically Engaged Faculty Award
Deadline: March 30, 2012
This Campus Compact national award recognizes one senior faculty member each year for exemplary engaged scholarship, including leadership in advancing students' civic learning, conducting community-based research, fostering reciprocal community partnerships, building institutional commitments to service-learning and civic engagement, and other means of enhancing higher education's contributions to the public good.
The award is named in honor of Thomas Ehrlich, former chair of the Campus Compact board of directors and president emeritus of Indiana University.


The award winner is granted $2,000. Nominations will be accepted from colleagues, community partners, college presidents, provosts, or through self-nomination. Learn more here.

2012 Ernest A. Lynton Award for the Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty
Deadline:  April 27, 2012


Sponsored by the New England Resource Center for Higher Education (NERCHE), the annual Ernest A. Lynton Award for the Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty recognizes a faculty member who is pre-tenure at tenure-granting campuses or early career (i.e., within the first six years) at campuses with long-term contracts and who connects his or her teaching, research, and service to community engagement.  Learn more here

Request for Proposals - Upper Midwest Civic Engagement Summit

Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin Campus Compacts invite you to present and join us for the first annual Upper Midwest Civic Engagement Summit, June 5-6, 2012 at Macalester College in St. Paul Minnesota. The Summit will provide opportunities for faculty, professional staff, student and community leaders interested in higher education civic engagement activities to network and learn from one another while engaging in skill-building sessions as well as discussing challenging issues facing our communities and campuses.


This work is critical to democracy. In an era of deeply polarized and uncivil public discourse, high-quality community work and learning prepares students to listen and speak respectfully across differences. Rather than resigning ourselves to the existence of major social problems, campuses can build partnerships that support student success and address specific community priorities. Investing in assessment also allows us to communicate the value of these collaborative efforts and continue to improve them.


Please consider submitting a proposal to present a session or poster by February 24, 2012 using this RFP form:



New Feature: Video with Civic Engagement Message 
The Black Eyed Peas - Union
The Black Eyed Peas - Union
We will try to include a new video link in each Update.  Send any suggestions to Leslie.
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