Please Note Masterhead revised
       From The Bishop                   March 23, 2011


Youth Outreach Weekend Makes Difference in Northwest Region 


  Watch the Bishop's message (4 minutes)  


This week's Please Note features the Youth Outreach Weekend, which was held in the Northwest Region, under the coordination of Duana Cisney, the Regional Youth Missioner.  42 youth and adults from around the diocese shared a weekend of fellowship, fun, worship and hard work. Much gratitude is expressed to Saint Timothy's, Winston-Salem, for their hospitality and many hours of work in helping to coordinate meals, showers and much more. Thanks also to the various worksites who accommodated the group's needs, many of whom provided lunches for our work groups.  Work groups include: Saint Paul's, Thomasville; Saint Christopher's, High Point; Saint Timothy's, Winston-Salem; Saint Clement's, Clemmons; Habitat for Humanity and the Samaritan Project.


Keep the faith,

Keep the faith,

Watch a Fox8 News Coverage of Youth. NC Council of Churches

View other photos of the event here.

NC Council Releases Report on Legislature

The North Carolina Council of Churches has released a report on new bills being introduced to the legislature.  


Click here to view the bills and the Council's entire Report.


Click here to read the Rev. Jonah Kendall's commentary on proposed Bill HB 343 on immigration. 


Some of the proposed legislation involves the following:


Care of Creation

Criminal Justice

Health and Health Care

Public Education


and More.  


Contact the NC Council of Churches


Learn more about the Legislative Seminar

April 5, 2011

St. Mark's, Raleigh

Find additional information and registration



Upcoming Diocesan Events
Click on underlined events for more information  

SpringTide 2011 Registration is now underway! Event is May 4-6 at Salter Path. A Nazareth Manifesto: Re-thinking Social Engagement for the Church with Sam Wells. Click here for more details.

March 16 - April 13 - Lenten Preaching series featuring Bishop Curry and others at Christ Church, Raleigh.  


March 17 - 19 - Education for Ministry Mentor Training  

- sign up for training March 17-19 and Sept. 8-10 at St. Francis Prayer Center, Greensboro.


March 19 & April 2 - Radical Welcome Workshops with the Rev. Stephanie Spellers. South Region: March 19, 2011, 10am-3pm, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Southern Pines; East Region: April 2, 2011, 10am-3pm, Church of the Holy Family, Chapel Hill.    


March 21 - Standing Committee meeting.  


March 26 - Safe Church Training, St Titus, Durham (8:30am-12:30pm)

March 25-27 - Happening #56

April 1 - MDG Committee Grant deadline.

April 7 - Fresh Start. Contact the Rev. Canon Buerkel Hunn 

April 8-10 - Spring Youth Event

April 14 - 16 - Clergy Quiet Days. April 14 is the Northwest and East Region Quiet Day. April 16 is the South Region Quiet Day.

April 15 - MRST Grant Deadline.
A grant which provides assistance to mission congregations for clergy salary and benefits. Click here for grant application and information. Contact the Rev. Wayne Hougland for more information.


April 15 - Application deadline for Educational Scholarships. Applications are now being accepted for more than 60 scholarships available for the 2011-2012 academic year.  



News from Around Our Diocese
Click on underlined events for more information 


Kamp Kanuga - 2011 Summer Camp Registration is now open. Camp dates are from June through August. For more information, please visit   


Camp Hugs Registration is now taking registrations and looking for Helper Campers. Click here for more information. 


Registration now open - The Young Clergy Women Project Conference 2011, August 8-11 at Duke Divinity School in Durham. Click here for more information.


May 9 - PREPARE/ENRICH Workshop to certify clergy, counselors, and marriage educators to work with couples both premarital and married, Church of the Nativity, Raleigh


April 3 - A Requiem Mass honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Church of the Redeemer, Greensboro, at 7pm. Click here for flyer and more details.     


April 5 - NC Council of Churches Legislative Seminar at St. Mark's Raleigh  


April 11 - Sponsor forms and deposits due for The North Carolina Episcopal Cursillo Three-Day Weekend will be held at Camp Walter Johnson, May 12-15, 2011. Visit for Participant applications.   


April 29 - Please join the ECW of St. Michael's Raleigh for a celebration to benefit NetsforLife.  "An Evening on the Bayou" is a casual, New Orleans-style garden party with dinner and dancing under the stars with the Blue Notes Dixieland Jazz Band.  For more information, visit or see the attached flyer.



Christ Church, Albemarle, is unable to hold its retreat at Valle Crucis on the weekend of March 18-20, 2011.If any congregation or group in our diocese is willing to consider having a retreat at the Valle Crucis Conference Center on that weekend contact Tom Eshelman,

828-963-4453 or the Rev. Jim Bernacki, (704) 982-1428.


Click here for more information, a list of conference presenters, and to register online.  


If there is something that you would like to announce here, email us and please give title of event and no more than 100 words in description.  
Announcements will normally be posted for the four weeks prior to the event. 

Information on the Proposed Bill: HB 343 



From the Rev. Jonah Kendall


Dear Friends,


As some of you became aware on Monday, March 21st, either through the news or via an email from the Rev. Edwin Cox, Dean of the Greensboro Convocation, a proposed immigration law has been put before the State that not only reflects aspects of the recently passed Arizona law, but, in several ways, goes beyond it.  The bill is HB 343. MORE 



An update to last week's press release can be reached at this

link.  Episcopal Relief & Development is working with the Anglican Church in Japan to establish a relief center in the Tohoku diocese, is supporting the Province's efforts to develop a response...MORE  


The Rev. Dr.
Fred Horton's commentary on this 
 Sunday's Bible Readings 
Daily Office - St. Clare 
Around the Diocese 
March Inserts Available Here