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Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission                                          October 2011
Table of Contents
Message from the Chair
Consumer Tip: e-Bills
Need Energy Assistance?
Problem? Call the Commission!
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Natural Gas Rate Adjustments
New natural gas rates take effect Nov. 1 for customers of the following companies: 

Avista customers will see a $0.55 increase for the average customer using 67 therms a month. 
 Northwest Natural Gas customers will see a 2 percent decrease, or $1.51 a month for the average customer using 58 therms.


Puget Sound Energy customers will see a 4 percent decrease in their natural gas costs, or $3.30 a month for the average customer using 68 therms a month.


These rate changes are based on a periodic evaluation of the company's natural gas costs. For more information on how natural gas rates are set, click here.
Before You Hire a Mover
Before you hire a mover,
 watch this video!

Quick Links

UTC Website
1-888-333-WUTC (9882)

Call 8-1-1


Commission Calendar 

Nov. 10, 9:30 a.m.
 Nov. 23, 9:30 a.m. 
 Dec. 15, 9:30 a.m. 
 What consumers are saying...
"Thank you - didn't know there was such an office here to help."
 - Barbara, Renton
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1-888-333-WUTC (9882)
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Welcome to the Utilities and Transportation Commission e-newsletter. If you have questions about UTC Connections, please email consumer@utc.wa.gov.
The commission works every day to protect consumers by ensuring that utility and transportation services are fairly priced, available, reliable and safe. This bi-monthly e-newsletter is intended to provide you with current information about regulated industries, current issues and topics that impact you.
Message from the Chairman - Natural Gas Prices
As the Northwest braces for winter's chill, because of lower natural gas costs, at least we won't have to brace ourselves to open the gas bill. Each year, natural gas companies must periodically adjust the price they charge for the gas service to reflect the increasing or decreasing cost of purchasing the gas. The total cost of gas is passed through to customers. And the natural gas distribution companies are not allowed to earn a profit over their wholesale costs for the gas. So as we prepare for the unpredictability of a Northwest winter, we can take some comfort in the current low - and, at least for now, the stable - natural gas prices. Have a safe winter.
-Jeff Goltz, UTC Chairman
Consumer Tip: e-Bills
onlinebillpaySwitching to electronic bills or e-bills for your utility or telephone bills can be economical and convenient, but the Better Business Bureau advises consumers to watch out for billing errors and unauthorized charges.

To avoid e-billing debacles, BBB offers the following guidance:

  • Read agreements carefully. Before signing up for paperless statements or e-bills, check for charges or limitations; find out if there are opt-in or opt-out fees.
  • Verify e-billing permissions.Review the company's privacy policy and confidentiality agreement before releasing Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) auto-debit permissions and bank or credit account details.
  • Request a billing schedule. Find out when e-bills will arrive and make sure billing dates and amounts due are in writing.
  • Keep contact information up-to-date. To avoid missing statements, ensure that the company has a current email address and mailing address on file at all times.
  • Check account activity. Frequently monitor statements -printed or electronic - for possible billing errors, unauthorized charges and other fraudulent activity.
  • Review legal rights and rules. Read the Fair Credit Billing Act and Electronic Fund Transfer Act.

If you have a billing dispute with a regulated utility, contact the commission at 1-888-333-WUTC (9982) or www.utc.wa.gov.

Need Energy Assistance?

No one should be left out in the cold this winter. If you, or someone you know, need help paying winter heating bills, you may qualify for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). This program provides qualified households with assistance to pay for their main source of heat, like natural gas or electricity. To see if you qualify and apply for assistance, visit www.liheapwa.org.


For more information about energy assistance or if you are in threat of disconnection, contact the commission at 1-888-333-WUTC or www.utc.wa.gov.

Problem? Call the Commission!
If you've experienced a billing or service dispute with a company regulated by the commission, contact our Consumer Protection Help Line for assistance with your complaint. Our consumer specialists will work with you and the company to come to a resolution. For more information on when to call the commission, visit www.utc.wa.gov/consumers.
To open a complaint or get more information on your issue, call the Consumer Protection Help Line at 1-888-333-WUTC (9882) or submit and Online Complaint Form.
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Get HelpWhat Can the UTC Do For You?

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When to Call the Commission


Consumer Help Line

1-888-333-WUTC (9882)


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