Maryland Women's Heritage Center |
Volume 1, Issue 3
Spring 2009
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Mother's Day: Did you know that in 1907, two years after the death of her mother, Anna M. Jarvis established Mother's Day in memory of her mother and to "honor mothers, living and dead?" Mother's Day was first recognized as a national holiday in 1914.
Celebrate your mother, grandmother, daughter, or another important "unsung heroine" in your life this Mother's Day and consider making a donation to the Maryland Women's Heritage Center in her honor. A beautiful card will be sent to the individual acknowledging your remembrance. Click here to make a donation. | |
Maryland Women's Heritage Center
501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Organization
Executive Board:
Frances Hughes Glendening, President, Former First Lady of Maryland
Jill Moss Greenberg, Executive Director
Catherine "Katie" Curran O'Malley, First Lady of Maryland Kendel S. Ehrlich, Former First Lady of Maryland Shoshana S. Cardin, Honorary Development Chair
Michelle Duffy-Orr, Treasurer
Nancy S. Grasmick, State Superintendent of Schools
Helen Holton, Baltimore City Councilwoman and Chair of the Maryland Commission for Women
Sharon Pinder, The Pinder Group, LLC
Susan Shaffer, Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium
Linda A. Shevitz, Coordinator of Maryland Women's History Project
Charles Edward Senseney, Accountant
Mark L. Shaffer, Counsel and Site Selection Chair
Honorary Board:
Lucille Clifton, Poet and Author, Former Maryland Poet Laureate
Dominique Dawes, Olympic Champion
Helen Delich Bentley, Former Congresswoman and First Woman Director of the U. S. Maritime Commission
Barbara A. Mikulski, United States Senator
Cokie Roberts, Commentator and Author
Nora Roberts, International Best-Selling Author of Mystery and Romance Novels
Board of Directors:
Lori Askinazi
Diana Bailey
Sarian Bouma
Betty Buck
Linda Busick
Penny Chrissomallis
Rita Colwell
Patricia E. Cornish
Jean Cryor
Catherine Gira
Joanne Goldsmith
Susan R. Gould
Artis Cowan Hampshire
William "Britt" Kirwan
Juanita Tamayo Lott
David Nevins
Jo-Ann Mayer Orlinsky
Maria Torres Queral
Jan Rivitz
Carole Sibel
Nancy Lindberg Sloane
Carolyn Stegman
Beth Trehey
Carmen Delgado Votaw
Sue Ward
Kathy Wilmot
Debbie Yow | |
Quarterly Newsletter
The Maryland Women's Heritage Center's quarterly newsletter provides updates on events and activities of the Maryland Women's Heritage Center, as well as our progress in making the Center a reality. If you have any comments or questions, please e-mail us. |
Letter from the Executive Director
Jill Moss Greenberg
The Maryland Women's Heritage Center had a very busy month during March, Women's History Month. A number of our events are discussed in this newsletter, several with photos.
We concluded the month on a high note with our fundraising luncheon featuring Cokie Roberts, renowned author and commentator and member of our Center's Honorary Board. Sheilah Kast of WYPR-FM did an excellent job of emceeing the entire program and our Heritage Center President, Frances Hughes Glendening, provided warmth, humor and perspective on the importance of creating our Center. It was a special treat to honor the mothers and daughters who were special honorees, as well as the many mothers and daughters who came together, and with friends, including a number of supportive men who honored the mothers and daughters in their lives. Our thanks to all who participated in this special event, includng our sponsors: Chaney Enterprises, WYPR-FM, WMAR-TV, MPT, Morton's The Steakhouse, WomanTalk Live, On Purpose Woman Magazine, Focus on Women, MyCity4Her.com, and Harford Cable Network.
As we move into the sunlight of spring and summer, all of our Heritage Center committees are hard at work developing programs, exploring sites for our permanent home, conducting outreach and developing possibilities for marketing and funding. If you are interesting in serving on one of the Maryland Women's Heritage Center committees, have any good contacts or ideas to recommend, or would like to have a presentation or exhibit about the Center at any of the groups in which you participate, please write to me at mwhcjill@comcast.net.
Thanks for being with us as we move forward together!
Jill Moss Greenberg Executive Director Maryland Women's Heritage Center |
Letter from the Chair, Maryland Commission for Women
It is with excitement and great joy that I write this letter to welcome all to the third issue of the Maryland Women's Heritage Center e-newsletter.
The spring of 2009 is turning out to be a season to remember for women and girls in Maryland. Women's History Month was full of wonderful and stimulating events, exhibits, discussions and history. President Barack Obama in his proclamation for Women's History Month included our very own Rachel Carson, a notable Marylander, and within days of that announcement, the President signed an Executive Order launching the White House Council on Women and Girls.
In this season of change and new beginnings the Maryland Commission for Women (MCW) is turning the corner on its first year of new leadership. With a dynamic and diverse group of more than 20 new commissioners from around the state we are continuing to make strides in carrying out the mission of the Commission. We have re-vamped our Website and are continuing to make changes to keep it active and relevant as a communication tool for this new era of electronic communication. These are exciting and challenging times we're living in and I believe that our partnership with the Women's Heritage Center will go a long way in helping both our organizations achieve goals and outcomes to the good of Maryland's women, girls and families.
Since taking over as chair of the Maryland Commission for Women in July of last year, we have finished out the year of programming planned by the prior Commission while rolling our sleeves up and initiating some new ideas of ways to engage and connect women throughout our great State. In these difficult economic times we are continuing to have a positive impact. We launched a partnership with Verizon and their HopeLine project supporting victims of domestic violence, hosted a successful Maryland Women's Hall of Fame recognition and awards ceremony, participated as co-sponsors of the Powered by Me conference for Maryland high school students, and supported the sold-out special fundraising event of the MWHC with Cokie Roberts.
I am personally grateful for the tremendous collaborative relationships the MCW has with MWHC and the Women Legislators of Maryland. During this past legislative session MCW testified before committees in the House and the Senate advocating on behalf of women joining the voices of the Maryland Legislative Agenda for Women (MLAW) and the Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence (MNADV). We worked with women legislators to understand and support key pieces of legislation impacting the lives of women.
As we are preparing this fiscal year we are gearing up for our Women of Tomorrow celebration that will be held on Wednesday, May 13, at the Miller Senate Building in Annapolis. We are honoring some outstanding young women who are on track to be future leaders in Maryland and the world. Please visit our Website to learn more about the Maryland Commission for Women. We look forward to continuing our partnership with the Maryland Women's Heritage Center and all that's in store for an exciting year in a new home!
With high hopes and best regards,
Helen L. Holton Chair Maryland Commission for Women
Site News
The initial home of the Maryland Women's Heritage Center is currently being prepared. As noted in the last newsletter, David Hillman, CEO of the Southern Management Corp., has generously donated space in an historic downtown Baltimore building.
The opening date is tentatively scheduled for August 2009. More complete information will be in our next e-newsletter.
In the meantime, please continue to send all correspondence and donations to:
Maryland Women's Heritage Center
P.O. Box 719
Brooklandville, MD 21022-0719
Phone: 410-767-0675
Women Taking the Lead to Save Our Planet
Throughout 2009, the National Women's History Project (NWHP) and the Maryland Women's Heritage Center are honoring Maryland women who have taken the lead in the environmental or "green" movement.
The Maryland Women's Heritage Center has developed an Environment Pledge in honor of "Women Taking the Lead to Save Our Planet" and Maryland's Rachel Carson, mother of the modern environmental movement. Click here to sign the pledge.
For more information about "Women Taking the Lead to Save Our Planet" and the Maryland women who are presently involved in the environmental movement, click here. |
Women of Tomorrow Awards
The Maryland Women's Heritage Center is proud to support the Women of Tomorrow Awards taking place Wednesday, May 13 at 6 p.m. at the Miller Senate Office Building in Annapolis. Sponsored by the Maryland Department of Human Resources, Maryland Commission for Women, Maryland State Department of Education, and the friends of the Maryland Commission for Women, the program honors girls who are outstanding students and members of their communities and who have a strong vision for the future. Teachers, guidance counselors, school administrators, and Girl Scout leaders are asked to submit nominations of outstanding students. A selection committee, consisting of representatives of the sponsoring organizations, determines the finalists who are then honored at this special event. For more information, e-mail mcw@dhr.state.md.us or call 410-767-3049.
The Maryland Women's Heritage Center is participating in the following event for girls:
She Matters Girls' Empowerment Conference & Expo Saturday, May 16, 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. New Town High School, 4931 New Town Boulevard, Owings Mills, MD
Young women ages 9 - 17 can attend this incredible day of workshops, performances, vendor exhibits, and more at this second annual conference, which empowers girls to embrace life, pursue their dreams, and fulfill their destinies. The day includes an awards ceremony honoring young women who have succeeded in the areas of Academics, Athleticism, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Community Service, and overall Achievement. This year's event also features Kemba Smith, a nationally renowned motivational speaker, addressing the choices young women can make. In addition, Adrienne Watson Carver, Mrs. Maryland 2007, and Gabrielle Carlson, Miss Maryland USA 2009, will be on-hand. For more information or to register to attend, visit www.shematterstoo.com. To volunteer to help at the Maryland Women's Heritage Center booth, please contact Linda Shevitz. |
Diversity Days
The Maryland Women's Heritage Center is participating in a panel presentation at the Social Security Administration Diversity Days Celebration on Tuesday, May 19, 10 - 11:30 am at the Social Security Administration Building (300 North Greene Street, Baltimore). Linda Shevitz, Executive Board Member of the Maryland Women's Heritage Cener, will speak as part of a program to celebrate the ethnic, cultural, and gender diversity of th staff of the Maryland Social Security Administration and state agencies. Performers and vendors will also participate in the activities. For more information, contact Linda Shevitz. |
Maryland Women Spanning the Globe
The Maryland Women's Heritage Center is a cooperating partner of "Maryland Women Spanning the Globe" taking place Wednesday, May 20, 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., at the Jim Rouse Visionary Center, American Visionary Art Museum, 800 Key Highway, Baltimore. The World Trade Center Institute and Jhpiego, an international health organization affiliated with Johns Hopkins University, are hosting this women-only annual event. Topics include Women & Families around the World, Successful Women Entrepreneurs - Here and Abroad, Women and the Muslim World - 1.3 Billion Consumers, Creating & Marketing Value in Today's Economy, Women and Board Leadership, Mentors & Mentees' Learning, 60 Minutes - Int'l Business Headlines Panel, and more. Cost to attend is $90 per person. For more information or to register to attend, visit www.wtci.org or call 410-576-0022. |
Spirited Women of Baltimore Awards
Morton's The Steakhouse, Baltimore4Her™ and The Women's Wine and DineŽ are hosting a Spirited Women of Baltimore Power Lunch on Wednesday, August 12, 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Photo: Susan Schapiro, Spirited Woman of Baltimore 2008, and Monyka Berrocosa, Founder of Baltimore4Her.com™ and The Women's Wine and DineŽ
This event, which benefits the American Red Cross of Central Maryland, will honor three Spirited Women of Baltimore, in various walks of life, based on their career and personal successes.
Through June 30, 2009, nominations will be accepted for awards that will recognize a Spirited Woman Rising (an up and coming, young leader), Spirited Woman in Balance (a working mother) and lastly, the Spirited Woman of Baltimore 2009 (an accomplished leader).
The winners will be announced at the luncheon on Wednesday, August 12, 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m., at Morton's The Steakhouse (300 S. Charles Street, Baltimore). Tickets are $40 per person if purchased by August 5 and $50 per person if purchased after August 5. "Spirited Supporter" tables of six, eight, or 10 are available at a 10% discount per person until August 5.
For a nomination form or to purchase tickets, visit www.Baltimore4Her.com or www.WomenAndWineEvents.com, or call 410-585-9902. Nomination forms are also available at Morton's The Steakhouse in Baltimore located at 300 S. Charles Street. |
YWCA Leader Lunch
The Maryland Women's Heritage Center co-sponsored the YWCA Leader Lunch on Friday, May 8. This annual event recognizes and honors women leaders whose vision, energy, and talent combine to create vibrant workplaces and sustain our community.
The 2009 honorees included Luwanda Jenkins, Special Secretary, Governor's Office of Minority Affairs; Bonnie Stein, Executive Vice President, PNC Wealth Management; Kathleen Hyle, COO, Constellation Energy Resources; Linda Norman, General Manager, Hilton Baltimore; P.J. Mitchell, Vice President, Global Sales and Operations, IBM; Liz Rhode, Co-Owner and Co-Founder, Maryland Athletic Club and Wellness Center (MAC); Paula R. Singer, President and CEO, Laureate Education, Inc.; Sharon Kroupa, Partner, Venable LLP; Bonnie Phipps, President and CEO, St. Agnes Healthcare; Hathaway Ferebee, Executive Director, Safe and Sound; Loleta Robinson, MD, Chief Medical Officer and Co-Founder, Syan Bioscience; and Monique Dixon, Director, Criminal and Juvenile Justice Program, Open Society Institute-Baltimore.
2009 Update from the Maryland Legislative Agenda for Women
Below is information about legislation in Maryland supported by the Maryland Legislative Agenda for Women (MLAW) that was passed by the Maryland legislature in 2009:
Family Law - Protective Orders - Surrender of Firearms Family Law - Temporary Protective Orders - Surrender of Firearms Bill Number: SB 267/ HB 296and SB 268/ HB 302
SB 267/HB 296 would make it mandatory, rather than discretionary, for a final protective order to order the respondent to surrender to law enforcement authorities any firearm in the respondent's possession, and to refrain from possession of any firearm, for the duration of the protective order.
SB 268/HB 302 would authorize a judge entering a temporary protective order to order a respondent to surrender to law enforcement authorities any firearm in the person's possession.
Unemployment Insurance for Part-Time Workers Bill Number: SB 270and HB 310
Synopsis: This bill makes part-time workers who are only available to work part-time eligible for unemployment insurance benefits when they lose their job through no fault of their own.
Health Insurance - Mandated benefits - Hospitalization and Home Visits Following a Mastectomy Bill Number: HB 41and SB 173
Synopsis: This bill requires insurers and health plans to provide in-patient hospitalization for a minimum length of time and/or a home visit following a mastectomy performed for the treatment of breast cancer.
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act of 2009 Bill Number: HB 288and SB 368
Synopsis: This bill relates to an unlawful employment practice with respect to discrimination in compensation and authorizes the recovery of back pay for up to two years preceding the filing of a complaint, where the unlawful employment practice is similar or related to a practice that occurred outside the filing period.
Other bills that were supported by the Maryland Legislative Agenda for Women (MLAW) that did not pass this session include:
Family Law-Child Custody Determinations Bill Number: HB 717and SB 740 Synopsis: This bill provides clear guidelines and standards for courts to use when making child custody determinations by codifying existing case law. Outcome: No votes taken in House Judiciary Committee and Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee.
Criminal Law - Third Degree Sexual Offense - Person in Position of Authority Bill Number: HB 1090and SB 681 Synopsis: A bill to prohibit persons in authority from sexually exploiting the adolescents and children they work with at all times, including when the child is not technically in their care. Outcome: Received unfavorable reports in the House Judiciary Committee and Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee.
Health Care Affordability Act of 2009 Bill Number: HB 951and SB 813 Synopsis: This bill will make quality health care affordable for all Marylanders. Outcome: No votes taken in House Health and Government Operations Committee and Senate Finance and Budget and Taxation Committees.
WOW: Women of Wonder Spotlight
By Carolyn Stegman, Ed.D.
Each edition of the e-newsletter will feature a Maryland Woman of Wonder. This spotlight is on Lucille Clifton, a member of the Honorary Board of the Maryland Women's Heritage Center and former Poet Laureate of Maryland. Lucille Clifton and her daughters Gillian Clifton-Monell and Alexia Clifton were honored at the "We Are Our Mothers' Daughters" fundraising luncheon, which took place Wednesday, April 29.
Photo: Carolyn Stegman, Ed.D.
On the front of the Maryland Women's Heritage Center brochure are the words of Lucille Clifton, our state's poet laureate from 1979-1985. We have used her words to describe the unsung heroines of our history and many have been touched by them. As requested, I share the complete poem, "the lost women," along with some of Clifton's other incomparable work.
Lucille Clifton, born in 1936, is one of the most treasured voices of her generation, one that offers undeniable insight on the human condition. Her poems, like African American spirituals, are brief but powerful. Her work explores the dimensions of her sexual identity, and her role as daughter, mother, lover, and woman. Lucille Clifton gives unique voice to feminism, loss, and pain.
Photo: Lucille Clifton the lost women
i need to know their names those women i would have walked with
jauntily the way men go in groups
swinging their arms, and the ones
those sweating women whom i would have joined
after a hard game to chew the fat
what would we have called each other laughing
joking into our beer? where are my gangs, my teams, my mislaid sisters?
all the women who could have known me,
where in the world are their names?
all night i dream of lips
that nursed and nursed
and the lonely nipple
lost in loss and the need
to feed that turns at last
on itself that will kill
its body for its hunger's sake
all night i hear the whispering
the soft
loves calls you to this knife
for love for love
all night it is the one breast
comforting the other
Lucille Clifton truly is a Maryland treasure. She doesn't need a lengthy narrative biography--one only has to read her work to understand.
Carolyn B. Stegman is author of the book, Women of Achievement in Maryland History. | |
2009 Heritage Happenings
*Women's Art: Women's Vision
Sunday, March 8 - Sunday, April 5, with a Reception on Tuesday, March 10
World Trade Center, Baltimore
The Maryland Women's Heritage Center highlighted more than 20 Maryland women artists with an art exhibition in celebration of Women's History Month. Artists exhibiting were Barbara Curran, Mary Carol Curran, Rosetta DeBerardinis, Janet Freedman, Stephanie Goldberg, Loretto Gubernatis, Chrissy Gubernatis, Stephanie Hopkins, Jessica McKelvin, Sherah Rosen, Kenlynn Schroeder, and Sydnei SmithJordan of Baltimore; Eliner Tryon Elgin of Bel Air, MD.; Wilhelmina Burress and Karen Burress of Bowie, MD.; Denee Barr, Joan Lok, and Eileen Williams of Columbia, MD.; Diane Wieder of Ellicott City, MD.; Meredith Snow of Germantown, MD.; Sandra Magsamen of Glen Arm, MD.; Ev Marinucci of Laurel, MD.; and Barbara Johnson of Pasadena, MD. The exhibition also included art by young women from the Girl Scouts of Central Maryland.
*Women's Leadership Forum Wednesday, March 11 The Baltimore Sun, Baltimore
The Maryland Women's Heritage Center co-sponsored the Girl Scouts of Central Maryland's third Women's Leadership Forum highlighting Maryland women artists who are leaders in their respective fields. Panelists included Toby Orenstein, Columbia Center for Theatrical Arts and Toby's Dinner Theatre; Rebecca Hoffberger, American Visionary Art Museum; and Elizabeth Cockey, painter. The panel was facilitated by Maryland Women's Heritage Center board member Carmen Delgado Votaw. Girls attending the panel presentation had the opportunity to interact personally with each of the panelists.
*Maryland Women's Hall of Fame Thursday, March 12 Miller Senate Office Building, Annapolis
Established by the Maryland Commission for Women and the Women Legislators of Maryland, this annual event honors Maryland women who have made unique and lasting contributions to the economic, political, cultural and social life of the state, and provides visible models of achievement for tomorrow's female leaders. The Maryland Women's Hall of Fame will be housed in the Maryland Women's Heritage Center.
The 2009 honorees were:
Ilia J. Fehrer, Environmentalist/Activist, Worcester County
Diane E. Griffin, M.D., Ph.D., Medicine/Science, Baltimore County
Harriet C. Legum, Educator/Humanitarian, Baltimore City
Brigadier General Allyson R. Solomon, Armed Forces, Prince George's County
St. Clair Wright, Preservationist, Anne Arundel County
*Women: Back to the Future Saturday, March 14 Mar-Va Theater, Pocomoke City, MD
The Maryland Women's Heritage Center presented a theatrical program starring Kate Campbell Stevenson, which brought to life women from history including Sacagawea, Native American guide and interpreter; Bessie Coleman, First African American female pilot; Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady and humanitarian; and Rachel Carson, marine biologist and mother of the modern environmental movement. Kate Campbell Stevenson has performed her original one-woman Women's History productions throughout the United States. Proceeds were donated to the Maryland Women's Heritage Center.
Thanks to our sponsors: Luann Leonard, CAbi consultant Toni Julian, Upper Deck Restaurant Kathi Trumble, Infinity Copy & Print Shop Debi Rus, Rus Graphic Design
*Women Taking the Lead to Save Our Planet Reception Monday, March 16 Rachel Carson House, Silver Spring, MD
This special invitation-only celebration hosted by the Rachel Carson Council honored Rachel Carson and other Maryland women who have received national and state recognition for their contributions related to the 2009 Women's History Month theme, "Women Taking the Lead to Save our Planet." The state and national recognition programs are being coordinated by the National Women's History Project and the Maryland Women's Heritage Center to honor women who have exhibited outstanding leadership in protecting and preserving our environment. To celebrate the honorees' contributions, the reception included a performance about Rachel Carson by noted women's history dramatist, Kate Campbell Stevenson, an informal tour of Rachel Carson's home, and a tribute by local students. A Protecting the Environment Pledge was also distributed to all participants. The historic home is the site where Rachel Carson wrote her revolutionary book, "Silent Spring," which launched the contemporary environmental movement in the United States.

*Women Making History Together: Women's History Tour of Annapolis Friday, March 27 Sites included the Annapolis Maritime Museum, Levy Center at the U.S. Naval Academy, Banneker Douglas Museum, Catherine Green House, and St. Clair Wright Center.
The Maryland Women's Heritage Center in partnership with the Mayor's Office of the City of Annapolis hosted the first women's history trolley tour of Annapolis to explore the innovative and exciting women of Maryland's past and women making history together today. Mayor Ellen Moyer, the first female mayor of Annapolis, welcomed guests at City Hall. Throughout the day, participants travel to important Annapolis sites showcasing the rich contributions and accomplishments of remarkable Maryland women. Participants also enjoyed a gourmet lunch at the Treaty of Paris restaurant. Some of th sites visited were the Annapolis Maritime Museum, Levy Center at the U.S. Naval Academy, Banneker Douglas Museum, Catherine Green House, and St. Clair Wright Center.
*We Are Our Mothers' Daughters
Wednesday, April 29
Morton's The Steakhouse, Baltimore
Cokie Roberts, an acclaimed author and political commentator, as well as member of the Maryland Women's Heritage Center Honorary Board, joined the Maryland Women's Heritage Center for a special fundraising luncheon to honor the release of her new book, "We Are Our Mothers' Daughters: Revised and Expanded Edition." Proceeds from the lunch benefited the Maryland Women's Heritage Center. The event also celebrated Maryland mothers and daughters who set examples for the future. Honorees included Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Baltimore City Council President, and her mother Dr. Nina Rawlings, a retired pediatrician; Betty Buck, President of Buck Distributing Co., Inc., and her daughters Kelly Ingbretson and Erin Fitzgerald; Shoshana S. Cardin, Former Chair of the Maryland Commission for Women, and her daughters Nina Beth Cardin and Ilene Vogelstein; Lucille Clifton, Former Poet Laureate of Maryland, and her daughters Gillian Clifton-Monell and Alexia Clifton; Sherrie Krauser, Judge, Circuit Court for Prince George's County, and her mother Bess B. Lavine, Retired Judge, District Court of Maryland; and Joyce J. Scott, Internationally Renowned Artist, and her mother, Elizabeth Talford Scott, a Celebrated Fiber Artist.
Thanks to our sponsors:
Chaney Enterprises
Focus On Women Magazine
WomanTalk Live
On Purpose Woman Magazine
Harford Cable Network Morton's The Steakhouse
Maryland Commission for Women and Local Commissions for Women
Updated May 1, 2009
The Maryland Commission for Women is a partner of the Maryland Women's Heritage Center.
The Maryland Commission for Women collaborates with the Maryland State Department of Education in coordinating the Maryland Women's History Project and with the Women Legislators of Maryland in coordinating the Maryland Women's Hall of Fame. The Commission also honors young female leaders in a Women of Tomorrow project. Its goals are to promote the social, political, and economic equality for Maryland women.
Baltimore, MD 21201
These commissions provide information, programs, resources, and advocacy for the women in their jurisdictions. Please contact and support their important work. Allegany County Commission for Women 30 Washington Street
Cumberland, Maryland 21502
Arnold, Maryland 21012
Jeanne Cooper, Chair
Baltimore City Commission for Women City Hall
100 N. Holliday Street, Suite 124
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
410-396-7541 Dr. Anne O. Emery, Chair Janie McCullough, Liaison
Court House Suite 124
Towson, Maryland 21204
Prince Frederick, Maryland 20678
Elkton, Maryland 21921
La Plata, Maryland 20646
Winchester Hall
Frederick, Maryland 21701-5243
Oakland, Maryland 21550
Lisa Thayer Welch, Chair
Harford County Commission for Women 319 S. Main Street
Bel Air, Maryland 21014
Lisa Title, Chair Sylvia Bryant, Director
Howard County Commission for Women 6751 Columbia Gateway Drive
Suite 300
Columbia, Maryland 21046
410-313-6425 Courtney Workman, Chair Lois Mikkila, Liaison
Suite 100
Rockville, Maryland 20850
240-777-8330 Regina Oldak, Chair Judith Vaught-Rather, Executive Director
6420 Allentown Road
Camp Springs, Maryland 20748
301-265-8420 Yvonne Kennon-Walker, Chair Eugenia Mercer, Liaison
St. Mary's County Commission for Women P.O. Box 653
Leonardtown, Maryland 20650
301-475-4200, ext. 1846
Marta Kelsey, Chair Delores Lacey, Liaison
Washington County Commission for Women 100 W. Washington Street
Hagerstown, Maryland 21740
240-313-2216 Rose Wolters, Chair
Wicomico County Commission for Women 812 E. Main Street
Salisbury, Maryland 21804
410-572-8944 Jean Anderton, Chair
Worcester County Commission for Women P.O. Box 126
Winchester Hall
Snow Hill, Maryland 21863
410-632-4950 Linda C. Skidmore, Chair |
Maryland Women's Heritage Center Mission
The mission of the Maryland Women's Heritage Center is to preserve the past, understand the present, and shape the future by recognizing, respecting, and transmitting the experiences and contributions of Maryland women of diverse backgrounds and regions.
Maryland Women's Heritage Center
P.O. Box 719
Brooklandville, MD 21022-0719 Phone: 410-767-0675 E-mail: mwhcjill@comcast.net
We are proud to partner with the following organizations that support the creation of this historic first:

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