Evidence Based Literacy Instruction
October 17, 2008

Nora Chahbazi, President 
Ounce of Prevention Reading Center
EBLI (Evidence-Based Literacy Instruction)
Phone:  810-732-4810 
Have you accumulated dozens (or, as in my case, hundreds!) of books in your home/classroom/school over the years?   Here is your opportunity to sort through them and share them with others!  See the information below about how you can participate in a book drive for at-risk juvenile teen girls.  Please note the types and levels of books being requested; new and gently used books would be appreciated.   When you send the books, be sure to have them sent via 'media mail' for significant savings.  As you will read in the information below, you can be reimbursed for shipping or get further information by emailing Kayla at [email protected] or calling her at the number below.  Also, she would appreciate it if you would email her the number and types of books you've sent so she can keep track of the books that were generated by this book drive.  Thank you for considering this opportunity to help others! 
The John Corcoran Foundation is starting a book drive for a school in Montana called Heartland Ranch that works with girls age 12-18 who have been court-ordered to attend the program.  (www.heartlandgirlsranch.org) Heartland is a working ranch that uses horses as a catalyst to bring about positive change.
     "Our doors seem to be revolving with girls struggling to read. As their reading teacher, I have found that their current reading skills will barely help them fill out a job application. As a teaching staff we struggle with preparing them to be successful in the outside world, but lack the accurate tools for the job. Our classroom library consists of less than 200 books. They are books that have been purchased by me personally or from donations. We desperately need to help that grow. Although it is very difficult to find books that are in both their reading levels and their interest levels. The girls I teach at the Heartland School are deeply in need of reading help. They are lacking in the reading skills that will make a difference in their lives. The girls have a desire to learn, but are frustrated. They have a desire to be successful, but are held back by their abilities." -Special Education Teacher Terri Collins
    They need both books that will interest them and be at their level (which is about at middle school level). The girls are not big on any romance books. The are really into the chicken soup books, self help books, mysteries and the teen books about tragedies.
    You can send books directly to the Ranch. If you would like to be reimbursed for shipping, please contact me. (Good news - we just shipped 35 books this morning for only $8.53!)
Terri Collins
Special Education
Heartland Girls Ranch School
1400 Montana Avenue
Benson, MN 56215
Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Please forward this to any women/girls who might have books to share (daughters, granddaughters, friends)! 
Warm Regards,
Kayla Mertes
John Corcoran Foundation 