Summer Energy Savings
As the weather warms up, there are a few things that can help lower your summer energy bills.
If you use air conditioning, a ceiling fan will allow you to raise the thermostat setting about 4 degrees F without reducing your comfort.
Turn off ceiling fans when you leave the room. Remember fans cool people, not rooms.
Schedule regular maintenance for your cooling equipment.
Avoid placing lamps or TV sets near your room air-conditioning thermostat. The thermostat senses heat from these appliances, which can cause the air conditioner to run longer than necessary.
| Before you hire a mover, watch this video! |
Call 8-1-1
Commission Calendar
May 10, 9:30 a.m. May 31, 9:30 a.m. June 14, 9:30 a.m. |
What consumers are saying...
"Thank you - didn't know there was such an office here to help."
- Barbara, Renton
Need Help? Call the Commission!
Welcome to the Utilities and Transportation Commission e-newsletter. If you have questions about UTC Connections, please email
The commission works every day to protect consumers by ensuring that utility and transportation services are fairly priced, available, reliable and safe. This bi-monthly e-newsletter is intended to provide you with current information about regulated industries, current issues and topics that impact you. |
Protect Your Move
If you need to hire a moving company, make sure to check with the commission for the company's permit status and consumer complaint history before even calling for an estimate.
There are moving companies that falsely advertise they are "licensed and insured." However, only those companies permitted with the commission are legally allowed to move consumer goods. Customers who hire an illegal company have little or no recourse if their belongings are damaged, lost or stolen.
Moving is stressful enough, remove some of the stress and call the commission to check on potential movers. To check the status of an in-state moving company, call 1-888-333-WUTC (9882) or look up a company on our website at |
Energy Rates and Ratemaking
Do you wonder what is going on with energy rates these days? The commission has developed two new fact sheets that may help you understand the ups and downs of energy rates.
For more information on the state of energy rates, click here.
For more information on the rate setting process, click here. |
Don't Dig Into Trouble This Spring!

The sun is finally out and you've got a list a mile long of things to do in the yard. Make sure at the top of that list is a call to 811 for a FREE utility locate. Many of the utiltiy services we rely on in our daily lives are delivered to our homes through underground lines or pipes. Damaging an undground utility could result in loss of power to you and your neighbors, and a hefty repair bill. Dial 8-1-1 on your telephone two business days before you plan to dig. Provide some information about your project and your utility companies will be notified to locate your underground lines. After that, just sit back and wait for a utility locator to come out and mark your yard. Calling 8-1-1 before you dig is not just smart digging - its the law! For more information about 811 and Call Before You Dig, visit: |
Problem? Call the Commission!
If you've experienced a billing or service dispute with a company regulated by the commission, contact our Consumer Protection Help Line for assistance with your complaint. Our consumer specialists will work with you and the company to come to a resolution. For more information on when to call the commission, visit
To open a complaint or get more information on your issue, call the Consumer Protection Help Line at 1-888-333-WUTC (9882) or submit and Online Complaint Form. |
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What Can the UTC Do For You?
Do you need help with:
When to Call the Commission
Consumer Help Line
1-888-333-WUTC (9882) |