The Official United States Military Blood Program
December 9, 2008
The Armed Services Blood Program
Welcome to the Armed Services Blood Program's (ASBP) e-newsletter.  With this e-newsletter you will get current news on how the ASBP is expanding and changing to meet the needs of the military family it serves.  Please take a moment and forward this e-newsletter on to others so that they can join our mailing list too!
You can also read more stories and schedule your blood donation appointment online by visiting our website at
Warmest regards,
The Armed Services Blood Program 
New ASBPO Director Travels Far, Builds Valuable Relationships
COL Francisco Rentas, Director, ASBPO, has been doing extensive traveling recently, which has laid a significant path for ASBPO's success.

"The Central Command's (CENTCOM) Surgeon's conference in Qatar and the European Command/North Atlantic Treaty Organization (EUCOM/NATO) coordinating committee in Vicenza, Italy have allowed me the opportunity to meet the players, our customers, and has provided me with a much better perspective of what the challenges are so I can put the necessary amount of time and effort taking care of them," explains COL Rentas.

In addition, COL Rentas took some time to go to Iraq with the Joint Blood Program Office and Area Joint Blood Program Office to meet and thank those working at the Blood Supply Depot and Air Force hospital in Balad. "I was disappointed that we could not make it to Baghdad since two helo flights were cancelled at the last minute but I will try again," says COL Rentas and concludes "I am coming back after identifying a few challenges that we need to address. Some of them I already have people working on."
National Blood Donor Month 2009
Although National Blood Donor Month isn't until January, the ASBPO and its blood donor recruiters worldwide have already begun planning activities and blood drives in an effort to thank all who donate regularly. If you would like to find a donor center near you, please visit the ASBP Web site where you can find each donor center's individual Web site and see their National Blood Donor Month plans. As January nears, we will be placing more information on the ASBP as well as donor center Web sites to keep you informed. In the meantime, be on the lookout for a National Blood Donor Month press release to be posted in the coming weeks!

Ft. Knox Honors Veterans Affairs for Blood Donations

Before Camp Memorial moved to Fort Benning, GA last summer, the majority of its collections were made from the basic and advanced individual training Soldiers at Fort Knox.  However, because of the high war-time blood donation quotas required for Soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, it helped to have an alternative collection source.

Teresa Sammons, the transmission services supervisor at the Louisville Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center on Zorn Avenue, came up with the idea of a partnership with Camp Memorial while working on a leadership project...Read complete story on ASBP Web site.
Two Reasons to Give Today

If all blood donors gave three times a year, blood shortages would be a rare event (The current average is about two).

You will have something to do on a rainy day.

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