The Official Newsletter of Wisdom Path, by Judi Thomases
Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue February 2012 Volume 54
Well, the holidays were a whirlwind and things are calming down as of this writing in mid January. I'm using the indicators of my solar return to go back to my diet and cleanse and purge at the same time that I'm busy organizing paperwork and catching up.
Being a Capricorn, I like to stay organized and be on top of my workload. I'm one of the three earth signs - the other two being Taurus and Virgo - and we're getting pretty good aspects in the coming period, with trines from Jupiter in Taurus and Mars in Virgo. Mars is going to station retrograde - in other words, to look as though it's stopping in the sky and hanging out - and then giving the illusion of moving backwards for awhile, so there'll be a lot of focus (for everyone) on doing the hard work of analyzing, cleaning up, getting your nutrition right, and taking care of business in general. Because of the retrograde motion, the pattern might cause delays in the efforts to get projects moving forward. But keep chugging away because that's what's called for.
I have a real good feeling about the process of change that's going on for all of us, individually and on the world stage. I feel that the surge of uprisings against governments and tyrants on behalf of the Common Man is a great thing - that would be the Uranus square to the cardinal signs, in Aries (new beginnings) - and I feel that the process of cleansing that's going on from deep in the shadows bringing many things forward into the light can be healthy in the long run, whether it's in our psyches, in our government, or in uncovering distressing, if not horrible, things that we all have to look at and work to clean up.
The process of change is always helpful if we can bring ourselves not only to clarity and a healthier psychology but also eventually to love and compassion. That's what I feel is the fallout from the holiday season this year - a lot of love. I felt it from my new neighbors, surely from my family, and I feel it as a sort of tone, a quality from people in general. You could see it displayed on Facebook; you could see the striving for a nicer world.
So although it's the winter, a lot of things are getting warmer.
Judi from Del-Aware
Contact info is: Wisdom Path/Judi Thomases, 99 Cherry Hill Rd., Magnolia DE 19962. Cell phone is still 845-548-8200, and land-line phone # is 302-697-3630. [email protected] or [email protected].
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A Quote From The Brotherhood of Light Workers
"The dark days must exist for the bright times to make sense - it is the polarity of life." - "Highs Require Lows", Essay by The Brotherhood of Light Workers / Judi Thomases
Spiritual Quote
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George Lukas
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Movie Review: "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", starring Rooney Mara & Daniel Craig (Columbia Pictures)
On the one hand, this violent movie - the first film in Columbia Pictures' three-picture adaptation of Stieg Larsson's literary trilogy - is the furthest thing imaginable from anything spiritual, yet when I think about it from another perspective, it symbolizes Yin Rising, the ascendancy of the divine feminine that is part of the equalization of the sexes that describes the coming Age of Aquarius. This is a worldwide subtle energy shift that is bringing to every corner of the globe the changeover from patriarchal rule and male domination to the strengthening and awakening of the feminine nature of God. Women are realizing their true power.
The main protagonist, Lisbeth Salander, represents in a microcosmic way this upsurge of new female empowerment. She is tiny, as in short and skinny, and helpless, as in an impotent sexually abused "ward of the state" (i.e., virtual orphan), who manages through brains and courage to revenge her oppressors and retake control of her life magnificently. And unlike many cartoonish female warriors of recent cinema vintage, everything she does is realistic, logical, and quite human. Then, not only does she manage to prevail over her lousy karma, but she goes on to become a heroic investigative challenger to some very real human monsters including a sadistic serial killer and a criminal financier. Having read all three books and seen the original Swedish version of this movie, I can say that this film is as intense, powerful and satisfying as those. Some scenes, as in the anal rape, the tattooing, and the sadistic killer-of-women's lair, are truly disturbing. But nothing is gratuitous. Neither Lisbeth nor her journalist friend Mikael Blomkvist come through their dogged pursuits unscathed, as in typical disingenuous Hollywood fare, nor do the wealthy family at the core of the mysterious deaths come across as one-dimensional. All are complex, which adds depth and realism to the entire story. One small caveat is that the clever manner in which Lisbeth exacts karmic comeuppance upon the criminal mastermind, Wennerstrom, who has been Blomkvist's nemesis, is hurried and unclear to the viewer. Her gumption and techie savviness is indicated, but unless you've read the book, her astute machinations to take control of his billions while exposing his fraud are much too sketchy. Probably in the interests of shortening the script, this important subplot has been given short shrift. Finally, again from a spiritual perspective, it's noteworthy that author Larsson, who died upon finishing the trilogy and barely knew its global best-sellerdom, admitted in an interview that he had witnessed a gang rape of a young girl at a summer camp, which drove him to become a literary champion against the abuse of women. He said the trilogy poured out of him all at once. Is it coincidence that a person with excellent creative writing skill is given the inspiration to expiate a lifelong guilt, portray an avenging female role model, get it all on paper and then quickly die? To me, this is the soul's karmic agenda at work - neither a tragedy nor a mistake. It's the perfect design at play!
Why not check out Wisdom's Game too! "Wisdom from cover to cover", from The Brotherhood of Light Workers. Click here for more info: http://wisdompath.com/2008_archives/wg_book_details.html
Spirit's Words: Monthly Channeling- Feb. '12
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases
The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling. It is an invited procedure. The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life. Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats: Compilation of BoLW's Messages
Stay low, stay calm, stay polite.
There is no need to clamor or get perturbed. You are a perfect mote in a rushing stream, and although the stream is cascading frantically forward in its torrent, you are quite safe in your moment. You are part of a wave of energy that is streaming forth into the planetary gestalt but you alone are not the rush, the hurry, the insistent push to reach that new destination that is taking place (and to which the torrent forcefully speeds). You are the inherent piece of it that is whole and solid , the mote of energy that comprises its mass. Along with all other individual souls, you are the meat of the movement but not the movement in itself. Once you understand this about your self, your life, your purpose here, you will begin to feel a great calm and a peace developing within. For otherwise, listening to the reports of the cascading rush forward in headlines and news reports, it seems that the world is frenetic and that there is no safety. It seems as though you are on a teeterboard and can slip off into the madness at any moment. But this is not true unless you lose your balance. Your balance is that which allows you to stay whole and anchored in the innermost self while the world rushes by. In this era, the perception of the speeding up of world events and of your fragile sense of safety is expanding, enlarging. But if you are on a "rocket ship", you are very safe so long as you are anchored within. The excessive speed of current events, and the sense that things are getting out of control is what is false. You are always in the same inner place, and that need not be bothered or agitated. And so we repeat: stay calm, stay unperturbed, stay with your own true self and rest in that awareness. You'll be sped to your new destination in comfort and with the amusement that comes from watching an amazing race. Go in peace.
� 2012 by Judi Thomases
Although it may not seem so, the world is under favorable prospects for economic growth and practical inspiration (Jupiter trine Pluto; Neptune trine Saturn), especially as the month begins (Neptune entering its own sign of Pisces, sextile Jupiter). People may push for what they desire from others (Mars retrograde opposite Venus) but relationships are being greatly tested (Saturn in Libra stationing retrograde). Creativity and drama are displayed on the 7th (Full Moon in Leo), with plenty of excitement on the 10th (Venus conjunct Uranus in Aries). Much confusion and over-idealism carries through from the 15th to the 21st (Mercury and Sun into Pisces conjunct Neptune; New Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune) - hope and faith surge, but don't believe everything you hear! More clarity and stark truth are likelier on the 23rd-24th, with sharp words following if necessary (Mercury opposite retrograde Mars).
America begins the month feeling weak and very confused by the media (Mars Rx conjunct U.S. Neptune; Neptune conjunct progressed Descendant in H3). Unpredictability, nervous tension, and sudden drastic changes lend towards fickleness (probably with the Republican candidates) while rapid disruptive shifts, even upsetting events, might occur on the homefront (Uranus conjunct U.S. IC, then square Venus; progressed Sun square progressed Uranus). The focus remains on healing the economy, no easy task especially at month's end (Pluto enters H2 [Sibley] in Yod to Uranus and Node). Week 2 and Week 3 are favorable for entertainment, shopping, investments and social activity (Jupiter sextile U.S. Venus, then sextile U.S. Jupiter). On the 21st there is a danger of being swept away by fantasies (New Moon/Neptune conjunct progressed Descendant)! We must not trust false promises or create new "bubbles".
Regarding the goings-on between Israel and Iran, the latter is coming out of a restrictive period for furthering its nuclear efforts (Saturn past the conjunction to Iran's Pluto, ruler of nuclear bombs) but faces a sudden event in March that brings tension and turmoil (Uranus conjunct Iran's Moon), while the former must deal with drastic surprises at home that nevertheless bring greater freedom (Uranus conjunct Israel's progressed IC, and trine its Moon). Oddly, Iran lends some kind of karmic benefit to Israel (Iran's Jupiter tightly conjunct Israel's MC/Moon in H10)! Perhaps, given Israel's mandate to exist, to hold onto its territory (Node in Taurus), the threat posed by Iran furthers Israel's growth and power? Certainly, early April favors that outcome (Jupiter conjunct Israel's Node).
President Obama is on a roll during the first week, talking up a storm, socializing, and racking in campaign funds (Jupiter square his Mercury, trine his progressed Venus; Mars Rx conjunct Mars in H8). However, even good planning regarding windfalls may be insufficient to overcome negative press and fickle polls (Uranus opposite his progressed Sun, square his Venus, and sextile his Jupiter; Saturn station retrograde conjunct his progressed Mercury, sextile progressed his Uranus, and square his progressed Jupiter). He is being pushed to remove delusions (Pluto sextile his Neptune). If he ends up facing Mitt Romney in November, he could lose some of his power base (Romney's Pluto exactly conjunct Obama's Sun) and face obstruction to his message (Romney's Saturn exactly conjunct Obama's Mercury). (Romney, as I wrote last September is "confused and seen as weak through late March... has an improved message and increasing likeability after April 8th.")
Hopeful Rick Santorum experienced an emotional upset in New Hampshire (progressed Moon opposite his Uranus) following his exciting showing previously in Iowa (progressed Moon trine his progressed Venus). If he remains in the race, another unpleasant surprise awaits him again in April (progressed Moon opposite his progressed Uranus). For Newt Gingrich, a confusing and frustrating period of lack of funding follows his surprising win in South Carolina (progressed Ascendant conjunct his Uranus in H3 but progressed Mercury onto his Neptune in H8; Saturn transiting his 8th), plus there will be much uncovering of unpleasant secrets regarding women and family, and career and finances (Mars Rx in Virgo square his Saturn, and triggering his natal Moon-Neptune-Sun t-square in houses 4, 8 and 10).
(c) 2012 by Judi Thomases.
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G. Ryder (New York)
*** "Had I not had the CD of our conversation, it would have been very easy for me to have lost hope but things came through as you were able to predict and I am so grateful to have had you as a resource."
D. Blackburn (California)
"Was reading along and thinking, 'Who on earth wrote this?' Thanx for the article (9/11: Ten Years Later). Comprehensive, beautifully written. Intelligent + and so helpful. Merci,"
Marnie (Toronto)
"I have been rereading your article because it is so very good. In fact, I have been wondering for a long time when some astrologer was going to write an article as good as yours about our current times and have it published in Dell Horoscope. It seems to me that your article has really been the very best to come out in a very long time. So thanks! I feel very blessed to have found you and very blessed to have you do a personal reading for me!"9/11 Ten Years Later article"
Elisabeth Barry, Dell magazine reader
"This is the best astrology article I have EVER read. I intend to keep it handy for the future."
R Patterson, Dell magazine reader
"Thanks again for a great presentation last night! Very credible and very good."
Jim Lee, Foresight Salon
"Dear Ms Thomases,
"You did an amazing job [in your new book "The Wisdom Keys"] of putting together such a huge span of work! Quantum physics, mysticism, and personal experience all flowed together seamlessly... Thank you so much for letting me read the manuscript ahead of time!
Katie Critelli, Student
"Dear Judi.
"A heartfelt applause, appreciation and thanks for your 'Personal Note.' A right-on perspective on our interdependence and what anyone can contribute to the world scene.
Love and Light always,"
Alice Kann, Interfaith Minister
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"I want you to know how much I appreciate your site.
"I love it.
"I thank you for all your hard work / your inspiration.
Mary Aver, Hampstead, London UK
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