Do pets go to heaven? Will I be with my animals again? These questions are often asked by someone with a desperate fear that a sign posted on heaven's gates says, "No dogs allowed."
I had similar concerns in the early years of communicating with the spirits. Therefore, I was relieved when spirit pets and spirit people started appearing together. "There's a bald dog standing next to you," I said to a young woman attending an event. "And there's a bald man, a grandfather, standing with him," I continued. The woman laughed and said that her dog had a skin condition which caused all the hair to fall out. Her grandfather, also bald, had commiserated with the dog. They were a pair in life; they were a pair in the afterlife. After that encounter years ago, the animals started running, flying and hopping all around me during events and sessions - - and I love it!
At a large event, a German Shepherd arrived with opera music in the background. Her name was "Aria." Aria went on to tell her owner (mother) that she loved the sausage treats, but not the treats that were bought on sale with coupons. Her owner laughed at being busted from the other side. Aria then went on to tell her "mother" that she could hear her crying at night because of the decision she had made to release Aria from her body. Aria thanked her "mother" for making that choice. Aria hated that she could no longer walk and as a result was making messes in the house.
Unlike us, animals don't fear dying. However, they may choose to stay here on earth beyond what is physically bearable, until we are willing to release them. Many, many times during sessions, animals in spirit thank their owners for allowing them to go onto a life where there is no pain and where they can run again (after being crippled here) and where they can lay in the sun that shines all day, every day.
"He says that he is a little man. I know that he's a monkey, but he looks like a tiny person as he stands next to you," I told a man who approached me during an event with a leather collar in his hand. The collar which looked as though it belonged to a large dog did not seem to fit the monkey. However, the man informed me that his monkey, who was called "Little Man," had worn that collar around his waist. During a subsequent message, Little Man commented on the new monkey in the family by saying, "He's not as smart as I am." The man and his family agreed with that statement. Little Man was very opinionated and lots to say about their daughter's tattoo, the new pool and a possible move to a ranch.
Pets (and people) in spirit remain interested and involved in our lives. The exuberance with which animals communicate from the other side astounds me. Then again, spirit communication may provide them with their first opportunity to say what was been on their minds for years and express their love in human terms.
Pets communicate with me with pictures, sounds, feelings and words. Recently a dog in spirit named Snuffs started spelling out words like "o-u-t" and "t-r-e-a-t." Her owner thought that she had been outwitting Snuffs by spelling out favorite activities. Not so. Our animals understand much more of what we say than we may realize. In a well publicized lifelong experiment, a gorilla named "Coco" used American Sign Language to communicate complicated concepts to her scientific keepers. African Gray parrots can amass extensive vocabularies and put together entire sentences. Why, then, should we be surprised when our animals understand and respond to our thoughts and words, here on earth, and in spirit.
Humans and animals share consciousness. Animals learn from us and we learn from them. Love expressed consciously between humans and animals continues to grow in our relationship every day on earth and for eternity.
When you're missing the pet you love, please remember that heaven welcomes the animals we have lost. With certainty, I can state that our pets continue to share their love with us and will greet us with tails wagging, whiskers twitching, squeaks, squawks and barks when we join them on the other side of life.
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