Federal Energy Commissioner
Visits UTC 
Left to right: UTC Commissioners Pat Oshie and Phil Jones stand with FERC Commissioner Moeller
Commissioner Moeller discussed with UTC staff the new role of FERC as a regulatory agency, the challenges of building out the next generation of power supplies, new technologies and environmental protections.
The commissioner encouraged additional outreach and involvement by the UTC in order to provide FERC with more perspective on Northwest issues. Mr. Moeller also invited UTC staff to visit FERC in Washington, DC, to meet other commissioners and staff, and to see how the agency works. |
More Info About
Railroad Safety
Nov. 7, 9:30 am
Nov. 28, 9:30 am
Dec. 12, 9:30 am
Dec. 27, 9:30 am
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Welcome to the new Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC) e-newsletter. UTC Connections replaces our News and Views publication. You received this because you were formerly subscribed to News and Views. If you have questions about UTC Connections, please email consumer@utc.wa.gov.
The UTC works every day to protect consumers by ensuring that utility and transportation services are fairly priced, available, reliable and safe. This bi-monthly e-newsletter is intended to provide you with current information about regulated industries, current issues and topics that impact you. Thank you. |
Commission Approves New Regulations for Bundled Services 
"Bundled" packages of telecommunications services is a popular offering among telephone service providers in our state.
A bundle may include traditional landline service, such as local and long distance services, as well as services that the UTC does not regulate, such as wireless, Internet or satellite services. Phone features such as Caller ID and Call Waiting may also be considered part of a bundle.
At the Sept. 12 UTC Open Meeting, commissioners approved five petitions for minimal regulation of bundles.
For more information on bundle regulation, please visit www.utc.wa.gov. Questions regarding bundled services should be directed to your local providers. Questions, concerns or complaints regarding regulated utility and transportation services in Washington, should be directed to 800-562-6150 or consumer@utc.wa.gov. |
Can You Hear Me Now?
DSHS has specialized telephones and equipment available for people that are hard of hearing, deaf, deaf blind and speech disabled.
If you, or someone you know, has trouble hearing on the phone, request an application for this program. Call 360-902-0855 or email odhh@dshs.wa.gov. |
Vehicle Safety Inspections a Priority
UTC safety inspectors conduct comprehensive safety audits of garbage haulers, moving companies and passenger vans and buses, such as airporters and charters.
The investigators inspect maintenance and driver records for your safety. If a company fails to meet state safety standards, staff work with the company to correct problems. The UTC also works closely with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration as well as other state agencies.
Planning to charter a bus? Make sure the company meets state safety standards. Contact Carolyn Caruso, 360-664-1244 or ccaruso@utc.wa.gov. Be sure to provide the company name and/or permit number.
Can You See Me Now?
Utility companies are beginning to provide larger print bills for customers. Companies listed below already have them available. If you don't see your utility on the list, contact them and ask about the service. They may offer them in the future.
Verizon offers Braille and large print bills. Call 800-974-6006 for more information.
AT&T direct bill customers can receive large print versions. 800-222-0300
Pacific Power & Light offers a summary page in large print. 888-221-7070
Qwest also provides a large print format. Call 800-223-3131. |
Top Ten Money Saving Tips for Winter
1. Set water heaters to 120 degrees or "low" setting.
2. Check water heater for leaks.
3. Check hot water pipes in crawl space or basement for leaks.
4. Insulate all exposed hot water pipes.
5. Use cold water wash and rinse cycles where possible.
6. Check hot water faucets and valves for leaks.
7. Install energy saving faucets and showerheads.
8. Turn off lights when leaving a room.
10. Buy Energy Star appliances.
What Can the UTC Do For You?
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