The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. ~ Zephaniah 3:17
Fall 2010 - Vol 3, Issue 3
Defiant Joy! online
The Cycle of Trapped Thoughts [part one]
Years ago, I needed to have an MRI that required me to go
into the machine head first. The idea of
being stuck headlong into a cylinder did not delight me. To encourage me to
relax, the technicians let me bring in some music to play during the procedure. It didn't help! No amount of music, deep breathing, closing
my eyes, etc. was going to change the fact that the walls of the machine were
only inches away from me. I felt trapped! The more I thought about feeling trapped, the
more anxious I became. The more anxious
I became, the more trapped I felt. The
cycle repeated itself until I had worked myself into a state of panic.
As my mind raced with
frenzied thoughts, I heard the
technician's voice break into my panic and ask, "Are you doing okay in
there? Need anything?" I answered,
"Well, the bacon and eggs I ordered for breakfast haven't arrived as of
With a laugh, he said, "Good luck with that
It might seem rather odd that I responded to my anxiety by
making a joke; however, it's often easier to make a joke than to ask for
help. Despite my obvious need for help,
I didn't ask for any. I persisted in
feeling trapped. What we tell ourselves about a situation often plays a crucial
role in how we experience the situation. John 8:32 gives us valuable insight about what to tell ourselves about feeling
trapped: "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you
free." The pre-requisite here is
that we must know what the truth is. Knowing truth precedes being set
free. In John 14:6 Jesus tells us that
he is the way, the truth, and the life. The path to freedom leads us right to the foot of the
cross. He is the one who sets us free
from sin and death...from feeling trapped.
Feeling trapped can
be quite disabling: It can keep us from doing all sorts of things. We may not be able to accomplish even the
simplest of tasks such as taking out the trash let alone the more complicated tasks such as being in relationships with
others. Focusing on trapped feelings can lead us to respond by
default, "I'm trapped," and
thus, render our knowledge of Jesus-the
truth-ineffective and unproductive (2 Peter 1:8). The challenge of
changing our default feeling of being trapped to one of freedom in Christ is a
process of exercising faith, trust, and obedience. We begin by placing our faith in Jesus (Mark
16:16). We place our trust in the truth that God has set us free, and we
obediently follow his directives because we love Him. This process is rooted in the discipline of daily
renewing our minds.
In part two of this
series, we'll explore what it means to replace our "trapped thoughts"
with the "untrapped truth". In
the meantime, let's remember that the Holy Spirit is our constant reminder that
we are protected. Psalm 121 says that
God will keep us from harm. I don't read
this as God keeping me from bumps and
bruises but that, when they come, the God will be an ever present help in my time of
With defiant joy!
See the Joy!
 Do you or someone you know need a speaker for an event? Please consider recommending Defiant Joy. Check out the topics page to learn more about
available presentations. Any of these presentations can be adapted to
fit your
group's needs and time requirements. Also, speaking rates are negotiable. Contact me via e-mail or by phone at 484-319-6705.
Day of Reflection: God's Joy Ladies Chapter of Daylesford Abbey May 23, 2011 Above All ElseCrossroads Presbyterian Church's Annual Women's Retreat October 21-23, 2011
Thanks and Prayers
I am giving thanks for...
- various opportunities that may arise for growing Defiant Joy.
- some great conversations with area women's ministry leaders.
- the brilliance of the graphic designer I've been working with to update the website.
- a great class of public speaking students during the first summer session.
- the ability to get out of my current lease without a penalty.
- a great time vacationing in Virginia Beach. It's always great to see my people there!
I am asking for prayer for...- direction for the web designer as he continues to work on redesigning the website. He's come up with some great ideas thus far.
- continued financial support of the ministry.
- a couple of tentative events that may be scheduled for the fall.
- wisdom about how to direct Defiant Joy in the coming months.
- the beginning of the semester. I want my students to see Jesus in me.
- my upcoming move the end of September.