wintry quebec1 
Your Rice Family E~Zine
Generation by Generation  ~  Century by Century 

 VOL.  4,   NO.  2-3               February 24, 2011

steam train
In This Issue
Letter from the Editor
Is This a Portrait of Jane Austen?
The Rice Descendants
Southern Family Trees: Early Rice Alumni of Washington and Lee
Migrations: Massachusetts to Vermont, then Ohio
Genealogy is Fun!
Special Database: Four Centuries of English Rice Families
Links & Tips
The Family Circle


Our next issue will be full of reader-contributed and reader-requested information.  Here's some of what is on tap:
~ Follow up to two Rices who married into the Boone family
~ What a reader found out about his Revolutionary War ancestor
~ Of pirates, a Rice romance and a Rice immigrant from Wales
~ The Dominick Rices
~ Selections from the Rice mail bag


pen and quill creamLetter from the Editor


This issue is a double edition.  What's that?  It is when a major part of the content is either a special database or special list that is in addition to the usual content.  In this case, it's a lengthy list of English Rice families from the 15th through the 19th centuries.  As is the case in North America, these families are unrelated branches of the Rice family--that is, they are not closely related to each other.  No doubt some of them share ancestors with some American Rice descendants.


These Rices are all from England, though origins of some of them may reach back into Wales, Scotland and Ireland.  At some future date I will try to get together a similar list of Rices in the other three countries.




Jane Austen?


"The Rice Portrait of Jane Austen"
Is this Controversial Painting
Really a Portrait of Famous
British Novelist Jane Austen?

For decades this controversial painting commanded attention in the worlds of art and literature. It's called "Rice" not because of its artist, who allegedly was Ozias Humphry, but because it has been passed down in Jane Austen's family for more than 200 years and the more recent owners, surnamed Rice, are descendants of the famous author's younger brother, Edward.


Jane Austen (1775-1817) is best described as an English literary giant whose works are among the most widely read in the English language. Some have been dramatized on television, wining new fans for an author who did not live long enough to enjoy fame.  She penned romantic fiction characterized by stringent social commentary, a favorite theme being the dependence of women on husbands as a means of survival.  These themes are the background of such works as Pride and Prejudice, Emma and Northanger Abbey.




When Henry Rice was growing up, this portrait of a young girl hung over the mantelpiece in the family home. It was, he was told, the sister of his ancestor, Edward Austen. Rice is reportedly the sixth generation descendant of Edward. He had no reason to doubt then that the portrait was of Jane Austen and continues to believe it now. But while his own faith remains undiminished, the market has apparently decided otherwise.

Henry Rice, then 78 and living in Dorset, put the so-called Rice portrait up for auction at Christie's in New York in 2007, but no bidder reached his offering price. Despite enormous interest, it was almost as if the comparatively modest estimate of $400,000 to $800,000 confirmed the doubts that have besieged the work for decades.




This painting has long been one of the most controversial in literary portraiture. The National Portrait Gallery in London, which would be its natural home if it proved to be Jane, says it has spent more time on the work in the past 15 years than on any other in a private collection. Its experts roundly reject it as a representation of Austen. Their decision leaves a poor sketch produced by Jane Austen's sister Cassandra as the gallery's only contemporary likeness of the Pride and Prejudice author.


But there are other voices who, in the wake of the failed auction, believe that the time has come for a scholarly assessment of the evidence. Jane Austen is, after all, one of Britain's most popular literary treasures.


The history that was commonly accepted for years suggested that the portrait was painted in around 1788-89 when Jane was not yet 14. It is believed to have been commissioned from the artist Ozias Humphry by her great-uncle, Francis Austen, a wealthy lawyer. Jane's brother Edward, who had just returned from the Grand Tour of Europe, and her sister, Cassandra, were also painted. For the girls, the pictures may have been an attempt to promote good marriages.




Wedding bells failed to ring. And for whatever reason, the painting of Jane fell to the ownership of Colonel Thomas Austen of Sevenoaks, Francis Austen's grandson and Jane's cousin and contemporary. The work continued to be handed from one member of the large Austen clan to the next and came to prominence in 1884, nearly 70 years after the author's death, when it was used as the frontispiece to the first published collection of her letters.


The Christie's catalogue said: "This provenance and the fact that it was considered a portrait of her by members of her own family, as far back as the year of her death, gives enormous credibility to the identification of the sitter in the Rice Portrait as Jane Austen."


The chief naysayers claim the clothes worn in the portrait belong to a later period, but they overlook the fact that young Jane had relatives living in France, where the empire fashion was in vogue when the portrait was painted. There are various other arguments on both sides.


What does seem fairly conclusive is this. On the basis of its one-time ownership by Thomas Austen (who knew Jane during her lifetime), the knowledge and interest of the Harding-Newmans (who also knew Jane), and the testimony of collateral descendants to the existence of a portrait of the young Jane Austen, Lord Brabourne concluded that the portrait was authentic and used it as a frontispiece for his 1884 edition of Austen's letters. If it was declared authentic then, it should remain so now.




When your reader read about this portrait, she began a search for these English Rices. One of the first results is this quote from a letter Jane Austen wrote to her sister Cassandra: 


We had a very pleasant day on Monday at Ashe; we sat down fourteen to dinner in the study, the dining-room being not habitable from the storms having blown down its chimney. Mrs. Bramston talked a good deal of nonsense, which Mr. Bramston and Mr. Clerk seemed almost equally to enjoy. There was a whist and a casino table, and six outsiders. Rice and Lucy made love, Mat. Robinson fell asleep, James and Mrs. Augusta alternately read Dr. Finnis' pamphlet on the cow-pox, and I bestowed my company by turns on all. 


The Rice descent is via Jane's brother, Edward. As was a fairly common custom, he was "adopted" by relatives who had no children so their estate could be kept in the family. Edward Austen adopted their surname, which was Knight, and thereafter appears in records as Edward Knight. It is his daughter, Elizabeth Knight, who married into the Rice family. Here are the details.   



Elizabeth Knight was born on 27 January 1800.1,2 She was the daughter of Edward Austen/Knight and Elizabeth Bridges and in 1818 became the wife of Edward Royds Rice, son of Captain Henry Rice.  Elizabeth died on 27 April 1884 at age 84.1,2  



Newton Wales

Newton, the Welsh home of the Rices, is located near the ancient ruins of Dynevor Castle. The Victorian facelift disguises the much older manor house within.

Capt. Henry Rice is from the Welsh Rices of Carmarthenshire, from whom sprung the Barons Dynevor. The title entered the Rice family in 1756 when Rt. Hon. George Rice married Cecile de Cardonnel (Talbot), Baroness Dynevor and daughter of William Talbot, first Earl Talbot, and Mary de Cardonnel.



George, his son, George, and his grandson George, all served in Parliament, as did the elder George's father, Edward, and his grandfather, Griffith., making five generations who represented their district of Wales in Parliament. Another illustrious ancestor in this line is Sir Walter Rice (ca. 1562-1636). As a young man, he became High Sheriff of Carmarthenshire. He also represented Carmarthen in Parliament for several terms and was knighted in 1603. 






Grandchildren of Jane Austen's brother, Edward, through his daughter, Elizabeth Austen/Knight, who was by birth an Austen, then married a Rice. 


[More information on the 15 children of Edward R. and Elizabeth (Austen/Knight) Rice can be located by following these links to both their ancestors and descendants.]


 Children of Edward Royds Rice and Elizabeth Knight

  1. Admiral Sir Edward Bridges Rice+2 b. 30 Oct 1819, d. 30 Oct 1902
  2. Frances Margaretta Rice+ b. 7 Nov 1820, d. 26 Apr 1909
  3. Captain Henry Rice3 b. 26 Nov 1821, d. 28 Nov 1848
  4. Reverend John Morland Rice3 b. 31 Jan 1823, d. 5 Aug 1897
  5. Elizabeth Louisa Rice3 b. 21 Oct 1824, d. 18 Jan 1916
  6. Marianne Sophia Rice+ b. 23 Feb 1826, d. 22 Jun 1909
  7. Commander George William Rice2 b. 10 Aug 1827, d. 18 Mar 1853
  8. Major Charles Augustus Rice+3 b. 20 Dec 1828, d. 11 Aug 1905
  9. Lt.-Col. Cecil Rice+5 b. 28 Feb 1831, d. 6 May 1917
  10. Caroline Cassandra Rice3 b. 13 Apr 1835, d. 24 Oct 1923
  11. Maj.-Gen. Walter Brook Rice3 b. 20 Mar 1837, d. 26 Dec 1892
  12. Lt. Arthur Rice3 b. 12 Apr 1838, d. 3 Mar 1862
  13. Admiral Sir Ernest Rice+3 b. 24 Feb 1840, d. 15 Apr 1927
  14. Florence Mary Rice+3 b. 19 Mar 1841, d. 19 Aug 1910
  15. Lionel Knight Rice1 b. 17 Apr 1844, d. 27 Jun 1929


  1. [S8] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 106th edition, 2 volumes (Crans, Switzerland: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 1999), volume 1, page 135. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 106th edition.
  2. [S226] Deirdre Le Faye, Jane Austen: A Family Record, 2nd ed. (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2004), appendix ix. Hereinafter cited as Jane Austen.
  3. [S3917] Brian Rice, "re: Rice Family," e-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053), 17 August 2009. Hereinafter cited as "re: Rice Family."
  4. [S1260] Edith Engel, "re: Edward Knight," e-mail message to Darryl Lundy, 4 February 2005 and 29 April 2005. Hereinafter cited as "re: Edward Knight."
  5. [S1139] Ronald Dunning, "re: Anthony Maitland," e-mail message to Darryl Lundy, 2 August 2004, 6 July 2005 and 25 August 2007. Hereinafter cited as "re: Anthony Maitland."


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Southern gentleman


Southern Family Trees


Rice Alumni


Washington & Lee University

Lexington, Virginia


141. John Holt Rice, D. D., Bedford Co., Virginia; Presbyterian Minister; Pastor, Presbyterian Church, Richmond; Professor, Union Theological Seminary; Elected President, Princeton College, but declined; Distinguished Preacher and Author; Died Sept. 27, 1835. {No class given; he was among the earliest graduates before the school was known as Washington and Lee.]



844. Peyton Rice, Charlotte County, Virginia; Farmer; Died October, 1869.


960. John Holt Rice, D. D., Princeton, N.J.; Lawyer; Presbyterian Minister; Pastor of Churches in Florida, Louisiana, Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee; Editor, N. A. Proterstant; Presbyterian Index; Died Sept. 7, 1878.



1054. John Rice McNutt, A. B., Augusta County, Virginia; Captain, C. S. A., Rockbridge County, Virginia



1122. Theodore Rice Beard, Lexington, Virginia; Merchant

1155. William D. Rice, Prince Edward County, Virginia; Merchant; Missouri



2817. Rice Pendleton Cammack, Louisa Court House, Virginia; Hinton, West Virginia



3252. John Pinkham Rice, C. E., St. Charles, Missouri; Physician; Castroville, Texas



3333. William Rice Pryor, New York City; Physician; 147 William St., Brooklyn, New York



3428. Alonzo Rice Cocke, A. B., Bedford County, Virginia; Presbyterian Minister; Millboro, Virginia; Waynesboro, Virginia


SOURCE: Catalogue of the officers and alumni of Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia, 1749-1888; published by order of the Board of Trustees. Historical papers. No.2, 1890.


            Washington & Lee




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log cabinpioneer wagon2







GEORGE O. RICE was born in Brandon, Vt., April 22, 1819,  a son of Hastings and Nancy A. (Bass/Bates) Rice. Both of his parents were from Massachusetts, but they married at Brandon and remained there. It was their children that followed the expanding westward frontier.


George was 21 when he married Joanna P. Lincoln, the daughter of John H. Lincoln of Pittsford, Vermont.


George had recently turned 30 when he, his wife and children moved to Kent, Ohio, looking for opportunities.  He first carried on the harness trade for about 10 years, then engaged in the produce business before finding his niche in the insurance and real estate business, which provided a comfortable living for his family. 


Following his wife Joanna's death at Kent in 1874, George married Helen E. Parmelee June 19, 1877.  She was the daughter of Luther H. Parmelee of Kent.


George Rice was active in his community, a public-spirited citizen who gave generously of his time and means.  He was a member of the Congregational Church, which he served as a deacon and Sunday School superintendent for 18 years. Politically, he proved to be authentic and true to his own beleifs, never hesitating to change parties when he disagreed on policy matters. 


Mr. Rice served many years as a Notary Public and built up his busines until it handled a large part of the real estate and insurance business transacted in Kent.




George Rice was a descendant of Deacon Edmund Rice, who came from England and settled at Sudbury, Massachusetts in 1638. His paternal grandparents were Revolutionary War soldier Martin Rice (1757-1833) of Marlborough, Massachusetts and his wife, the former Ruth Hastings, who descended from the Keyes, Ball, Coolidge and Cheney families. Martin Rice was one of 15 children and he had 15 children.


The line is: George (Hastings-7, Martin-6, Jabez-5, Daniel-4, Daniel-3, Edward-2, Edmund-1)


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When  Cell  Phones  Don't  Work!


One genealogist who is quite dependant upon his cell phone noticed that when he was copying gravestone inscriptions from a cemetery near where his ancestors had lived more than a century ago, his cell phone never functioned.  Yet, once he gave up his note taking and moved on, his cell phone worked fine. Finally, about a half hour after leaving the cemetery one day, he called the phone company to complain. 


"Where are you?" the operator said.

 "Outside the Front St. McDonalds in Clearfield," he replied.

 "I'm hearing you fine," she said.

 "No," he said "it's when I call you from other places."

 "Name one," she said.

"Greenfields Cemetery, where I was half an hour ago," he replied.

"Just a minute," she said, and her perky voice was replaced with canned music.

It wasn't five minutes before she returned to announce:

"You were in a dead zone, sir."



He Used What? 


This item was found in the Oct. 26, 1887 edition of Semiweekly Age, a Coshocton, Ohio, Newspaper

Spring Mountain--John Evans, while using a broom splint as a toothpick, broke off about half of the splint in his tooth, where it remained and continued working down until it became very painful and the doctor had to remove it.  John is all right again, and henceforth I would advise him to use a fence rail to pick his teeth.




NOTE: Readers are welcome to send in any humorous anecdote that relates to their family research adventures.


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Rice Families in England
This information was taken from Family Group Sheets on file in the LDS Archives at Salt Lake City, Utah. Most were compiled by Mormons as part of filing documentation so they could baptize their ancestors.  They provide clues for family researchers and often cite English records which were not readily accessible this side of the Atlantic at that time.  These records were copied for your editor by a reader in the 1970s.  If they contain information for an ancestor on your family tree, it is your responsibility to document that connection. 
16th Century Rice Families in England

ABRAHAM RICE was born ca. 1584 at Repton, Derby, England. His wife Helen was born there ca. 1588. Abraham was buried at Repton July 20, 1649.

Children:(All born at Repton, England)

 Elizabeth Rice, christened July 7, 1610

 William Rice, christened April 15, 1615

 Alice Rice, christened Dec. 21, 1617

 Helen Rice, christened June 27, 1626

 Mary Rice, christened June 13, 1638

(Information on this family was compiled in the 1950s by Lydia Wilson Heaton of Salt Lake City, Utah. Her source is the Repton parish register.)


ECOAT RICE, born ca. 1590, lived in St. Mary's Parish, Leicester, England. He married on Aug. 1, 1615 at St. Mary's Church, Elizabeth Browne of the same parish. She was born ca. 1594. (No further information is given on this family group sheet prepared in the 1950s by James H. Brown of Logan, Utah, whose source was p. 120 of the St. Mary's parish register, Leicester, England.)


GEORGE RICE, b. ca. 1590, lived at St. Edmunds, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. He was married there Dec. 23, 1615, to Joane Davis, b. ca. 1594. (Data submitted ca. 1950s by Peter Melvin Petersen of Salt Lake City, whose chief source was the marriage record of George and Joane.)


JEREMY RICE of Frocester, Gloucestershire, England, was b. ca. 1598. He married on Feb. 1, 1623 at Frocester, Judith Wilkins of Frocester, who was b. ca. 1602. (Information submitted in 1959 by Stella Richards of Vernal, Utah, on behalf of Victor Wilkins. The source is Gloucestershire marriage records.)


JOHN RICE of Toddington, Beds., England, b. ca. 1542, married there in 1567 Dorothy Taylor, who was b. ca. 1546. Their son, Henry Rice, was christened in 1571 at Toddington. (Info submitted in the 1950s by Mrs. Elbert V. Call of Parma, Idaho, whose source is Vol. 23 of F. G. Emmison's Befordshire Parish Registers.)


JOHN RICE of St. Paul, Belchamp, Essex, England, was born ca. 1551 and wed in 1576 Joan Brown of Belchamp. (Information submitted in the 1950s by Bertha F. Kirk Jones of Los Angeles, California, whose source was Vol. 2, pg. 120 of Essex Records.)

OHN RICE of Barnstaple, Devon, England, was born ca. 1570 and married there on May 5, 1595, Agnes Gille of Barnstaple, born ca. 1574. (This data was submitted in the 1940s by F. M. Skinner of Safford, Arizona, whose source was Barnstaple parish registers.)


JOHN RICE of Glemsford, Suffolk, England, was born ca. 1587 and was buried June 26, 1629. He married at Glemsford on Sept. 24, 1612, Katherine Wyatt of Glemsford, b. ca. 1591 and buried Jan. 10, 1630.

Children: (Born at Glemsford)

Frances Rice, b. July 4, 1613; d. Nov. 10, 1633

Katherine Rice, b. Sept. 27, 1615

John Rice, b. June 6, 1620

Alice Rice, b. June 9, 1622

Rose Rice, b. March 2, 1625

Anne Rice, b. Nov. 18, 1627

(Data supplied in the 1950s by Theresa Snow Hill of Logan, Utah, who consulted Glemsford parish registers.)


17th Century Rice Families in England


EDWARD RICE was born ca. 1614 and lived at Walton-on-Hill, Lancashire, England. On Aug. 12, 1639, at Walton-on-Hill, Edward married Ann Hey, who was born ca. 1618. (No children are listed in this information prepared prior to 1970 by Edith Fearnley Hatch of Centerville, Utah, whose source is the published records of Walton-on-Hill.)


GEORGE RICE was born ca. 1653 and on Nov. 24, 1678 married, at St. Cleer, Cornwall, England, Ann Symons. She was born ca. 1657. (This information is from a family group sheet submitted in the 1950s by Florence S. Glines of Mesa, AZ, whose source was the marriage record for George and Ann.)


GEORGE RICE, b. ca. 1677, m. at Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, England, March 7, 1702, Frances Thompson, b. ca. 1681. (Info submitted many years ago by Mary J. B. Behunin of Salt Lake City, Utah.)


JAMES RICE was born ca. 1692 at Hargrave, Northampton, England and married Elizabeth Brown of Hargrave July 2, 1717. She was born ca. 1696. (Information furnished in the 1950s by Harry E. Shrives of Franklin, Idaho who lists as his source Ira W. Mount's Hargrave Records.)


JEREMIAH RICE was born ca. 1606 at Bath, Somerset, England. On July 2, 1631, he married Mary Webb, who was born ca. 1610 at Bath.

Children: (Born at Bath Abbey)

 Jeremy Rice, b. Dec. 9, 1631; d. July 13, 1635

 Jane Rice, b. June 15, 1634; d. July 14, 1635

 William Rice, b. Jan. 24, 1636; d. Oct. 28, 1641

 John Rice, b. Nov. 21, 1637

 Rebecca Rice, b. Feb. 2, 1639

 Jeremy Rice, b. April 10, 1642

 William Rice, b. Nov. 24, 1644

 James Rice, b. ca. 1646; d. Oct. 19, 1649

(Information given in the 1950s by Joseph E. Seamons of Logan, Utah, whose chief source was the Bath Abbey parish registers.)


JOB RICE of Derby, England, was born ca. 1681. He married on Aug. 4, 1706 at All Saints Church in Derby, Sarah Gaskin of Derby, who was b. ca. 1685. (Information submitted in the 1950s by Bertram John Coombs of Rosemary, Alberta, Canada, whose sources include Nottingham parish registers.)


JOHN RICE of Pilton, Somerset, England, was born ca. 1604 and married Amy _(?)_, who was born ca. 1608. Their daughter, Amy Rice, was christened May 22, 1636 at Pilton, England. (Ethel Blair and O. S. Johnson of Salt Lake City, Utah, extracted this information from Vol. 2, pg. 178 of Somerset records.)


JOHN RICE of Petworth, Sussex, England, was b. ca. 1632. He and his wife (name not known) had several children.

Children: (Born at Petworth, England)

John Rice, christened July 27, 1658

Thomas Rice, chr. June 13, 1660; d. Jan. 27, 1662

John Rice, chr. Nov. 23, 1662

Nicholas Rice, chr. Jan. 8, 1665; d. Sept. 23, 1666

Elizabeth Rice, chr. Dec. 31, 1666; d. June 10, 1667

Thomas Rice, chr. July 1, 1668

Edward Rice, chr. Aug. 25, 1670

Ann Rice, chr. Dec. 4, 1672

Mary Rice, chr. March 31, 1675; d. April 19, 1675

George Rice, chr. June 23, 1676

(This data submitted in the 1960s by Erold Clark Wiscombe of Brigham City, Utah, whose source was the parish records of Petworth.)


JOHN RICE of Normanton, Notts., England, was born ca. 1670 and married Dec. 17, 1695 at Stanford-on-Soar, Notts., Catherine Mansfield of Sheephead, Leicester, England, b. ca. 1674. (Information submitted in the 1950s by Bertram J. Coombs of Rosemary, Alberta, Canada. His source was unspecified parish registers.)


JOHN RICE of St. Thomas, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, was b. ca. 1674. He m. Oct. 8, 1699 at St. Thomas, Alice White of that place, b. ca. 1678. (Submitted many years ago by Josephine Olsen Openshaw and Stella Richards of Vernal, Utah, who cite Salisbury parish registers as their source.)


JOHN RICE of Markshall, Essex, England, was b. ca. 1680 and m. there in 1705 Mary Sewell of Markshall, b. ca. 1684. (Submitted in the 1940s by Bessie R. Rogers of Clearfield, Utah, whose source was Essex records.)


JOHN RICE of Sutton Bonnington, Notts., England, was born ca. 1681. He married March 25, 1706 at St. Ann's Church in Sutton Bonnington, Catherine Noble. (Information retrieved in the 1920s from Notts. parish registers by Bertram J. Coombs of Rosemary, Alberta, Canada.)


JOHN RICE of Portsmouth, Hampshire, England, was b. ca. 1684. His marriage license is dated May 7, 1709 at Portsmouth, where he wed Mary Johnson of Portsmouth, b. ca. 1688. (Extracted from Hampshire parish registers in the 1950s by Francis L. Cooke of Los Angeles, California.)


JOHN RICE of Inkberrow, Worcs., England, was born ca. 1693 and was buried at Inkberrow April 3, 1741. He wed Mary _(?)_. She was b. ca. 1697 and was buried April 3, 1741.


Elizabeth Rice, christened Jan. 17, 1714, Kington, Worcs., England

Ann Rice, chr. Jan. 17, 1714, Kington

Mary Rice, chr. Dec. 27, 1717, Kington

William Rice, chr. Nov. 11, 1719, Inkberrow

Jeremiah Rice, chr. March 7, 1721, Inkberrow

Samuel Rice, chr. Oct. 11, 1724, Inkberrow

George Rice, chr. Aug. 27, 1729, Inkberrow; buried Feb. 5, 1768. (See his family under 18th Century Rices in


Elizabeth Rice, chr. Oct. 25, 1730, Inkberrow 

Thomas Rice, chr. July 7, 1734, Inkberrow

(Information submitted in the 1960s by Mrs. Freida Duncan of Farmington, Utah, from the Inkberrow parish register and from the Bishop's Transcripts of Inkberrow and Kington.)

18th Century Rice Families in England


ABRAHAM RICE was born ca. 1708 at Wormingford in Essex, England where he married May 2, 1733, Frances Pettit. She was born about 1712. (Data on this family was compiled in the 1950s by Vera B. Pettit of Layton, Utah, whose sources included Essex Marriages, Vol. 1, p. 90.)


ALEXANDER RICE was born in 1793 at Bristol, England. He was a carpenter and married Lucy Allen, the widow of John Allen. Lucy was born July 6, 1812 at Githot-de-Graves Farm, Walsall, Staffordshire, England, the daughter of Daniel and Harriet (Martin) Allen. Lucy died Dec. 15, 1882.

Children:(born at Walsall, England)

Thomas Anthony Rice, christened May 10, 1848

Daniel Allen Rice, christened Sept. 1, 1850

(Data compiled by Mrs. Marian G. Condie of Preston, Idaho. Her sources include the Walsall parish registers, the 1851 census of Walsall, and Daniel Allen's will.)


ANDREW RICE, born ca.1751, married May 29, 1776, at St. Nicholas, Durham, England, Elizabeth Turnbull, believed to have been born ca. 1755. At the time of their marriage both Andrew and Elizabeth were called "of St. Nicholas, Durham, England" (No further information is given in this data compiled ca. 1951 by Lucy A. C. Robinson of Salt Lake City, Utah, on behalf of Robert S. Henderson Watson, who is listed as being a "relation-in-law" of Andrew and Elizabeth (Turnbull) Rice. The source is given as Durham, England records.)


ARON/AARON RICE, who was born ca. 1775, married in 1800 Elizabeth Cross, who was born ca. 1779. When their marriage took place at Tinton St. James, Somerset, England, Aron and Elizabeth were referred to as being of that place. (No further information is given on the family group sheet prepared in the 1940s by Ann J. Loveless of Payson, Utah, who gave as her source "Boyd's Marriage Index," Vol. 14, Somerset. She prepared this information for Arthur Judd, who had Cross family ancestry.)


DAVID RICE, who was born ca. 1785, wed Mary Saunders April 6, 1810. She was born ca. 1789. They were married at Sherston Magna, Wiltshire, England. (No other info is given with this data compiled prior to 1960 by Eoline S. Andersen of Logan, Utah, whose source is the parish records of Sherston Magna.)


GEORGE RICE, born ca. 1726, was buried Feb. 5, 1768 at Inkberrow, Worcester, England. He married Sept. 17, 1751 at Inkberrow, Eleanor Goore, who was born ca. 1730.

Children: (All christened at Inkberrow)

John Rice, christened May 27, 1752

Mary Rice, chr. Aug. 28, 1753

Joseph Rice, chr. Oct. 1, 1755

Thomas Rice, chr. April 10, 1758

Samuel Rice, chr. April 20, 1760

(This family group sheet was submitted in the 1960s by Mrs. Freida Duncan Child of Farmington, Utah, whose source was the parish registers of Inkberrow.) SEE HIS FATHER, JOHN RICE, B. CA. 1693


GEORGE RICE, b. ca. 1774, married April 15, 1799, at Cheddon Fitzpaine, Somerset, England, Sarah Cross, b. ca. 1778. (Data compiled many years ago by Ann J. Loveless of Payson, Utah.)


GERVAS RICE was born ca. 1721 and lived at Horsley, Derby, England, where on Nov. 16, 1746 he m. Elisabeth Shaw of Horsley, b. ca. 1725. (Information submitted in 1950 by Mary B. Russell of Oakland, California, whose

source was Derbyshire marriage records.) ALSO SEE GERVASE RICE UNDER 19th CENTURY


HUGH RICE of Burrington, Devon, England was born ca. 1721 and in 1746 married Ann Turner/Turnar of Burrington. She was b. ca. 1725. (Information submitted in 1950s by Lillian Felt of Brigham City, Utah, who cited as her source records of Devon, England.)


HUGH RICE of Taunton, England, was born ca. 1770 and wed June 3, 1795 at Taunton, Mary Chappell of Taunton. She was born ca. 1774. (Information submitted many years ago by Alice Maughan of Colville, Washington, whose information came from Mrs. J. M. Broadhead of Beazer in Alberta, Canada.)


ISAAC RICE was b. ca. 1736 at Groton, Suffolk, England, where he was buried March 19, 1785/6. He married at Groton, Feb. 16, 1761/2, Grace Cook, daughter of John and Mary (Beare) Cook. She was b. at Groton in 1745.

Children: (born at Groton)

Ann Rice, chr. Nov. 29, 1767

Isaac Rice, b. ca. 1770; d. Jan. 20, 1774/5. 

Cook Rice, christened Aug. 19, 1762; m. Mary Crane 

Mary Rice, chr. March 3, 1765; d. Dec. 28, 1823; m. Sept. 30, 1788, William Ellingford

(Information given in the 1940s by Henriette E. Davidson of Salt Lake City, Utah, whose source was a copy of the Groton parish register found in a library at Ipswich, England.)


JACOB RICE was born Jan. 18, 1790 at Sudbury, Suffolk, England, and died there in July of 1856. He married Ann Goody, b. ca. 1792 at Sudbury and died there in June of 1859.




Jacob Rice, b. July 29, 1814 at Sudbury, England; d. Aug. 28, 1888; m. Sarah Stammers May 16, 1837.  

(Some of his children are listed below under 19th century Rice families.)

George E. Rice, b. 1820, Glemsford, Suffolk, England; m. 1) Eliza Adams in 1838, and 2) Susannah _(?)_

Raven C. Rice, b. ca. 1825; d. 1908, leaving a wife, Maria

Sarah Rice, b. ca. 1827; d. 1886; m. John Golding


 [Material compiled from various sources by Mrs. Daisy E. A. Rigg Booth of Lovell, Wyoming, a great-granddaughter of Jacob and Ann (Goody) Rice. Later information from Mrs. Booth adds children Charlotte (b. 1821), Ellen (b. 1822), Helen (b. 1824), Edward (b. 1827) and Christopher (b. 1831). Mrs. Booth's sources include work done on her behalf by others, as well as family records and some English records.]

JASPER RICE of Corby, Northants., England, was b. ca. 1737 and on May 30, 1762 at Corby he m. Joanna Colyer. She was christened Oct. 26, 1740, the daughter of William and Elizabeth (Norwood) Colyer. (Information provided many years ago by Lola Bernice White of Springville, Utah, who is related to the Colyer family. Sources include the Corby parish registers.)





JOHN RICE of Bath Abbey, Somerset, was b. ca. 1701 and m. Dec. 28, 1726, Mary Jones of Bath Abbey, b. ca. 1705. (Information prepared many years ago by Annie M. Mathews of Salt Lake City, Utah, whose source was Bath Abbey parish registers.)


JOHN RICE of Bath, Somerset, England, was b. ca. 1706. He and his wife (name unknown) had a son, John Rice, christened May 29, 1738 at Bath. (This information was extracted from Somerset records many years ago by O. S. Johnson of Salt Lake City, Utah.)





JOHN RICE of Martock, Somerset, England, was b. ca. 1709. He wed at Martock Oct. 3, 1734, Joane Patten, b. ca. 1713. (Info prepared many years ago by Olive Bott of Brigham City, Utah, whose source was Somerset marriage records.)


JOHN RICE of Writtle, Essex, England, was b. ca. 1711 and m. at Writtle Nov. 11, 1736, Sarah Brewster, b. ca. 1715. (This information extracted from Essex records in the 1950s by Arthur L. Brewster of Woods Cross, Utah.)




JOHN RICE of Shipdem, Norfolk, England, was b. ca. 1723. He m. July 11, 1748 at Dunham Magna in Norfolk, Mrs. Sarah Thompson, a widow who had been b. ca. 1727. (Data submitted many years ago by Rolf Christian Wold of Idaho Falls, Idaho, whose source was parish records of Dunham Magna.)


 JOHN RICE of Packington, Leicestershire, England, was b. ca. 1733. He and his wife Mary (or Sarah) had a son, Joseph Rice, christened June 14, 1765 at Packington, and buried there Dec. 17, 1765. (Material submitted in the 1960s by Catherine Bailey Bowles of Nephi, Utah, whose source is Packington parish registers.)





JOHN RICE of Stonehouse, Gloucester, England, was b. ca. 1742. He m. Edith Hogg of Stonehouse there Sept. 14, 1767. She was b. ca. 1746. (Mrs. Ellen Mecham of Idaho Falls, Idaho, used as her source a Stonehouse parish register.)





JOHN RICE of London, England was b. ca. 1750. He m. Aug. 31, 1775, Charlotte Griffith of London, b. ca. 1754. (Submitted in the 1960s by Anthony Blake of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, whose source was parish records of St. Matthew's, Friday St., London, England.)




JOHN RICE of Chesterfield, Derby, England, was b. ca.1754.He m. March 21, 1776 at Chesterfield, Mary Stevenson of that place, who was b. ca. 1755. (Info submitted in the 1960s by Ethel Colton of Malad, Idaho.)




JOHN RICE of Doveridge, Derby, England, was b. ca. 1754 and in 1779 married Sarah Brown at St. Michael's, Derby. Sarah was b. ca. 1758. (Information from Eva Dunn Snow of Logan, Utah, taken in the 1950s from Derby parish registers.)




JOHN RICE was christened Feb. 16, 1769 at Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire, England, the son of William and Mary (Mosley) Rice, and died in 1841. John married Elizabeth Oakley, daughter of James and Jane (Bates) Oakley, christened Aug. 12, 1770 at Willesley, Derbyshire, England. Elizabeth had first wed a William Andrews. (Submitted in the 1960s by Mrs. Catherine B. Bowles of Nephi, Utah, whose sources include parish records in England and LDS church records.)


JOHN RICE of Horsley, Derby, England, was b. ca. 1771. He m. at Horsely Oct. 24, 1796, Hannah Buxton, who was b. ca. 1775. (Submitted in the 1960s by Mrs. Chloe T. Slade of Kaysville, Utah, whose source was Horsley parish registers.) SEE GERVAS RICE B. CA. 1721


JOHN RICE of Marsham, Norfolk, England, was b. ca. 1778 and m. Hannah Lake of Marsham, b. ca. 1782. Their son, George, was b. at Marsham July 11, 1810. (Extracted from Marsham parish registers by Ellen Mecham of Firth, Idaho in the 1950s.)  



19th Century Rice Families in England

ABRAHAM RICE was born ca. 1806 in Sudbury, Suffolk, England. His wife, whose name is unknown, was born ca. 1810.


 Children:(All born in Sudbury, England)


George Rice, born ca. 1832

Joe Rice, born about 1834

William Rice, born about 1836

Nellie Rice, born about 1838

Lucy Rice, born about 1840

Sarah Rice, born about 1842

Rose Rice, born about 1844

Fannie Rice, born about 1846; married a Mr. Leafley

Hannah Rice, born about 1848; married a Mr. Bareham

Eliza Rice, born about 1850; married Henry William Fenn, Aug. 26, 1867


 (Information on this family was compiled by Mrs. Charles B. Fenn of Salt Lake City in the 1950s. She cites her source as family records of Mrs. Anne E. McConnell of Moscow, Idaho.)




FREDERICK HENRY RICE was born April 30, 1837 at Cavendish, Suffolk, England, to Jacob and Sarah (Stammers) Rice. He died Oct. 15, 1926. Frederick married Emma Sarah Wyatt/Wyeth Aug. 18, 1868 at Cavendish. She was born there June 2, 1836, the daughter of William Wyatt/Wyeth of Cavendish. Emma died at Canterbury, England March 16, 1940 at age 104. They had a son, Francis Henry Rice, born May 24, 1869 at Boughton, Kent, England. He died April 18, 1962. (This material was compiled many years ago by a niece, Mrs. Daisy E. A. (Rigg) Booth of Lovell, Wyoming, who possessed many of the family records.) SEE HIS BROTHER HARRY BELOW





GEORGE RICE, b. ca. 1800, married Jan. 10, 1825 at Wigan, Lancashire, England, Elizabeth Margeson, born ca. 1804. (Clora Chidester of Midvale, Utah, listed the Wigan parish register as her source.)


GEORGE RICE, b. ca. 1824 at Holbrook, England, married July 21, 1845, at Duffield, England, Ann Stone, b. ca. 1822 at Duffield.



 Jabez Rice, b. ca. 1847

 Harriet Rice, b. ca. 1848

(Information submitted in the 1960s by Daisy Hall Clark of Salt Lake City, Utah, whose sources include Duffield records.)



GEORGE RICE of Barton, Derby, England, was b. ca. 1847, a son of Henry and Ann (Newton) Rice. He married Charlotte Stevenson of Trent Lock, Derby, England. (This record was submitted in the 1950s by Bertram John Coombs of Rosemary, Alberta, Canada, whose information came from relatives in England.)


GEORGE RICE was born June 1, 1848 at Cavendish and died Feb. 9, 1933 at Glemsford. 


Children: (All born at Glemsford)

 Annie Rice, b. Aug. 16, 1877; d. Aug. 9, 1962; m. Percy James Pearle

 Harry Rice, b. Nov. 6, 1878 and died in 1885

 Tom Sidney Rice, b. March 26, 1880; d. in infancy

Blanche Rice, b. Sept. 24, 1881; d. April 24, 1959; m. Frederick Joseph Elmer in 1902

 Florence Caroline Rice, b. July 5, 1883; m. Feb. 16, 1916, Claud Stammers Prentice

 George Edward Rice, b. April 26, 1885; d. in 1899

 Bessie Winifred Rice, b. Oct. 28, 1890

 Muriel Rosalie Rice, b. March 9, 1894

(Data submitted many years ago by Marie H. S. LeBaron of St. George, Utah, whose source was family records.)


GERVASE RICE was born at Belper, Derby, England in 1845 and died there Nov. 30, 1915. He married Sarah Ann Weston (1844-1914) of Belper.


 Children: (Born at Belper, England)

 Alfred Rice Sr., b. Oct. 2, 1870; d. Sept. 12, 1934; m. Sarah Jane Cooper Dec. 24, 1892

 Samuel Rice, b. Sept. 7, 1878; m. Margaret Philips

(Information given in the 1950s by their granddaughter, Clara (Rice) Bess of Salt Lake City, Utah.)


HARRY RICE, son of Jacob and Sarah (Stammers) Rice,was born Jan. 20, 1849 at Cavendish, Suffolk Co., England, and died Aug. 2, 1935. He married Abiah Anne Hale, b. Dec. 10, 1852 at Ecclesall, Bierlow, Yorkshire, England, to Henry and Charlotte (Stammers) Hale. She died July 21, 1942 at Bournemouth, Hampshire, England.


 Children: (Born at Thames, Oxford Co., England)

 Leslie St. John Rice, b. June 23, 1877

 Claud Oswald Rice (1879-1898)

 Mary Imilda Monica Rice, b. 1882

 Leo Vincent Rice, b. 1884

(Information submitted by Emily B. Edwards of Salt Lake City, Utah on behalf of a niece of Harry Rice, Mrs. Daisy Ethelfleda A. Rigg Booth. Sources include family records, Sheffield registers and other data located at Somerset House in England.) SEE GEORGE RICE (b. 1851) ABOVE & HARRY RICE BELOW





HARRY RICE, b. March, 1869 at Cavendish, Suffolk, England, and d. April 23, 1948 at Cavendish, was a son of Jacob E. and Louisa (Salter) Rice. He married Margery Sarah Nunn at Cavendish. She was born Nov. 10, 1875 at Sudbury, Suffolk, England, to Samuel and Susan (Martin) Nunn.

Child: (Born at Cavendish)

 William Rice, b. April 23, 1906; m. Gladys Davis Feb. 17, 1942

(Information given many years ago by Marie H. S. LeBaron of St. George, Utah, on behalf of Harry Rice's cousin, Daisy Rigg Booth; see item above)





HENRY RICE of Barton, Derbyshire, England, was born ca. 1813. He married Ann Newton of Cossall, Derbyshire. Both died in Derbyshire, he at Trentlock and she at New Sawley.

Children(Born at Barton, England)

 John Rice, b. ca. 1839; d. 1919; m. Elizabeth Bradshaw

 Elizabeth Rice (ca. 1841-1902); m. James Woolley

 Sarah Ann Rice, b. ca. 1843; m. Thomas Barton


 Mary Rice (ca. 1845-1891); m. Edward Bruin 

 George Rice, b. ca. 1847; m. Charlotte Stevenson  (see item above) 


 Cath(e)rine Rice (ca. 1849-1881)


 Henry Rice, b. ca. 1851; m. Emma Jane Edwards. Children: George, Sarah, William, Catherine, Ernest, Samuel 

 Thomas Rice, b. ca. 1853; d. Oct. 21, 1916; m. Jane Bears.


 (Data compiled 1950s-1960s by Bertram J. Coombs of Rosemary, Alberta, Canada, who obtained it from relatives in England.)



 JACOB EDWARD RICE was b. Oct. 9, 1839, at Cavendish, England, and died there Dec. 8, 1921. The son of Jacob and Sarah (Stammers) Rice, he married Louisa Salter at Cavendish. She was born Aug. 15, 1837 at Risangles, Suffolk, England, and died at Cavendish, June, 1915. Jacob's parents and grandparents are listed under 18th century Rices; some of his siblings are listed under 19th century Rices with their families.


Children: (born at Cavendish)

 Ellen L. Rice, b. Oct. 30, 1867; d. Sept. 16, 1953; m. Francis J. Thick, May 22, 1899

 Harry Rice (1869-1948) m. Margaret Sarah Nunn; their family is listed below

 Edith Abiah Rice, b. Sept. 3, 1870; d. Oct. 24, 1945; m. Mitchell Thomas Reed

George Frederick Rice, b. April 17, 1875; d. Aug. 29, 1946.

(Information supplied by Marie H. S. LeBaron of St. George, Utah, who received it from a cousin, Ellen Louisa Rice Reed.)



 JAMES RICE of Ilkeston, Derby, England was born ca. 1806; his wife, Hannah, was b. ca. 1809.



Benjamin Rice, b. ca. 1832

Elizabeth Rice, b. ca. 1835

James Rice, b. ca. 1841

Angelina Rice, b. ca. 1844

Mary Ann Rice, b. ca. 1846

John Rice, b. ca. 1849

(This data and that in the entry below are based upon an 1851 English census; contributed in the 1950s by Bertram J. Coombs of Rosemary, Alberta, Canada.)




JOHN RICE, b. ca. 1804 at Ilkeston, Derby, England, m. Phoebe _(?)_, b. ca. 1798, Calvaston, Notts., England.

Children: (born at Ilkeston)

Mary Rice, b. ca. 1833

John Rice, b. ca. 1838

Richard Rice, b. ca. 1841

(Data compiled by Bertram J. Coombs; see above item)




JOHN RICE of Derby, England, was b. ca. 1812; his wife, Ann, was b. ca. 1814 at Wednesbury, Staffs., England.


Thomas Rice, b. ca. 1836. Rugley, Staffs., England

William Rice, b. ca. 1841, Derby, England

John Rice, b. ca. 1846, Derby

Elizabeth Rice, b. ca. 1848, Derby

Emma Rice, b. 1851, Derby

(Information given in the 1950s by Bertram J. Coombs of Rosemary, Alberta, Canada, whose source was an 1851 English census.)



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