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July 2009
Good Afternoon
Welcome to Issue 7 of Triton News. 
Before everyone disappears off on their summer breaks we thought we should bring you the latest news from the world of database management.
Our hot topic this month is the launch of DB2 9.7 aka COBRA. 
We're also offering a fantastic free database healthcheck on all 40 hour Consultancy on Demand packages Perfect to get the holiday cover your team needs this summer! 
As ever, we love to hear from you so please
email us with any comments or suggestions. 
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CODDon't sweat it this summer
Don't struggle to cope when holidays or sick leave mean the team is under resourced. 
Our Consultancy on Demand offering is ideal for those times when the team is under extra pressure and more hands on deck are needed.  With Consultancy on Demand a block of consultancy hours can be purchased in advance and used as and when needed.
Ideal for cover during annual leave  
Hours can be used for DB2 training courses, consultancy, development work, cover during annual leave or to provide specific skills where they are lacking in the team.
During July and August we are offering a FREE database healthcheck on all 40 hour contracts.
Talk to an expert today!  Got a DB2 issue?  Call us today on 0870 2411 550 and speak to one of our DB2 experts or visit
Cure your data headache! 
Database growth has often been accepted as a natural consequence of being in business and adding more storage has been the solution.  The cost implications of adding storage can be enormous, reaching from simple infrastructure upgrades through to customer frustration and lost business opportunities.
Managing the financial services data explosion
Recent events in the financial services sector have seen many mergers and acquisitions in the sector, thus creating a "data headache" for many organisations.  Suddenly the amount of data within an organisation has grown massively, putting pressure on response times, SLA's and customer service.
Expert view
IBM Data Champion, Julian Stuhler and industry insider Andrew Crouch recently ran a webinar covering the causes, effects and coping strategies of growing data volumes.
For more information you can download any of our free white papers or articles:
AvailabilityHow to solve your database management challenges in the downturn
The database sits at the heart of an organisations' IT systems. With the need for 24/7 availability increasing, it is vital that databases are optimised, monitored and maintained efficiently and effectively.

This latest white paper from Triton Consulting, the database management experts, highlights the key challenges faced by IT organisations in maintaining their information management systems and the solutions to these challenges.
In particular it focuses on the management of DB2 databases for both midrange and mainframe platforms. 
Click here to read the full paper.
CobraIBM Unleash the COBRA

IBM have finally announced the long awaited release of the next version of DB2 - the COBRA aka DB2 9.7

Break Free with DB2 9.7
In this latest video see IBM Data Champion Julian Stuhler and other industry experts talk about their first hand experiences of how companies can break free from Oracle's rising costs and gain huge benefits from IBM DB2 9.7 
New development capabilities in DB2 9.7 make it easier to move applications developed for other databases to the IBM platform.
Other benefits include:
  • Lower storage costs with data compression enhancements. 
  • Lower XML data management and analysis costs with end-to-end native XML support for transactional and analytical systems. 
  • Lower database administration costs with additional automation features and enhanced workload management capabilities. 
  • Lower database development costs with the addition of database package support, the addition of several built-in packages, flexible concurrency model support, flexible data typing with implicit casting, and more. 
  • Lower costs for deploying departmental analytic solutions with new InfoSphere Warehouse editions for departmental solutions

to speak to one of our experts about how DB2 9.7 can benefit you call us today - 0870 2411 550.

Credit Crunch - The Impact on System Z
An article by Mark Wilson 

The worldwide credit crunch has already started to affect the mainframe market. 
Too often IT teams are saying:
The project is on hold
� The project is too risky
� We don't have the capital, but we see the benefit, so it's on hold
� We have put all IT spend on hold
� Etc.
It's very much, a batten down the hatches and let's ride out the storm strategy for many large organisations.
What does this mean for the Mainframe?
What does this really mean for the mainframe world, as we know it today? I believe it's more of what we have seen in the last few years. Although a lot more aggressively, we will be asked to do more:
� Consolidation
� Software Vendor Rationalisation
� Software reviews and conversions
� Further exploitation using automation
In short do more with less, which is a message we have been hearing for a long time.
We must become more accountable for the services we provide to the business, ensuring we deliver in a cost effective manner. Being accountable means responsibility and we will all have a part to play in ensuring that the IT budget is spent in a sensible manner.
All of the points above are interlinked in some way and should all be considered when reviewing an enterprises technology strategy.

Podcast - Julian Stuhler on IDUG, the International DB2 Users Group 
Julian Stuhler, 2008-09 President of the International DB2 User Group (IDUG) and Triton Consulting Solutions Delivery Director, talks to Scott Laningham of IBM Developerworks about the IDUG mission, benefits and events and how IDUG stands out from other user groups.

Click here to listen now. 

Issue: 7
In This Issue
Don't sweat it this summer
FEATURE - Cure your data headache
Insight - How to solve your database management challenges in the downturn
HOT TOPIC! - DB2 9.7
Credit Crunch - the Impact on System Z
Podcast - Julian Stuhler on IDUG
Upcoming events
Upcoming Events
New DB2 9.5 & 9.7 training courses available! 
8-10th - Oracle to DB2 DBA Conversion - IBM Hursley
Seminar - Data Governance on System Z - dates TBC, look out for details in September's newsletter
To book any of the above or if you have a bespoke training requirement contact us today
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