Somma Tool Company
Somma Tool Company, Inc. Newsletter
August 2008
In This Issue
Somma Second Operation Machines
Tool Trends Late Summer Special (10% Discount)
Catalog 2008
CatalogWith Labor Day fast approaching it's time to send out our August newsletter. Our summer sales activity was like this year's summer weather in Connecticut: hot some days, cool other days, but pretty good overall.
Somma Second Operation Machines

In this newsletter we would like to re-introduce you to our Second Operation Machines. We make both a re-tapping machine (part # BB-SR) and a tapping machine (part # STC-TAP-ER) and they both offer many advantages in re-tapping and tapping operations.


Somma Re-TAP-er

Ths Somma Re-Tap-Er machine, BB-SR, can re-tap threaded parts, chase threads, and remove cut off burrs from threads. It can also be used to inspect threads when a thread gage is mounted in the chuck. The BB-SR .has a double disc friction drive that reverses rotation instantly by the application of forward or backward hand pressure on the part being tapped. The friction discs are driven by a rubber drive ring mounted on the motor shaft and the maximum spindle speed is 1,000 RPM. The machine is assembled with the standard black neoprene rubber drive ring # BB-7. A heavy duty orange urethane drive ring, #BB-7HD, is also included.

This machine has recently had some design improvements to make it easier to replace the drive rings and there is also a light switch now warning you if the motor is running. The list price is $592.25.



The Somma Tapping machine , STC-TAP-ER, can perform all of the operations done with a BB-SR,  but it can also tap up to a 5/16-18 thread in ½" thick steel.  This machine has a double disc friction drive like the BB-SR that reverses rotation instantly by forward or backward hand pressure on the part being tapped. The friction discs, however, are driven by a Heavy Duty Tapered Cone Drive Collar mounted on the motor shaft instead of by drive rings like the BB-SR. The maximum spindle speed is 300 RPM.

The STC-TAP-ER features a sliding face plate, a work table that can be reversed when not needed, an adjustable "V" plate for positioning small parts, and a light switch warning you if the motor is running. The list price is $818.85.

Both machines can be supplied without a motor, or with special motors for areas where 115V, single phase motors are not suitable.

See our special promotion below!

Tool Trends Late Summer Special (10% Discount)
Mention that you saw the above information on our Second Operation Machines in this August Tool Trends and you can take 10% off of the list price on these two machines! This offer is good until Friday, September 12th, 2008 for all orders shipped directly to  end users. When placing your order please mention the code "TT08" to receive your discount.

Catalog 2008
Catalog If you would like more copies of our Catalog 2008 please tell us.

See what's new in Catalog 2008
Request a free catalog

Sumitomo / Swiss Tooling / Free Polo Shirt!
Somma Polo Shirt
 Somma Tool Company is offering a free Somma Polo Shirt for any order for Swiss Tooling valued at $250 or more. Eligible items are on the following pages of catalog 2008:
Pg 32: Swiss type cut-off tool holders
Pgs 34-45: Sumitomo tooling and inserts
Pgs 46 & 47: Right &Left hand tools for Swiss
Pgs 50 & 51: Swiss broach tool holders and broaches

Live Online Chat Support
Online Support
Our world class support is only one click away. During regular business hours just click on the "Live Support Online" button on the top right of our website and you will be immediately connected to our customer service department.
Somma Tool Contact Information
Somma Tool Company, Inc.
109 Scott Road
Waterbury, CT 06705
Phone: 203-753-2114
Fax: 203-756-5489
Since Somma Tool Company was founded in 1939, the customer has always come first. Please remember that trial orders are always welcome and that all of our standard products come with a money back guarantee.
Contact your local Somma distributor, or us, with any questions that you may have. We also offer excellent technical support from our factory. We're here to serve your tooling needs.