July 25, 2012
please note header
  There Are Homeless Female Veterans: Meet Someone Doing Something About It 


Watch the Video (7min) 

This week's Please Note features the Rev. Kelly Ayers, who was ordained a Deacon in the Diocese of North Carolina and now serves as a Priest in the Diocese of Rochester, serving in a fantastic ministry that helps homeless female veterans get back on their feet.   


Keep the faith,




Zion House website 

Donate online here or purchase products made by homeless female veterans here.  

Contact the Rev. Kelly Ayer, 704-996-5747.    


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 Register Now for September Youth Ministry Conference!  Feature  


On Saturday, September 15, 9:30am-4:30pm at Holy Comforter, Burlington, the diocesan youth department will host its second annual youth ministry conference. This day-long conference is designed for both youth leaders and youth who serve in leadership roles. Workshops will include Spiritual Practices, Healthy Congregations, Games  and Energizers, Youth Ministry 101, Engaging Scripture in Youth Ministry, Transition into Young Adult Ministry and Healthy Relationships.


Download the flyer with details about each workshop.


Registration Deadlines

Early Bird until Aug. 1 - $10

Regular Aug. 2-Sept. 10 - $15

Late Sept. 11-14 - $20

Upcoming Diocesan EventsUpcoming

Find more information about events here, or view the diocesan calendar here.    





9 - Durham Clericus meeting, 12:00-1:30pm, St. Luke's, Durham. Optional Contemplative prayer at 11:30am.  


16 - Winston-Salem Clericus meeting, 12:00-1:30pm, St. Paul's, Winston-Salem. $6 for lunch, beverage and dessert.    


16-19 - 24th Annual Conference on Church Music in the Anglican Tradition at Trinity Center, Trinity Center, Pine Knoll Shores. Led by clinician Dr. David Hurd, this conference provides participants an opportunity to expand their knowledge of the musical resources available for congregations and choirs and offers an opportunity to share ideas, reunite with friends and sing in a large choir.  


17-19 - The 15th Annual Youth Choir Camp at Trinity Center, Trinity Center, Pine Knoll Shores. This camp, led by clinician Ginger Wyrick, is designed for rising 4th-9th graders.   


20 - Standing Committee meeting.


Events from Around the DioceseAround  





10 - Dying Well and Caring for the Dying, 8:30am-4:30pm, Duke Divinity School. Hosted by the Duke Institute for Care at the End, the conference is designed for pastors, chaplains and caregivers.

Registration is $20 and includes lunch, coffee and parking. 

24-26 - Weekend of Spiritual Renewal and Healing, The Duncan M. Gray Episcopal Conference Center in Canton, Mississippi. The Diocesan Committee on Ministry with LGBT Persons of the
Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi welcomes The Rt. Rev. Mary Douglas Glasspool, Bishop Suffragan of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, as the seventh annual retreat leader.




Announcements will normally be posted for the four weeks prior to the event. If there is something that you would like to announce here, email us and please give title of event and no more than 100 words in description.        
From the Bishop
In this Issue
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Worship Resources    
Forward Day by Day

Around the Diocese bulletin inserts for August are now available here.
Bishop Suffragan Update

The Nominating Committee is conducting Skype interviews  with candidates and is now narrowing down the candidates to those who will visit North Carolina for a discernment retreat in mid-September. Learn more at the Bishop Suffragan Search Process website.
Outreach Spotlight    Outreach 
St. Martin's Fills the Little Red Wagon

As a playful reminder that much of what is collected goes to feed hungry children, St. Martin's, Charlotte, gathers food donations for Loaves & Fishes in a little red wagon. Kid-friendly donations include applesauce, mac & cheese, hot or cold cereal, canned fruit, canned pastas and canned meat. Those in the Charlotte area interested in working with Loaves & Fishes can learn more here

Browse projects in the Outreach Spotlight archive. 
Clergy Changes  


You can view recent changes of cure (clergy changes) on the diocesan website by clicking here. 
Featured PostPost   

Some wise and faithful words. God bless, +Michael.
Reacting Faithfully to the Colorado Shootings
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From the Bishop
Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina