The Official Newsletter of Wisdom Path, by Judi Thomases
Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue December 2011 Volume 53
This is a pivotal month. It brings to an end a difficult and momentous year, 2011, in which our political system became frayed and deeply antagonistic, our economy became shaky, and the world found itself in the process of upheaval, not only with uprisings in many parts, abrupt changes of leadership, and crazy economic stuff but also catastrophic weather patterns. And now we face a new year, 2012, that comes labeled with oh so many expectations, even before it launches.
Here we are, just people, struggling to get by and at the same time searching, yearning for answers, hoping that our particular world - our lives - will be okay. For me, many things seem full of possibilities - a new book, a new community, new relationships... new possibilities but at the same time also scary uncertainty and change with some hard upcoming astrological aspects and a somewhat clouded crystal ball.
I'm making great friends - metaphysical ones as well as neighbors. I have a wonderful feeling, different from past years, of belonging, fitting in, enjoying almost constant socializing and pausing to see where the universe wants to lead me or direct me. One thing I know, and that is to wait. To listen. To be primed and ready but not to act until the signal is given. This is a hard thing to learn for it is completely intuitional. The faculty that is being strengthened is what I call my radar, and others might call the psychic ability or intuition. The other faculties that have served me so well in the past - logic and emotional mastery - are, I feel, being downplayed. This is something new: maybe it's Pluto beginning to approach my natal Capricorn Sun. Whatever it is, there's a shift taking place - I can feel it - and I'll do my best to report it.
Starting in 2012, this newsletter will be published once every other month instead of every month as I wait for further guidance.
To all who have followed and remain interested in Judi's Journey, I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I want to send this love and appreciation to you in abundance for the holiday season, and for the launch of the new year, 2012. We all need as much love, gratitude and embrace as we can muster in this coming era. And that's what I'm sending out.
Happy holidays,
Judi from Del-Aware
Contact info is: Wisdom Path/Judi Thomases, 99 Cherry Hill Rd., Magnolia DE 19962. Cell phone is still 845-548-8200, and land-line phone # is 302-697-3630. Judi@WisdomPath.com or Starspro@aol.com.
Check out my blog, www.wisdomsblog.com. Feel free to post your comments on my musings - at the end of each posting (well, ANY posting), just click on "No Comments". It changes instantly to a "Comments" box. Type away, hit SUBMIT, and there you go!
Also, if you're on Facebook, please Become a Fan of Wisdom's Game Book fan page, and post your thoughts about playing the soul's wisdom game of life.
Don't forget... previous issues (along with channelings, reviews, and astro news) are archived on www.wisdompath.com!
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Uranus stations direct at the world degree (0 Aries), while Jupiter stations direct at 0 Taurus... Do you know what that means to you?
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Every month we look at your patterns, including a new Lunar Return, progressions and transits for each month... we talk about what are the best choices... decisions, challenges, best times to launch projects, meet people, take care of yourself, and much more.
You can ask the important questions -- business or personal or anything else -- for insight... For instance, one client got her publicity photo done on the EXACT best date - she says it's the best photo she's ever had taken! The session combines astrology (dates, energy, patterns), Tarot and AstroDice (oracles, psychic info). We'll see the energy patterns unfold, and determine how best to navigate them with awareness; your wisdom and empowerment will deepen.
Email me at Judi@WisdomPath.com for details and appointments
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A Quote From The Brotherhood of Light Workers
"The inner quest - whether it goes on plainly and casually, or desperately and with angst - is the same road that takes you into your truth. It is the road of connection. It is the doorway to wisdom." - "The Quest for Answers", Essay by The Brotherhood of Light Workers / Judi Thomases
Spiritual Quote
"All ensouled species on the physical plane...are subject to the `tidal' influences of what you call astrology."
"Michael", as channeled by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Michael's People
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Movie Review: "Higher Ground", starring Vera Farmiga (Sony Classics)
Exploring themes of formalized and personal beliefs in a search for God, meaning, and love, this interesting film presents a woman's lifelong quest for connection and deep answers in order to make sense of her dysfunctional family background and present difficult choices. That her milieu is one of fundamentalist Christianity almost seems secondary to her universal journey. Neither ridiculed nor idealized, the almost cult-like arena she finds herself within as she searches so deeply is treated without bias. It is merely presented as an option that works for some but not for all.
That fact that such a setting is not the common Hollywood purview, and that the universal human inner quest can be dissected from within such an uncommon perspective is, in itself, refreshing. The moviegoer, asked neither to accept nor reject this life choice but simply to observe adherents working out their stuff from within it, is left to reflect upon one's own inner workings in comparison to some of the deep issues that arise in the characters' lives. In other words, it is impossible to be this observer without delving into a few of one's own profound thoughts and beliefs about life's Big Questions.
Raised by a divorced mom, competitive with a rebellious Bohemian sister, and sliding willy-nilly into marriage with Ethan, an earnest but nerdy musician, Corinne eventually finds herself in an extended Christian "family" that monitors her dress code as well as her behavior yet practices a close-knit loving caring for its members. With her personal sense of awakening, and her growing dissatisfaction with her husband, will she make a complete break, tackling life alone but free, open to the sexy mailman's mixed signals? Or will she come to terms with her path, and overcome the painful obstacles and limitations of her particular karmic predicament? Even the marriage therapist can only offer treatment within the confines of the over-arching belief system of which she is a part. And yet there is true connection and bliss there too.
I liked this movie because of its ability to stimulate questioning. It doesn't pontificate; it just presents. We can reject some life choices even as we learn from them, either by experiencing the choice personally or by observing its consequences in others. Isn't that what a good movie is for? Recommended for those who can keep an open mind.
Why not check out Wisdom's Game too! "Wisdom from cover to cover", from The Brotherhood of Light Workers. Click here for more info: http://wisdompath.com/2008_archives/wg_book_details.html
Spirit's Words: Monthly Channeling- Dec. '11
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases
The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling. It is an invited procedure. The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life. Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats: Compilation of BoLW's Messages
We're here to assure that this world, which is under creation at every moment, is not scheduled to collapse or implode. For as we have said before, that would ruin the long effort over the ages to create and manifest the creature that can know itself and build accordingly.
You are, at this very moment, in process of coming into being as a new type of human on the planet - a human that wishes to cast off that which self-defeats, that which harms the self, that which cuts short creative potential. You are, as we speak, learning how so many actions lead down the path of dead-end, and fool and deceive the mind to put it into a type of hypnosis in which it is difficult to claw one's way out of and see clearly once again.
Your new being has explored and rejected avenues of creation that have left the individual in great suffering, and even worse, in helpless paralysis. You have furthermore explored that which leads to negative creation - in government, in society, and in relationship - none of which seems still very desirable. Therefore, you are collectively fighting to discard these old patterns, to reject and turn away from that which always leads to despair and stagnation. Instead, you are striving mightily to create a world in which you - the self, the soul, the individual - seeing every more clearly that which is desirable, that which acknowledges the self and other selves in loving embrace so that a new way of life becomes possible, a way that is more harmonious, kinder, cleaner, respectful and whole.
This is not an easy thing. It brings much turmoil. A clash of old and new. A birthing struggle in which the final form is not yet even clearly visualized, and so must pick and choose its way to fulfillment.
Should we live thus, or that? Should we set up this system, or that system? Should we confine ourselves, should we expand? Should we be serious or playful? Which is the way to the better world? How can I become my happiest, most successful and best self ever?
All humans now are asking this, and looking outside themselves, seeking to find it. And if they can't find it, figuring how to manifest it or create it. It is a worldwide effort, and thus, from a cosmic point of view, it is the completely wrong time to toy with the notion of world destruction, or even psychic implosion.
Chaos and turmoil bring new structures. They are the unstable underpinnings upon which fresh, solid new foundations will be built. Take heart! Your personal struggle for truth, happiness, and fulfillment is the exact same as the world's. Gaia strives so.
Now is the time of hope, not despair. Now is when all possibilities exist. Design them well, for you're not going anywhere other than right here, right now.
© 2011 by Judi Thomases
The world chart is far from being at peace - there is disruption and rebellion everywhere, with anger and angry words predominant, especially on December 10th (Uranus station direct at world point 0 Aries; and Lunar Eclipse at 18 Gemini square Mars). Although it seems to be about economic issues, it's really about values, philosophies, and beliefs (Node in Sagittarius until August 2012). However, this period may see a turning point. On the 15th, many discussions and plans are being presented, some ready to be implemented (Mercury station direct at 3 Sag). The 19th is not great for loving harmony (Venus square Saturn), but the 21st indicates splurging that might benefit economies for the holidays (Venus square Jupiter). Christmas itself, while not universally celebrated, marks a wonderful blessing of growth through economic measures that will be good for the Earth and for business (New Moon in Capricorn; Jupiter station direct at 0 Taurus in trine to it). Additionally, the last week is favorable for practical steps to make ideals more real (Saturn trine Neptune). However, post-holiday aspects are not great for the markets nor for kindness (Venus square Pluto).
December brings good news to our nation on the job front (progressed Moon in Libra H10, trine Uranus in Gemini H6), and a diminishment of weakening emotionality (Neptune leaving conjunction to U.S. Moon). However, through early February there will be continuing protests, even uprisings such as the Occupy movement (Uranus conjunct IC) as well as depressing economic trends requiring belt-tightening (Saturn in Libra H10 t-square U.S. Mercury/PF, and U.S. Pluto). On the plus side, people will be mature about it all, and inclined to do the right thing (Saturn trine U.S. Moon). The month shows lots of dealings regarding foreign countries, legislation, and the courts (Mars in H9). The 10th marks the conclusion or turning point of a military effort (Lunar Eclipse conjunct Mars in H7). On an up note, the holiday season is beneficial to real estate, growth, perhaps our rating (Jupiter in Taurus station direct trine progressed Ascendant exact), showing that we are a desirable investment after all (New Moon in Capricorn H1 opposite U.S. Venus)!
President Obama is facing an uphill climb with the courts and the economy (transiting Saturn in H8/H9 conjunct his progressed Mars/progressed Mercury, square natal Saturn from H9 to H12) - mostly likely the challenges to his Health Care law - and will probably feel anxious for his reputation or legacy (transiting Neptune square his Midheaven). Negative news has him doing quite a lot of reevaluation. A member of his team may leave (Uranus square his Venus, opposite his progressed Sun), but some unexpected luck waits in the wings (Uranus, ruler of his chart, trines his Jupiter).
At the moment, Newt Gingrich is riding high and hanging in (Uranus sextile his progressed Mars/Mercury; Saturn trine his Sun), but his longterm prospects in 2012 do not lend themselves to winning, indicating more confusion, even delusion, than clarity (progressed Mercury, ruler of his Sun, will conjunct his Neptune; transiting Neptune will oppose his progressed Sun and square his progressed Mars). Interestingly, he and Obama would make a better team than rivalry, as their charts have many correspondences (G's Node conjunct O's Descendant; G's Venus conjunct O's Sun; and G's Mercury conjunct O's Moon)! Politics sure makes strange bedfellows, as they say.
(c) 2011 by Judi Thomases.
Upcoming Events
Check out Upcoming or Past Events! Here are a few: Featured guest psychic astrologer Judi Thomases on "Getting on Top" radio show with Paul Morris. Discussing a new and important concept from her spiritual guides, The Brotherhood of Light Workers... and the process of publishing this essential and illuminating teaching. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
NEW ARTICLE ~ SEPT. '11 DELL HOROSCOPE: "9/11: Ten Years Later" - now posted on my site (Recent Articles)
Learn about the historic sweeping changes of this era from an astrological point of view, and how they affect the average person and our nation. Politics, the economy, natural disasters, shifting power, confusion... what's ahead? Click Here for More Info
MIND, BODY & SPIRIT FESTIVAL - Jan. 21, 2012, Cecil College, Elkton, MD I'll be doing Tarot and AstroDice readings at this event. For more info: trapposelli@cecil.edu.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check out the latest postings on Wisdom's Blog! Here are a few:
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Unsolicited Testimonials:
"Had I not had the CD of our conversation, it would have been very easy for me to have lost hope but things came through as you were able to predict and I am so grateful to have had you as a resource."
D. Blackburn (California)
"Was reading along and thinking, 'Who on earth wrote this?' Thanx for the article (9/11: Ten Years Later). Comprehensive, beautifully written. Intelligent + and so helpful. Merci,"
Marnie (Toronto)
"I have been rereading your article because it is so very good. In fact, I have been wondering for a long time when some astrologer was going to write an article as good as yours about our current times and have it published in Dell Horoscope. It seems to me that your article has really been the very best to come out in a very long time. So thanks! I feel very blessed to have found you and very blessed to have you do a personal reading for me!"9/11 Ten Years Later article"
Elisabeth Barry, Dell magazine reader
"This is the best astrology article I have EVER read. I intend to keep it handy for the future."
R Patterson, Dell magazine reader
"Thanks again for a great presentation last night! Very credible and very good."
Jim Lee, Foresight Salon
"Dear Ms Thomases,
"You did an amazing job [in your new book "The Wisdom Keys"] of putting together such a huge span of work! Quantum physics, mysticism, and personal experience all flowed together seamlessly... Thank you so much for letting me read the manuscript ahead of time!
Katie Critelli, Student
"Dear Judi.
"A heartfelt applause, appreciation and thanks for your 'Personal Note.' A right-on perspective on our interdependence and what anyone can contribute to the world scene.
Love and Light always,"
Alice Kann, Interfaith Minister
"Dear Judi,
"I want you to know how much I appreciate your site.
"I love it.
"I thank you for all your hard work / your inspiration.
Mary Aver, Hampstead, London UK
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"Spirit's Words" Newsletter is written by Judi Thomases at
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:
Judi@WisdomPath.com. © 2011 Judi Thomases. All Rights Reserved.