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Love, Hope and Healing in Spirit 
In This Issue
Crystals, Healing and Spirit
Hallowe'en Spirit Encounter
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October 2008 

A windy, overcast day in New York, not unlike several days of rain last week.  I'm reminded once again why I love New York (weather) and why I love Los Angeles (no weather).

Another reason I love New York is the people - - they're everywhere!
Because I often travel on my own, I've developed the art of overhearing conversations.  Some may call this "eavesdropping," but I like to think of myself as a "silent conversation participator."  And actually, it is almost a physical representation of what I do in my work as a "spirit eavesdropper."
Surprisingly enough, bits of overheard conversation in Manhattan did not center around money - -  but around life, the meaning of life. . . and death. 
While paying for lunch at a diner on 9th at 43rd, I heard, "I don't think that there is a great purpose to life because I don't believe there needs to be one."    
Heard while walking past the pharmacy counter in Duane Reade, "Good people go to heaven and that's all I really care about because I'm a good person." 
And my favorite, overheard at a dog park on West 43rd, "When you're dead, you're dead.  I just want to be buried with my dog."
It seems that in times of crisis, people are even more opinionated about the greatest questions.  So short of standing on a NY street corner shouting for all to hear, or talking to myself as I walk down the street so others can overhear (and just think I'm crazy), I'm writing this newsletter and carrying on with the work of mediumship. 
I want to share with as many as possible that does life goes on, that heaven has a more open door policy than we might think, that there is a greater purpose to all of this and that when we're dead, we're actually alive and our animals are alive with us. 
This newsletter is one way of sharing the healing work of mediumship.  In this issue there is an article about crystals and healing plus information on a special Hallowe'en event.
So please forward MESSAGES to your friends - - so that they, too, can be "spirit eavesdroppers."
With love of life on this side and the other,
Crystals, Healing and Spirit
Amethyst Crystals
An Interview with Wendy Ansel
Owner of ROCKS & RUNES 

Wendy's passion for crystals is contagious and her knowledge extensive.  So when it came time to consider a place for doing an unprecedented Hallowe'en event this year, Wendy's Rocks and Runes was our first and only choice.
Here's a little introduction to Wendy and the crystals she loves.

Wendy has been working with crystals and gemstones for more than twenty years.   Starting in 1990, she designed fine jewelry for "Opals and Gems of Australia" for five and a half years.   She then expressed her creative cooperation with gems at "Eartheart Healing Jewelry, " a metaphysical store on Union Street in San Francisco. When the company was sold 5 years later, Wendy moved to Los Angeles and Rocks and Runes was born.
Of course there were many questions I wanted to ask Wendy about gems, minerals, crystals and stones, but space is limited so I limited my questions to five. 
1.     What is the #1 reason you're drawn to working with crystals?
I have been drawn to stones since childhood.  When working with rocks and crystals, I'm reminded that nothing is closer to spirit than that which has been created by spirit.   To me, it is clear that the Artist remains connected to the art and the energy used in its creation is eternal.   In a sense, working with crystals and stones is working with eternity.
2.     What are 3 of the most valuable reasons for learning about rocks and crystals?
Stones and humans  are made up of water, minerals and "communicate" at varying frequencies.   These commonalities allow stones to help support healing in humans - - emotionally, physically and spiritually.  Stones vibrate constantly attempting to create balance- the key to optimal health and happiness.
Crystals contain a high level of water content- essential for life. Water, a conductor of energy, can be programmed with thought forms.  These gentle frequencies can be useful in helping the body to rebuild without damaging the immune system further. Healing may take place on a deep emotional level, addressing initial trauma and the seeds of dis-ease.   
Crystal healing affects health on all planes, striving to reconnect the physical, mental and spiritual bodies. Healing at the cellular level and reprogramming the brain with healthy frequencies such as love, forgiveness and appreciation raises our spirit bodies to a higher frequency.  At this level we can attract and connect with those who are also vibrating at these higher vibrations.  Like attracts like. Love attracts love and the healthy attract good health!  Crystals help activate the power of intention!
3.  What are your three favorite crystals and/or rocks and why?
Favorite stones??? But I love them all!
I would have to say, though, that moonstone, opal and labradorite are among the most important stones for our time.  They are all color change stones and teach us to embrace change ~ not resist. 
Moonstone connects to the beautiful frequency of the moon reminding us to let go and become more like the ocean ~ free flowing and unattached.  It can help us to accept that all things pass and to let be what needs to be.   Moonstone reminds us that although not everything can be controlled, trust the universe that the right thing always happens.
Opal is the greatest teacher in times of grief and pain. It provides the light in the darkest hour and reminds us that all things are part of a greater design. What appears to be fire is actually in fact, water. All opals are one of a kind and unique ~ covering all ends of the color spectrum. Opals choose their wearers! 
Labradorite is a powerful stone which honors personal empowerment and accepting the role of healer/warrior. It opens the throat's energy, encouraging self expression and protects the warrior in times of need.  For those of you with a cause, labradorite can help you to express yourself while defending the underdog, the environment, the animals and exercising your own free will!  
4.  Are there specific crystals which can help with spirit communication?  
Amethyst, Sugilite, Charoite and clear Quartz connect us to spirit. Violet relates directly to the crown chakra and taking direction from the highest order. Crystal balls have been used for scrying  for hundreds of years . The sphere is symbolic of the earth and gives the reader a greater perspective in order to view situations from the highest place.
5.  Do crystals have personality?
Yes, they do!  They can be healers, comedians,  teachers and best friends. They will ignite the warrior within, calm the distressed and soothe wounded hearts. They will come and go like a pet!
I can hear stones harmonize when they are in a perfect order. Sometimes they shapeshift in order to get your attention, making themselves appear larger than they really are. Stones can pulsate, heat up, sing loudly, disappear, reappear and hypnotize you.
But perhaps greatest thing of all is that crystals have purpose and have been created through love to share that healing vibration with us.
1006 N. Lima St. (@ Magnolia Blvd.) Burbank, CA (818) 846-0108
October 31, 2008
7:30 - 10:00 p.m.
Rocks & Runes
1006 N. Lima Street at Magnolia
Burbank, CA  91505
$100 per person 
Join Hollister Rand for an unusual Hallowe'en experience while surrounded by crystals and rocks that glow in the dark!
Learn to safely contact Spirit with a Ouija board. 
Gaze into crystal balls for glimpses into the future.
Experience the energy of a rare crystal skull.  
Hollister will provide spontaneous messages throughout the evening.  Not every participant is guaranteed a reading.
Each person will receive a "goodie bag" filled with treats.  Light refreshments will be served. 

(Reservations and advanced payment required.)Event limited to only 20 people. Book early to avoid disappointment!

Contact HollisterRand@sbcglobal.net
for reservation information. 

Please note that no costumes with wings, limited sight or bloody gore are allowed.  We must be careful to respect the many gems, stones and crystals that will surround us.
Many thanks to the hundreds of you who have sent emails about your own experiences with spirit in sessions and beyond.  I'll be putting together a special Valentine's Day newsletter for sharing those experiences with readers.  So - - don't think you've missed the deadline.  Please know that sharing your connection to spirit can be of tremendous encouragement to others.