The Official Newsletter of Wisdom Path, by Judi Thomases
Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue April 2011 Volume 45
Hi, As this is being written, the Japanese disaster has not yet been resolved, and fear spreads invisibly and insidiously throughout the world just as fallout from radiation leakage does. The people of the Mideast who cry out for freedom and rebel against their regimes lay bombed and bleeding. Americans struggle with their economy as prices rise at the pump and in the supermarket. The worldwide squeeze is on, and everyone - every human being - feels the tension, the uncertainty, the sense of dread, not knowing whether new disaster looms from nature, from government, from neighbor. The world feels like a scary place. Big things are happening with the star patterns. Whoever you are, and whatever you are doing, do this one thing now. Stop and think: you are the person who has been through the earthquake. You are the person who fears violent retribution from their oppression government. You are the person who can't make ends meet and has fallen into debt. It's not somebody else's problem. It's not happening to somebody else. It's happening to you; it's happening to me. I am you! Many of us feel helpless in the face of these multiple and increasingly chaotic circumstances. What can we do? What can we do to set things right? What can we do to help our self in different guise? Some can open their wallets. Some can travel to distressed places to physically serve. Some can take other direct steps but many of us can't do much, or so it seems. Well, we can do something right now. We can open our hearts. I can open my heart. I can see my fear in another's face. I can feel my peril in another's location. I can suffer as I am doing elsewhere even while I sit here comfortably. I can send out my heart energy through compassion in this way - compassion towards myself. No, not me personally, but myself as other humans. Send out that compassion. Send it forward. Send it from the heart, not the mind, for the mind will start analyzing and thinking and rejecting possibilities that aren't "real," aren't do-able. The mind will construct scenarios about how to pay or make effort or take action or what's not workable, and so on and so forth. The mind, just now, unless you're on the spot as a nuclear physicist or as a soldier in relief efforts, or as a member of the Red Cross - unless you are that right now, you don't want to be in your mind, for that is the source of fear as much as anything. You want to be in your heart. You want to reach your other self from your heart. Hold this as your energy place. Stay in it, come back to it. If you're out shopping, stop and remember, and move energy forward in your heart to your other selves, suffering. A worldwide network of love is as much a practical endeavor as flying on a plane to help with a disaster area, for if love permeates enough of our world, and truly treats each other from that source and in that fashion, a shift will take place, and the Earth perhaps will stop trying to shake off this germ, as she might consider us to be, and find enough sufficient peace to once again provide solid, stable and comfortable foundation for humanity. At this time, my words and ideas are the best that I can give, and maybe all that I can give. But here they are.
With the greatest love, especially to those who are in pain or peril,
My new contact info is: Wisdom Path/Judi Thomases, 612 King James Ct., Bear DE 19701. Cell phone is still 845-548-8200, and our new land-line phone # is 302-832-2127. Use Judi@WisdomPath.com or Starspro@aol.com for all email contact because Starspro@optonline.net is no longer active.
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Pluto is stationing retrograde in Capricorn; Mars and Uranus are conjunct! Do you know what that means to you?
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Yes Judi, I want to receive 10 weeks of Wisdom messages to expand my awareness and learn to use The Quantum Shift and access The M-Field. For the low introductory rate of just $19.95, I understand I will receive weekly emails - plenty of new content! - from Judi Thomases, who shares her insights from over 30 years of metaphysical studies as well as over a decade of channeling the teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers. As a Wisdom Blog subscriber, I will receive 40 segments in total over the 10 weeks. My membership will also entitle me to Judi's free monthly newsletter called "Spirit's Words".
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A Quote From The Brotherhood of Light Workers
"You are participating in the evolution of the species even as you figure out the quest for harmony within the events of the present." - "The Quest for Harmony", Essay by The Brotherhood of Light Workers / Judi Thomases
Spiritual Quote
"The outer world is not a creative world. It is the world of manifestation. The creative world lies on the inner side and truly man creates his own destiny."
- Astrology: A Cosmic Science, Isabel Hickey (Fellowship House)
Book Review: "Mystery of The White Lions: Children of the Sun God", by Linda Tucker (Hay House)
Author Linda Tucker, conservator/founder of the Global White Lion Protection Trust headquartered in Timbavati, Africa, former model and marketing executive, recounts the true story of her near-death experience surrounded by predatory lions and saved by a strange powerful female shaman called Maria the Lion Queen, only to discover her true life's mission of protecting and providing sanctuary for the special type of lion - the sacred white lion - that is an integral part of the prophecies of Africa's legends about these "End Times".
This book that at first I feared might simply be a sales pitch for the White Lions Foundation instead turns out to be a superb unfolding of a mystery, a type of treasure hunt for the true meaning and symbolism of the white lion legends. Saved from certain death by shaman medicine woman Maria, Tucker is then introduced to a lion priest, Credo Mutwa, the guardian of Africa's age-old mysteries, who gradually introduces her to clues that reveal the deeper meanings of the white lions, including early man's encounter with people from the stars (that is, a UFO landing on the spot forever after called Timbavati, Timba-vaati, to come down (like a bird)...to the ground, after which all animals born within its range are born as pure white mutations); of the spiritual meaning of lions in all cultures and many religions, especially as pertains to the stars and power; of the connection to ancient Egypt and the Sphinx at Giza; of special meridian lines and hidden underground rivers; of the blood lineage and preserved ritual connection to Jews and the temple of King Solomon; of wounded healers; and of the precious metal gold.
All this extraordinary sacred symbolism - of the golden lion, the winged lion, the Lion of Judah, and the prophetic white lion - is juxtaposed against today's cruel practice of the trophy "sport" called Canned Hunting in which lions are trapped, caged, and then shot at close range by wealthy people who wish to display their machismo. The message of the preservation of the white lions is a message of guardianship for humanity, for as the white lions survive and thrive, so shall man, whereas if they are exterminated, so will be the human race.
"If you kill a white lion, you kill the world." - Credo Mutwa
Many mysteries of the Dark Continent (Africa) are revealed as containing much light, enlightenment, and wisdom. I found this book to read like a thriller, with teaser-ending chapters, remarkable discoveries providing clues that become the theme of the following chapters, and with a wonderful denouement. I almost felt that Nicolas Cage or Tom Hanks should be in the cast of characters!
Each time I realized that this is a totally true story, it felt surreal. But these artifacts, ancient relics and places remain to be seen, located, and in some cases, touched. Africa is the birthplace of man. By rediscovering its deepest hidden mysteries, we can also become aware of our own hidden purpose as lion-hearted creatures of sun and light.
Well-written, well illustrated, and totally fascinating, I recommend this book to all seekers of hidden wisdom.
Why not check out Wisdom's Game too! "Wisdom from cover to cover", from The Brotherhood of Light Workers. Click here for more info: http://wisdompath.com/2008_archives/wg_book_details.html
Spirit's Words: Monthly Channeling- Apr. '11
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases
The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling. It is an invited procedure. The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life. Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats: Compilation of BoLW's Messages MORE LIGHT It is during darkening times when the yearning for light becomes strongest. Therefore, we are pushing it. The world is undergoing growing pains, and, as it feels banished from joy, so is there a growing yearning in people's breasts for that which amuses, gives pleasure, offers hope, and expels shadows. The opposite from darkness is light. The counterbalance to gloom is joy. And the process to get there encourages creativity, adventure, and fun. When you "walk through the storm", look to the sky for the silver and gold. Up is where the mind must reach. Up and forward is the direction away from depth and suffering. Where is that? Things that partake of the cosmic, the stars, the sky, and the beauty of natural scenery, are one category. Flying, flight, levity, and levitation are another. Wisdom, mental expansion, greater awareness bring you upwards into light. Imagination, possibility, creativity brings you forward into joy. Where is forward? It is the future. The future holds wonderful possibility. The imagination roams freely there. If darkness creeps into it, the imagination and sense of adventure can neutralize or dismantle it. Anything is possible in a place of joyful potential and adventuresome play. If you find yourself in a dilemma, in a dark place, in fears, worries or gloom, take yourself to the nearest place where the opposite is infectious and inescapable. Eat ice cream; play a game; become like a kid, be silly; gang together (but not for ill purpose, only for play and pleasure); make up things, tell stories, laugh; laugh a lot. Let the energy carry you upwards and forward, the energy that you yourself can generate from within. Belly laughs and heartfelt delight come from within. If your mind is witty and sparkly, find what it can create of that essence. If it starts telling you No, don't, can't, won't, shouldn't... hightail it outta there! The best thing to do when times are tough and darkness shrouds is to find your interior light and bring it up and forward, out of you, into the world, so that you can bathe others with it. That's all you need to know. G'd-day, mate!
© 2011 by Judi Thomases
Wisdom Coaching Standing Appointments
Every month we look at your patterns, including a new Lunar Return, progressions and transits for each month... we talk about what are the best choices... decisions, challenges, best times to launch projects, meet people, take care of yourself, and much more.
You can ask the important questions -- business or personal or anything else -- for insight... For instance, one client got her publicity photo done on the EXACT best date - she says it's the best photo she's ever had taken! The session combines astrology (dates, energy, patterns), Tarot and AstroDice (oracles, psychic info). We'll see the energy patterns unfold, and determine how best to navigate them with awareness; your wisdom and empowerment will deepen.
Email me at Judi@WisdomPath.com for details and appointments
The month begins with pleasant aspects of social and economic improvement (Venus sextile Pluto) plus plenty of fresh but gradual opportunity for progress, by way of assertion vying with diplomacy (New Moon conjunct Jupiter in Aries, opposite Saturn). However, a firestorm of warlike and explosive conditions can erupt by the 4th (Mars conjunct Uranus at 1° Aries). No matter what is occurring, between the 5th and the 9th there is an underlying evolution towards faith and conservative reform (Neptune enters Pisces; Pluto stations retrograde in Capricorn). Diplomatic strides can be seen on the 18th (Full Moon in Libra). Talk is aggressive throughout April (Mercury retrograde in Aries) although renegotiations can reach advancement by the 23rd (Mercury station direct at 12° Aries, the degree of the previous New Moon receiving Jupiter).
For the U.S., from now through the summer, confusion and weakness are felt (Neptune in Pisces quinqunx MC), while the first half of April continues to see a severe split on the homefront (Uranus conjunct IC) that by May can become a real threat to the economy and the nation's cohesion (Uranus square Venus). The patterns suggest over-appeasement at first (progressed Moon square Venus; Venus conjunct progressed Sun) but a dawning realization of the need to take stock and be realistic (Saturn return in Libra 10th). By the 9th, reform regarding fiscal matters is underway, with good aspects for getting that needed message across (Pluto station retrograde in 1st, quinqunx Node in 8th, sextile progressed Sun in 3rd; progressed MC sextile Mercury). The 23rd sees an excellent way to communicate in direct, clear language, also great for deals, settlements, and negotiations (Mercury station direct trine ASC), followed at month's end by good news (Jupiter conjunct progressed Mercury in 3rd)! However, courageous anger lingers, and the need for healing love is required in any celebratory events on the 29th (Mars in Aries conjunct Chiron/progressed Venus, opposite solar arc Moon).
Moammar Gaddafi (6/7/1942, Sirte Libya, time unknown) might prove very hard to dislodge at this time as he has supportive and protective aspects (Saturn trine his Gemini Sun through September; Jupiter sextile his 29° Gemini Jupiter in late May). His patterns indicate one who is self-contained, and who enjoys power and fame (bowl chart; 16° Gemini Sun conjunct fixed star Rigel). His Achilles heel is his fussiness regarding health issues... ergo, the "buxom Ukrainian nurse" (n. Node in Virgo square his Uranus/Saturn conjunction in Gemini). Late June brings turbulence that could certainly impact his health (t. Uranus conjunct his Moon) but even that indicates a gradual and relatively empowered release (t. Uranus sextile his Saturn, trine his Pluto). The truth is that his enemies would do better to bribe him to step down rather than attack him (t. Pluto in Grand Earth Trine to his Taurus Venus and Virgo Node)! If he is still in command over the summer, he will face a huge power struggle by mid September, with violence, upheavals, and loss of control (Pluto station retrograde square Moon exact; Saturn leaving trine to Sun).
In April, President Obama can feel on edge and irritable, and is prone to overwork and risk-taking (progressed Moon opposite Mars). Many dreams have come up against hard reality as a long idealistic pattern eases off (Neptune leaving his South Node). Obstacles and setbacks are stalling communications and response time so the flavor of this period is rather gloomy and frustrating (progressed Mercury square Saturn; t. Saturn square progressed MC).
(c) 2011 by Judi Thomases.
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This article takes a look at Libra's traits and effects, through personal stories and spiritual understanding. It also considers the U.S.'s Libran attributes.
FREE PODCAST - "Practical Spirituality: Expert Wisdom Tips on Karma, Intuition, and The Quantum Shift" A podcast of a talk at a holistic fair in Elkton MD, discussing various ways to navigate life's choices, the development of intuition as an effect of wisdom, and the importance of mastering one's emotions.
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Unsolicited Testimonial:
Hello Judi -
Just wanted to shoot you a brief update regarding the last reading you gave me.
As you said, there would be a low period ... and let me tell you, the low got really low. But, today I was offered a fantastic position with the center I told you about during our conversation.
Had I not had the CD of our conversation, it would have been very easy for me to have lost hope but things came through as you were able to predict and I am so grateful to have had you as a resource.
I'm looking forward to what the future holds as I have now begun the upswing you spoke of.
Many thanks,
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Judi Thomases Wisdom Path
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Judi@WisdomPath.com. © 2011 Judi Thomases. All Rights Reserved.