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~ The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. ~
Zephaniah 3:17

December 2008 | Vol. 1 | Issue 6

Merry Christmas!
I don't know about you, but Christmas seemed to arrive very quickly for me this year.  Just last week, I came to the realization that Christmas day was just around the corner!

During a dinner conversation with some friends the other day, I was reminded that the celebration of Christ's birth is a perfect reflection of God's heart.  He loves me like no other.  Why else would He give up His only son?

May your Christmas be a celebration of the love of the Father for each and everyone around you (as well as you!).  Have a very Merry Christmas!
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PrizedGo Tell it on the Mountain!
by Susan

susan's photo
"Go, tell it on the mountain,
Over the hills and everywhere
Go, tell it on the mountain,
That Jesus Christ is born."

This African American spiritual is my favorite Christmas song.  This great classic by John W. Works dates back to around 1865.  This song has been sung by various artists from various genres and I haven't met a version yet that I do not like.

The beauty of the song is the simplicity of its message:  announce Christ's birth everywhere.  Shout it from the mountain tops down into the valleys that Christ is here.  Like many other Christmas carols, this one also speaks of the holy light that shone down from heaven on the day of Christ's birth.  He is the light of the world.  This is very good news and what do you do with very good news?  You tell it on the mountain so that everyone can hear!

I recently heard an excellent sermon about the proclamation found in Matthew 1:23:  "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel--which means, 'God with us.'"  What does it mean to say "God is with us?"  As I listened to the sermon, I thought about how easy it is to believe that God is with a lot of other people, but not with me.  I'm a part of "us."  God is with me.  Whether I feel it or not, He is with me.  This is good news!

So, go tell it on the mountain this Christmas that Jesus Christ is born.  Whatever your mountain might look like (e.g., the office, the campus, the mall, the daycare, etc.), let us all say in one loud voice from our mountain tops, "Immanuel has come!  God is with us!"

Have a very Merry Christmas!

p.s.  With a little country and a little gospel twist, Dolly Parton sings a great version of the song.

Have a thought, reflection, question, comment, etc. about what you've read?  Click here to share it.  (Your e-mail address and name are not made public.)

WordJoy in the Word
Isaiah 9:6-7

 6 For to us a child is born,
       to us a son is given,
       and the government will be on his shoulders.
       And he will be called
       Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
       Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
 7 Of the increase of his government and peace
       there will be no end.
       He will reign on David's throne
       and over his kingdom,
       establishing and upholding it
       with justice and righteousness
       from that time on and forever.
       The zeal of the LORD Almighty
       will accomplish this.

SeeSee the Joy

Are you or someone you know looking for a speaker for a 2009 event?

Please consider Defiant Joy Ministries. 

Check out the topics page to learn more about available presentations.

Any of these presentations can be adapted to fit your group's needs and time requirements. Does your group need a specific topic addressed?
Feel free to contact Susan with your request. 

Upcoming Events

"In the Light of Grace"
Crossroads Presbyterian Church's Annual Women's Retreat
St. Mary of Providence Retreat Center
April 24-26, 2009
[stay tuned for contact information]

ways to keep in touch

See the Joy - Topics - Journal the Joy Blog
MomentsJoy Moments


Santa Logic.

While standing in the paper goods aisle at the store the other day, I heard the following conversation between a boy and his mom.

"I know that you are Santa Claus," the boy says in a serious and emphatic tone.

"How do you know that?" his mom asks innocently as she searches the shelf for a roll of paper towels.

"Logic tells me so," he says in a tone that begs the question regarding his mother's ability to reason at all.

Too funny!

Look around you--joyful moments abound!  Click here to share yours!

ResourcesJoyful Resources

Samaritan's Purse Christmas Catalog

Have you ever struggled to figure out what to get for the person who seemingly has everything?  Ever wanted to make your gift giving budget stretch beyond its capacity?

Samaritan's Purse has published its annual Christmas catalog full of all kinds of ways you can give the gift of hope.  From vaccinations to milk to bikes to crops, the options are plentiful!

Consider giving the gift of hope for a hurting world.
Don't underestimate how excited someone might be to know that you've given them the gift of a cow for a poor farmer!

Want to share a joyful resource?  Send us a message.

ServingLeaders Ministries
The Critical Need

With the caring those in ministry do for others, it can sometimes be difficult for them to receive care.  ServingLeaders Ministries is a much needed answer to the question:  Who cares for pastors, ministry leaders, and their families?

Dave Wiedis is the Founder and Executive Director of ServingLeaders Ministries. He is also my ministry coach and I couldn't be more thankful for his insight and help as I work to build a solid foundation for Defiant Joy.

As a counselor, attorney, teacher, and elder, Dave has a unique skill set that enables him to care well for those in ministry.  I would highly recommend him and even if you are not local, he would make an excellent keynote speaker on a number of topics.

For more information, visit his ministry online at
PrayPrayer and Thanks

I'm Giving Thanks...
  • For a time of prayer retreat this past November.
  • For a a good first semester at my new job.
  • For Christ's birth and time to celebrate the occassion with good friends
  • For strength to continue to choose defiant joy
Please Pray...
  • For speaking opportunities
  • For continued reflection and insight as I meet with my ministry coach
  • For wisdom about establishing an advisory/accountability team for the ministry
  • For insight about making some design improvements to the website
It would be a privilege to pray for you.  E-mail Susan.
  photo of susan
With Defiant Joy,

Susan M. Ward, Ph.D.
Founder | Defiant Joy Ministries

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