The Official Newsletter of Wisdom Path, by Judi Thomases
Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue November 2011 Volume 52
Hi, I'm sure I'm not the only one watching the news - the Occupy Wall Street movement - and wondering where this is going to lead. Many people certainly are being given a chance to express their feelings of anger and frustration at the negative turn that's been taken by our country, and maybe even on the world stage, and the people's protest movement is not unforeseen because it has been written about by myself and other astrologers as "in the stars". In this era, individuals want their needs to be heard, and in a way it's a very American, First-Amendment-Rights-for-peaceful-protest kind of thing.
But I don't have a good feeling about this. I'm pretty sure as it builds strength and spreads, an anti-capitalist, pro-socialist movement represented by Uranus in Aries is going to create more and more chaos as it seeks to revolutionize the system represented by Pluto in Capricorn. And where will we all be if our institutionalized social structures fall apart? Government, schools, banks, corporations? Protest is good... until it turns into chaos!
Are we in the End Times? I was asked that question on a recent radio show. Do I feel they're coming? I feel we're in them, I said; the crunch is on! It's a question of seeing how disrupted, how dismantled, how strange things will become. As an individual, I'm feeling somewhat battered by the weather, the era, the uncertainty, and the rapidity of what will no doubt be very historical events. On a personal level, I'm continuing to meet with a couple of wonderful spiritual groups down here, to adjust to new surroundings and make friends with great people in my new neighborhood, and in other ways go about my business, my creative projects, and my spiritual tasks. And I continue to pursue my inner work of awakening and of healing... of radiating as much love as possible even during this period. But there is a practical side of me too that's creating a little area in my new house to store extra water and some canned goods, and some staples like rice, soap, flashlights, candles, and batteries. Are you? May we all weather the storm, and help each other through it! Here's a link to a podcast of my last radio interview, "The Metaphysical Hour", in which I spoke of these concepts under the theme of Practical Spirituality & The Wisdom Game. Hope you enjoy it! All comments are welcome. Until next month,
Judi from Del-Aware
My new, NEW contact info is: Wisdom Path/Judi Thomases, 99 Cherry Hill Rd., Magnolia DE 19962. Cell phone is still 845-548-8200, and our new land-line phone # is 302-697-3630. Use Judi@WisdomPath.com or Starspro@aol.com for all email contact because Starspro@optonline.net is no longer active.
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"Love will pull you towards and into the Other even as you rush toward self-realization." - "For the Love of Another", Essay by The Brotherhood of Light Workers / Judi Thomases
Spiritual Quote
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Dr. John S. Hislop, paraphrasing Satha Sai Baba
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Book Review: "ONE LAST TIME", and "CROSSING OVER" by John Edward (Berkley, Hay House)
John Edward is a well-known psychic medium who apparently talks to the dead. Myself being a channeler, I have no problems whatsoever with this concept, for channeling is nothing if not receiving words or concepts (and sometimes visions) from entities who are not in the physical plane with us, but who are giving us information from a more, shall we say, enlightened place. Mediumship is somewhat different than channeling. A good medium receives names and specific details about a recently deceased or intimately connected person who has been in the client's life. These details and correct names, or at least initials, serve to validate the source of information as coming from the hereafter. In the case of John Edward, his authenticity as demonstrated for years on his tv shows and as witnessed by groups of people attending his large conferences, is shown to be pretty solid. Carl and I were lucky enough to get tickets to attend one of these conferences before we moved to Delaware, and we were suitably impressed by his skill and audience validation via the few chosen participants. So this review of his two books is not meant to pass judgment on whether or not he is a true medium or a good one; instead, the point is to evaluate what he is presenting as his soul purpose, his interior value system, and if he is accomplishing his goals as per his spiritual assignment. From what I'm reading, I'm happy with his message - written in earthy language, with clear details of contemporary American families, culture and lifestyle. There is no doubt about Edward's sincerity and heart. Above all, he endeavors to present his work as service - to verify the continued existence of consciousness, personality, and memory in that vast unknown territory called death... and sometimes referred to as life-after-death. He's not in it for ego, fame or fortune, and he has made every effort to avoid even the perception of exploitation of his gift throughout his career, in his books, and radio and tv shows, for that would spoil the point of it all. Edward was able to see auras as a young child, and like all gifted psychic adolescents had somewhat of a hard time growing up in regular society but was fortunate to be part of a large Italian family that provided him with normalcy, roots and emotional stability. In "One Last Time", he offers case histories of his clients and colleagues, including the formidable presence of a three-year-old boy who drowns at a family party and who makes it clear that he is now tasked with helping the children who died in the Oklahoma bombing to cross over. In another case, he presents the convoluted methods that the deceased engage in, in order to reach the living with important messages. Most of Edward's work is to comfort the living and diminish guilt and unresolved emotional issues. To provide closure, in other words. In "Crossing Over", he gives us the blow-by-blow history of his background from early years at psychic fairs to a syndicated television show - all the signs and omens that brought him to it, all the frustrations that held him back, and even the profound interruption of 9/11, and what that meant to a medium whose sole purpose here is to communicate with the dead. He didn't want to make those victims' deaths more important or tragic than anyone else's regular losses. John refers to his spiritual guides humorously as "the Boys". And the Boys have their own agenda which he has come to align himself with the need to surrender into. Although at times his descriptions of some of his personal relationships and some of his salty language show a real person who is certainly not Buddha-like, here we have a shining example of someone with pure values who's using his gift not only to help people daily to give love and appreciation to those who are still on this side, but also to represent a message to the world that it's not over when it's over. He makes a point that we become more sensitive to spiritual energies always surrounding us once we've lost a loved one and are grieving. He's saying, if we ourselves are able to receive a presence or visitation, we should acknowledge it, thank it for showing it to us, ask its name, don't force anything, and just be receptive to whatever message the presence is sending us. "In these modern often cynical times, it is important that we are all spiritual beings, and as such we cannot die. We can only live and learn forever." Both books are easy to read, in simple language, and are entertaining and fascinating as well. They're a good read. High recommendation.
Why not check out Wisdom's Game too! "Wisdom from cover to cover", from The Brotherhood of Light Workers. Click here for more info: http://wisdompath.com/2008_archives/wg_book_details.html
Spirit's Words: Monthly Channeling- Nov. '11
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases
The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling. It is an invited procedure. The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life. Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats: Compilation of BoLW's Messages
In an inkling, as rain begins, so shall new things enter your lives. New ways, new concepts, new beginnings, new understanding. The Earth is set for refreshment - a refreshing change, a holy renewal, an awakening, a cleansing, and a thirst-quenching burst of spiritual and sacred productivity.
A long period, feeling like dusty, musty oldness - outworn ways and systems, stuffy methods, and outgrown thinking - is parched and thirsty for the refreshing drink of change. Therefore, the ground is well-prepared, yearning in fact for newness, waiting to burst forth.
The thrust of new growth has been underground and entangled while its roots stretch deep. As soon as the liquid fluids of change moisten and reach these roots, a great flourishing will take place. There will be a period of turmoil as each concept finds its patch of ground to break through from, and come into light, but eventually stems will seek their natural fruition, and a forest will spring up. These are birth pangs and chaotic beginnings but wonderful beginnings nevertheless.
Not all new thoughts or new ideas will flourish but such a productive era is thirsting to be born, as has not been seen in mankind's history, for this time the multitudes, each bringing forth personal realization, will force accelerated change and multitudinous growth. And so the new world will be born rapidly and with great fanfare. New minds are more aware than ever before and recognize the process, can name and describe it even as it occurs. It will be more than visible; it will be storied!
Herald the new day! Herald the new human! It all begins now. Its name is Change, and it is good.
Be sure to be part of the new, to jump onboard and grab hold of this speeding vessel of humankind's creative possibility. You are it. It is you that is being born under your feet and in your brain. It is upon you. It is now. Rejoice!
© 2011 by Judi Thomases
What are Herman Cain's prospects? He was born December 13, 1945 in Memphis, TN. His birth time is unknown; however, we can learn a lot about his planets. In connection with the country, he's nice and likeable and will be popular with the people (North Node on U.S. Venus). He would be able to structure and enforce discipline upon the country (Saturn conjunct U.S. Mercury/progressed Node/Fortuna). He is bold and pioneering (Aries Moon), and is very lucky and dynamic (Grand Fire Trine involving the fire planets Moon in Aries, Mercury/Venus in Sagittarius, and Mars/Pluto in Leo). Further indications of success and luck (Sun sextile Jupiter) mean that you just can't discount his winning possibilities. He is a free spirit, a gambler, and a rebel who doesn't abide by anyone else's playbook but is easy-going and a fun person (Sun in Sag opposing Uranus).
He can be very idealistic and perhaps fooled, gullible or confused at times (Kite involving the Grand Fire Trine also involves an opposition from Moon to Neptune, depending on birth time, but very exact at a noon birth). One of those times is upon him (by January, transiting Neptune conjuncts his progressed Sun) - a period of not seeing things clearly, having high hopes, maybe being credulous. But at the same time, he has very supportive aspects (transiting Saturn trines progressed Sun at 28 Aquarius). A recent period just past in late October (Saturn conjuncted his Jupiter) indicates a slowdown from the peak of excitement from early to mid October (Uranus trined Mars; Mars sextiled Uranus) bringing the surge he was experiencing. Perhaps he was approached with an offer made by one of his rival GOP candidates, with an eye to slowing him down and containing him, because despite his tremendous luck he may not be totally electable as the frontrunner and may need to negotiate a secondary position in the GOP machine.
From November through December of 2011, he can be cocky or impulsive and also somewhat arrogant (Jupiter squares Mars). There is a date next summer - July 13, 2012 - that is extraordinarily lucky for him (Uranus station retrograde exactly conjunct his Moon, triggering his Grand Fire Trine). So Herman Cain's potential is nowhere near played out as of this writing! He will most likely be on the ticket or in a very prominent position in the GOP team. Although he is a loner and independent, and someone who dances to his own drummer, he owns a beneficial aspect for teamwork (Jupiter in Libra in his solar H7). Good counsel now includes being wary of false promises or betrayal but to play his cards well to see how far this could take him.
In comparing Cain's aspects with President Obama's, there are some interesting factors. Cain forces a transformation upon the President if for no other reason than it being a tremendous power struggle (his Pluto is conjunct Obama's Sun). There is a clash of words - and a lot of words, i.e., lots of debate here (his Mars conjunct O's Mercury). They are natural opponents (his Saturn opposite O's Saturn) who each have the opportunity to limit the other party. As I said, both have a strong likeability factor with the citizenry (Cain's Node on U.S. Venus; Obama's Venus conjunct it too) - an important reason Obama was elected! These two figures are what would be called in metaphysics "worthy opponents", each with their strengths. Cain's chart simply has more luck than Obama's, especially into 2012. This is not an emotional judgment; this is a factual astrological report. Let's see how this all turns out!
(c) 2011 by Judi Thomases.
Upcoming Events
Check out Upcoming or Past Events! Here are a few: ![internet radio](https://imgssl.constantcontact.com/ui/stock2/www-abstract-globe.jpg) Featured guest psychic astrologer Judi Thomases will be on "Getting on Top" radio show with Paul Morris, Nov. 16th at 9PM. Discussing a new and important concept from her spiritual guides, The Brotherhood of Light Workers... and the process of publishing this essential and illuminating teaching. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
NEW ARTICLE ~ SEPT. '11 DELL HOROSCOPE: "9/11: Ten Years Later"
Learn about the historic sweeping changes of this era from an astrological point of view, and how they affect the average person and our nation. Politics, the economy, natural disasters, shifting power, confusion... what's ahead? Click Here for More Info
MIND, BODY & SPIRIT FESTIVAL - Jan. 21, 2012, Cecil College, Elkton, MD I'll be doing Tarot and AstroDice readings at this event. For more info: trapposelli@cecil.edu.
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Unsolicited Testimonials:
"Had I not had the CD of our conversation, it would have been very easy for me to have lost hope but things came through as you were able to predict and I am so grateful to have had you as a resource."
D. Blackburn (California)
"Was reading along and thinking, 'Who on earth wrote this?' Thanx for the article (9/11: Ten Years Later). Comprehensive, beautifully written. Intelligent + and so helpful. Merci,"
Marnie (Toronto)
"I have been rereading your article because it is so very good. In fact, I have been wondering for a long time when some astrologer was going to write an article as good as yours about our current times and have it published in Dell Horoscope. It seems to me that your article has really been the very best to come out in a very long time. So thanks! I feel very blessed to have found you and very blessed to have you do a personal reading for me!"9/11 Ten Years Later article"
Elisabeth Barry, Dell magazine reader
"This is the best astrology article I have EVER read. I intend to keep it handy for the future."
R Patterson, Dell magazine reader
"Thanks again for a great presentation last night! Very credible and very good."
Jim Lee, Foresight Salon
"Dear Ms Thomases,
"You did an amazing job [in your new book "The Wisdom Keys"] of putting together such a huge span of work! Quantum physics, mysticism, and personal experience all flowed together seamlessly... Thank you so much for letting me read the manuscript ahead of time!
Katie Critelli, Student
"Dear Judi.
"A heartfelt applause, appreciation and thanks for your 'Personal Note.' A right-on perspective on our interdependence and what anyone can contribute to the world scene.
Love and Light always,"
Alice Kann, Interfaith Minister
"Dear Judi,
"I want you to know how much I appreciate your site.
"I love it.
"I thank you for all your hard work / your inspiration.
Mary Aver, Hampstead, London UK
"Spirit's Words" Newsletter is written by Judi Thomases at
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:
Judi@WisdomPath.com. © 2011 Judi Thomases. All Rights Reserved.