Please Note Masterhead revised

From The Bishop                  August 25, 2010

An Interview with Dr. Richard Payne,
Professor of Medicine and Divinity, About a Pastoral Resouce in times of Illness, End of Life and Grief

This week's Please Note features an interview with Dr. Richard Payne, Professor of Medicine and Divinity and the Esther Colliflower Director of the Duke Institute on Care at the End of Life. Dr. Payne discusses a resource tookit called The Unbroken Circle: A Toolkit for Congregations Around Illness, End of Life, and Grief.
Resources and Contacts (just click the link):
The toolkit:
The Unbroken Circle Toolkit  
Dr. Payne's Book:
Living Well, Dying Faithfully (Available through Sacred Garden Bookstore 336.544.1225)
Dr. Richard Payne   (919) 660-3553 

Place Your 2011 Calendar Orders
Sacred Garden Bookstore Taking Advance Orders 

Advance orders are now being accepted for 2011 Episcopal Church Calendars, including the Diocesan Calendar, which features Youth from the Freedom Ride. The Sacred Garden Bookstore will take orders for calendars, which can be picked up at Clergy Conference (October 12-14) to save on shipping costs. The bookstore also is working on securing copies of the book If You Meet George Herbert on the Road, Kill Him: Radically Rethinking Priestly Ministries for the conference, which was written by conference keynoter the Rev. Justin Lewis-Anthony. Anyone interested in a copy of this book should also contact Sacred Garden Bookstore.
Click here for available calendars and pricing information.
Sacred Garden Bookstore
215 West Fisher Avenue
Greensboro, North Carolina 27401
(336) 544-1225
Upcoming Diocesan Events
Click on underlined events for more information
August 27 - 28 - Overnight retreat for Youth Ministers in the NW Region at St. Francis Springs.  Contact Duana Cisney to register, space is limited.

August 28 - Safe Church Training, St. Clement's, Clemmons and
St. Margaret's, Waxhaw, 8:30-12:30. Click here for more info.

September 2 - Fresh Start. Contact Canon Hunn with questions.
September 7 - New clergy orientation. Raleigh diocesan office, 10am-3pm. Contact Kianna Riley with questions.
September 9-11  - Education for Ministry Mentor Training, St. Francis Prayer Center, Stoneville

September 9 - Interim Clergy meeting, Holy Comforter, Burlington

September 9 - South Region Confirmation, St Luke's Episcopal Church,  Salisbury, 6:30pm, Bishop Gregg presiding. To be confirmed, send info to Gwen Trento, 704.633.3221 by Aug. 30.

September 11 - Safe Church Training, Christ Church, Raleigh

September 14 - NC Episcopal Church Foundation Meets
September 20 - The Standing Committee Meets
September 24 - Registration deadline for South Region Technology for Evangelism Workshop led by the Rev. Ken Saunders on Sept. 30,  noon-3pm, Church of the Holy Comforter, Charlotte. Workshop is free, lunch is provided. RSVP to
Registration Underway
Seeing the Face of God in Each Other: An Anti-Racism Seminar led by facilitators from the Bishop's Committee for Racial Justice and Reconciliation. Scheduled Seminars: St. Stephen's, Durham, on Oct. 16, and St. Philip's, Durham, Oct. 30.  To register, for more information, or to inquire about holding this seminar at your church, contact Martha Waters, at 919-469-5154.
News from Around Our Diocese
Click on underlined events for more information
August 29 - Blessing of Book Bags Service, 4pm, Clayton Community Park, Amelia Church Rd. Grace Episcopal Church, Horne Methodist and First Baptist of Clayton invite community. Click here for more information.

August 29 - Annual homecoming at historic St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Woodleaf, at 11:15. Click here for more details.

August 29 - Annual service at historic St. Mary's Episcopal Church, corner of St. Mary's and Pleasant Green/Schley Rd, Hillsborough, 4pm, Bishop Curry officiant/preacher, potluck to follow service.
September 9 - Orientation to The Servant Leadership School of Greensboro: Learn about the principles and practices and upcoming offerings of this "people's seminary" lead by the Rev. Tim Patterson and Ruth D. Anderson, PhD, The Cafe, 211 W. Fisher Ave Greensboroo, 336-275-0447, 11am-Noon See this event and many more offered here.
September 9 - Charlotte, Charlotte Convocation Clericus Meeting, St Martin's Church, Charlotte, Josephine Hicks, Esq. - The State of the Anglican Communion

September 12 - St. Titus, Durham, invites all to a Homecoming Service for the125th Anniversary, 10 am Dr. Charlie Nelms, Chancellor at NC Central University, will deliver the homily.

September 13 - 1662 Solemn Evensong with Clare College Choir, Cambridge at Duke Chapel, 5:15 pm, Free. Contact for further details.
September 13 - Concert of Evensong Choral Music with Clare College Choir, Cambridge at Duke Chapel, 7.30pm, tickets $10. Contact for further details.
September 14-  Servant Leadership 1: Putting on the Mind of Christ, 12 weeks, 6:30-8:30pm, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Greensboro.
September 14 - When Helping Hurts with the Rev Frank Dew, 10 weeks at Greensboro Urban Ministry, 305 West Lee Street, Greensboro or 336-275-0447
September 17-19 - "Forgiveness Weekend" with Mother Barbara Cawthorne Crafton, September 17-19, 2010, Church of the Good Shepherd, Raleigh. Click here for more information and registration.

September 19 -  BachFest V: Bach to the Future: Chamber music including the Brandenburg Concerto #5. Part of St. Alban's Concert Series. Click here for more information.
September 24 & 25- Holy Trinity, Greensboro, accepting reservations for Flower Arranging Workshop. Click here for more information.
September 28 - 7:30 p.m. at Duke Chapel. "Fathoming the Archbishop: What is Rowan Williams up to?" Panel Discussion featuring Prof. Marilyn McCord Adams, formerly Regius Professor of Divinity in Oxford, and Revd Dr. Sam Wells, Dean of Duke Chapel.

Registration Underway
The Servant Leadership School, Greensboro, has 39 retreats and other offerings available in the Fall term. Find out more details online or download a printable pdf. Additional retreat information is available on the Healing Ground retreat center website.  
St. Alban's Episcopal Church in Davidson is now taking season ticket orders for their upcoming concert series, which will feature the Choir of Christ Church Cathedral among other performers. Click here for more details.

Duke Center for Reconciliation: "Friendship at the Margins: A Fresh Approach to Mission." Join the Duke Center for Reconciliation for the Fourth Annual Reconcilers Weekend Conference Sept. 24-25, 2010. Click here for more information.

Registration underway for a special Anglican Episcopal track created by the Anglican House of Studies at Duke Divinity School. The theme is "The Living Witness: Tradition, Innovation and the Church." Event is October 11-12.

If there is something that you would like to announce here, email  us and please give title of event and no more than 100 words in description.

Announcements will normally be posted for the four weeks prior to the event.

Bishop Curry photo
A Toolkit for Congregations around Illness, End of Life,
and Grief
The Rev. Dr.
Fred Horton's commentary on this
Sunday's Bible Readings.

"Around the Diocese" August Bulletin Inserts

Full Page, Single Sided
Half Page, Dble Sided
Text File

Contact Sarah Herr with questions and comments about the bulletin inserts.
Quick Links

Diocese of NC