The Official Newsletter of Wisdom Path, by Judi Thomases
Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue August 2012 Volume 59
Hi, On the personal front, everything seems to be revolving around writing and speaking, of which socializing is a form as well. A new article of mine will appear in the October issue of Dell Horoscope. It's called "The 2012 Climate", and looks at End Times against social upheaval, against the presidential campaign, against the revolutionary tone of our times, and including of course the astrological aspects. I hope you can find it on your newsstands or Barnes & Noble to check it out and enjoy.
The manuscript of my new book is in the editor's hands for reshaping. It's calling out to me to find its way into bookstores and onto people's Kindles. I've given a talk in my livingroom for all the people in my active adult community who were curious about "what I do", and had questions about karma, relationships and astrology, and it was a warm, successful night, with about 18 people attending. Meanwhile, several venues in bookstores, cafes, and gift shops have asked me to give informal talks to their clientele concerning whatever subjects I chose. These include astrology's hidden healing power, and seeing your karma in your horoscope. A few internet sites have asked me to post articles, and I've enjoyed offering a lot of thoughts relating to Saturn's challenges and the prospect of finding Venus' love . What's more, a new energy has come into the Tarot MeetUp group which seems to be intensifying the development of our psychic and intuitive gifts. There has been a cross-pollination between the Tarot MeetUp group, the Wilmington holistic gathering (Foresight Salon), and those with open minds in this retirement community. It may spread further into the nearby universities and circles of thirsty minds who are open and ready for their psychic or spiritual quest. Needless to say, this is all thrilling. Capricorns take a long time to climb the mountain, and usually enjoy the latter part of life best. I can't say I'm at all ready to go because, although there are certainly aches and creaks in the physical body, my mind remains very youthful. There's a lot more work to be done. The timing is right. The pressures that have been exerted upon the entire planet by cosmic design are heightening peoples' yearning for answers, for a different perspective, for a new understanding... and this means that a lifelong mission of service ties in well with the needs of the era. If all this sounds pretty serious and intense, yes it is! But socializing is a huge part of communications, and an awful lot of this stuff is taking place as gatherings, parties, and fun events. People are each other's treasure. Loving energy, wisdom, and sharing bring joy. Party hearty, everybody, and remember to keep looking to the light. With blessings and always, with Smiles,
Contact info is: Wisdom Path/Judi Thomases, 99 Cherry Hill Rd., Magnolia DE 19962. Cell phone is still 845-548-8200, and land-line phone # is 302-697-3630. Judi@WisdomPath.com or Starspro@aol.com.
Check out my blog, www.wisdomsblog.com. Feel free to post your comments on my musings - at the end of each posting (well, ANY posting), just click on "No Comments". It changes instantly to a "Comments" box. Type away, hit SUBMIT, and there you go!
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Upcoming Events
Check out Upcoming or Past Events! Here are a few:
NEW ARTICLE "THE 2012 CLIMATE" - Dell Horoscope Magazine, October 2012, on newsstands everywhere. Viewing End Times predictions as political and social upheavals, including the presidential election.
F.R.E.E. Talk "ASTROLOGY'S LITTLE-KNOWN HEALING POWER" - Java House Cafe, 104 W. Main St., Middletown DE, Aug. 7th, 7:30-8:30PM. Discussing karmic choices, forks in the road, knowing the time-frame of the challenges, and working inwardly.
Featured guest on "THE METAPHYSICAL HOUR". Date TBA. Topic: "Metaphysics & Quantum Physics"
Mar.29th - Featured guest ON "NEW PERSPECTIVES" RADIO SHOW - Topic: "All is Chosen". Now archived on Rockland World Radio. April 18th - Featured guest on "GETTING ON TOP" RADIO SHOW. Topic: "Wisdom's Game". Now archived on Blog Talk Radio
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A Quote From The Brotherhood of Light Workers
"No one hinders you, only yourself in its fears of reluctance." - "Creating", Essay by The Brotherhood of Light Workers / Judi Thomases
Spiritual Quote
"Tell the truth about your wound, and then you will get a truthful picture of the remedy to apply to it."
"Women Who Run with the Wolves" -- Clarissa Pinkola Estes
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Judi Thomases
Wisdom Path
A recent channeling from my spirit guides, the Brotherhood of Light Workers, says that change is coming to Hollywood in the wake of the Aurora CO shootings... due to shifting market demands now, new values with more light will begin to appear. A distaste for senseless violence will be seen in the audience, and the movie industry will be forced to respond.
Book Review: "Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype", by Clarissa Pinkola Estes (Ballantine)
I've heard of this book for a long time, but had never connected with it until a friend recently offered me her copy. In it, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, a Ph.D and "senior Jungian analyst", tackles the wild woman archetype by way of repeating myths and stories from various cultures, and dissecting their bizarre episodes. The variety of stories includes ones from Hispanic, Hungarian, European, and Inuit cultures.
Most of the stories are sad, wherein the prominent female suffers brutality or death, and usually represents some abusive possibilities than can befall females in the human condition. The author bemoans "the confiscated life". For some reason, this point got me thinking of Tom Cruise's wife, poor Katie Holmes!
The author tells us that she has a mixed heritage that includes Hungarian and Hispanic lineage, and therefore frequently uses phrases from these respective languages as though that were the norm. Her essential point throughout is that a wild and free undercurrent runs beneath all starved souls, be they repressed by their cultural milieu, or brutally suppressed by tyrannical relationships, or stifled by fear, and that this wildness erupts if not in the individual then in the mythos of the culture's stories to present itself as the vital force and the liberating factor. At least, that seems to be her thesis.
In one story, La Loba, an old crone searches constantly for wolf bones, and sings him deeply back to life. In another story, Bluebeard, versions are claimed to be of French, Slavic or Hungarian origin, in which a predatory husband fools his naïve wife, and is a serial killer of his previous wives, where blood does not stop flowing in his secret chamber. In one of the happier stories, a young girl is given a doll by her dying mother and becomes dependent on an old hag who lives in a forest, who forces her to do dreadful tasks and yet helps her to triumph over her evil stepmother and step-sisters. Still other stories with names like Skeleton Woman, The Ugly Duckling, The Red Shoes, The Sealskin, The Withered Trees, and The Handless Maiden, mostly portray dreadful situations of cruelty, suffering, obsession, loss, and so forth. It kind of reminded me of Grimm's fairytales which also were very difficult to encounter as an innocent young child, as most kids find when their parents hand them the lovely leather-bound set of Grimm's and Anderson's fairytales.
Fairytales in and of themselves are often quite frightening. In this case, Dr. Estes seeks to analyze the subtext, and does so in a psychoanalytical way, with 80 percent of her 500 page book devoted to such analysis rather than the very small portion to the stories themselves. In dissecting these stories, she frames the predators or brutal situations as aspects of the psyche, such as The Natural Predator, the Dark Man In Women's Dreams, Facing the Wild Hag, The Tenacious Dog Nature, The Ambivalent Mother, the Unmothered Mother, Exile as Boon, Brutal Loss, The Secret Life, Injured Instinct and Rage, Hearing the Old Ones' Call, The Dismemberment, and The Harrowing of the Soul - to name but a few of many, many chapters. Very few take a positive spin. Some do, such as Renewing the Creative Fire, Righteous Rage, the Practice of Intentional Solitude, Forgiveness, and Standing on All Fours.
All in all, I did not find this book to be uplifting. I looked at the picture of the author on the book cover, and I see intelligence, wisdom, and deep world-weariness, and rightly or wrongly feel that she has just heard too many painful stories of her clients or of people who have been in her life, and dealt too long with numbing reports of horrible karma with no true balm in sight. I did not feel at any point the optimism of the spiritual quest, or even the light at the end of the tunnel. Her writing is beautifully poetic ("the medial woman", "still glinting", "cackled"), and excellently eloquent; it does not surprise me that this book was and is a bestseller, for it does explore secret and hidden aspects of deep pain in women's lives that can only be expressed - at least in past ages, and maybe in the current era in certain societies - with the insightful but evasive techniques of storytelling.
I wish I could say that I recommend the book for its power, but it's just not to my taste in terms of overall message.
Why not check out Wisdom's Game too! "Wisdom from cover to cover", from The Brotherhood of Light Workers. Click here for more info: http://wisdompath.com/2008_archives/wg_book_details.html
Spirit's Words: Monthly Channeling- Aug. '12
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases
The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling. It is an invited procedure. The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life. Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats: Compilation of BoLW's Messages
At first, the notion of being calmed and settled with oneself is derived from the phrase "being at one", and this is thought of as an interlude in which a person gets very comfortable with the serenity within and lets go of the daily surroundings and also the mental chatter. It's a phrase that conjures up the quiet moment in a calming space. Everyone at some time or another in life has the sense of separating from their crazy world and feeling quite peaceful, and in that way also very rejuvenated.
So this is not a new idea, but here we introduce a fresh concept that is gradually gaining ground in at least some of humanity's awareness. And that is that it is possible to move one's sense of self to a place within very deliberately, and to linger longer and longer in a state that is realized as the truer self, the self that is always there when thoughts subside and focus is shifted. Then the concept of "being at one with myself" changes. It begins to mean that I recognize a deeper, more whole self inside of the chatter, clutter and whirlwind that often constitutes my life; that I see as though from a different pair of eyes an inner me that is bound to and comforted by the knowing of an eternal identity, not a fluctuating one, which can be said lives in a place or space or position that I can reach within, at will, by shifting attention, reducing thoughts, and experiencing a sense of just being.
This process, then, greatly redefines the phrase "being at one". That "one" is the core of you. It can be said to be your god-self, your eternal self, your self that exists behind thoughts, in eternity, and not requiring even your physical vehicle.
How wonderful to recognize that this is a state that is always available, separate from the hustle and bustle. It has always been attainable through meditation and new awareness. The difference is that society is recognizing the route to it, and the validity of it. Rather than a few disciplined monks with special techniques, now everyone can explore this sense of abiding self residing in peaceful bliss, and always waiting to be accessed as soon as the understanding is there, as soon as the knowing how is mastered.
In the midst of crisis, of maelstrom, of whatever life is currently "throwing at you" (i.e., what you are designing), you can go there. You can go to this height of serenity at a moment's notice and with the greatest of ease. You can go into it, even if only for a few seconds, and recognize that you are not the outside world, but are the one who persists, who is your greater aspect.
Even more will be shown about this in the coming evolutionary period but it suffices to know that at-one-ment is yours to pluck as the most delicious fruit in paradise.
© 2012 by Judi Thomases
On the world front, as the month starts off, some light at the end of the tunnel seems possible (Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter exact). From the 8th through the 17th, information flows well (Mercury station direct trine Node exact) and a cautious new approach may help such matters as peace talks (Mercury trine Uranus; New Moon sextile Saturn). Contracts and communications are favored on the 23rd (Mercury trine Jupiter). Forces of change, however, continue to pull things apart in a long, revolutionary pattern (Pluto square Uranus). Confusion is rife on the 24th (Sun opposite Neptune) but idealistic healing efforts work well on the 26th (Mars trine Neptune). The needs of people are uppermost on the rare "blue moon" of the 31st (Full Moon sextile Pluto).
In the U.S., although the mood is glum during the first half of August, perhaps from poor economic news (Saturn, ruler of H2, square U.S. Mercury in H8), there is plenty of excellent opportunity in the fields of technology and media that is just taking off and can produce many new jobs (Uranus Rx, ruler of H3, sextile U.S. Uranus in H6). From the 11th to 14th, a joyful pattern is great for celebratory events like weddings (Venus conjunct U.S. Venus/Jupiter), and mid-month is also nice regarding partnerships and allies (Jupiter conjunct U.S. Descendant). Disputes are prominent on the 15th (Mars square Mercury). A mixed economic picture is shown from the 22nd to 23rd (Venus conjunct U.S. Sun but square U.S Saturn). Business is favored by month's end, during which slow results bear fruit (Jupiter trine U.S. Saturn).
President Obama maintains high expectations but cloudy thinking during the first half of the month (Neptune opposite progressed Venus, quinqunx Mercury). Frustration, depression and blockage pertain to funding and hidden matters (Saturn, ruler of H12 from H12, conjunct progressed Mars/progressed Mercury in H8...) but are countered by gradual change from helpful allies (...sextile progressed Node/Uranus). A plethora of excellent speechifying on the 8th is a boon (Mercury station direct conjunct Mercury, opposite Jupiter, sextile progressed Sun). He is lucky mid-month (Jupiter sextile his Sun) and very verbally aggressive from the 16th to 18th (Mars conjunct progressed Mars/progressed Mercury). There are harsh words on the 27th (Mars square Mercury).
For Mitt Romney, the first few days are delightful (progressed Moon sextile Venus; Full Moon conjunct Venus; Uranus sextile Venus/Fortuna), and he can feel strengthened, especially financially, through the 7th (Jupiter sextile Pluto). However, emotional upsets and negative news can challenge his or his wife's health during the first half of the month (Uranus conjunct progressed Moon; Mercury station direct conjunct Saturn). By the 8th, he must produce specific plans for his message (Mercury station conjunct Saturn) and will be fighting hard between the 16th through 18th (Mars opposite progressed Venus/progressed Mars, into H6). However, he remains anxious about partners for quite a while (Neptune square Descendant). His focus is upon family matters on the 17th (New Moon in H4). He feels frustrated as his polls drop in the latter half of the month, and must watch his own health (Saturn opposite progressed Venus/progressed Mars; enters H6). There is an excess of talking on the 26th (Jupiter square Mercury), but by the last days of the month, he is happy and up and running once more (Venus trine Sun; Full Moon conjunct Mars in H10).
Tom Cruise (7/3/62, Syracuse NY, unknown birthtime) and Katie Holmes (12/18/78, 9:32 PM, Toledo OH) had a doomed relationship from the start (his Saturn square her Venus/Uranus; his Venus square her Venus), although there was real love there at first (her Moon conjunct his Venus). His karma regarding relationships is negative - his fantasies are disappointing, and there is a conflict between his desires and his romantic nature (afflicted Venus square Mars, opposite Saturn, and square Neptune). Issues with women stem from his early childhood (Saturn opposite Moon), and he may cope by living in his own Hollywood movie (his Node conjunct Moon in Leo, conjunct Venus in Leo). Katie was able to provide him with a child (her Jupiter on his Moon), which is very important to his need for family (his Cancer Sun), but she often angered him (her Mars opposite his Sun). In any power struggle, she would win (her Pluto square his Sun), but he is primed to change for the better now (transiting Pluto trine his Pluto, opposite his Sun). If used properly, he has a fortunate pattern for spiritual healing (Sun-Neptune-Chiron in Grand Water Trine).
(c) 2012 by Judi Thomases.
Unsolicited Testimonials:
"Judi and I go back several years. She inspires my creativity and through her guidance, I have achieved so much more. Thank you, Judi." Laura Dunnigan (Colorado, formerly New York)
*** "Each month, Judi does some very good 'big picture' astrology of trends that we might see on a national and global scale. This alone is worth the price of admission (which, by the way, is free). So, if you have a moment, be sure to send Judi your email and get on her mailing list!"
James Lee (Futurist, DE)
"I find you so easy to talk to and finally have found someone who affirms and encourages my journey."
Sonia Brakowski (Delaware)
"Your level of expression and understanding put a smile in my spirit. Thank you."
"I enjoyed your podcast 'All Is Chosen". It brought clarity to me on a few things. Thank you!"
Josette Blackburn (California)
"Thank you for coming on the show. It was a great one. You shared a lot of valuable insight and wisdom with our audience."
Paul Lamb, Host of New Perspectives radio show (New Jersey)
"I really enjoy your monthly newsletter, in part because you've been using astrology to focus on the 'big stuff', not just personal sun signs. Keep it coming!"
Jim Lee (Wilmington DE)
"I feel very moved by hearing your words and so grateful to have been given the gift of insight into my own psyche."
G. Ryder (New York)
*** "Had I not had the CD of our conversation, it would have been very easy for me to have lost hope but things came through as you were able to predict and I am so grateful to have had you as a resource."
D. Blackburn (California)
"Was reading along and thinking, 'Who on earth wrote this?' Thanx for the article (9/11: Ten Years Later). Comprehensive, beautifully written. Intelligent + and so helpful. Merci,"
Marnie (Toronto)
"I have been rereading your article because it is so very good. In fact, I have been wondering for a long time when some astrologer was going to write an article as good as yours about our current times and have it published in Dell Horoscope. It seems to me that your article has really been the very best to come out in a very long time. So thanks! I feel very blessed to have found you and very blessed to have you do a personal reading for me!" 9/11 Ten Years Later article".
Elisabeth Barry, Dell magazine reader
"This is the best astrology article I have EVER read. I intend to keep it handy for the future."
R Patterson, Dell magazine reader
"Thanks again for a great presentation last night! Very credible and very good."
Jim Lee, Foresight Salon
"Dear Ms Thomases,
"You did an amazing job [in your new book "The Wisdom Keys"] of putting together such a huge span of work! Quantum physics, mysticism, and personal experience all flowed together seamlessly... Thank you so much for letting me read the manuscript ahead of time!
Katie Critelli, Student
"Dear Judi.
"A heartfelt applause, appreciation and thanks for your 'Personal Note.' A right-on perspective on our interdependence and what anyone can contribute to the world scene.
Love and Light always,"
Alice Kann, Interfaith Minister
"Dear Judi,
"I want you to know how much I appreciate your site.
"I love it.
"I thank you for all your hard work / your inspiration.
Mary Aver, Hampstead, London UK
"Spirit's Words" Newsletter is written by Judi Thomases at
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:
Judi@WisdomPath.com. © 2012 Judi Thomases. All Rights Reserved.