The Official Newsletter of Wisdom Path, by Judi Thomases
Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue February 2011 Volume 43
Hi, So, life's a game, right? And we've moved into a new area. Relocated. So part of the game is the challenge of recreating the good things from the old life while manifesting new things that are required. Everyone who relocates has to find new doctors, car care, personal services, and so forth. But how about making new friends? Finding new clients? Hooking up with new groups that share like-minded goals? How about quality of life issues such as dining out, entertainment, culture?
My plan is to approach the whole thing as a game that I'm playing with the universe: 1) Income? Put the thought out there, and wait. If during the move itself and subsequent hectic tasks there's little time to attend to marketing and salesmanship, money can appear through other means, such as internet sales, tax refunds, or (in my case) birthday gifts. When the immediate need is met, accept and acknowledge its route. It doesn't matter how the universe fulfills it, only that it arrives on time and is sufficient for the moment. 2) Clients? Anticipate. Who will come into my life having a need or interest, and how will I connect with them? Keep feelers out, but don't obsess about it. Just stay mellow and expectant. Visualize. Stay spacious, because sometimes we need quieter energy and fewer tasks for awhile. 3) Groups? Introductions help. So do pro-active moves such as following up leads. Those who are meant to connect, either as students or mentors or colleagues, will do so in the correct timeframe. Remember that such interweaving is not just your own need, but the greater task of Global Mind right now. 4) Culture? Look around! What does the area offer? Does this-or-that feel right to attend, or just know about and pass up? Education, blending, intermingling the flavors - all are important components of transplantation from one vibe to another. If the whole transition is seen as a game, life remains happy. Tight schedules, bureaucratic bungles, false starts, less-than-perfect choices - that's all part of the move. Meanwhile, a merry mind keeps the path wide open for blessings. Not getting hung up on the glitches keeps the heart open for loving connections. After all, the only things that really count are Love and Flow, not the old values of money, fame, or power. It doesn't have to be about moving; it could be applied to any challenging period. Frame what's happening in a way that sees things as demanding obstacles that you can get past while staying content, and you'll feel blessed. Your life will work... and work out well. You'll be one of those actors on life's stage who realizes who's actually pulling the strings. "Reporting from the front..."!!
Love, and Happy Valentine's Day,
~~~ My new contact info is: Wisdom Path/Judi Thomases, 612 King James Ct., Bear DE 19701. Cell phone is still 845-548-8200, and our new land-line phone # is 302-832-2127. Use Judi@WisdomPath.com or Starspro@aol.com for all email contact because Starspro@optonline.net is no longer active.
Check out my blog, www.wisdomsblog.com. Feel free to post your comments on my musings - at the end of each posting (well, ANY posting), just click on "No Comments". It changes instantly to a "Comments" box. Type away, hit SUBMIT, and there you go!
Also, if you're on Facebook, please Become a Fan of Wisdom's Game Book fan page, and post your thoughts about playing the soul's wisdom game of life.
Don't forget... previous issues (along with channelings, reviews, and astro news) are archived on www.wisdompath.com!
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Special Report
Forcing the Universe to $upply It To You!
- What's the one shift that will bring you into a new alignment with the material world?![keytomoney](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs051/1101749899501/img/33.jpg?a=1104229315031)
- How can you change your inner mindset to insist that money flow toward you?
- What is the real reason to create an Empty Pocket?
In tough economic times, an enlightened approach to money is not only useful, but essential!
This is a true metaphysical approach
to financial well-being.
An 11-page report, downloadable. © 2011 by Judi Thomases.
Only $9.95, Download (PDF)
Please allow 24 hours for delivery of this item
LIMITED TIME OFFER This report is free with any new $100 purchase from Wisdom Path |
Consultations for Tough Times...
*Know when to take action, and when to hold off
*Find Joy and Success by handling relationships well and weighing choises wisely
*Improve creative efforts, financial investments, and career decisions!
*Become the BEST you!
Jupiter has just entered Aries, and Uranus & Neptune are about to leave their mutual reception. Do you know what that means to you?
CONSULTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY For more information: Judi@WisdomPath.com or (302) 832-2127 ~~~ GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE ~ Great Valentine's Day gift for your loved one ~ |
Judi Thomases Recommends:
Twitter Marketing: An Hour a Day ~ Hollis Thomases $19.79 #19048 in Books
This is my daughter's book. She's an internet marketing expert... but don't take my word for it! Check it out - everything you ever wanted to ask about Twitter is right here.
Promiscuity - From the Hermit Songs, Opus 29, No. 7 ~ Stella Black $0.99
This is my friend's CD - Stella has a beautiful voice and a profound talent. Here she presents her interpretation of a Tarot card, The Hermit.
Tarot Card Charm by Rembrandt Charms ~ Rembrandt Charms $19.00 - $206.00 #23149 in Jewelry
I don't have any connection to this company - I just like the look of their Tarot jewelry.
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A Quote From The Brotherhood of Light Workers
"Unlimited possibilities exist within the design of you." - "Your Greatest Gift", Essay by The Brotherhood of Light Workers / Judi Thomases
FREE Mercury Retrograde Card
Plan your best days! This wallet-size business card is a terrific help to keep in your purse, wallet or by your desk. You'll never again schedule big-ticket purchases or sign documents on the wrong day! Write to Judi@WisdomPath.com for your free card today... but don't forget, I'll need a real mailing address because this is an actual card.
Email judi@wisdompath.com for your free Mercury Retrograde wallet-size calendar.
Or call (302) 832-2127, 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM (Eastern) |
Spiritual Quote
"...in the greater framework of reincarnational existences you choose your roles, or your lives, but the lines you speak, the situations you meet, are not predetermined."
- Seth (Jane Roberts), Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment
You may absolutely share this newsletter with people you think may enjoy it. When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including our contact and copyright information.
Judi Thomases Wisdom Path
Movie Review: "The King's Speech", starring Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush, Helena Bonham Carter
Great movie! Heartwarming, realistic, and inspiring.
The story is true, and pretty simple. A guy who was raised stiltedly, if not abusively, is thrust by history into a position of great significance; if he can overcome his disability, he can become great but if he can't, his own humiliation will pale before the psychological damage that he could wreck upon millions. His circumstances are unique, but his struggle is universal.
Will he succeed in climbing his mountain?
The real guy is Albert, Queen Elizabeth's father. He's a duke, but not next in line to the throne. His older brother is, but unsuitably. To escape the inevitable role, even on the cusp of world war, said elder bro escapes by marrying an American divorcee, thus disqualifying himself utterly from the task. "Bertie" is shoved into it. But Bertie has a prime flaw: he stammers.
Nothing could be worse for England's morale than to get those essential pep talks from a monarch who sounds like a weak jerk! But Bertie's not. He's got the guts and the brains to rule; he just has to fix his deep flaw. Nobody can help him - not his loving wife, not his stern advisors, and not his tradition-addled doctors. But his wife figures out a route, and brings him to an unconventional Aussie who gradually succeeds in breaking through the layers that have embedded in him into unyielding fear.
That the King successfully tackled his obstacle, and that the speech was actually required just as England had to confront Hitler's invasion, makes the tale all the more powerful. All the acting is superb, especially the little nuances. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! This is a great movie!
Why not check out Wisdom's Game too! "Wisdom from cover to cover", from The Brotherhood of Light Workers. Click here for more info: http://wisdompath.com/2008_archives/wg_book_details.html
Spirit's Words: Monthly Channeling- Feb. '11
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases
The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling. It is an invited procedure. The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life. Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats: Compilation of BoLW's Messages REMEMBERING THE FORMULA
In this period of time, there is not a lot of chance or opportunity to dedicate oneself to inner work for there is pressure to cope, to stay relevant, to handle the intense challenges of this era, and to keep relationships alive and well. All psychic energy, therefore, is being directed primarily to attaining, if not success, then at least sufficient comfort and sustainability. That which can be considered as inner work - which would be wisdom, peace, and understanding - has been put to the side as non-essential or less valuable.
This shift is fairly recent, and is a reflection of the ramping up of pressure upon the human race. It is not important to enumerate what the pressures are, for everyone is quite familiar with them. From sheer survival to natural threats and over-expansion relative to personal or global resources, today's human being exists in a world that feels dreadfully squeezed and frighteningly unbalanced. Who has time, one might say, for the spiritual quest when daily living has gotten so tough?
Now, it isn't that these words are untrue, for today's reality is as such. But beyond the pressure and intensity lies purpose, design, a game plan to thrust people towards their maximum capabilities. An era without pressure is an era with little evolution. The mandate now is accelerated evolution. So, during this mad dance to cope and survive, where is there room for the inner work or the harmonic alignment? What has happened to newly awakened ideals and desires? These have not disappeared. These, having been remembered, wait in the wings for the moment of restoration. Soon, a brightness reappears, and people's minds remember.
Life's scramble, when pursued without the open heart or the centered mind, is a pathway to pain or illness or devastation, whereas life's challenge, when approached through wisdom and inner peace, is a happy delight leading to achievement and empowerment. So people will begin to remember the missing piece of the equation and return once more to the juggling act of outer reality plus inner gain, for this is the formula that brings wholeness to the Earth.
It comes soon.
© 2011 by Judi Thomases
Wisdom Coaching Standing Appointments
Every month we look at your patterns, including a new Lunar Return, progressions and transits for each month... we talk about what are the best choices... decisions, challenges, best times to launch projects, meet people, take care of yourself, and much more.
You can ask the important questions -- business or personal or anything else -- for insight... For instance, one client got her publicity photo done on the EXACT best date - she says it's the best photo she's ever had taken! The session combines astrology (dates, energy, patterns), Tarot and AstroDice (oracles, psychic info). We'll see the energy patterns unfold, and determine how best to navigate them with awareness; your wisdom and empowerment will deepen.
Email me at Judi@WisdomPath.com for details and appointments
In the world chart, February begins with the conclusion of a long pattern, in effect since March 2003, that created the technological platform (internet, blogs, Facebook, Google, and Amazon) for the dissemination of spiritual concepts (mutual reception of Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius) - this great task has now come to fruition, and soon another energy pattern will begin which I'll talk of in future issues. February 2nd-4th brings idealism (Venus sextile Neptune) and ingenious ideas (Mercury sextile Uranus, entering Aquarius), but erratic economic performance (Venus square Uranus); clashes are strongest on the 3rd, but so is a strong desire to implement new technological advances and humanitarian efforts (New Moon in Aquarius conjunct Mars). A more practical attitude is apparent by the 5th (Venus enters Capricorn), but extravagance and ebullience are possible on the 7th (Venus square Jupiter). The 10th sees financial pressures (Venus conjunct Pluto) which can lead to high anxiety by the 18th (Full Moon opposite Neptune). There is a lack of clarity on the 20th (Mercury conjunct Neptune) but from the 23rd - 25th, more compassion... and also more intuitive awareness (Mercury, Mars into Pisces). The 26th indicates challenges to world banking (Jupiter square Pluto).
For our nation, financial revamping goes well this month (Pluto, from H2, sextile progressed Sun), with much effort being directed towards transportation and communications (Mars in H3). Real estate should pick up (Jupiter into H4) but anxiety is heightened once again regarding fuel costs and foreign trade (Neptune, ruler of H3 from H9, quinqunx progressed Moon). Some optimism, however, can be found in Week 2 (Neptune conjunct Solar Arc Jupiter), with more focus on romance, pleasures, and even consumer extravagance leading up to Valentine's Day (Venus opposite U.S. Venus/Jupiter; Jupiter square Venus, then itself; progressed Moon into Libra). Compromise and diplomacy can be the watchwords of the week. However, the 18th highlights dramatic events regarding law, foreign affairs, or religion (Full Moon conjunct progressed Ascendant in H9), and may usher in a turbulent period of upsetting news and rapidly changing conditions thereafter (Uranus in H3 opposite progressed Moon).
President Obama has a mixture of elements this month: he will become more empowered vis-à-vis allies or enemies, and be presented with excellent new opportunities, but is in danger of being gullible and over-idealistic about money matters and legalities (Pluto, ruler of MC from H7, trine natal Pluto; Uranus, chart ruler from H7, trine Midheaven; Neptune square Midheaven). February begins combatively (Mars opposite Sun). The 3rd is an excellent day for speechifying (Jupiter trine Mercury), and by the 8th he'll be happy, presumably getting a bounce in the polls (Jupiter sextile Moon). On the 10th-12th, his desires and values are shaping up anew (Venus trine Pluto/progressed Pluto), and on the 16th he'll have plenty of renewed energy (Mars trine progressed Mars). The 17th marks a turbulent period or sudden upset in a partnership, and he'll need to talk things out (Mars opposite Uranus, trine progressed Mercury). The 18th is a key date, involving both a celebratory event such as a Hollywood party (Full Moon at 29 Leo conjunct his progressed Venus), yet also a fated connection or circumstance that relates to his soul mission and can involve the use of technology towards global humanitarian progress (progressed Node conjunct natal Uranus). By the 20th-21st, an old pattern resurfaces regarding unpredictability in relationships (Mars conjunct South Node, opposite Uranus), while the second half of the month brings setbacks and blockages from ancient and unseen roots (Saturn, ruler of H12 from H12, square progressed Midheaven).
Your sign did not change!
The recent brouhaha about one's correct astrological sign has caused a lot of confusion. Yet there is nothing new about calculating a horoscope based on a sidereal (star) viewpoint versus a tropical (earth) viewpoint. Both systems are valid. (Check out Wikipedia.) Rather than get too technical here, the best thing to advise is simply not to concern yourself with these sensationalized "news" items. (Besides, nobody WANTS to be a different sign; so many people were overheard saying "I don't WANT to be such-and-such - I like being my sign!")
(c) 2011 by Judi Thomases.
New Special Report
In tough economic times, an enlightened approach to your career is not only useful, but essential!
This is a true metaphysical approach
to revamp your career.
A 17-page report, downloadable. © 2010 by Judi Thomases.
Only $9.95, Download (PDF)
Please allow 24 hours for delivery of this item
LIMITED TIME OFFER This report is free with any new $100 purchase from Wisdom Path |
Upcoming Events
Check out the latest postings on Wisdom's Blog! Here are a few:
Check out Upcoming or Past Events! Here are a few:
FREE PODCAST - "Practical Spirituality: Expert Wisdom Tips on Karma, Intuition, and The Quantum Shift" A podcast of a talk at a holistic fair in Elkton MD, discussing various ways to navigate life's choices, the development of intuition as an effect of wisdom, and the importance of mastering one's emotions.
NEWEST ARTICLE NOW POSTED - "Making a Case for A Sibley U.S. Ascendant", Dell Horoscope Magazine, 2011 Yearbook (on newsstands now). This article compares the three most often used birth times for the nation's horoscope, using keywords, key events, and key figures, to conclude that the Sibley chart is The One! Some very interesting insights are revealed. And thus determined, forecasts are made.
RADIO SHOW - "PUTTING A POSITIVE CREATIVE SPIN ON INTENSELY CHALLENGING TIMES ~ The Energy Patterns: What's Happening & What Can You Do to Align Yourself?" New Perspectives Radio, www.RocklandWorldRadio.com. I was the featured guest discussing astrological patterns, and finding your best purpose and contribution. Archive available.
(channeled by author/intuitive Judi
QUESTIONS...Who am I?Why am I here?What's the meaning of
life?You are not who you think you are.You are the universe playing
a game...an energy game.It's time to wake up!FINALLY GET ANSWERS TO
THE 3 BIG QUESTIONS... AND A BONUS QUESTION TOO (What is God?)Email judi@wisdompath.com to receive your Free Special Report now...
"Spirit's Words" Newsletter is written by Judi Thomases at
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:
Judi@WisdomPath.com. © 2011 Judi Thomases. All Rights Reserved.